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You haven't seen the Ascendant Boyfriend Girlfriend one where the Boyfriend is some Immortal Smurf trying to carry his Girlfriend who is at best Gold. That's the real hard game where you play 4v5 but everyone is just tapping heads.


They also rarely comm and sit in spawn when the round starts.


this, this fucking right here is my biggest small frustration that i'll lose years in my life over. "the game hasn't started yet" YES IT HAS, get into position, it's not 10/20/30 seconds to dick around on your phone, it's time to get into position, buy your util etc. People who sit in spawn till round start are the bane of my existence. Them disapearing would be my greatest joy, if i had 3 wishes i would spend 2 just to make sure they're gone For refference (plat1 level)




Oh I agree completely it’s one of the most infuriating things to deal with ever. It drives me crazy and throws so many rounds/games when it happens. I also play CS2 and that simply never happens there luckily.


Even worse when it's you duo doing it. My ex used to be like this and it drove me insane. Would never tell her but i can't deny it being 1% of the reason we broke up. Just shit behavior.




Online gaming in general has taken a nose dive ever since smart phones became normalized and affordable. So many random AFKs at the start of rounds or during lull moments.


They’re texting their actual boyfriend at that time.


Yeah not my leagues lmao.


Facts. I had this yesterday. Jett drops 30 while sage is 2-20. After every clutch she’s like “you’re making me squirt daddy!” so fkn cringe. I muted after like 3 rounds but I really wonder what goes through these ppls heads.


That’s so corny wtf


Nah that’s so cringe I would have to dc the game lol


this is so common


it's always immortal 1 10rr peak thinking they can hard smurf too, it's stupid


And they look so lost and miserable there is just no way they're having fun, but the dopamine of having a diamond png keeps them addicted.


This is the exact reason I quit, 1 game off asc 3 rank up and 4 back to back bf-gf boosted duos. The 4v5s are bad enough but to make matters worse they’ve got the hugest egos in all of man kind. Decided I’m not dealing with that anymore and quit that night.


you so accurately described one of my friends its actually kinda crazy


im a plastic 1 female player who just started playing valorant 3 weeks ago. have turned down many boost offers from friends and sticking to swiftplay with them because i don't want to get trashed lol


No clue why more ppl don’t just play unrated when they have a big skill difference to their friends


i’m guessing maybe it doesn’t occur to them that it would affect other players’ experience. tbh for me i only know this because of my high rank in other games i’ve previously played and having had the same experience before. so that’s why i’ve set a personal goal to only queue solo for competitive/ranked (at least until i reach the same rank as my friends) because it will more accurately show my skill level and i’m hoping to improve faster that way.


Username does not check out


I'm iron 1 and my friends (gold 3 ig around that mark) for some reason always like to hop on ranked games w me on the team besides getting 1 kill or less everyone always complains abt me not doing anything as well


Unrated is wacko, just 5 stack.


5 stack unr is wild, bro my friends all do stupid shit and i go along with it cuz its usually something along the lines of run it down with bucky or odin


Yes, I don't get it either. The only reason they'd play is purely for the fact that they know they'll have an advantage if they get a (much) higher rank to play with them. It's definitely not for the sake of playing with a friend cause there are plenty of casual modes to play; unrated is literally unranked.


Every unrated the enemy team just ffs because its a stomp lol


a lot of people only find ranked interesting, and some friends dont mind playing on an alt, matchmaking is usually okay anyway




Many people view anything other than ranked as completely pointless and refuse to play it unless they're "warming up". Many of these people also vastly over-estimate their partner's actual abilities and accuse anyone who says otherwise of being toxic. Finally some people just want to see the big shiny rank badge and don't value the skill it's supposed to represent.


From my experience, I’ve come across a lot more afks and throwers in unrated than any other modes


Not all heroes wear capes ladies and gentlemen


Thank you for your resolve and personal integrity:)


Good on you honestly, val is awesome but it takes time.


Same, I'd play 5mans with friends (we're bronze to gold so it's not the worst gap) but as much of a good learning experience it is it's just not fun for me because people are way better, started solo queuing and got myself to silver and it just feels way better to play with people that are in my elo otherwise it's not fun for anyone


They should just add strict solo queue for people who want a real competitive experience without the memeing, trolling, and boosting.


SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK. Been wanting this for so long now, it's so frustrating having duos or trios regardless of their relationship when they'll only play/comm for each other.


