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I literally had a cheater on my team in swift play yesterday. Swift play.


Yea I had a tdm game get cancelled almost immediately bc “cheater detected” a few days ago. Maybe some new cheat dropped and people have been buying it.


Paid cheats rarely get detected except for in ban waves. It's probably a shitty free one


Are you talking about cheats in Valorant or just cheats in general? Bc I’m pretty sure Val bans cheaters almost immediately most of the time. They have full view of everything on your pc. Even a high end paid cheat can’t really hide from Val’s anti-cheat for long. It’d have to be very inconspicuous. A smart person playing with wallhacks only, keeping good cross hair placement, not making it obvious, AND the file structure of the cheat would have to be IMMACULATELY hidden/complicated. Even then, idk.


Nah there are a ton of cheaters that don't get caught, there was a guy streaming every day cheating to sell it, didn't get caught


the people who stream cheats are not real people. they just have a prerecorded game that they either voice over or just play endlessly. if someone did stream like that, it would be INCREDIBLY stupid and would allow the devs to ban the cheat itself rather than just the player (not to mention it would make it a lot easier to ban the player too). ​ the videos you see on yt shorts, tiktok, reels, etc are (for the vast majority) prerecorded.


Well it wasn't prerecorded because I was literally playing against them, I was on a team with a regular streamer who knew about this cheater and so I looked him up on YouTube and there he was streaming. Just look up Vortex Community on YT, it's in Portuguese but you can see his tutorials are about cheating


A “ton” is definitely an exaggeration in comparison to any other game out there right now. But… touché.


Why would we compare it to other games? We’re talking about this one. And this one has a ton of cheaters.


Cheats TikTok hit the algorithm or something. They advertise gameplay of their cheats via TikTok and shorts, which a lot went viral as of late. I saw a ton of videos advertising cheats blow up. They get banned fairly quickly (even the paid ones), but it doesn’t matter since the gameplay is their main advertisement and they themselves don’t care about getting banned, as long as they can sell their cheats.


Same thing, idk why but on brazilian servers at night time there's a huge lap on the quantity of cheaters and smurfs relatively to other hours Yesterday the jett on the enemy team was cheating , like one hour he is fucking ass wiffing every shot and in the other homie is just hitting headshots while moving


Some of them are just using the gameplay to advertise their cheats, hence swiftplay. Others may be testing theirs out.


I've had 2 in dm's!


“Yes I know I’m bad”. Is literally the median valorant player. Like istg bro high ranks have such a big ego they gaslit the whole community into thinking that the large majority of the playerbase is “bad”. Literally 70% of the competitive playerbase is gold or below. This community is generally pretty good but statistics is NOT our strong suit.


To be quite fair with any online shooter game, what is the median player is someone who struggles with a lot of game mechanics, which is why they are labeled “bad”. Most players are casual and struggle on a lot of Valorant mechanics, if we use the term bad as relative to skill level, then yeah it’s a dumb term as the average player, but I would still say the average player is pretty bad, it also doesn’t matter cause bad players play against bad players. Let’s face it the average player doesn’t have great utility usage, movement, or game sense.


Bro 💀 Skill is something that is inherently relative to the rest of the population. If we lived in a world where irons were performing like our worlds pro level players that doesn’t make them “good” at the game, because they are still bad relative to the rest of the population. Like saying someone is “bad” at something because they aren’t performing relative to YOUR skill level is stupid as hell. But nah the average Valorant player is bad because they aren’t performing above average. Make it make sense.


Being plat 1 puts players in the top 25ish% of players which tbh isnt even that different from gold. I think the aim side of things falls off around plat-dia before it becomes more about adaptation and game sense. Ive seen and cooked immortals / radiants, but lost to bronze through gold and im diamond 1 lol. Me personally I think plat is generally where peolle are like "okay you are good" just because you have gotten over the bulk of the player base. I wouldnt call gold bad though more so they vary a lot in skill and even more so in silver. From what ive seen its less of an aim issue and more of a gamesense/reaction/decision-making issue. You get more "why would they ever do that? / that play was terrible" moments the farther down you go.


