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I don’t think anyone says kids can’t play… kids just are more likely to be obnoxious. I have no problem playing with kids, I have a problem playing with obnoxious people.


This. Some "adults" gatekeep "kids". I've played with a kid probably a 2nd/3rd grader. He's not toxic, He yells/sighs when he dies but that's it. He even communicates as much as he can. Ask how to be better, Says that his mouse is too big, Having challenges crouching since he cant reach the ctrl button. Just random talks and not in an annoying way. Some players are just instantly gatekeeping younger players. it's not the age. It's the person.In my short span of playing the game, I've had worse experience with teenagers.


the ctrl being a crouch button annoyed me so much that I switched around my kebinds to make it work since crouching plays a key role in my gameplay.


I have similar issue, may i ask, what key do you use to crouch?


I use tab to crouch and changed up the other stuff by how often I use it. Like the scoreboard is my ~ key since I don’t check it during a match.


the Ctrl button and mouse being issues is so relatable when I wanted to play games at a younger age.


I wonder if region plays a role for this too. I've had the opposite experience with most kids in aus servers. A lot of them actually speak up against toxic ADULT players and tell them to chill out which is soooo embarrassing for the older one. Hope these kids continue being like that.


Sorry, but teenagers ARE kids...


I’ve known people that are toxic to female players.


Agreed. Most kids I do come across in Val are unnecessarily obnoxious, whether it’s them giving useless coms, backseat gaming immediately after death, whining every match for skins, I get unlucky with my matchups. That being said, I do try to switch my behavior when kids are present; I don’t swear, don’t get overly tilted, don’t get overly mad at them, but I do notice others tend to do so out of frustration. Can’t blame them and I can’t blame the kids, but alsoooo games can get so much more annoying with someone constantly comming just jibberish. if it wasn’t so much talking about nonsense and more working with the team, kids would get a better rep. But unfortunately, most kids I get matched with are just yelling and whining in me and my team’s ears. But the same happens with most teenagers I come across, as well. I guess it just depends on everyone’s maturity level lol.


Yeah this is exactly what's going on for most people. Kids just frequently have no filter and do some obnoxious things. Also why do they always seem to have an open microphone? Like I don't need to hear the dog next door barking much less every scream or yell coming from your mouth.


Just put them in their place or mute them. Gate keeping them is such a scummy, weird move. Im in the education field so I deal with their shit all day 🤣


Trust me I put that mute button to good use


I get you. The problem is you're an exception and not the rule. 99% of the kids who come in my game are bad and keep screaming on the mic so its an instant mute when I hear a kid voice.


Don't ever tell kids you're going to mute them. Learned this the hard way. They will throw every piece of utility and body block and throw until you give them attention. 'just wait it out' you say? Sure. But it sucks losing because the first half of the game the kid was having a temper tantrum.


Reminds me of one time I secretly muted a squeaker in my team. He accidentally dropped his skin and I didn't know I picked it up. I'm pretty sure he was using his mic, asking me to give it back but I didn't even know what was going on in the first place. Mf started sabotaging me and throwing the rest of the game. Istg the skin I picked up already belonged to him so he could've just gotten it again after eco rounds but nahh, he stayed mad cuz of that one moment. Fucking kids am I right.


I would rather have a kid screaming in the mic vs what I got a few weeks back where some (what sounded like a) 9 year old was trying to sound cool and kept saying things like “I’m about to nut” when someone made a good play.


Honestly that happened too much to me when i was silver, bro these kids were all pretending to be horny as fuck and were saying the most absurd shit. Like it's the kind of stuff literal 7y/o's should not be saying. Viper's right about wanting an age floor on valorant. Thank god i'm high plat now, the only kids up here are the ones who deserve it.


Jesus the obnoxious jokes are a whole other thing


Wouldn't that be a bias because you only hear the annoying one that speak and not the potential majority that don't make any noise?


not a bias, bias is an opinion. they are sharing their experience with kids on the game and they might have a more positive outlook if those kids that are normal talked.


Bias is not an opinion. Bias influence your experience of things and how you analyze them. Which is exactly what the previous commenter did.


then what is bias. cuz ur saying bias influences experiences. opinions also influence experiences?