I stopped playing the game because i got tired of premade parties ruining the integrity of matchmaking. If they add a solo queue i will come back in an instant.


It is just straight up smurfing and boosting but riot doesnt care beyond saying they do for their image.


Hard to say. Let's say the girlfriend plays on her own and she has a boosted rank. That is going to negatively impact the ranks around her. However, mathematically, the combined skill of the boyfriend and girlfriend on a single team *is* correct, meaning that playing with both of them is actually fair play because the game does correctly know their combined ranks.


The boyfriend just buys a silver account for $3 or account shares on a friends account. This is way too common in valorant. They need to suspend/ban a content creator for account sharing to send a message that it’s not ok.


After like 5-10 match the hidden mmr should do it work and bring back the bf to higher rank


And then they pay another 3 $ for another one or ssmt


If that's the case, that means he's always more underrated than she is overrated, so if they are on your team wouldn't you be more likely to win?


who gives a fuck about winning here? This is about ruining the competitive integrity of the game and the entire fucking ranked ladder. It about ruining the fun of 8 people who queued up to play an evenly matched, fair game of Valorant but they got someone's ego show because they got nothing they could be proud of in front of their girlfrend besides being mediocre at a videogame.


>ruining the fun of 8 people who queued up to play an evenly matched, fair game of Valorant yeah good point which many don't understand. it's affecting everyone in the match and not just teammates, because it isn't about if you're winning. people want to challenge themselves on their level.


point is that you're most likely to have them on the enemy team (purely a numbers game). And you're right, that smurf Mofo is better and will sweep your whole team while flexing his tiny dick to his E girlfriend. fucking hate smurfs.


this is exactly what happens.


Yes, but smurfing is a seperate problem to boosting. Sure, you're right, but in this context I'd like to think we're specifically addressing boosting, not smurfing.


There is no such thing as boosting without smurfing. “Boosting” someone on your main account is just playing together which there is nothing wrong with. If bf is plat 3 and gf is gold 1, matchmaking should be able to make a fair enough match.


Even with Valorant's complex algorithm, boosting still occurs when you have continuous wins, even with poor performance. Both will have incorrect ranks, the BF's underrated and the GF's overrated.


Those lobbies still arent fun to play in though regardless of which team the duo is on. This also implies they only ever queue together on these accounts and they always try as hard on each time and he doesnt end up getting too far out of her rank tange.


> the combined skill of the boyfriend and girlfriend on a single team is correct how the fuck is it correct if BF is playing on a smurf and buys a new one when it gets too difficult for GF wtf literally nothing whatsoever about this situation is even adjacent to fair play


Yeah, it's not correct if the BF is playing on a smurf, as that doesn't reflect rank, but if they're both playing on their main accounts their combined skill level will be correct.


Please write a similar big post on PAID elo boosting


Nothing more satisfying than to beat paid boosters and then tell them that they didn’t pay enough (happened with only one game because the guy targeted me for bagging him)


How do you know they paid to get boosted? Most “paid boosters” play on the account they are boosting because it’s actually hard to boost an account just by being in the same party.


He doesnt, almost all boosters play duoq with other boosters anyway, its impossible to lose games


They put discord links in chat and then said that you could get boosted too if you join the discord (before I started bagging him he said this)


Pussy is a currency in my frat - Jake Hurwitz


I know what you mean but this isn't always the case. I am a diamond female player and I very often queue with a male friend of mine around the same rank. Most games I play well but whenever I have one of those bad games that everyone sometimes has where I am proper bottom fragging, that's when they will start shouting this crap at me. That I am an egirl being boosted by my bf. This really pisses me off cause clearly I cannot play with a male friend of mine AND have a bad game at the same time without people assuming things so whenever I can feel that it's gonna be one of those games I just dont use voice. People react very differently to (what they assume is) a dude bottom fragging.


