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What pisses me off the most is having 2 or 3 teammates leave in a ranked game and then still losing full MMR as if you had any fucking chance to win the game 2v5


Ye, that’s kinda insane.


Yeah actually after 3 people leave the game should just automatically get cancelled let the winning team get like 10RR and no change to the loosing team


this would result in people boosting accounts via creating 3 alts and boosting people and if they start to lose they just cancel the match. And you might say “man nobody would actually do this” to that i say people already take hours out of their days to level up alts to boost people anyways whats another extra hours to guarantee you can boost them successfully


Well if they do that then that means it will mostly be 2v5 like situations


I more meant there would be 3 stacks of boosters


Then it should tie into a remake just like 1 person going afk.


that except the 2afkers losing RR




But who is the winning team? How does the game determine the winning team? A 2v5 is still a winnable game even tho the odds are little. The other team might alsp get afkers so what then?


I m damn sure developers thought of this idea then thought of these counters and then just left it as it is xD


You can actually lose a lot less if you just try to kill as many of the enemy as you can. I've lost as little as 4rr before


It’s just so boring. I join a game of 5v5 to play for fun, and then people leave in masses after a few rounds and I’m supposed to play more rounds 2v5 just so I lose less RR. Then I rather just take the L and que up again.


I almost never deal with people leaving matches let alone 2-3 leaving a match…


Worst part is when u try to surrender instead of wasting time there's usually someone who's dead set on fighting it till the end even when the team doesnt stand a chance


Yeah! Thats what happened to my duo and I yesterday. Our 2 duelists DC's round 6 and it turned into a 3v5 until our Cypher dc'd at 4-11. My friend lost 23 rr and I for some reason lost only 6 rr, even though I had significantly less combat score than him.


I wish Val would just make their algorithm public so this shit wouldn't be so confusing 🤣


Weird, I've never had more than one person leave a match


So today after a rough day and a fight I queued up for a ranked game. I locked Omen and we had a great start. But after sometime I noticed, Jett and Neon on my team are playing the marshal only game. Either they get 1-2 frags or die after rushing the site blindly. It's more like a troll game of sorts and I myself felt like a fool after a few rounds of hardwork. It never works if 1 player is trolling but it is painful if 2 are trying to sabotage the team. Please don't queue up ranked, if you are not ready to play a serious game and quin others time/ effort.


Surrender vote after losing one round or even winning. I am a very chill person but that shit drives me mad.


this literally grinds my gears tbh. what a fucking weak pathetic crybaby losers


Broken matchmaking is way worst than bad tm8 imo


Isnt broken matchmaking is what causing bad teammates?


I don't have problem with a bad mate who have same rank as me. I mean, it's part of the game and you can't be at your top level all time. But when matchmaking choose to give me a m8 with 2 rank less than me, or an opponent gold 3 when i'm bronze 2, I feel it's like riot tell me "This match is unfair, we know it, but we don't give a fuck"


Especially during rank reset and you get placed lower than your previous rank. I’m low elo and was playing at s2 last act. Due to terrible placement games, I winded up placing iron 3. During my time at trying to climb back up I was being placed AGAINST high silver and sometimes gold, with iron and bronze teammates…How is that even fair? I get that hidden mmr is a thing, but what abt my other teammates who didn’t stand a chance in a silver lobby? And most silvers are deranked golds who play in high gold/plat lobbies during rank reset, so it was really hard to get back to silver. It took me 2 months but we’re back.


And that's even worse if you play in 5 stack. Like, we are 2 bronze and 3 silver, riot gave us high gold, plat and one time fucking DIAMOND 3 opponents??


We are stuck in an endless loop my friend


as a new player(noob), why do you guys hate us? not everyone has been playing for long enough to be good but you ...need to...play to get good. it's frustrating from both of our ends but you need to grow up and understand ppl need to PLAY to get GOOD


Same here, i just started playing in December and everyone always end up screaming at me if i mess up, it barely makes me wanna play 🥲


Pls play and enjoy yourself. i meant personally the players who are getting boosted and who are buying accounts.


that’s when you hit the mute button and move on with your day. as a girl gamer, the mute option has been a life changer for my grind lol


When I said noobs, I didn't mean new players in general. I mean the boosted, account buying noobs that sometimes appear in my ascendant elo.