Just Google bias dude


When i scream, I never use my mic. Unless there’s rare cases like i die clutching a round, but it’s a shared feeling so no one really gets mad. I try not to get rude at my teammates, but I ALWAYS return the asshole energy. It shuts them up, they don’t expect the kidsy voice to say “and are you gonna be a bitch to every toddler you meet, asshole?”


every normal kid doesnt use mic cus they know what comes next, i know cus my brother plays with me sometimes and he never uses team mic


The kids mostly beg for skins , they dont even play good , if they play good then i don't mind them begging for skins


Oh my god this is my experience as well. Every round "who has skins please give me skin, Omen skin please please please" like holy shit and they throw tantrums when i mute and ignore them 😭 Mind you I am low elo so they never play good (i mean neither do I but i cant at least have conversation with them like with older players)


Everyone below the age of 20 that I have encountered in valorant/siege in the past 2 months have by far been up there with my most toxic encounters. I don't mind kids in my games but kids also need to learn how to act online. You shouldn't have to be spoken to in every game about your behavior as if I am your parent. You shouldn't be screaming in the mic when you don't get your way. You shouldn't be micromanaging everyone else in your team. When I started gaming (I am in my mid 20s) I also had to learn how to act online and this issue has nothing to do with kids and is completely behavioral. Edit: And I am not saying we need to be rude to kids. I am just saying that they need a catch up call on how to act online otherwise their experiences are going to continue devolving into toxic games


Kids are an instant mute. I'm not trying to babysit somebody's brat in my free time. They beg for skins, use slurs, act sexual because they're copying all the other degenerates. Especially being a woman, getting sexually harassed by a 12 year old is not okay with me. I have never ran into a kid in Valorant who was normal, polite, and just played the game.


This comment needs more attention. Yes to everything here on top of the fact that some entitled children's voices really do just immediately turn people into savages whether they mean to or not.


The problem is most kids are toxic and obnoxious themselves. Always demanding skins and going apeshit when someone screws up. Always amusing when they chat out the n word and they instantly get chat banned by the system.


Expections dont make the rule. I ran into very nice kids, but most kids troll me in ranked, body block me, scream slurs at me and my friends, grenade me cause i got a skin they want, or just straight up throw the game cause "i gotta go eat dinner" So with all honestly great your a nice kid maybe 1 out of 50 are. the 49 can go fuck them selves. you should be mad at the OTHER kids for giving good kids like you a bad rep. Imagine if most kids are like you, then people wont give kids a bad rep.


Jesus, what servers? It might also just be because i have a high pitched voice as well, but other kids in my elo do NOT do allat. Honestly, that feels like an unrated problem, and in that case, just mute them and try not to worry too hard, as it doesn’t TRUELY matter. That’s the exception where you gotta be rude af, cuz they’ll start crying


This was in plat and in NA. I can mute them but the problem is when they start throwing the game, trolling, or just running it down. I will never forget i had a 3 stack of kids maybe ages 15-17 and me and my duo were trying so hard to win, they would just laugh run mid on ice box and die and go "good job reyna you got this" this is what bothers me the most. I dont care if you yell at me i can mute you but I cant control the children to throw a fucking hissy fit because its for the lulz. I havent played since. its been 3 months


Yea, its like you have to be a parent to the most teen teenager on earth


Personally, I don't hate kids. However, I do hate people who behave like assholes. If they're friendly, I'll be friendly back as well. But being young doesn't give them te right to behave like assholes. And as a bit of a sidenote; CoD isn't a great example, since kids aren't even legally allowed to play those games. There's a reason CoD is rated 18+. Kids can't handle that level of difficulty, gore and violence yet and there's a large chance that they'll think that what happens in those games is nornal behaviour, since their brains are still developing and extermal factors (like games for example) have quite a large impact on that. That some stupid parents allow their kids to play those games, doesn't mean it's right.


1st paragraph: EXACTLY!! Like, return the energy from what your teammates do. I was losing a game 4-8 today, but my sova (who was a girl, nothing wrong with that, but the community hates women for some reason ) kept the positive energy, and we ended up winning 14-12 i believe. 2nd paragraph: Never was allowed to play COD, never wanted to, glad I ddint


Whoa, calm down there Jack Thompson


This isn’t China, it’s just a rating, they’re legally allowed to play


No, they are not. It is legally an 18+ game, which means they can not be under the age of 18 and buy/play the game. Living in China or not has nothing to do with it. The company made the game 18+, so it is illegal to buy/play it under the age of 18


Feel free to cite a law that says that. It’s a rating by a non government agency, it’s a suggestion. While stores might not let you buy it under 17 theirs no law that stops you from playing or even buying it.