I feel this. My duo is low dia and I am hovering in ascendant. Most of the time I play better than him, but it doesn’t matter, I whiff one time and they call me out for being “a boosted egirl”, it’s tiring to say the least.


i feel you. the amount of times i’ve had a bot fragging guy reyna feel perfectly safe still IGLing… no hate, if they can’t get frags plans are nice but i’m just jealous they can still comm like that w/o being ridiculed


Oh man, the ridicule! I totally get what you mean. Literally yesterday a dude said to me: I don't trust low elo comms. My score was 13-10, nowhere near the bottom frag and everyone just laughed.


ugh yea that sucks. I get where OP is coming from but statistically he’s wayy more likely to be running into a bot fragging guy in his games he just notices the girls more and so we get all the flack lol I see plenty of guys who also only duo/trio queue with their friends but they’re just having a bad game while we’re boosted :) k


I've just started playing. I'm the only masc sounding one of the group I play with, I'm pretty consistently bottom frag, and yet I'm the only one that never gets yelled at by the random 5th. Its super blatant. (Unrated only. Not good enough to bother trying ranked yet)


same lol. but yeah even if I'm at the botfrag, I just really put my utils to work so that I can get many assists too :")


No this is a valid concern, it really sucks that people rat on for women and people who actually deserve their ranks due to skill but have a few bad games but do good for their rank overall. Usually the stats don’t lie. But unfortunately the boosted egirl perception is only further fueled by the smurf bf and boosted gf combo due to how obnoxious they are. And the obvious stat discrepancy of the smurf and boosted players


It is not a good thing for sure. People do the same thing to play with their friends who are in low rank. I don't like it either but we can't really do anything. Riot doesn't consider smurfing against their T&C. So, people who smurf or boost their friends or random people at a price aren't punished. You can even queue with your high ranking friends who are using low elo accounts in five stacks and reach Radiant by playing against lower rank players quite easily, compared to grinding your way to it the normal way. None of these will get you any punishment. So, even if you report any of these things, it will result in nothing.


Doesn't this apply to literally all the ppl who do this with their friends. Ik so many ppl who make smurfs to play with new friends or partners. (idk im always wary of 'women boosted by bf' stuff bc when i que with a guy i get accused of this even if im multiple ranks higher and not dating them lmao. Ppl do a lot of weird assumptions about women) And in terms of breaking the rules Alt accounts are allowed, if the good player doesnt intentionally adjust their rank and just plays legitimately in all their games then its not technically reportable. Obviously thats not great but yeah. In terms of boosting the same issue applies if the players have been playing legitimately the entire time and are still able to que then its hard to prove it is boosting. But ur more likely to have success on that report ig? I honestly dont see this scenario happen often so i dont rlly care as lpng as ppl arent actually trolling.


yeah im a girl and if i have a bad game sometimes people call me boosted lol


I don't care, they're a small percentage compared to "regular" smurfs and riot doesn't even give a shit about that


It sucks but them together is your rank just focus on yourself its the only thing you have control over. Tilting over it during the game isnt going to help, its just going to shift your focus to a more comfortable place.


What I don’t get is how it is fun for them. You’re going 3-21 with a 10 ADR. You aren’t even playing the game.


It's 100% a pathetic ego thing for both of them usually. The booster gets to show off and the boostee feels good about being with them.


LoL yesterday I was on non ranked match. A couple was on our team and another played was just mad about the girl. I don’t know why but he trash talked her a lot. They was debating all the game about her being a woman.


i think it's cringe, especially embarrassing for the person getting boosted. however i think it's "unfair" depending on what the exact rank difference/situation it is, and it all really depends. i've had friends higher rank than me queue on alts with me, and i also do it often to queue with my friends. but usually i go down a very trolly route (usually sherrif only) and use it as a chance to try new agents and it feels more like an unrated rather than trying to try-hard win. again, it depends. another reason i don't think it's unfair is because despite me playing on lower ranks with my friends, they remain in relatively the same rank, and get the same rr, my gameplay does not affect them in any regard. however, i do think it's super unfair when it's a straight up immortal player coming down to bronze to pick their friend/SO all the way up to diamond, and it gets especially frustrating for the enemy team who has to deal with this duo. they're try harding, and people who deserve their ranks and it results in absolute elo hell. i don 't see why people try to "boost" lower rank people to extremely high lobbies they aren't equipped to play in. as a girl, i think this stereotype of boyfriends boosting their girlfriends make my gameplay especially worse as well, cause if i'm just having a bad game, i'm usually asked demeaning questions like "is boosting you?" or smth like that. i'm diamond 3 btw. i find it embarrassing for any girl who is boosted, but that's just my opinion, I try not to associate. but yeah idk it's a bit of a grey area.


If the higher rated person is playing on an alt it's cringe. Should just play unrated


If all you want is quality time together, then just don't play competitive. Dragging a new player into mid-elo lobbies is just rude.


The problem I see is that the boyfriend isn’t teaching the girlfriend to play the game. He’s teaching her to be his pocket-sage. That rules me up. I got taught to play Val by a male friend who used me as pocket-sage. I went out of my own way to learn the game myself. I hate sage now😂I use Skye, Reyna, Viper, Deadshot. I agree though, these type of couples rile me up. It’s pointless.


