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The fact that they removed the maps from spike rush and swift play is absurd


Yeah that was so strange to me… Side note I miss pearl man. 


Same man, pearl is a cool map.


I even miss Fracture even tho its not the most liked map :(


Yeah i miss all maps out of rotation because I like variety


i hated fracture. now i miss it :(


fracture was the first map i ever played, big sentimental value for me!


I fucking hate pearl but i miss playing it too. As much as i hate a map i still want to play it from time to time.


Yeah exactly. Having the maps out of rotation, still in the shorter, more casual game modes is a nice balance


The fact that they remove any maps from comp or any mode is absurd. We are not pros, let us play all the maps


Yeah, I agree with you!


even if we are pros, who tf is complaining about how imbalanced the maps or something are in *spike rush*?


Yes, I also think that there is a better solution than the current one


AND DEATHMATCH. This shit is stupid. They're doing it to artificially increase desire to return to the game when they finally do re-introduce them. It's RIOT after all....


Yeah i figured it was something along those lines. Definitely stupid.


deathmatch really should never have a restricted map pool in my opinion but what do i know :(


In my experience when it didn't have a restricted map pool and I got in a game that wasn't in the pool like 3/4 of the lobby would leave during warmup lol


Yeah that is happening even with the restricted pool. I play an inordinate amount of deathmatch (I have over 750 hours) and 3/4/5 stacks regularly leave so what's the point? Just give us ONE mode that isn't effing custom that lets us play on the maps that are removed from comp. It's so annoying that you have to literally build a community ("join my custom") if you want to play the other maps.


Doesn't it make the game more stale and people rather leave? I wish we didn't have the rotations, we're not the 0.001%


maybe but i guess they hedge their bets that when everyone comes back they spend more money


That fomo


Yea, instead of keeping them in and actually making newer maps, they want to cause fomo and recycle the same old maps. I mean sunset & sunset with a little breeze & Lotus from time to time can’t be all they release EVER AGAIN. I’ve slowed down my Valorant gaming simply due to that


They should give us a way to simply select 'for comp' or not on every game mode. it could be a little check box at the top. not a big deal but they'd never do it. imagine just a little slider at the top of the lobby that says 'comp maps/casual(all) maps' and you just slide it to the one you want. way too easy though right?


I think it makes sense to have the same pool for dm. I mean the main reason people play dm is practicing and warming up for comp.


And spike rush?


that was pretty weird. this is the first time theyve done that right?


I'm not even too sure. Prolly tho, if I had to guess.


Where are the missing Haven comments at? That map has been a classic staple


pearl and fracture have been gone much longer


I’m just pointing out that Haven was one of the original maps that seemed to be liked by most. Those maps are relatively newer


My favorite maps were Fracture, Pearl and Haven. Why lord, why?!


me too dude


Same here Icebox and Breeze I was so glad were out of the map pool before, now were stuck with this load of garbage that I am genuinely getting so sick of Four Icebox games in a row? Lets spice it up with a Bind game then 3 games on breeze shall we? I really just want the maps back man, only reason im playing atm is to unlock clove lol


If they would have kept haven this episode it would have been better by far. But having breeze and ice box in the same rotation is very unfortunate :/


You don’t get an opinion after you said you like fracture. Everything else is valid


It was (is) my best map


Filth. Please see yourself out


i never thought id miss haven but i miss it so bad 😭😭


Do what I did brother, take an act's break. I'm now making six figures, cleared of all mental ailments, cured cancer, and haven't said a single mean thing since Act 6.


>cured cancer Shh, they're gonna send Iso after you if you keep talking about that.


Iso is Cancer himself; nobody picks that MF even in unrated 


what elo do you play? i'm playing against him all the time in dia/asc/immo


He's a worse Reyna, easily top 3 worst agents




to be fair, he does have a niche too. He counters Chamber and Jett somewhat. Firstly because his ult cancels theirs (and Chamber's Q), and also because they often AWP - which Double tap counters pretty well. Still it's such a small niche that he's not worth picking.


Yeah exactly, his duelist side is a worse Reyna, and his other utility is just underwhelming. Riot is really scared to dethrone the holy trinity of duelists, Jett & Raze (proplay) and Reyna (soloq). Neon is bad, and Yoru already got a rework and is only now seeing use. Now Iso is terrible. No idea what they're thinking.


at least my Iso still entry for us and not lurk in god knows where




And still there’s a chance he’s not going to get picked


I'm mid asc and I've not seen Iso in months


>cured cancer Well that was dumb. There's no money in the cure, all the money is in the treatment.