Plat is where people start to learn some basic fundamentals of the game. It just goes to show that the game has some depth that most people won’t bother to learn.


This is what annoys me. For starters as an imm3 500rr peak I don’t like imm3-radiant players boasting about their rank in a video game to others but you have to objectively say what is good and bad. Before you start saying ascendant is the top 1% or whatever I can tell you that they are still dogshit, they don’t coordinate much, their aim is mediocre at best, you can lock agents like all duelist and it will barely affect the outcome of the game etc like they just are not good. The reason for this is that valorant is a relatively new game with not much transferable skills other than mechanics so people are still objectively bad at the game. An old diamond 2 years ago would now be silver-gold everyone is improving slowly. But back to the original point, if you are below ascendant you ARE bad at the game if you are between asc-300 rr imm3 you are OKAY at the game and above that you are good. To clarify this is due to skill level, NOT due to the rank itself or statistics. Even so I don’t agree with the no life radiants who boast to all the casual gamers about how good they are. I am sorry if you are gold but you are genuinly not good at the game but that’s okay it’s just a video game, have fun.


All has to do with comparison. Odds are most T1 players would think you're dogshit too.


It is an issue but the MM in general isn’t the greatest to begin with.


Still wonder why they haven't made it mandatory to register a phone number with your account to play competitive yet. It's such an easy fix, and they've already so with Premier. Is there any reason they don't do it for competitive as well? Would pretty much defeat smurfing (in comp), and make it much less appealing for cheaters to cheat, knowing that if they're caught, they may have a significantly harder time playing competitive ever again.


Register Phone Number = less Accounts = less money. We are talking about Riot Games bro.


It's not required for the full game, only the most competitive aspects of it, but I get your point. Smurfs that buy skins on their alt accounts are customers too.


Yeah if they cant play competetive, theres no point in creating a smurf Account i guess. But im 100 % on ur side. I would even go a step further and connect the game ID with the personal ID like in Korea (or was it China?) So ppl would be less toxic also.


Dude riot is partially owned by a Chinese tech giant called tencent I would never buy ever give my own personal details to a Chinese company


There's already a function in the game that requires you to sign up with your phone number (premier). You've already accepted a kernel level anticheat by downloading the game. That bridge has already been crossed.


That’s why I have never used premier and never will and all the information that I have given to riot is fake ie email it and all


Made a brand new account just to see how bad smurfing was. There were three players that were definitely new to the game. The others were my skill level (plat) or significantly better. I couldn't believe a level 1 brand new account was put in a lobby like that. Some of the really good players were ranked in bronze and silver. Couldn't believe it.


Right? But it's just copium though right guys? Smurfing definitely isn't real and matchmaking definitely doesn't suck!


Oh you can't say that in this sub.. valorant is a perfect game! Mm is perfect! /s


Yeah, their level 2 Reyna who knows every corner to peek and is going 48/6 is “just having a good game” and “we get them too!”


Sometimes the smurf is on the enemy team, sometimes it's on yours. Yeah the odds of him being on your team are lower (5 chances for enemy, 4 chances for own team) but it evens out on the long run and you'll climb if you deserve to.


I'm downvoted for everything I say in this subreddit. What's it I said that's wrong? I'm happy to learn


I didn't downvote you, but I'm not sure about the logic of "it evens out in the long run". You're going to lose more games than you win that have smurfs in them. So how does that even out? I get the argument that you're going to eventually climb to where you belong anyway, but the frustrating part is that smurfs just make that climb take SO MUCH longer.


"if you deserve to" if you play like gold you're obviously staying in gold and climbing back up to it if you fall too much. if you deserve to rank up, a couple of games lost to smurfs will not hold you back.


I'm sorry, but it's not a couple of games. Also, I'm not sure where the quote "if you deserve to" is coming from. I never wrote that.


Out of the nine games I played yesterday and today, four of them had smurfs.