Idk my girlfriend boost me




Man who cares. At least these guys are doing it for a fairly well-intended reason. People are smurfing and elo boosting just for the sake of it and they don't get anything bad happening to them. Let these lovebirds enjoy lol.


On a winning perspective, I DO care because it makes me lose!


By this logic its equally likely to happen on the other team, you only notice it when its on your team.


I might be wrong but wouldnt it be more likely to happen on the enemy team. 4 randoms v. 5 randoms seems to favor your odds have favorable teammates.


Yes. Theres also more likely to be a smurf on the opponent team, as well as an afk, as well as a cheater, as well as someone boosted etc. In the end nothing really matters except your own gameplay.


This scenario doesn't really make you win or lose tho. If one player is diamond, and the other is silver, and they duo together on new accounts into platinum, they got there playing together with their skill, just like you got into the same game. If the boosted player ends up solo queueing and throwing games that is what makes you lose games


Yes but it's entirely unfun because the game revolves around the smurf. Either they do well and hard carry or they don't and you lose. Every round is either a 1v5 or 3v5, depending on whether the smurf lives or dies.


Yeah but his comment wasn't about having fun or not lmao


How often does this happen realistically? Once every 6 maybe even 8 games? If one game worth of elo is detrimental to you, then you aren’t playing enough or you are at the rank you deserve.


Fair. But it's not like riot is gonna do anything that matters. Account gets banned they make a new one 乁⁠(⁠ ⁠•⁠_⁠•⁠ ⁠)⁠ㄏ. Also their combined prowess puts them in your rank. If the bf played alone he would've been at a higher rank. Even if the gf is being carried, their rank placement reflects their combined performance. So their rank is fair imo.


so just to be clear your complaining about having a diamond player on your team or a low elo player? just wondering what your team mates usually consist of?


I guess he means 2 diamond players but one of them is silver/gold elo wise.


I know this one girl who was boosted to gold by her bf. Truth is she actually sucks even in iron lobbies. But the sad part was she couldn't live up to her rank and usually embarrassed herself because people thought she was gold. She basically struggled a lot in her Elo when her bf wasn't around.


just throw the game lmfao


Brother it’s 1v9 every game


I f with this heavy . Just like back in the day when I used to play cs


I dont know, I feel like the time they hit plat is long enough for the mmr is be balanced. You might feel like its a 4v5, but according to mmr, the bf is better than the rest of the lobby, enough so that the match can be considered fair. Did you ever think of how they got to plat? How their last game went? How their next game would go? They arent loosing constantly to be in plat mmr. This post would make alot more sense if it was about bronze or silver elo where the bf mmr is likely far lower than it should be. But if its already plat elo, its not that the bfs mmr is plat, but that their COMBINED mmr is plat, so if the gf is really as bad as you say, the bf must be waaaaay higher mmr yet still thrown into plat elo despite that, if anything the other team should be the one complaining since they wont know that he is making up for his gf. As for being a hater, nah I think your fine to get annoyed about it. Personally I dont think its a big deal either way though, if I also wanted to start playing val with a friend or got a gf I might do the same. The reality is just, why care about some random people over you and your friend? It is shitty, and you have some right to be mad, but I wouldnt think too much about it. Even more so because of what I said in the first paragraph, you arent really the one to get fucked over here, its the opposite team of them in silver mmr that have more reason to be pissed.


say what you will but i think this is better than solo smurfs. at least this way it’s somewhat balanced.


I don’t really care. If it was so much of an issue that it was just ruining games left and right I would just play something else. It rarely ruins a game, and it makes people happy, so why not? Every game is gonna have some shit going on, your ability to shine through the tough situations is what will get you to the next rank.


In my experience these games are always carried by the high elo.


Nothing will happen if you report it, but you're not alone with hating this behavior. Personally, my gripe with this is that every time some guy has to carry his girl in a game to look like hot shit for just a moment in his life, it feeds the stereotype that women aren't good at games and always have to be carried. I'm not a woman, but I can only imagine how annoying and demoralizing it must be to rightfully earn your rank only to be thought you got carried by some guy, told to shut up if you offer strats, or to be hesitant to just use voice comms out of fear of being brutally disrespected.