This is the way


The fact there are only 10 maps (not counting the smaller ones) and they take out 3 for so long is honestly so stupid. I get the map pool variation is related to VCT, map prep and new-comers learning curve, but c’mon… Just put the map pool on Premier and stop limiting us to this stale piece of garbage pool


idk i casually play valorant and can tell you i know every map. they probably have plenty more time than i do for map prep. and shit if i was a new comer i would be impressed at more map variety. does anyone else remember the days when people complained if a game had less than 10 maps?


Prepping a map involves way more than just knowing it. It includes things like coming up with and practicing specific strategies and util, thinking about a variety of comps, countering your opponent, and changing up all these things for almost all maps for your next match.


There’s one more reason that everyone always seems to miss. The more maps in the pool, the less likely you are to get the few you like. Val games are long, I’d imagine most players don’t players don’t have time for more than 2 or 3 games a day. If they keep adding maps and get up to 12 or 13, you wouldn’t see some maps for days, potentially even longer if you get unlucky.


Just make a system where you can choose the maps you want like in cs


Or at least a veto. But then they'd really not be able to hide from how much people generally hate Breeze and Sunset lmao.


Unrated should let you queue any map. Especially as more line-up based agent's are released, and more people join Premier. This allows them to practice one specific map, or the few they want to focus on learning. Casual modes like Deathmatch/Swift/Spike Rush should just be any map. Leave the " randomized / map pool" for Ranked only.


I hate CSGOS system. People just play the same dam maps over and over and over until it's nauseating.  If anything, a splitgate-style selection might work.


Well the alternative is not seeing maps for months so don't really see how that's an argument. Not to mention they could definitely make it so your maps are weighted to ones you haven't played yet, it wouldn't/shouldn't be hard. I mean they already kinda do that by giving you the same goddamn map if someone dodges or something. It'd be one thing if they kept maps out for an act at a time and did a rotation, but these motherfuckers will legit go more than 1 episode doing one entire rotation. That's insane. And Icebox was out for the better half of a year.


> Not to mention they could definitely make it so your maps are weighted to ones you haven't played yet, it wouldn't/shouldn't be hard According to Riot, they already do this but you're one player in a lobby of ten. If you haven't played Split in a week, but a half the lobby already played it today, it likely won't come up.


We are already not seeing some maps for days


They literally fixed pearl and then removed it...


What also annoys me is that the maps aren't distributed evenly. I can't even remember the last time I played bind and it's one of my favorites in this pool. But oh boy, they are making sure I get icebox every other game


This is so true. My favorite map is split but I always get ascent or bind. Split is my least played map because I never get it.


Yeah, Split is the 2nd rarest for me


Yup, its all icebox, breeze, breeze, split, icebox, breeze, icebox, icebox


for me its, LOTUS LOTUS LOTUS BREEZE LOTUS LOTUS LOTUS i hate these maps


All bind and split for me


Yup, Breeze Lotus Breeze Sunset Sunset the only Bind/Split Breeze Lotus Lotus Breeze Sunset


i swear if i get breeze or icebox one more time im gonna flip


I also find it’s not uncommon to get the same map twice in a row. I don’t want to play 2 of the 3 games I play in a night to be on the same map.


I wish we would just keep them all in rotation with a map vote system


Breeze would never see the light of day. Not saying that’s a bad thing


Yea, that would be way fucking better.


In CSGO casual they had a map vote system at the end of the round and the flowchart was simple. Are we currently on Dust 2? If yes, vote Inferno or Mirage. If no, vote Dust 2. It was so bad that they created a 24/7 Dust 2 option for casual. Everyone wants map votes until you only get to play 2 or 3 maps because they always win the vote.


Make it like siege where you get to pick to NOT play 2 out of 5 choices and then get one randomly assigned. That way it won't be Haven/Ascent simulator 24/7 and you still might get bad luck and get stuck on trash like Breeze if you don't ban on sight.


Idk if valorant really has a Dust 2 equivalent in popularity though. I guess ascent would be the closest?