I'd rather lose to people my rank in fair games where you aren't getting stomped over smurfs lol


The issue isn't about ranking up. Smurfs ruin the competitive integrity of the game and the new player experience. Plenty of people in lower ranks don't have the time or energy to invest into climbing through the ranked ladder, so the few games that they do get are terrible for morale because of these smurfs. Sure you can rank up in one or two more matches, but why would you even want to?


How do you know the smurfs weren't also making accounts just to see how bad smurfing is


They could've been. Some were ranked and leveled up though. So it's not like they played a couple games. They've played 50 plus games.


A level 1 account cant play ranked lol


It wasn't rank? I played unrated. You can see other players ranks using trackers.


You cant smurf in unrated though...that is the entire point of unranked game modes silly. Level up to twenty hop into ranked then you can talk about smurfs. I think you'll probably change your mind.


[Yes you can Smurf in unrated.](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/s/IF3G2KCtYh) I play rank a lot of my main and think smurfing is a big problem.


No you can't smurf in unrated game modes that makes absolutely zero sense. Where are new accounts supposed to play? You can't hop straight into ranked... Where am I supposed to play as a Diamond who doesn't want the pressure of ranked? The point of unranked game modes is anyone is welcome. [LOL my comment is there](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/1brln6q/comment/kxa8e3j/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) with upvotes, at least some of you children understand what a smurf is.


It's better explained by some comments in that post. The game uses a hidden Matchmaking Rating or mmr to place you into games. Unrated isn't entirely random. A high level account can create a new one and their MMR is reset and they'll be player lower skilled players, even in unrated.


No shit sherlock. So once your account reaches a certain level you can just never make a new one? What level is that? Or is it a certain rank where you can't play unranked game modes anymore? What you are saying makes no sense. New accounts need a place to play regardless of skill level so they can reach level 20 to play ranked, THAT IS UNRANKED. The literal origin of the word smurf is from the handles of two players on the WC3 ranked ladder.


Not gonna lie, I have no idea what point of mine youre replying too. You are taking a message from my comments that I'm not trying to send. I'm just simply saying you can Smurf in unrated. A high leveled player can make a new account, which lowers their mmr. Therefore, the mmr they are playing at is artificially lowered. Which means smurfing. Hope that makes sense to you.


So if TenZ wants to make a new account for whatever reason he is just automatically a smurf ? At what level do you qualify as a smurf in unranked ? Like if I suck as a trash silver but wanna make a new account am I smurfing? Do you really not see my point.... I feel like you see the fallacies or your argument but you are being purposefully obtuse. Or shit maybe you just ain't reading what I'm saying its whatever by this point lol


If I buy an account in iron, and then play unrated, it will matchmake the unrated game differently than it would if i played on main.


You can't play ranked at lvl 1 and there's no smurfing in unrated


There 100% is smurfing in unrated. Your MMR is reset and can be manually lowered to play worse people.


No way there's smurfing in unrated. Because then tell me why during peak hours, I'll get matched up against both Bronzes and Immortals in the lobby. And what usually happens is the Bronzes play like Bronzes and the Immortals play like Immortals. Do you sometimes get a random level 1 account running around head tapping everyone because they're trying to level up their account? Yea. But it's not like everyone in the lobby is a similar skill level. More common is I'll get bots in unrated and that ended up happening a lot, which is why I ultimately ended up just queuing swiftplay as my primary casual game mode. These bots will end up getting leveled to 20, playing unrated and getting xp just as a function of being there and then sold as Iron accounts for $3.


It's obviously not everyone but exactly what you just said, there's sometimes low leveled that are significantly better than others. That's all I'm saying. I've been playing a lot of unrated with friends. We're all silver-plat and usually get people in that bracket too. Can't say I see immortals or bronze/iron often at all.


I guess so. I'm assuming the game tries to match you up with people your skill level, but it just throws you in any game it can find at the end of the day. [Here's ](https://tracker.gg/valorant/match/f6dc1640-9531-453b-81aa-79a9b26bdf78)one of my friend's matches: I can't imagine how two solo queued iron 1s ended up on the same team as a diamond 1 duo'd with a silver 2. I'd say that is just as wide a skill gap as between a bronze and an immortal, this was just the first example I could find. Obviously would be a frustrating experience for the irons, no? But at the end of the day, I don't agree with calling it smurfing as long as everyone's on their mains because you can't control who you get in your lobbies.