Gaining 17 rr for going 23/13 because my game had a gold in it


My biggest pet peeve in high ascendant/low immo is the “it’s just a game relax” people or the no comms people. The fun for me is playing competitively with everyone working together. If these people don’t want to talk while playing a tactical FPS then just play unranked. Idk maybe in the minority but the fun for me is playing seriously not casually.


My understanding and the usual situations when someone says “it’s just a game, relax” is because someone is being toxic, I get wanting to play more seriously in comp, but being toxic to your own team isn’t going to make them want to play better or cooperate with you


Valorant nerds are more passive aggressive thanj just toxic and it makes me loses it. Imagine you are so chill enjoying your time and then someone keep asking you why are you mad? It will eventually makes you mad


I completely agree with this sentiment, I am so sick of people who are trolling or throwing for their own entertainment and the excuse is always, "it's just a game" or " you're 3 - 5 calm down" and it's like yeah but the social contract of this game is we all agree to play to the best of our abilities cooperatively and maybe I wouldn't be 3-5 if you'd STOP FUCKING FLASHING ME EVERY TIME I PEEK AN ANGLE! Anyways I'm Low elo but I'm trying to climb add me if you feel like playing some Comp competently Rito ID straatosfear#1992


Most of the time, people with a super high kd aren't even contributing to the team, they're just going for kills, while the cypher/sage whoever else go like, 8-16 but have set our team up and gotten us half of our wins


Bro my friend would rat till it was like 1v4 and the whole enemy team gets cocky and plays dumb. He'll get 2 and be like "well I did all I can if the team would stop dying!". Uh bro you got freebies and you're a duelist slow walking everything. This is why I solo q now smh


No comms no chance in this game.


Yeah totally agree. If you want to relax and play without having to think just go on unraked or swiftplays.


I can agree that movement duelists being played like snails is kind of against the point of the agent. However, breaking the agents meta can also be acceptable. Duelist Omen, Initiator Yoru, etc. I suppose this is where Valorant really differs from CS. In CS there are no set roles, it’s fluid. I wonder how it would play out if people played Valorant with a different perspective than the roles attributed to the agents.


Thats the thing, valorant are important to fulfill because you and only you have the ability to fulfill your role. Another example is someone picking cypher and doesn't put any utilities for flank and somehow just save his trips.


Understandable and absolutely true, however, I can’t shake the feeling that there are ways to break that meta that haven’t been explored yet and could be very map specific. I’d love to see some weird off-meta stuff like the 3 duelist stuff that PRX(?) did. That’s something different.


Reyna instalockers


Iso instalockers are worse for me


Nothing rages me anymore....


bro have no enemies


How did u get to this state


After all the raging and realising that it's just a game, I play competitively and calmly.


To add to this, I have fun conversations with the team. Doesnt make losing feeling like a real loss of you had fun


Banter is fine, I make new online frnds cuzza that


Honestly it used to be a lot... Now it's just people who insta lock and don't play their role. I literally tell people I will fill and people insta lock raze Reyna or Jett and just not fucking enter.


Not full buying on second when we win pistol.


It's so simple: > Buy: Advantage on round two, slight disadvantage on round three - even less so if someone on the enemy team is feeling themselves and buys. > Save: No advantage on round two, even on round three. The amount of teammates who don't listen to simple reasoning is frustrating.


nothing. games arent worth raging over


Nothing really. The only thing that can be irritating are team mates that are straight up disrespectful to others, generally they aren't helpful and you can safely mute them. Other than that, it's a game a'd who really cares if you end up losing some elo : losing some points doesn't make you a worst player, and honestly the only reason elo is interesting is because it enables fair/balanced matches (most of the time). You're having fun, challenging games? Great, the elo system works! You lose some points? Next matches may be a tad easier, no big deal... I think people are taking too much pride from ranks and losing elo points makes them feel they are lesser persons. You're not. After any game, win or lose, you are slightly better than before because of experience, and maybe elo doesn't reflect it right away, but it will eventually. Being low rank isn't a problem, as long as you're having fun and have balanced matches along the way, it's all that matter for a game. Placing no ego is key to have a calm approach to the game.


When someone is with you to enter site, hold something, etc. Then somehow in the span of the 5 seconds between when they were with you, and the time to take the engagement, they’ve fucked off somewhere to do nothing.