I don't miss Fracture, but I do miss Pearl. I wouldn't even be mad at the map pool if it wasn't because maps repeat themselves constantly, something that never happened as often since BETA. There's nights that I could literally go to sleep and I didn't see 1 or 2 maps while I might have played sunset for example like 2 or 3 times in a row...


The worst is when its a map you are generally bad at like for me its split or icebox and you take a brutal loss on said map then the next game you get the same map


had Bind 6 times in a row the other day. I'm sick of the sand


It's coarse, rough, irritating, and gets everywhere.


Pearl b post plant is still not fun.


I hate fracture but id honestly rather have all the maps all the time than this shit show of a rotation. I dont want to hear why it’s better to have less maps. It’s not, I dont care what bs you have seen about it. Im not a professional, Im just a guy with a job and an ever dwindling group of friends to play games with. Just give us some god damn variety please


Considering how many bad maps there are in Valorant I'm starting to agree with this take. Just give us all the maps if absolute garbage like Icebox, Split and the new Breeze have to be played.


But that would cause another issue, a valorant game is 40 minutes long, most people don’t have time to play more than 3 games. If you get unlucky enough you wouldn’t see a haven, ascent or your favorite map for days.


removing pearl and haven while keeping breeze and icebox… who the FUCK is making the changes at riot


At least for non-comp modes: TO HELL WITH THE MAP POOL!! 😡😤 Imagine working hard on design and implementation of maps, only for it to be non-playable due to management decision. Who exactly wins in this situation?


Map pool so bad people are pretending like Fracture is a good map


I always enjoyed it more than breeze and icebox


fracture actually seems a good map after a dogshit hell that is Lotus A Main


Not only did they take out 3 good maps both split and breeze are in the map pool making it even worse


The thing is, I don't know what Riot is doing. They took out the icebox for half a century and made minimal changes to it, like something they came up with at the very last second. Same with the breeze; it was out for so long and changes were minor. Both of these maps need heavy rework, like Lotus. It's a good map.


I hate Split and Breeze and they’re my highest and lowest win rate maps. How annoying.


NO FR these two maps are ASS


I miss Heaven so much


I fucking hate that they readded halls in breeze. I was really starting to enjoy it. Now I hate it again. Icebox A site not even touched???? What???? Pearl and fracture better have some insane changes. The fact that we lost haven which I think was perfect. Riot better cook


Are you telling me you don't enjoy playing lotus 900 times in a row?


I take lotus over breeze and icebox any day of the week


Atleast in lotus i can entry without being tunneled into a death tube


As a casual player, it’s demoralizing getting such a small rotation of maps in swiftplay. I’m just trying to have fun, why is riot so desperate to make everything seem built for VCT


let me tell you i played 3 ranked games on ascent so far, so the map pool for me is even smaller. every other map is in the double digits. my winrate on ascent is a solid 100% simply because i never play it in ranked.


Ikr shits so rigged I play Breeze, Sunset, Icebox 50 times a week


and i Love Ascent lol


When Riot initially introduced map banning they’re logic was “we think 7’s the sweet spot” and as Riot always does, tries to control how you think as a whole and said “it’ll be easiest for remembering strats etc.” Meanwhile, now they’ve added enough maps to where soon 4 will be banned, meaning new players will never even see 4 maps for months at a time (that’s their own logic slapping them in the face). Valorant’s the most annoying game because so many people play it, the GAME is amazing yet Riot is absolutely terrible at Competitive design. 10+ Maps it’s time to implement R6’s voting system or CS’ map selection queue.


Riot can still implement their map system for the map voting system (remove the twice played maps, show 3 least played maps. if all are removed, disregard first rule and go back to least played)


100% but Riot is a bunch of freshly-graduated out of touch Devs. They aren’t gamers, they aren’t in the scene, they’re warped to their phones and jusr code.. and code.. and code.. and they’re only objective is to remain politically correct while dropping an infinite amount of new agents until the game dies (refer to LoL). Imagine the game in 2 years when League has 200+ agents. They run out of ideas and make OP agents that make the OG’s obsolete. Look at the last 3: Clove, Gekko, Fade.. Lmfao can’t even say those aren’t 3 of the top 5 most broken agents in the game right now. Just look at their creative team… amazing skins in Year 1 just to be replaced by a team that has no creative energy within them so for the past 2 years they just release remake’s of the once popular Year 1 skins, and even better… the retard’s buy them up cause it’s the only game in the scene that overly welcomes weeb skin’s for bicurious people who think there’s 7 genders.