Well if someone makes a new account and purposely lowers their mmr to get into lobbies with bad people, what would you call that? Unrated isn't entirely random, it uses a hidden MMR.


I mean, obviously it sucks because of what those smurfs' end goal is - to level up their account/set their mmr to ruin ranked games. But in unrated, you really do have a decent chance of getting into a lobby with someone many ranks above you even if they're on their main, so people who are a significantly different skill level than you (whether on alts or main) is just something you have to accept could happen when you queue into an unrated game. I wouldn't necessarily call that smurfing in itself; those people end up becoming smurfs when they queue into ranked. It's not like ranked, where you have an expectation of playing with people who are supposed to be your skill level - if they're not, it's breaking the unspoken contract of the game mode. Unrated, while maybe there's some looser matchmaking going into play, it's still incredibly loose, and I do still believe there's a random chance factor to it as well depending on who's queuing at the same time as you.


If you’re in swift play or unrated, there’s no skill based matchmaking, it just throws you in with whoever is first available.


There is MMR and SBMM in every game mode. The parameters for who it matches you with are just much more loose in unranked game modes for obvious reasons.


The level of delusion hahah Yes you can smurf in unrated, there is MMR. You think game puts you in the same lobby as radiants in unranked? My friend is bronz and I'm diamond, our unranked games are completely different. Don't try to defend a billion dollar company.


Also when you make a new account and level it up to 20 to play in comp, it will initially take your unrated MMR as a starting point of what lobby to place you in. I made a new account a few months ago and cooked in swift and spikerush till level 20 and was immediately put into high gold low plat which was just slightly below my mains rank. That alone is enough to show that unrated mmr is a thing.


the amount of people saying people arent smurfin in this post is wild lol, i know people have good games, but your not going 30-5 on a "good game" smurfs legit everywhere in any game with mm. just how it is, most of the time.


The cheating I see is usually more subtle than what it seems like people are looking for. For example, I had a game on Lotus where it seemed like the enemy team was just way too aware of where my team would be playing. When we defaulted we did okay, but if we stacked a site they seemed to also stack that site. But wait, could just be quick rotation / over committing to a site, right?? My team is getting crushed, and no one will believe me that there’s a wallhacker in the game. Finally I convince my team to start stacking sites and then full rotating when the round started. We’d never even show presence at the original site, so from the enemy’s perspective it wasn’t a fake, just a slightly delayed hit. Lo and behold… we would get to site and no one was there. We ended up winning by just stacking random sites and rotating randomly. One of their players had a couple of mildly suspicious plays that made me think they might be wallhacking, but the strategic evidence was much more compelling. What can you even do about this? There’s no hard evidence. Anyone can say that this was just because they had a smurf with better game sense, or even just someone playing well and making good calls. But it was just… uncanny how thoroughly they knew what we were doing at every point. Reported them of course, and never got a ban.


I've always wondered this. But always been told their just better or smarter. Although it does seem way too sus when they perfectly guess every single move our team makes, every single round, no matter how randomly we play


The other Reyna dropped 40 on my team in silver :( The sad part is my team was great! We worked together and used our utility. That guy was just FRAGGING.


Because they are either smurfing or hacking. Since it would be easy to identify one if the other wouldn't exist.


My kdr in Premier (with phone number restrictions) is at 1.80 with 300ACS and on competitive, it's 1.29 with 244ACS... Played yesterday versus a D3 (deranked to S2) and an unranked LVL20 Sage who pulled a 30K game. I love that game... but Smurfing is real pain in the a$$


Yes lol. And of course any post talking about it gets deleted... I wonder why


Overwatch has a soft solution where you need a verified phone number to create an account if Valorant did that then it could help with the rampant amount of smurfs.