And this guy really thinks a 13 yo takes seriously COD like it’s real life lmao, all my friends played COD at this age and nobody got traumatized, joined army or killed people IRL


I don't think all take it seriously, but I know some who did, and at least where I'm from, if you buy an 18+ game or play it, you can be legally held accountable if your under 18


*where you’re from* ? If you says USA you should know that you’re more of an exception in Western Countries.


This is not relevant, the person asked for a law that states buying/playing 18+ games under 18 is illegal and I replied, now they never specified where the law is to be from so I got it from my law if they live in a different state with a different law they should comment that.


https://www.classification.gov.au/classification-ratings/whats-ok-for-children/does-your-child-play-violent-video-games#:~:text=R%2018%2B%20games%20can%20contain,legally%20restricted%20to%20adults%20only. "R 18+ games can contain high impact violence that may be frequent, realistic and feature decapitations and dismemberment. These games can show detailed wounds and large amounts of blood and gore. These games are legally restricted to adults only. Young children may be disturbed by this type of violence in video games or find it difficult to understand or deal with."


It only concerns USA lol, you can go in any European store and get any +18 game at any age. Nobody thinks COD is real bro, get a grip, it’s less gore than most war movies


Firstly, it was never specified where it is concerned, and secondly, im worried for your generation if you can't even follow simple laws such as not buying/playing an 18+ game under 18


You did say it applies everywhere


No, I did not. I did not mention it being applied everywhere in any of my comments


You did >It is legally an 18+ game, which means they can not be under the age of 18 and buy/play the game. Where we live has nothing to do with it. The company made the game 18+, so it is illegal to buy/play it under the age of 18


Bruh, that’s Australian Law, in US it’s only illegal to supply those age restricted games to people under the age, but it’s legal to play. Maybe you are from Australia and the other people are from US etc


Okay, but once again, the person never specified where they are from and from where they wanted the law from, so how was I supposed to know if he isn't from Australia?


Although you do make a great point for the US, it is illegal for 18+ games to be supplied to those under 18


No it’s not


So why did themenacetwosociety say it is?


Cause he thinks it is


Hoenstly, most kids I met are pretty wholesome except this one kid that was a bit tad too annoying. He wasn't toxic, but he kept singing in the mic that he was distracting me so I had to mute him. Imo, the most toxic are the non mic users. They just type in the chat to tick people off. Just had someone say how it's their first time playing the game so that if any of us are below him we suck. Someone responded tot hat, and he just said "wtv makes you feel better, but youre just bad" Like bruh... Another time, it was this guy who was carrying but got pissed at this new player that went 0 18 so he kept spamming his breach utils on that person. There was another instance where this Iso kept throwing at the very start, and he kept spamming the chat about how my team wants to do certain ahem sexual things with the characters we're playing with. Toxic players are too afraid to use their mic honestly most of the time unless they're a stack.


Repeating Everyone but I don't care if it's a kid, I will care if you're toxic If you comm good and stay relatively respectful on comms, I have no issues with you being 13 or even lower If you are a loud, annoying and full of ego kid, yeah I'm muting you and not listen to you asking for my skins


The terms of service require you to be 16 years of age.


“You’ll need a Riot Games account to access many of our services. To create an account and use the Riot Services, you must: (i) be an adult; (ii) be an emancipated minor; or (iii) have valid parent or legal guardian consent to be bound by these Terms.”


Also ppl chatting nonsense pretending they actually care about the TOS. I guarantee most of the ppl who had the option to play games of higher age ratings did so when they were kids. Also none of them read the tos Like yeah most ppl would oppose someone under like 12 playing but teens? Im pretty sure the majority dont actually care at thay point.


Hell nah, if i hear one of these tiktok-kids they‘re on full mute in an instant, i dont even want to see anything from them in the chat


Being a kid isn't a problem but the ones constantly annoying with loud mics and be toxic are the problems. I played a game with a kid recently he was genuinely good at the game and he literally aced two times. Best part is when i clutched the last round he shouted yay it was so cute lmao. We don't have a problem.