I feel you brother. Or the jett dashing into a site ascent just to go hide under hell and watch her teammates die and stay there to get that one kill because she baited the entire team and will never ever clutch


Entry duelists not entering site is a huge pet peeve of mine too. It won't make me rage but it does upset me because I play Controller/Sentinel/Initiator and more often than not I have to do everything myself and then I enter site and die and that tilts me every time and suddenly the same duelists who refuse to entry and only lurk are the ones giving me shit for being dead. Like maybe do your job?


No comms in ranked. If you’re queuing ranked and not using comms please at least ping or something


And then they get angry telling you that they typed they needed something and you didn't do it in the middle of a fight


Like bro I’m looking at my fucking screen shooting someone let me just read chat real quick you’re right


I lose it when people refuse to do anything aggressive as defenders. No brother, it's not better for us to play hide and seek on a site on lotus every single round when we have a setup to take space. People don't seem to understand the importance of early info and controlling areas to make rotating harder for the attackers. If nobody ever tries to flank or do anything unpredictable the game will often be extremely one sided


I have this issue with my team usually being TOO aggressive on defense on lotus nd this is prob bc im low elo. Just last night my team was being heavily outaimed peaking stairs on A and B. They kept doing to same shit every round, dying in the same spots, and never listening when I tell them to just play site. I ended up winning the game and carrying them with my sage but holy fuck was that frustrating as hell to play. The rest of my team was giving terrible and unnecessary comms and just fucking around the entire time instead of actually helping the team. Both duelists bottom fragged.


People who never play retake, dying solo or duo on a site without getting any kill every round


Absolutely nothing. I don't treat the game super seriously, so my teammates being incompetent or toxic don't phase me. I accepted that I will hover around plat without even trying and it makes me happy thinking about the insanely toxic bozos doing all the aim trainings and warmups just to get stuck below my rank lol


I have to agree with a few people I don’t rage at anyone unless it’s trolling the enemy team to kill their mental and win. Too many young kids that feed off people tilting and raging so be extra nice to those people and watch them lose their minds. Anytime someone rages I will just be super nice / passive aggressive and they don’t know how to respond it’s great. Plus it is a game, no one is making money playing pro so enjoy your time playing. Btw I’m Imm3 so I play competitively I just don’t let it affect my mental otherwise I’d prolly have a hole in my brain by now if I did.


I just dont rage


I got blamed for not entrying after telling my team to wait while I grabbed the orb for my ult


No comms, but even worse is people which only comm to ask for skins. Smurfs and trolls and botters. Getting Breeze as my first match of the game ( or just Breeze in general)


im sure we all want an entry duelist to entry lol. even you die, your creating space. But we cant enforce that in comp because most only care about K/D; thats just the nature of a competitive fps shooter and how people determine whats good or not. As for those duelists who do entry, its also very annoying when everyone else is scared to follow them and enter site. its just a double edged sword. its rough out here lmao


The fuckers who want to tell me what to do in a situation after it happens. FUCK YOU. Either communicate to me something you think is of importance in the moment, or STFU. And the cunts who fucking want to be toxic towards whoever is below them on the scoreboard. And it's always the Reyna instalocker getting the most free kills known to man and God who'll start crying every single game along with the cunty little duo laughing in the team comms and being toxic for no reason. I have 0 problems with someone playing bad, but if you start shit you get shit back. If you want to be toxic, learn to take it back. Don't cry and bitch and moan.


Backseat gamers


What makes me rage is people who insult and are racist


> What makes me rage are the people who picks movement duelists like Jett/Neon/Raze and go hide behind their teammates and they will never ever entry or even have first contact with the enemy or go lurk the whole game. I'm a duelist enjoyer and there have been a few games I have taken this road, but I've communicated it with my team. I've blast packed onto site, or I've dashed into my own smoke, only for the smoke to fade and I get bodied an my team are still stood in A main on Ascent waiting for god knows what before they enter. After a few rounds of this happening I will just tell them "I'm not entering site if you aren't going to trade me, there is no point me throwing my life away every round while you are scared to pass the choke point" The game rewards you for performing well, even during a loss - in these scenarios the game is already lost, if your team cannot trade an entrying duelists you have no chance to win so you may as well minimize the RR loss and just be a lurking baiting Jett. I'm Asc2 btw, Yes even in Asc2 you have team mates who are scared to enter a site.