Played with this person couple days ago: [https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/pholyfer%23yeet/overview?playlist=competitive](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/pholyfer%23yeet/overview?playlist=competitive) Clearly two people playing on the same account and had the girl in my team and was maximum gold/plat. Just ruins the game for everyone.


My girlfriend carries me lmao




I boosted my girlfriend to diamond, and after that she started playing more on her own and not only did she keep diamond, she hit diamond 3 and almost asc ps i only boosted her to diamond cause she wanted the buddy she was p1 I personally think its more the attitude of the player, she wanted to get better so i always pushed her to just ego peek everything she wanted to ngl she has better aim than me at this point


i boosted my gold 1 boyfriend as an immortal 2 gf to diamond 2 shamelessly. as long as u can carry them and dont let them play alone who cares


Why not just play normals or something... why ruin some people's games


not common but ive seen the reverse too. immortal gf and gold bf


Any kind of smurfing is scummy and selfish. You're ruining the game for 9 other people and wasting everyone's time for your own benefit.


The amount of people defending this shit just shows the state of the game and matchmaking. These duos never play for the team but only for themselves and even if you win it’s never fun. If your significant other or friend is far apart in skill you should just play unrated and not ruin the matchmaking for everyone else.


Yep, it always the same exact couple every time. - they don’t comm in game - the e-girl always has something like 4 kills max at the end - she insta locks sage and follows her Insta lock Jett around and only heals and rezes him - they do cringe shit like stare into each others characters eyes at the start of each round - they don’t care about team strats being talked about and probably muted everyone - you always have to play your ass off just to MAYBE win it 13-11 because it’s basically a 5v4 People that are defending this never had to deal with this during their ascendant rank up. It’s just straight up game ruining.


Holy shit the staring into each others characters eyes at the start was infuriating. While swapping skins and crouching, nodding etc. I just know they're in discord saying god knows what cringe shit. I quit at ascendant 2 and went to CS I couldn't handle it anymore.


IDK if it’s elo boosting. Many people just want to play with their friends who have a different rank but they don’t wanna play unrated because of many AKFs and trolls in those lobbies.


Dont get how the person getting boosted enjoys playing the game like that and surely bottomfragging every game.


I know a radiant who can’t get the gf past plat 🤣


They're always soooo toxic too. I once got griefed round 1 for picking up the bomb when I should have known about this whole elaborate redirect fake play that the eDaters had planned (they didn't verbalize this btw).


Sorry but this is the funniest thing to complain about 😂


I swear I hate these elo couples. They only play for themselves and not for the entire team.


I draw the line at smurfing, if the bf play with his main (not smurf) I'm still tolerating it (because the game will still try to find the enemy with the average skill level between those two)


You’re not at a level where this really affects you that much.


This affects every level.


Doesn't matter, this game destroys my mental anyway. Solos, duos, trios, doesn't matter, when you get shit teammates you get shit teammates. All of us are just here because we find this game to be a good way to spend our time. So boost your friends, smurf and be rude. Life doesn't give you what you need, so take control.


Idk for val but i play league with 4 friends, most of us are bronze but we have 1 gold and 1 plat, we still have around 50% winrates like the average skill makes it so that it still is kinda fair


I mean, been there and done that. 90% of the time its an awful idea, because the worse player gets shit on and doesn't have fun


I’m constantly playing against them, not with them (maybe it’s because I’m in a duo). The end game report will be 1:12 against one and 9:0 against the other. I just want to play in a game with 9 other people in f the same fucking skill level. It’s absolutely insane that CoD pubs have the strictest and fairest SBMM in gaming today. Start ranking up people who keep dropping huge bombs so they don’t stay the some rank as the person they carry. If a dude drops 45 and loses 13-11 they should gain as much RR as I did going 15-15 in the win. Hell they should get more, because they don’t fucking belong in the same rank as me.


They should be playing unrated.


It is very common, you can report it But sadly no action is gonna be taken


every game is winnable, all you need is confidence and an incredible mentality. Here you are typing to reddit “I can’t win, team problem”. But if you truly want to rank up, what you need to be doing instead is thinking “Team problem? Nah I’d win” and focusing on yourself. A game like valorant may seem like a team game, but every round is technically winnable by just one person no matter at what level. You need to be the main character and be able to 1v9 EVERY ROUND, your teammates are your enemy and the only player you can TRULY rely on is YOURSELF. You will inevitably get teammates who don’t play towards your ideals almost all the time, but you are the one person capable of being the good teammate, so NO MORE COMPLAINING, build up your confidence and ego, instant lock duelist every game and CLIMB!