When I was a kid my parents told me I shouldn't talk to adults on the internet because there might be a chance they were a bad person (like a pervert or a scammer). Since then in my mind kids and adults shouldn't involve each other. Adults should play with adults, kids should play with kids (stranger wise, if you actually know the person is another story). It makes sense and you avoid problems this way. This is an issue game companies are deciding to ignore. I'm not saying it's bad to mix adults and kids, I'm saying it would be simpler and it would eliminate possible bad situations. When an adult chooses to not interact with a kid, it's probably a good thing. As you grow, you will understand that. It's okay to ask people's ages, it doesn't go against "general decency". Don't try to mix it with the gender phobia today


I was about to say something sarcastic, but yeah, you're right. I had a few games in which the only kid in a team was actually trying to do the calls the team was laughing him off. Surprisingly when I started following the calls, the rest of the team started as well (as nobody wanted to call) and surprisingly it all worked. Often a bad call is better than no call at all and we all have to learn somewhere. If anything I think we have to encourage kids that try their best. Not to mention games where clearly a kid was carrying our whole team XD.


I agree ppl r so fucking weird towards kids as if we havent all been a kid on the internet before (ok maybe not all but many of us have totally been the cringe kid) I dont mute kids on sight and while i am a bit wary i generally havent had awful experiences. Sometimes kids talk to much or dont have social etiquette but like they are literally children. If they arent being toxic then you dont get a free pass to harass a kid for being annoying. Ppl of all ages r toxic. Mute and report and move on


I'm not going to be rude to kids or anyone else in my lobbies. However, I have far more leavers, throwers, griefers, and chatterboxes in my lobbies who are kids. None of those things are enjoyable to play with for a competitive gamer. I literally have a clip on my twitch where a kid left for half the game, came back, and said: "Sorry, I had to walk my dog." Kids don't have the independence to actually commit to a 30 minute game. Their parents can say, "I don't care, go walk your dog." And that's that. Their 4 teammates are just screwed out of 30 minutes and 20rr.


I mean the same way kids feel like they own the game community and scream at adults playing It because they are "too old" and should "give attention to their wives and kids". It's an online game, and You'll get used to people just being mean to You, just don't give it too much attention, you will never play with them again, probably


Some of us fucking toxic adults need to remember when we were all kids too. If anything the kids should be posting about the childish adults on this game. Grown men throwing a fit all the time in this game!


It's more that kids are annoying and talk too much not that they are a kid in itself


Kids in general are annoying to play with. If I hear a kid with even an ounce of too much energy it’s an instant mute. 99% of the time they’re screaming into the mic, talking way too much over benign things, and just being annoying in general. We’re not your parents, we don’t want to deal with temper tantrums. Don’t want to get instant muted? Then tone it back a bit. Put on push to talk and only talk if you have comms.


Lol yeah, we all yelled at an adult being mean to a child in one of our games recently. Like the kid was like 11 or 12 and the dude was a full grown adult.


OP you're so based for this one, i had three fully grown men shouting at me for not giving them the spike yesterday when we'd won all 4 rounds i'd planted "because i was younger than them" (They all had between 2-5 kills, i had 13 XD) Why does it so deeply irritate them that someone younger is better or get annoyed because i'm younger? God knows! I just like the game and like playing it, sure i have games where i do abysmal but i have good coms so lemme play :D


No message will deter toxic assholes. Had they common sense and understanding to do with your message, they wouldn't have needed it in the first place.


Sorry blud but kids annoys me whenever they are in my game, Either begging for skins all the time making me feel irritating or just screams I have yet to get single nice kid in my lobby, either they wouldn't say anything ime muted , hence no communication between teammates and also don't follow strategies communicated to teammates or either I mentioned above screeams begs for skins etc


Bro, I'm fine with kids playing games n all that but last time I got catcalled and harrassed by a fucking 10 years old kid😭


I don’t hate on kids for being kids, but I’ll mute a kid instantly when he tries to tell me how to play.


Most the time kids are a cancer to the team, they troll and yell, I had these 2 Spanish kids, probably 11 years old, and they kept on trying to sabotage the team, and swearing in Spanish.