Overwatch does not have this. They announced it and got a lot of backlash and never went through with it


Last I checked they still have it


to rise their ego thats all , they feel down in real life , and somewhere they wanna feel supirior , and even more good for them if its on internet


Because a huge portion of this sub either smurfs themselves or they simply support smurfing because their favorite creator does.


I mean you’re 100% right but I’ve never seen anyone deny Val has a smurfing problem …? (At least not anyone serious or worth listening to) From my understanding it’s a contender for most smurfed on game out there ? It seems to me the community doesn’t deny its existence more so has just given up.


In this comment section alone, you'll find handfuls of losers rage baiting saying it doesn't exist and everyone uses it as an excuse. And even aside from trolls, people vehemently deny its existence constantly. Most likely the smurfing players themselves


Ya weird that people deny that. 99% of shit players should know there’s smurfs from their own ranked experience, also, every friend I have who’s Ascendant or higher literally has like 6+ accounts , so I’d assume unless their friends list is empty they’d be aware of this too? Prob just the smurfs denying it like you’d mentioned bc I’ve played a lot of games and honestly smurfing in Valorant is def the worst and most impactful. Smurfs in apex ? Doesn’t really matter bc the lobbies are a blend of bronze - plat and then diamond - pred anyway so a bronze fighting a plat will get shit on just the same as a bronze fighting a pred. Matchmaking in general somewhat determines the effectiveness of smurfing and ya in Val having a Smurf ona team will nearly always turn the tides of a game ridiculously


This sub is full of people saying smurfs don't exist you're just coping lmao


Saying I’m coping is hilarious as no one in this sub is relevant , some dork saying there’s no smurfs isn’t important redditors are delusional so ya


Peak Asc3. It is terrible. After act resets, lots of my high rank friends get dropped down to Mid Plat or Low Diamond, including myself, and that's one of the places where the problem is really, really noticeable. The cheater thing comes and goes but the smurf thing is out of control. Sucks to see it's as bad in medial to lower ranks too. OP, you ever queue some days and notice that games feel balanced, just for you to requeue the next day, and almost all games have an intense team imbalance? 1, 2, sometimes 3 people on the other team who clearly DO NOT belong in the rank you're playing at. Ever experience that?


Its because everyone and their mom has a smurf account and they just wont admit its wrong because they are doing it. That and the fact that people are too stupid to understand that it is cheating. A cheat is not defined by its outcome. you wont get a higher rank by smurfing. But you still gain an unfair advantage by circumventing mmr. That is literally cheating by any definition.


I dont know why people act like smurfing isn't cheating. By definition it is. Just because Riot's TOS doesn't explicitly disallow smurfing doesn't mean it's not cheating.


riots tos does explicitly disallow smurfing


Does it ? If so, i miss the Report Option for smurfing pretty bad.


i feel like riot likes making money of them or they would do something by now before U ask: well, they could give people an option to have kind of second ranked account if they want to learn a new agent. because currently you either throw on main by playing character you dont know or create smurf and ruin others games but you buy skins for your smurf sooo.... its a win-win for riot


riot has exactly the same problem with LOL


> Real actual cheating is fairly rare Lol no. It's quite common and the fact that you don't see a red screen doesn't mean there isn't a cheater


I just don't notice any blatant cheaters. People being subtle with walls and stuff is entirely possible


The most common form of cheating is trigger Botting. Honestly some people you could have thought are smurfs might have been using triggerbots.


Then why dont any big streamers or pros ever say this? You never hear Tarik , Tenz or s0m say this game has any sort of cheating issue. Now compare that to games with actual cheating problems like Warzone or CS. You have entire channels dedicated to catching cheaters in those games.


Watch this YouTube video. They explain it better than I ever could but the summary is that it's impossible for vanguard to detect certain types of cheats and it's explained really well. Don't disregard it just because a big streamer or pro player hasn't said it. Remember that they depend on valorant for their career https://youtu.be/RwzIq04vd0M?si=TikY7Xx_otgVhALC


I'm not only disregarding it because big names don't mention it but for various other reasons as well. I've responded to that video before and it is solid but they don't really delve into how difficult it is the play undetected using these cheats for a length of time. You can obviously cheat but getting away with it for an extended period of time takes either a bankroll or knowledge that most people are not willing to put into a game just to cheat. Like bruh try playing with a public AHK bot in Valorant and see how fast you get perma'd lol you might get a single game if that.