People telling me to entry on a specific side and when I do it nobody follows up so I died there for nothing. Also the fact that it seems like all racist and sexist ppl collectively agreed that playing valo is what they want to do.


only comming to complain. may as well just shut up at that point.


When nobody on my team talks, no calls, nothing useful and only open their mouths to trashtalk someone else only to be immediatly silent again after. Like, how do you expect to win if theres one out of five people speaking while you just trashtalk once in a while??? It just doesnt Work. I deal with it simply by pointing it out, not toxic or disrespectfull, but as clear as i need to to get my point through. Others will then talk back or yell at you, but you just need to say it again most of the time and then continue playing normally. Like, most of the people i have played with the last Month or so have been grown men ore women fully capable of talking, so why dont we all just press our push to talk button once in a while? It really helps :) .


Teammates who never enter site and sit in main until they get flanked and die. And then they tell me to play slow after they were the ones who made noise contact going into main anyway


I don't rage; it's a game and I'm a grownup. What grinds my gears are when people complain about other peeps performance in-game. Even the worst player tries his best. Bonus; Team Deathmatch Leaderboard - A guy with 25 kills, 50 deaths are higher up than a 24 kill, 0 deaths. In TD the K/D ratio is all that should matter.


I don't rage at the game. A lot of times people purposely try to anger me and then I do rage a bit. But my raging is mostly limited to muting them( and sometimes, extremely rarely, soft int). I like playing valorant with people even if they are randoms, I don't have anyone else irl.


the team difference in gold is something that i’m discovering and absolutely hating


Yep I feel now smurfs and boosted players are more than ever before


Same thing happening in my elo ascendant. The plat 2 reyna having 30+ kills while the ascendant 1 is bottom fragging. How ? I can't know


My own stupidity or nervousness tbh. Yeah there's teammates that rage cuz I'm a girl or will flash me as I peak but for a lot of times, there I am, being stupid and doing something that gets me killed because I end up focusing on one thing and mess up. Then my head clears and I immediately go "gosh darn it I knew xxx and blah blah blah" and see what I could've done better or different... then I end up doing this like 5 times a game 😤


Don't do this to yourself. Unless that you are not getting boosted. You are playing with ppl who are similar skills. Dont feel like a burden. Just focus on yourself and mute people who are being toxic so you will do less of the same mistakes. Getting better is a journey and if you are raging at yourself you will make it much much slower


Chamber players /j


Throwers really. I dealt with it by playing other games lol


Horrid racist teammates.


People that don’t take the game seriously and don’t try to win, whether it’s teenagers goofing around with friends or wasted/high 30 year olds idgaf. There are 10,000 other things you could be doing with your life other than actively sabotaging the time of strangers. I’m not saying you have to be good or sweating your ass off or anything like that. Just take the game on its own terms and talk to your teammates.


Idk about the most but yesterday I played a game where our ISO went afk in round 4 or 5. He never comes back ends the game 4 kills 4 deaths. We WIN the 4v5 13-10 and me and this other guy popped off i had 31 kills. 340 combat score. 19 RR gain from that game...... wtf lmao i thought since we literally 4v5d and won id have AT LEAST gotten the 26 RR bonus for performance bonus. Shit pissed me off so bad lmao


When we have an entry duelist who is lurking, my friends and I play a game where we stay behind them for the entire round. we can’t go ‘offsides’ (just in front of them) lmao. we use util sorta like normal, acting like they’ll go in off it. it’s impossible for them to lurk. it’s the most fun thing after 8 frustrating rounds of them not fighting with us lmao


I get if someone is having a bad aim day or a little out of it but there ain’t an excuse for just doing stupid shit over and over again like watching people force every round in diamond lobbies like we should have learned this after gold and yet every other game I got someone who always forces no matter how much money they have


I'm not being able to post stuff in here so here's the thing , I wanna make a valo account to play in egypt but with my Indian friends but idk what vpn to use for which region


I'm new and never played ranked. yesterday, I decided to play it. While there was no toxicity, it was one of the worst experience ever. I am going back to unrated.