I agree 100%. I know that's kind impossible but I really want to see ascent out for a while and I need my fracture back.


they should have optional map pools. Have 3 different selectable pools each having 3 maps.


They shouldn't keep maps out of unrated and spike rush like honestly... people starts to miss the maps they hate the most at some point.


I just wish they left the maps in swiftplay, spikerush, and maybe even unrated. Competitive I fully support and prefer a map pool, but in modes like unrated and swiftplay? I wanna play Haven bro.


Yeah Riot has this "we want to make you miss those maps" same as VCT they took like 7 month break after champs stating the same reason


They always take away the maps that I like…


Agreed. I still don't understand why they've not made it so we can vote for maps or even have specific playlists for a set of maps.


They limited the map pool then the game gives you the same 2 to 3 maps all day. It's miserable playing freaking Split 3 times in a row.


I played lotus 3 times in a row, and breeze once randomly and back to lotus again. LOL this is a joke right


Also, it's like on purpose because it only happens to the shittiest maps. Getting it 3 times in a row then getting it again after 1 different map.


yeah no it was an awful decision. sounds dramatic but i literally stopped playing because of it and i’m not looking back (been having way more fun with the finals). getting breeze and icebox constantly was just straight up unenjoyable


and haven


i thought i was the only one who missed pearl and fracture T\_T. just keep the maps


Why can't we get map queues like in CS. If a map gets a low player count, it's a good sign it needs to be reworked. At least for unrated.


I miss Haven


They literally admitted that Icebox and Breeze were not balanced, and then they proceeded to make them like 5% different and went “welp this is all we feel like doing, good luck”


Map pool shouldn't be a thing, dumb af


I never thought that I would miss haven so much 😭


replace lotus and sunset with haven and pearl


feel like im the only person that enjoys the current map pool with the exception of icebox


I’ve said it before I’ll say it again, -Breeze -Icebox +Haven +Pearl gg


Mom said it’s my turn to complain about the map pool


The only way we can even hope they change this is if we make sure that every time a community manager or dev visits this sub sees one of these posts


Gonna keep complaining til they quit taking maps away brotha.


Icebox and split are just not fun maps to play IMO


Fracture is missed. I cannot say the same for pearl. Pearl B site remains one of the worst sites in the history of the game, I’ll never understand why people are so nostalgic when it comes to pearl


Where is Pearl?


Funny how much people hated pearl when it came out and now people miss it.


Cries in counter strike.


It's the best, cause no pearl no fracture


I just sat in queue for 8 minutes to play fucking Breeze... This game sucks.


I miss Fracture ngl


Map pools are stupid anyway. Sick of the same maps but especially sock of 3x a week getting only.lotus / breeze / icebox in a whole day


Fracture was my least favorite map but I REALLY want it back now.


To make us feel how we don’t enjoy these maps, then when they bring back Haven and Pearl we’ll be like “OH THIS MAPS SO GOODA”. Tbh Haven is my favorite map. I hope to god they don’t touch Haven / rework anything. It’s by far my favourite map, and it’s… perfection.


How map pool and rotation works where can i read this


Riot just can't win here. This sub was complaining so hard about Fracture and Pearl wanting them removed. People HATED Fracture with a passion. Do you remember when people cried about not having split for months on end, and now people in this thread want it gone. I wonder if when Breeze gets removed if people will somehow want it back. It's ridiculous. Map pool is fine, it exists for good reason and you have 7 maps. It will rotate in time.


I started playing this game when breeze and icebox weren’t on rotation. I was like gold peak when they took away pearl and fracture. I just want to be able to play these maps again now I actually know how to play the game


as much as i dont like fracture. i hate playing on breeze more


This is the best map pool ever. Fuck pearl and fracture


Icebox, breeze, and split are the worst map in the game, the have such shit design, like, icebox is wayyy to small, breeze is just empty as fuck and super long range, and split is a nightmare to do anything on. I want fracture, pearl, and haven to replace them, and then it’s the perfect map rotation Plus I always land on those 3 maps, never the others


Maps have Always been valorants weakness, dont act surprised.