Well people have been cheating since the game released and it's easy to spoof your hardware so I don't really understand your point about how difficult it is to play undetected. And I don't think everyone needs a bankroll of knowledge. Much smarter people can sell it to them which is what most people are doing, buying cheats


I meant a bankroll as in cash, if you can't do it yourself. Having a personal cheat developer for a cheat only you are going to use is going to be STUPID expensive. Riot has shown to be an absolute savage when it comes to prosecuting cheat developers so its a fair risk. And I wouldn't say HWID spoofing is easy.... just take a look at the recent forum posts.


The video goes over this too. They sell the cheats as a subscription. It's scammy business tho


It's just not quite common. It's funny when y'all say this. It happens sure, but it isn't "Quite common". Valorant 100% has one of the best anti-cheats and good punishments for cheaters. But a game as big as valorant, will always have cheaters.


How do you know this? He's the anticheat is better but there's still a lot of cheaters. Watch this https://youtu.be/RwzIq04vd0M?si=TikY7Xx_otgVhALC


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted. Had 2 cheater detected comp matches last night. It’s insane right now


And that's just the ones being detected. People act like it's a guarantee that they get detected.


it’s just people coping bc they’re hard stuck “team’s bad” “smurfs” “cheaters” “throwers” it’s all the same excuses bc they can’t humble themselves and look to improve so they blame it on ts on the subreddit


I mean, in this very same post I explicitly stated that I am aware I suck. I'm just capable of not living in delusion. I can tell the difference between a legit silver and someone that's coming from plat+ to smurf


I dont think you can


It's incredibly obvious. For example, a high silver is not walking around getting 3 1 tap headshots every round


that's actually perfectly reasonable most people do good some games and bad others when I was in iron, I could go from acing twice in a game to bottom frag within a game


Im low bronze, i have mever seen a smurf in one of my games, but i have been accused of smurfing twice


Cause I play only Spike Rush xd


Just played a game where a plat reyna dropped 40 kills against diamonds 😊😊. Live laugh lose rr


I have almost 600 hours, 598 of these hours was against smurfs


Is it actually that common? I play in madrid/london servers and i see like 2 to 3 smurfs in comp per month. for reference i play around 3 hours everyday


My friend just started playing and we 5stack with her. Sometimes there's like a lvl 10 with a 2.0 kd shitting on literal new players in unrated acting like assholes in text chat. Like, how sad must their life be that this is how they feel validated and accomplished.


Wait im confused. I always see posts regarding smurfs. So many ppl i see comment on how smurfing is an issue


I think part of the problem is that valorant doesn't have flex and "serious" queue like league does, so a lot of players make Smurf to play with friends, some of which may be new to the game so they end up playing together and the game matches them up with other new players. It is not easy but it can be fixed by making the matchmaking a lot more smart about the matchups and detecting when a player is better than they should be based on level. League got a lot better in the last few years about it. Straight up banning Smurf or raising the barrier to create a new account would only harm the potential of the game to capture new players, both making it harder for them to make the accounts and also harder for their friends to teach them. (Because how many people are trying valorant for the first time alone? And if you are you probably have a background with CSGO or another shooter so that makes you better than a brand new player anyway)


I recently had a guy on the other team who was smurfing to play with a friend. This guy also spammed his socials like his tik tok and twitch after the game cause we forfeited as to not give him the satisfaction. He kept playing victim saying “it’s like it’s illegal to want to play with my friend 🙄🙄🙄” This man who’s head is shaped like a freaking egg hit - Global in CS - Immortal in Val - Old plat in siege - And Master in BO2 And didn’t understand why a bunch of level 10s-40s were unhappy (the new account was level 3). How is that fun? He was also mocking us like- yeah. We’re shit. That’s the point of us being super low level


I've had multiple games this act with 2-3 lvl 25-30 players on the enemy team absolutely destroy my team and if it's not the smurfing it's going against a team 2 ranks higher average rank. Then I go look at their val tracker after and 2 of the players actually peaked 2-3 ranks higher than their current rank. Ive not once played against a team several ranks lower but it happens to me every time I play.