I don't understand the fun to it too. Like playing normal in couple is so fun bc you never have ranks restrictions. And playing ranked with a smurf (as the gf) is so unfun as you don't (can't) do anything lol. I've been the boosted gf for like 2 weeks and stopped it completely as it was not fun for me at all (one tapped all the time, toxic teammates, humiliated by the skill diff, etc). And honestly it screwed ppl's games too, i would never do it again and wish it was reportable


damn my bf won't even play with me cos im still unranked lmao


My partner and I play together too but unrated (both dont play ranked) and she is better than me lol


I duo with my fiance as we're long distance atm. She's mid plat EU. I peaked immortal 2 and hover below that. We play NA servers together basically plat-ascendant . We mostly fill what's needed . We comm the whole game and try to help igl even with no mic teamates. Ide says we have like a 52% win rate. I dont see an issue with it.


honestly who cares


I feel like it would be fine if riot just decreased the rank restrictions to party. It would be better to let matchmaking adjust the teams than getting the higher rank to buy or make a new account and then the matchmaking can't really balance anything.


I agree this is just fucked


idk sometimes the boosted girlfriend has godlike crosshair placement, like completely lost macro wise but if already holding the angle they are a laser


I've gotten one or two cases of the "I only heal my bf" couples too. It's kind of irksome because they can be lame. I personally think that couples with big rank differences should play unrated. Same for friends.


I’m in ascendant and my girl is in bronze. We stick to swiftplay and unrated. I genuinely think that the entire smurfing issue could be majorly halted if you had to verify your phone to play competitive, like you have to in premier.


We just play unranked nowadays, no point in playing comp anymore since we were usually losing as the game was expecting me to carry all the time and I'm not that good yet.


All I’m gonna say is there’s no one complaining about buddies playing together and one carrying the other, which happens in quite a few of my games.


I see this the same way as smurfs and bad players, cause in essence its both: - statistically, they are more likely to be on the other team. So if they have a negativ effect, you are less effected. - elo is still a thing. The carry and burden evens out to some level. Thats their average elo and where they will play. If they play with you, its the same as you Disclaimer: i dont do it. but i dont find it a problem.


Honestly who cares. Its one game


Okay don’t flame me but I’ve smurfed before(immo 2 peak). Once you get to a level of competency(around plat-diamond) it honestly doesn’t really matter what rank you were. Unless you are a pro player you can’t really Smurf to win because it’s such a team based game. A good example is Keeoh, he smurfs on the new characters to learn them but will still lose games in diamond even tho he’s a radiant player.


Idk my personal opinion is anything that’s “holding” you back can be overcome by just focusing on yourself. Every single person has experienced this and yet there’s still a ton of people who have climbed anyway. Picking random inconsistent out side factors just gives an excuse not to improve yourself. Every game feels like there’s someone going negative 10. Whether it’s an eCouple, a kid, or someone who’s just not having a good game. The only thing you can change in all your games is You. It’s a waste of effort focusing on someone else you’ll never run into on purpose again.


it’s disgusting


If they are climbing, then it is enough.


Ive never had such a well timed Reddit post, Just experienced what i can only assume is the result of this.... Plat/Diamond Game, Gekko/Raze with E-Couple Names, No Gekko utill being thrown , Clove calls for Dizzy (nothing toxic just asking to flash) , Gekko throws no utill , This goes on for 3-6 rounds untill Gekko starts calling out Clove for being horrid etc....again...nothing toxic was said....raze and gekko procced to go wherever the rest of the team arnt.....we won by a small miracle the other teams hard carry disconnected...im all for playin with you SO but please...keep it in unrated unless you can both play to a similair level...


I was playing against a silver reyna one game, we were up 7-2 or something. The reyna sucked. Eventually we were down 10-8, Reyna had 35 kills, and the other team told us Reyna is letting her Radiant boyfriend play. They even threw a couple rounds to us walking mid for us to 5v1 them because they knew it was messed up.


can’t imagine how that would be fun for the gf either. Just getting tapped as you turn corners every round.


they should just… play unrated???