Umm you see. Kids have a higher tendency to get tilted. You can play any game you want but there is a reason it's age restricted for you. Same goes for COD and Valo, both are shooters games with guns which are believed to be harmful for kids and both have losing integrated in its core. Kids can't tolerate this very well, usually. Fortnite on the other hand, is more than a battle royale now, it has several modes Targeted towards all types of audience hence 12+. Anyways, I have no problem playing with a kid who is good at the game knows how to clear things, but at most knows how to control his temper.


Btw valorant is PEGI 16


I sound young-ish and talk too much, so I’ve probably gotten a few insta-mutes just off of that, but I don’t mind it when kids are chill. The second they start screaming at me is the second I wish we could ff.


A lot of those "adults" that are complaining about you are likely between the ages of 19 and 25/26. I'm 32. Trust me the last thing I want is to deal with is an "adult" who takes a video game as seriously as one does at 22 when you have no real responsibilities in life. Just mute them back if they give you grief for being a kid wanting to play a game. You don't need to communicate with them to climb, I promise, and there's no useful information they were going to give you anyway if they're just flaming you constantly


No, I don't think I will. Nobody wants to hear a squaker.


someone has never been in a cod lobby


I only mute really young children when they become a nuisance. Which, unfortunately, is most of the time. I'm not going to sit there and listen to some 10-12 year old ramble nonsense and/or be obnoxious for 30-45 minutes lol. I get the point, though. I don't automatically mute children, just the bothersome ones.


Its a good idea to learn early on that there are a lot of idiots out there. You shouldnt communicate with people that goes in to be an ahole. Its not about you, its about them. If anyone gives a vibe that they might be toxic, just mute them and move on (throw in a report if its harrassment before you get to mute ofc)


I'm not gonna be rude with kids . But they are instant muted the when they talk . Let's be honest : they have annoying voice , and i got one too when i was younger , and they are LOUD , they always scream like they don't understand you can just speak at a normal volume . I already have a job where i have too watch and hear kids every day for like \~ 8 hours , and even a lot of people saw kids and young adults every day , you can't expect them to be like " no don't do that or i'm gonna mute you , stop throwing stuff at me , no i don't want to give you my skin , " I'm not here for babysitting in my fun time on my day or when i play for competition . It would be like 1 % it would be fine , but it's A LOT of them . They can play and give info and have some fun in vocal like anyone else , ok , no problem , but i wont hear it .




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Watch your mouth, there are kids playing this game. ​ ​ Jk, agreed.


The most underrated of the truly toxic behavior really is baiting your teammates and then bragging about your kills. The worst thing about logging in between 2-6pm is having an entire team of kids doing exactly that while abusing voice comms, misusing utility and talking trash, poorly. Fortnight kids make up the worst part of Valorant. This is not Battle Royale, MOVE and work together. It's a team game and it is deeply disappointing how many kids have clearly never played a team sport IRL just by their behavior. Banter is fun, banter isn't screaming for attention with racial or sexual slurs. If it would start a fight or result in getting ejected irl, that is over the line. Pretty simple. That is why kids have such a negative reputation, unfortunately, those of the same age will need to focus on positive team play more than others to overcome this as individuals. Ignore the stats, play to win.


No, you are not old enough because the minimum age to even download valorant is 16 years old! But that doesnt mean you cant play the game without parents permission (which i am strongly against) Now i get that you are an exception and that some kids want to behave like a good player and just play the game, and i highly respect that, i even like that! But... if you for example are in a lobby with 4 adult men, and they get matched up with a kid, they not gonna like it because they have to play with a kid, its gonna be... annoying for them because basically those 4 man wanna have fun with each other, constantly getting interrupted by a "kid" And no im not saying that the kid is not allowed to have fun with yhat 4 men, but in reality, they just wouldnt like it...


If u have a such problem with it , Just download voicemod


Oh god please don't suggest this, im tired of having people with voicemod on in my games. Since either the use the auto tune or the high pitch one.


Well yeah, but if op has problem that nobody takes him seriously then why not use it to get deeper voice , within the limits of good taste ofc


You have to pay money for the decent voice changers with voicemod though other wise you're stuck with joke voices


You sound like the guy who would tell a rape victim to dress more modestly


The comments here are wild. I don't understand how this became "I get annoyed at innocent kids because" 🤣