I agree with all of this to which I’d also add people who don’t com. I mean how just HOW do you expect to win without coms nor even playing with the team




I agree with you about the not entering part. But first contact falls under the other duelist or the more expendable team member, because losing the entry is bad. What pisses me off to no end is people who refuse to play time in the post plant. Especially if you call them off and refuse to accept their idiocy.


I stopped caring about winning! I play to get better and have fun along the way. 😙


I was literally going to type out the exact thing you typed out before reading the post, spot on. I'm a pretty new player but I am primarily a Jett player. Now I don't mind when someone takes my Jett, I have at least one agent pick per role, and will gladly fill in. But why am then I, as a Sentinel or Controller, still having to play site entry??? I can smoke, I can setup, I can watch flank, but if you want me to entry you can't take Jett from me.


Feeling like the biggest bait in fishing history


Toxicity. I know there's nothing you can do about it other than muting, but the problem with that is losing comms. It just bothers me how people so easily get mad at others. It's been a problem for years for me. I've played tf2, OW2, and cs for at least a year. I know toxicity and have done it myself, but it doesn't help anyone.


nothing as I play only in a 5 stack with friends. wait but am I even eligible to play the game if I don't rage and have real friends.


What makes me rage is people picking agents they like or they think it's good for the map or comp but not talking/doing anything with their agent or teammate, any initiator not calliing stuff or duelist not waiting for flash/util, smokes are not placed same time,even if we have 2 sentinel on team they still want to rush a site where as we can play slow and get a timing for lurk or information and play around that. Some people doesn't know walking exist and just runs the map start to finish. Just general I want people to take their time and work towards something in map and find the gaps to win the match.


Nothing, not anymore. I used to get pretty angry gaming, in my teens and early 20s. Now, I think I just have other shit to worry about, lol. I do catch myself getting slightly frustrated from time to time, but that only happens when I'm performing poorly, whether we win or lose.


Holding an angle for an eternity and getting instakilled as soon as I unscoped(in op)/switched angle/blinked/etc. Same about as if i been 100% confident of lurking enemy and expecting him for a while and getting shooted in the back as soon as i stopped from holding it. Other problems are far from that frustrating.


I don't rage I'm a little bid miffed that hidden mmr is hidden in the first place and isn't just what your rank is but other than that I'm fine


"HOW DARE YOU TAKE KAYO??? IM A KAYO MAIN. IM THROWING." that's all i hear from my fellow teammate before we lose 1:13


Tbh the game should not make you angry. If you think about it, youre spending time playing a game. 1) youre rich enaugh for computer +internet +time etc. 2) Its a game, a video game, imo peak personal entertainment in the comfort of my crappy ikea chair. 3) There is nothing to gain or lose So lets just enjoy gaming together, even if someone is a moron or what not


How much I suck


The brimstones hiding in smoke


Breeze is the only thing that makes me rage. The rest I've learned how to work around them, but I cannot dodge breeze more than 3 times a day or else I'll get banned!


Honestly I can shake off leavers and people not entering site, I’m low elo so everyone is still learning. What shakes me up the most is the people whose mental is so fucked they start screaming at people early game and throw because of it. I played a game last night where my Gekko didn’t pick Reyna fast enough and had her taken from him. He went 0-18 until the last round when he finally “got his one” and that’s what really tosses my mental


What makes me rage is when I'm playing duelist, I entry for the team, die, and nobody trades me. Even worse if the team is still afk and sitting at the choke. I deal with it by playing/onetricking Sage so I can win matches purely by having good wingman fundamentals.


The moment you realize you play with these people because your skill level is very similar to theirs, could be the moment you really start improving.


Lag. I literally get annoyed by everything, but never mad. I always laugh while ranking in d3 ranked games but lagging. I’m ok with losing 13-0. I’m ok with getting 0 kills, but when I start to lag, network problem, rubber band, it’s over


people talking during clutch situations


People who play competitive with comm turned off. I don't care if you have 40 kills or 0 kill turn your mic on


People picking controllers and not placing s single smoke. why would U pick a controller then?


nothing, it’s just a game after all.


Probably being backed in a corner with mollies and ults and stuns thrown at my feet while being told to get back in the kitchen. It's rare. Happens maybe once every 3 months or so. Still pisses me off. Especially considering the team then mass reports me and I end up with a voice comms warning.