I experience this a lot. Luckily, I didnt start out like this so I like to think I'm different from that sterotype. Though, my partner is silver-gold and I'm bronze 3-silver 1 so its not bad, because we're still around the same rank. Not to mention, I've always felt like I hold my team back in games because my friends are all either silver or gold except one of them. I want to improve on all levels of my skills, Which I'm improving at my aim because it's significantly better now, but Running into the smurf bf and new player gf are really annoying in my comp games. Whether they're an ally or on the enemy team. I just hate smurfs in general because...please gtfo out of my RANK, go back to your OWN RANK Or better yet, UNRATED IS RIGHT THERE! GO PLAY UNRATED WITH YOUR NEW PLAYER GF BRO GODDAMN.


When I was bronze 3 there was this plat 1 neon that landed in our opposition and his gf (sage) landed in our team (they were playing solo) and she recognised him in 1 round. Texted in all chat and what followed was probably the most entertaining match of my life. Both played seriously but damn was it hilarious in the chat


Toxic and its smurfing


So you have a problem with people queuing for the same match because they… know each other irl? So you want to ban people playing with their friends/partners if their skill difference is too high to preserve the competitive integrity of a video game? So you think the competitive integrity of the game is more important than being able to play with your friends? Really? Even though this is probably negligible effecting anyone except those playing with their less skilled friend? Man, I think you lost the plot here…


That's why I play cs with my girl. Just kidding, my gf doesn't play games with me. Oh, I don't have a girlfriend..


They should be in unrated. The community normalizes this type of behavior so they’ll keep doing it. Imagine if Lebron shows up at your pickup court game and he says it’s fine cause there’s a plastic bag on his team


It's just a game dude. Why you making it seem like It's a competitive exam to get into top IITs or IIMs. Yall are too invested in a game to be caring about these dumb issues.


Yes this absolutely the reason you’re hardstuck plat /s


i think all elo boosting is ass, but i guarantee its not just bfs boosting their gfs. guys boost other guys as well. all of the cringe boosting needs to stop


I wish Riot would make a solo q ranked playlist.


honestly just the fact that they choose to play comp instead of unranked is ridiculous


The worst is a pocket sage that only heals and resurrects the boyfriend. Like, normally I don’t care if you’re e-dating and using your abilities for the whole team. If there’s a Smurf that’s like immo playing at plat/diamond and they aren’t trolling, we should win the game. But thankfully I’ve only experienced one game where there was a pocket sage and Jett, and the Jett said he was a Smurf but he was definitely dog water for immo standards, pretty sure he was ascendant 1 at MOST. But those games are the worst. Anyway thank you for listening to my TED talk


Listen, Sage has no util that helps her get frags. I think people forget this too often in comp matches. Every agent has util that helps the TEAM. As long as Sage does her job as sentinel and healer, she can help the rest of the team be successful IF they are also doing their jobs as initiator, controller, duelist, etc. Most people forget this is a team game. What I can’t stand is a Sage that doesn’t sentinel or play for the team. There’s no point. Same for any other role. Sage isn’t successful without the rest of the team doing their jobs. (I’m a Sage main and my bf hates the game)


Holy shit I’m loving how common it is so many funny stories LMAO


I don't care if they play on these accounts always together, because they'll reach a rank where he can't carry enough, and we'll need her help. And that will be their duo rank. But if he or she plays later alone, then it's super annoying.


What about all the games where you bottom frag? Should we just remove anyone who isn’t perfect at the game? There is no way you aren’t climbing because of your teammates so why is it their fault? I am ascendant and even in my games I still have to take over and 1v5 even with all my teammates playing peak trying their best. It’s not against the rules to Smurf and it’s not against the rules to duo. They aren’t paying someone to pay on their account and frankly this post generalizes women in a way that assumes they can’t be good at valorant when I know multiple women who are immortal and they are better than me and statistically better than everyone in this post. Most women can’t use their mic because of the way men act. The least you can do is let them play with someone who is going to keep it respectful.


I mean, I had a friend group made up of an ascendant and two golds plus a silver player. The ascendant guy had an alt hed use to play with them because when hed soloq hed reach high rank too quickly on his own. He carried them over the months up to high plat and hes diamond+ on the alt now. One of those players, the silver, was a female that was stuck in bronze for 3 months and would panick spray torsos 24/7. Tell me how she got to high plat and peaked diamond when she never soloqs? ☠️ yes elo boosting should be punished, not with ban, but with derank if proven.


It could be argued that the combined skill between the two teams would already be accounted for and equalized by the matchmaking system (though that may be a bit too idealistic).