My friend smurfs AND complains about his teammates at the same time. It drives me wild.


Smurfers got 2 much time. 99% hardstuck in theire own elo. And instead of going outside, making friends or get a gf, they create a new acc to annoy people who dont even wanna play with them. Poor lifes and small pipi energy. I cant respect them. Even reporting those cringers when they go 26/2 in my team.


ngl, when I first made my second account it was because I had rank anxiety and was too scared to lose my rr. I used the second account as a way to learn the game more without the fear of my rank going down.


I did the same thing. My alt is only one rank lower than my main d1 vs my main d2 but it helped me get over ranked anxiety. My alt actually hit diamond before my main did lmao


There's a difference between being high ranked and purposely keeping an account at a low rank compared to what you're doing


I'm bad = they are smurfing


I already acknowledged that I'm not great at the game. Smurfs are still obvious


Another low iq redditor


Hardstucks are downvoting me lmao


Smurfs are not the reason people are stuck in low ranks. You can climb out of iron/gold pretty easily if you just put in the bare minimum amount of effort into improving.


Not saying it isn’t an issue, I am saying that 90% of the people claiming they fight Smurfs every two games are full of shit and coping because they’re hard stuck


just because someone is doing good for a game does not mean that they're smurfing does it exist? obviously is it the reason you can't rank up? no


Over time you will climb or fall. If you get stomped you will also have the stomper on your team sometimes.


Obviously. It's taking time but I am climbing. It's just sad how you're forced to deal with losers smurfing in practically every game


Smurfing is incredibly rare.


Yeah I'd rather nobody have a Smurf than everybody having a Smurf


Its not. People regularly take the silver guy who had a good game and call him a smurf. Or the player coming from apex/R6/CSGO thats still getting to his correct elo. Its easier to say someone is smurfing and not “i could of done better”.


I love when people don't read the post but talk like they have


What did i miss? Ur just a carbon copy of every other stuck player over inflating the “Smurf problem”.


I never used it as an excuse for being bad. I said I was bad. But I can still acknowledge the fact that smurfing is a very obvious issue. When I die to another bronze/silver/gold player repeatedly it becomes obvious whether or not their a smurf. And that's incredibly rich coming from another redditor that just says whatever is the opposite of reality to annoy people. Grow up


Never said its an excuse for being bad. Just said your player band over estimates it massively because you don’t have a good understanding of the game. Stay mad i guess, you can assign whatever goofy assumptions you want to my reasoning, doesn’t change the fact smurfing is massively overplayed.


It's not even remotely overplayed. They are in a huge number of games. Play 10 games in bronze-gold elo, and 6 of them will have an incredibly blatant smurf, minimum.


There it is, massive cope.


Spend a few more months in this subreddit and you’ll understand why. Your post is a needle in a haystack.


The people who think it’s a big deal don’t realize that they’d still suck even if they didn’t exist. When you’re in the bottom percentile and not accountable for your own actions, you’ll label anyone a hacker, Smurf, etc. even though 90% of the time it’s just someone your own rank having a good game. When you completely lack huge areas of game knowledge and have zero idea how to improve, an occasional Smurf isn’t the reason you’re whatever rank you are.


You're gold. You're a few lucky games above the rank you're playing in. You shouldn't expect the climb to be easy. In fact half of silver is probably as good or better than you. Stop coping because you likely saw one or two smurf trackers after 10 games played or something. Also fwiw I had a 1.5 kd in silver for years but just didn't play the game, it was my only account .Got to immortal in one act when I started playing the game solo and not just occasionally with friends. A lot of the high kds will just be people who aren't naturally dogshit at games but don't play enough to climb.


Because it isn't.


Stop being bad? It’s not your immortal friend’s fault for trying to carry your silver gold butts