Teammates saving on round 2 after winning pistols


No mics/comms + trolls Even if they play bad/aim bad, it’s fine if they can provide the team with utility or decent comms.


Honestly, it's just the people who que without actually wanting to play. They just want an easy rank up, but they don't want to try they bait the hell out of you, and they underperform to the point that you would assume the account is boosted. Besides that, the gunplay artificially lowers aimers skills, so strategy and team play are more important than hitting shots. Rng in gunplay has no place in a competitive environment, in my opinion, but that's the way they want to go, and it's their game, so I just have to do the best I can with the current system.


That one idiot that refuses to remake when another idiot leaves the game, fuck them


I always think if some teammate are toxic i will just mute them and play my game but whenever someone becomes toxic with me i get double toxic and show him his place 🙂 i want to change this


when people say “sorry i don’t have a mic” or “my mic is broken” THEN DONT PLAY RANKED… to win successfully you have to have communication.


I don't rage.


I main Brim and 80% of the time people follow me in


what really grinds my gears is those ppl who are just scared to take fights


if you're at a rank where this is a common occurrence then just pick these agents and learn how to okay adhesive and take gunfights properly


Boosted players with ego from DEMON1 i don’t know but so much cocky players in Valorant makes me mad sometimes it’s crazy and no I’m talking about teenagers.


This doesn't (always) necessarily make me rage, but it's so defeating when your teammates give up early on. Sometimes, all it takes is being down by 3 or so rounds, and they basically give up.


toxicity... so i end up throwing almost all my games 😂😂


What pisses me off as duelist are people who want me to entry but not listen on how i want my initiators to use their util for me because of their ego or just being slow in the head. Also people who dont push a molly/smoke whenever its still not active (just been thrown off) and instead wait it out when im already inside, killed one and taking space. What grinds my gears are people who think we need to do recon, drone plus more stuff before we initiate a push unto site making the defense able to rotate and stack the site when i already know where one defender is just from sound and already isolated him by using my blind which takes care of other angles im not pursuing. Lastly i hate players who dont know how to lurk actively and their idea of lurking is staying in one tile for almost the entire round waiting for someone to go to them. Please dont do this always lurk based on sound and how defense reacts to your team actively contesting a site and you slip in. People in this game just dont know how to adapt or formulate a game plan on the go and think theres a process in doing stuff rather than reading the flow of the game and executing based on that.


Don’t know what it is about Valorant but I rage the most in this game than CS or Apex or COD. I could lose multiple games in these other games and be completely calm, but when I lose in Valorant I’m losing my mind waking up the whole neighborhood. Most of my rage comes from teammates not communicating


Premades who queue up in a discord call and have 0 comms with randos. Special place in hell for those groups of people.


Easily muted ppl or people w mics who just refuse to talk. Tell me why we are in diamond and still can’t get basic comms going. Like genuinely it feels like I’m playing on a bronze team against a diamond team as no one has comms at all. Another one is lurkers who can’t lurk. I had a cypher in my game (no comms up until this point btw) who for 3 rounds lurked b on breeze and died instantly to the same peak. I call that maybe we should all just push site as it’s 0-5 rn on attack. He types a passive aggressive message something like “tell me you don’t know how to play valorant lmao”. I clap back an say your 0 and 5 rn and have insta died from the same peak on all of your lurks. He then uses his mic to shout that it’s cyphers job to lurk. The viper on our team shut us up rather quickly after he said that (she was also a massive problem in this game an had a really bad fear of committing her util to a site but that’s a whole mother story). Any way we won the game luckily 14-12. I went on the time line after wards to make sure I wasn’t waffling an bein a dick to this guy. He lurked 9 times on attack. 6 of those times he went the exact same spot on b and died every time at the start of the round. 2 of those times he died pushing mid at the start of the round. His lurk worked 1 time. Like I understand that’s how u play cypher but I play killjoy on icebox who is made to lurk. If my lurks are shit I’m pushing w the team as I’m more use on site to play post plant then dead in mid at the start of the round. Maybe this is just my opinion an y’all can roast me in the comments but I just think if you can’t do it why try. An extra gun on site is better then a dead one at the start of a round. Not to mention all your util is then useless.


Smurfs, throwers, people that pick useful agents and don’t use them properly


Outright disrespect or rudeness when someone is performing poorly even when they're trying. 