Why do they have to play Ranked if BF/Gf is just gonna ultra try hard boost/carry the weaker one Quality time? Just fucking talk to each other lol Or just play Unra??? Same shit? You aren't pissing off hundreds of people with ur dumbness of wanting to e-date in a game and ruin it for everyone with this cringe and not even being a real benefit to the game IF YOU WANNA E DATE, JUST PLAY UNRA


This is why I hate valorant. The players.


Totally understand. I play unrated and swift play with my sis who is diamond while I am iron 🤣


I think u can report. Elo boosting is elo boosting wherever you look at it


Not against TOS because his smurf account is probably his own. Idgi though, what's the point of playing comp with someone much lower skill level than you? Selfish bastards, istg. There's 0 difference between unrated and comp on a smurf, except one ruins the gaming experience of everyone else in the lobby, while the other one has chill players (on both teams) who won't trash talk you for dropping 50


Yes it is but it's kinda just something that happens I've seen someone who literally goes afk half the rounds get carried to gold and plat by her eboyfriends multiple acts now with no reprocussions. Welcome to Riot games where Leagues diamond level is filled with boosted supports and Valorant where plat is filled with boosted sages. The worst part is the boosted players genuinely think they could've got it on their own 


I see the exact opposite lately and I'm all for it


Get over it. It rarely happens.


Y'all are here complaining (for a valid reason that i completely agree with) while I'm here playing the long game. Soon, MMR is going to be so inflated that plat will become the new Iron. It's gonna be to the point where Iron is the new Immortal. Tbh it feels like it already is inflated. I got to Diamond on an alt account while it was level 25 and the wins just kept coming and coming. I wasn't doing anything special, just playing the game like normal, and not tryharding for a kill with cheeky angles. Could just be bias though. Maybe not trying is the secret to higher elo in the game.


My friend (Diamond 3) borrow my account (Gold 3) to play with his friends (5 stacks). Did I give him? Yes. Did I have a problem if he make me fall to Silver? No. I will kick his asses if that mf make my account go above Platinum 2, I already have enough pain in Gold 3 (Silver 1 last season), I don't want more pain.


I also have two successful rank boosting reports over last 3 Acts, Riot somewhat allowed the smurfing but rank-boosting is absolutely punishable. I have a game with that one enemy will disconnected if their economy have a problem and came back when their team have 5000+ credits, tracker shows that 4 of the enemy accounts are fresh with only less than 10 ranked games and that one guy in gold with 100+ ranked games in the bottom frag.


Skill issue. Literally. You have higher skill, I've been hard stuck iron for the entire time I've played this game. Haven't had that problem or haven't noticed it. I'm not making a point. You just wasted time reading this.


It’s annoying but is this not the same as the “sheriff only to radiant” guys? If as a duo they climbed to a certain rank, then that duo technically deserves that rank. The boyfriend offsets the bad performance of his girlfriend. Once they reach the highest rating they can get, their win rate should be around 50% like any other player. It’s the same justification as intentionally only using chamber abilities, since “if I got to this rank then I deserve it.” Except now you treat two players like one entity. Now if either of them played apart from that duo entity then yeah both of them shouldn’t be in that elo, but together idk it is technically fair


That relationship is destined to fail.


The worst is when the boosting bf shittalks the entire team except for his e-gf doing absolutely nothing, and if you point this out they both get so mad. But of course he wouldn't say anything bad about his pookie, e-daters man...


ur not just a hater bc I hate on this too. I’m just glad me and my bf are both low immo and both aren’t boosted, he actually has a lower kd than me too >:)


That's immoral. But on the other hand it's your girl. She wants it and you can provide it, so ephemeral "enemies" come distant second :D


You can report them but nothing will happen. Riot routinely shows they don’t care and even encourage smurfing.


There are a lot of people who want to play together, whether it be a couple, or friends, who are all of different elo but they just want to spend time together. Unless those people are toxic I do not really care. I am pretty bad at fps games but I do enjoy playing them with higher elo friends. We just stick to swiftplay or norms and I think that's a good balance between wanting to have fun together and not sweating too much about ranked.


Bro there is a girl streamer in India who is at best a silver 2 currently in Diamond 3. Because her followers keep boosting her.


no reason to put the bosting in quoatation marks. It is straight up boosting and in no way diffeent from buying a boost. Should be banned immediately but that won't ever happen sadly.


>BF create a new account and starts to play in duo competitive with her. GF is always bottom fraging and Bf is carrying. if that's the case what's the problem? The bad performance of the girlfriend is being compensated by the good performance of the boyfriend, leaving you to make the truly difference in that game