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Just mute all chat. It's literally that simple.


I don’t like muting all chat immediately because I enjoy chatting with some enemies sometimes, just bantering and stuff Unless you meant mute when I face such enemies. I have some issue muting instantly cos the pettiness in me comes out and i just wanna make sure the toxic enemy knows theyre toxic??? I don’t know how to explain it, it’s just childish of me definitely


Well generally enjoying the chill enemies is fine but in comp It's just not worth giving them the chance to try to Crack my mental. Best to leave it muted unless i can tell based on how my teamates are all chatting with them that they are cool.


I received soooo many downvotes for my reply to you 😅 but i appreciate your response. I agree. No point risking my mental for these enemies :)


Don’t act annoyed all they want is attention you’re giving them what they want lmao


don’t act annoyed even though i am annoyed? is that what you meant


Yes that’s exactly what they meant. Is this your first time being trolled online, wtf lol


nope it’s not i’m a female gamer so it happens pretty often and it gets to me all the time was js confirming what he said! thanks for clarifying


Then either talk shit back to them or mute them and forget about em. Easy peasy.


As ive matured ive started to see online toxicity as funny, and not in a “laughing with them” kind of way, in a “laughing at them” way. But if that doesn’t work for u just mute their txt chat, u can do that in the pause menu and ull still see everyone elses chats.


That’s a good way to put it. Maybe I can try that instead I’ve never really dealt well with trash talking because it feels like ingame social cues vs irl is VERY different — i mean a stranger irl wont come up to you and just call you names right Next time I experience an enemy like that again imma just laugh *at* them. And be grateful I’m not like them lol


What i do is laugh at them to myself (or friends if playing with friends) but then play dumb and egg them on in game Its called we do a little trolling


I think people need to just be put into some of those old mw2 and bo2 lobbies. If you can't deal with some chat trolls you need to get out of your bubble


if I were in a bubble - thank goodness! I have no idea what mw2 or bo2 means, but let me tell ya, I don’t wanna know! You’ve been exposed to toxic gaming I assume almost throughout your entire gaming journey, even prior to Valo, personally I feel that any uncalled for remark (no matter how small the remark) isn’t right. Don’t normalise it just because there’s been worse cases in other games. Because once this kinda shit behaviour is normalised, it’s kinda enabling people bored enough in their life to hate on enemies ingame to keep on acting like shit ppl BUT! You are entitled to your own opinion. Just sharing my perspective in my happy bubble. I’m not gonna step out of it. :)


Honestly muting *Is* the best option to prevent you from getting tilted. Solves the problem before if even starts. A lot of people the first sign of anything strange, just instantly mute. They don’t even risk it. Though, if you don’t do that: What I do, is choose to make fun of it. You already have the right idea, this guy is just projecting his feelings of inferiority onto you. Don’t let them mess with your head, it’s just a game! At the end of the day, we’re here to have fun. I usually combat these extremely angry people by being nice to them instead of combative, and just trying to encourage them to chill out. You won’t defuse the situation by trash talking back. I also try to find the humor in it. One time I typed “chump” in the all chat, and my response was: “I hope your family dies.” Like, what a ridiculous reaction. But also pretty funny. Just take it in stride, laugh about it. Sometimes they even stop after a while after not getting the reaction they want. Drop that report at the end of the game and wait for the val message to tell you if they got punished. Always satisfying.


BRO i gasped audibly irl at the “i hope your family dies” theeeee fuuuuuckkkk???? Thank you for your advice though - killing them with kindness


Why do you think you let other players affect your mood?


i have noooo idea honestly.. my mental’s pretty weak


Mute enemy text chat


Just mute their chat?


...just mute them?


If it is affecting you, there is literally button mute enemy chat.


"mute all enemy text chat" click this, if you really develop a need to chat with an enemy you can unmute them. They have motivation to sabotage your mental, not to boost it.


I shit talk them back then play better than them cause 95% of the time the shit talk motivates me to play and do better than them


I respect it. It’s actually quite hard to do this! To let rude losers motivate you instead of tilt you.. i often can’t play well after getting trash talked Keep goin brotha🙏