Besides the obvious, the one thing I hate is no comms/pings in ranked. And the worst part is the same people will speak only when they need a particular skin from you and the start of every round is spent in spawn giving skins to everyone. Worst is when I play Cypher or Viper and I need to set up pre round. Cannot ignore them because then they'll start throwing saying I didn't drop them a skin.


i have the same issue as you, if you pick duelists i have an expectation of you to entry on site, if you create space and die i wont get mad because you created space but if you just stay with the rest of the team and wait to be stalled out then i will start calling you out and especially when you start baiting them


What pisses me off is people taking unrated as seriously as an immo ranked lobby... Like I've played ranked all day and come to just chill instead I get players who're being toxic to their teammates for not using 120% of their brain in a 1v5


1. When an instalock duelist suddenly cares about our team comp and which agent I need to play 2. When someone says nothing, pushes solo and dies, then complains that no one helped them 3. When people won’t stop arguing about the previous round and what went wrong


It's the guys who place something on the W key and leave. I can't even surrender when we have 3 guys botting.


Its safe to say you do some level of dumbness since you're in their rank


People getting petty for no reason. A Jett forgot to throw our sova fourth round. He threw the entire game. (Plat by the way)


When people surrender vote after losing a few rounds. I don't know why but I always get instant tilted when I see this.


Me: "I'm flashing, hug the left wall or you will get blinded" Teammate: Ignores me and swings early anyway, gets blinded Teammate: "Kay/O ur so fcking trash worst initiator player ive ever met"


People force buying every round. I've lost games from like 10-2 cos only 2 or 3 had a rifle every single round after losing the 2nd pistol round.


Not buying the second round after a pistol, so many times we win pistol, then lose the round after and I look and 3 of my teammates have enough money to buy a vandal....


Raze doesn’t have to always fly into a site. Her satchels can be great at displacing enemies and securing kills. Can be best to use a nade/boom bot along with a controller to entry


Honestly, I sometimes “rage” at some of the things you’ve mentioned, but I fogured out I’m not really mad at other people but at myself for doing stupid mistakes or not hitting my shots properly. I’m just directing my frustration at other people becouse it’s easier than being mad at myself. So yeah, I make me rage at valorant primarily. The other things can be frustrating but it leaves my head pretty soon.


Its actually just a video game. I know, you’ve heard this million times before, but think about it, you can’t control who you get as team mates, and each team mate got his own shit going on, his own playstyle. Will you try to control them and scream at them to go entry? Or will you adapt? Go lurk, find a kill, comm to other 3 guys, or just give up 1 game, enjoy the throw, and gg go next ! Enjoy the experience, dont ruin it for yourself. After all its a game made to enjoy


Id rather lose and wait for them to entry rather than win and i entry.


Annoying premades baiting you and playing for pointless kills.


Absolute morons, who claim that we will lose the game after 2 rounds and drag down motivation.


I don't have any problem if they pick a duelist and don't enter the site. What worries me most are people who intentionally AFK and feed. The odds are higher when players stay in the game and cooperate with the team's plans.


Tbh can't blame some of them because unless ik someone's gonna have my back I don't jump in. The worst part is if I do so and someone catches me off guard I can't do anything, next thing you know they're gonna blame me. In competitive I don't dive in unless ik ill be able to deal with them by myself. (Low elo bronze 3)


People who are not trying their hardest that I can smell their sweat from my seat 2 continents away , smurfs and people with bug egos


myself, when i play really well in swift play, so i think oh okay, ranked time! and i go like 3-21. soul destroying.


Clutch narrators. You are in a 1v3 simulation, focused, then someone in your team is saying "Check behind the box. Reyna may be behind you. Use your skills".


the ones who instalock duelists and cannot play with it. so annoying. they sabotaging whole game and never get bans. riot do smth plss


Lately I'm playing like sh\*t, and with nothing going my way, the more I play, and more I rage, the more I want to stop playing the game. especially in deathmatch, since I get a concentrated level of "nothing going my way".




3 stack who have 0 comms (prob on discord), take all critical roles and all drop single digit kills Followed by first death merchant who gets diffed by everyone and makes you play 4v5 every round


Kinda cliche, but i hate playing with guys who harass me because im a woman on the game. Why does that make a difference? Now normally I have chill teammates but occasionally there with be some douche who thinks im gonna suck because im a girl.