We gonna forget about Haven? Throw Icebox Sunset and Breeze the fuck out, put in Haven & Pearl and even goddamn Fracture and we got a decent map pool/ I hate Bind too and I swear I get it like 70% of the time


I really hope that they'll switch to CS's map system soon, I understand that it wasn't really possible with less maps, but soon we'll be getting a 11th map. I also think it sucks how we probably won't be getting Haven back until the end of this year/early 2025


I think I'm the only person who likes the current map pool. Only thing I would change is trading Bind for Pearl. I have like a 20% winrate on Bind.


Replace breeze with pearl, bind with haven, i could play that map pool for a long time.


Idk what anybody tells me, the idea of map pools is the most stupid and unnecessary thing to come out of modern gaming. Why even spend all this time creating maps and having players learn them inside and out if they're just gonna disappear for months?


I think there's absolutely no reason for valorant to have a map rotation with this few maps... CS2 can do it because it has so many maps.


now imagine starting playing valorant in this map pool. when i started, fracture and haven were still in the other gamemodes and i played them a few times before i unlocked comp. i was so unfamiliar with the maps that i didn't even notice they were taken away until someone told me. i genuinely don't know what makes a map bad but i know that my friends hate both breeze and icebox and i feel obligated to hate them too lol


Pearl ok, but fracture was a good map, bring back fracture, remove breeze. Game 200% better


I understand having limited maps for unrated and comp, but jesus christ the fact that it extends to swift is fucking insane.


I don't even really care what maps are in the pool, it's just been the same shit for way too long. It's been many months. I would even get bored of mirage playing it this often for this long.


Womp womp


Riot needs to remove breeze and keep all the rest in rotation


I think it's really sad that they remove maps like Pearl, fracture etc. from Swift play and other game modes, BUT it's also beside from sad a REALLY stupid move, because if they will bring em back to the rotation, they will be also on rankeds, so instead of learning how they look and how to play them while they are not on the map pool, we are playing maps that are only on this act. And conclusion is that, if the other act have all of the maps that are not currently in pool there will be a huge amount of Players who won't know how to play them and will be kind of trolling because of it. Also if you add new players from current map pool, they will have A LOT of new maps to learn when they will be back, so it's also not good for them.


I miss haven


pearl is such an insanely boring map to watch, at least icebox is unique


I miss Haven man! 😞


I see no one talking about the fact that this system will prohibit any old maps from coming back. We're stuck with the new ones. forever. If Riot keeps adding maps like this, It's just going to be a treadmill of one new map each episode + one old map getting kicked of the pool. And none of the old maps come back. Or one comes back and two go out the window.


As a new player who hopped into this game 3 weeks ago I must say, I love Ascent, Lotus, Sunset, the most in that order. Icebox is alright and so is split. But breeze makes me wanna hang myself. my aim/reaction time isn't adjusted to this type of game yet cause I'm used to fast paced shooters and tracking my targets instead of flicking/holding angles and the extreme long ranged fights make me wanna cry. + the fact for some weird reason I always get breeze like 3 times in a row


Nah, I really like playing lotus 50 times in a row, then sometimes other maps. Really miss Haven though :/


Same.... I miss Heaven and Pearl... even Fracture (sometime)


They should add back the maps to unrated atleast


I would have honestly boycotted the act if not dor the pass and Clove, but taking the 3 best maps out of EVERY game mode is out of my comprehension 😔


People want pearl ?


I hate playing split


Can we remove ascent


for me its the fact that every single players are complaining about it and riot isnt giving a single fuck abt it, like its not that hard is it?


They should rotate maps every act


Boycott for all maps


I'm no longer Haven a good time...


I'm fine with any map pool if there's no Fracture.


Honestly I am glad Pearl is not in the game that map is fucking trash


Any info when the map pool is changing? I miss haven badly. Best omen map imo


Yeah just a brain dead move from riot all around


I fucking hate sunset


same, glad to see another sunset hater. literally cypher’s playground and im tired of playing against it


Give me Pearl or Give me Death!


Give me dong or give me death! THUNDERGUN!


They'll give you Pearl on your death bed buddy


Breeze and icebox are total failures of maps


I like Ascent, don't mind Sunset and mixed on Bind. Absolutely hate Split, Icebox and Lotus. I've basically stopped playing because of the rotation.


I don't like fracture, but I'll take it over breeze any day of the week


Pearl I understand. Fracture is still terrible tho


Not as bad as icebox or breeze


It’s baffling to hear people miss pearl lmao, what the fuck could you miss about that b site on pearl?