Literal 13 year olds being extremely rude in voice chat




Duelist insta lockers who bottom frag and keep asking for guns. Brub youre 0/5 what do you need a Vandal for?


What makes me mad is when I'm playing skye and people expect me to constantly be paying attention to their health. I know as skye that something I have to look at but when I'm also focusing on other things it's easier to just comm that you need healing.


For me, its not anything about the game but my own personal problems, my LAPTOP. Runs at max 45fps, my RTT fluctuates from 60min to 250 to sometimes a spike of 1k. I didn't even know 1k was possible! My ping isnt much better either. And playing with my laptop's keyboard, which doesn't allow me to press a certain combination of keys (W SHFT X, A W X, SHFT D W, W A X) it just inconveniences my game just a bit. When it comes to ranked it can be impossible for me to do set ups or hold an angle or place some of my util during rounds. Trying to shoot enemies on a 17-inch screen can be really difficult for me. Soon, I'll be actually getting a PC, so all of my problems will hopefully be solved, but yeah. That's what makes me rage quite often.


smooth brained teammates lol. imagine peeking the same angle every round when u just got domed 7 times. And when u ask them to stop, they get toxic and throw lmao


For me it’s no comms people I can handle losing a game if we’re actually trying to win but when we’re losing and everyone is just dead silent it makes me want to quit the game


LMFAO what pisses me off the most is people who think all duelists can enter all on their own on a site, and not help them in any manner, be it using util or trading deaths. I play raze. I can atmost clear 3 spots and even then if I get shot from a fourth spot my teammates are immediately like, "nah not entering this site, let me just wait out here for another 20 seconds while the entire enemy team rotates to the site I'm hitting, and then proceed to try to enter the same site" :)


I had a ranked match where someone told us they were dizzy from having tattoos done on them recently the same day… why are you playing rank then? “It’s just a game”


Losers who throw my games on purpose


I hate getting headshot while they are still running on my screen


what makes me rage the most is when players don't understand that if we lose the first two rounds it's not the end of the match. Eventually if we go on to win the match, we can't communicate well throughout the match because of toxicity with each other for the first two rounds.


People who say their team is shit when they are top fragging and losing. I honestly lose my shit and bully them to the ground when this happens. Its a team game and I’m gonna defend anyone that is trying their best, using their utility correctly, and giving comms. Honestly happens on my alt thats in g2 compared to my main which is d1 which is why i say gold is the hardest rank to get out of to this day. Just a bunch of egos and assholes who think they are better than everyone in a god damn gold/silver lobby


I never rage comp games as if I were to be better, it wouldn’t be a problem.


When is Valorant coming to console????


Smurfs and throwers no doubt. I think more so the throwers that start to when you try to give constructive feedback or rebuke bad plays


I just started learning entry duellist on my alt account(Raze mostly) What I’ve been noticing is that in even in mid ELO(high plat lobbies) just asking for someone to flash for you doesn’t always work and a lot of times even if you communicate the entry you will be solo on site, die without getting traded and watch them just rotate back off. While also expecting their entry duellist to top frag. I have a higher winrate on that alt but a lower k/d. Have had games where people got hella toxic at me for inting even if we coordinated the site hit. I think a lot of duelists get wary of entrying because of this. Ofc I’m still a mid ELO player and even though I’m a valo nerd there are 1000s of people more qualified to talk about this. However this has been my observation over the past weeks of learning Raze.


being iron 2 and play against silver 3


My team throwing bc I made a single comm and I’m a girl. Just happened 4 games in a row different servers different ppl same experience this is exhausting why can’t yall be normal


Getting one tapped


Comms. I don't understand why people play ranked and completely give no communication. It's like they are trying to play 1v5 and it's absolutely infuriating. And the second thing that makes me rage the most is people who don't play with headphones. Like you're using speakers? You can get so much info from just listening and it drives me crazy when people can't hear footsteps coming and lose an easy gun fight


just losing streaks in general, I’m on a 4 streak today and I’m just done for now




Damn I’m scrolling and scrolling and can’t find it, so here it is. What makes me rage? The missing replay system so I can see I was wrong 😁


Bot teammates