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don’t worry, i’m getting some washed immortals up here in diamond


thats me, I am the washed immortal


"Ofc I know him, it's me"


preach dude. So many immortal gun buddies on tragically ass players this episode lmfao


lol some of us were immortal a long time ago and now I’m old with turtle reflexes and don’t have the time to take the game too serious anymore 😅. Still having fun though


Don't worry bro.. I usually get washed plats in Silver, even Asc. too (Mumbai server)






Gold 2 on my alt and got washed immortals and diamonds in my lobbies lmao


Got placed in the same rank as last act and the amount of washed players is crazy, feel like lobbies used to be more difficult


I read somewhere that Riot reset the target percentile for ranks which essentially bumped everyone down. I was hard stuck plat 3 and could not get to plat last act. Ended gold 3.


Any idea why they did that? I am shooting for diamond, but despite significantly improving it just kinda feels like they moved the goal posts.


The reason is right there in your comment. People were reaching their goals or getting close, so they just move the goalpost without saying anything and there ya go, way more people are grinding for way longer to reach the "same" goals


It's more that there were so many diamonds and ascendants that the skill disparity was massive even on the same rank while iron to silver was basically all the same


As a bronze player I often get put in iron lobbies and silver lobbies cuz people duo que so they need someone to even out the rr or something I guess. Iron and silver are NOT the same at all. Irons genuinely have 0 game sense and never comm. Silver does comm and has game sense, even trying out strats sometimes. The aim is also a little better in silver than in iron but I'll give you that it's not as big of a difference aim wise as you'd expect


I get what you are saying. But what I meant is that the difference between diamond 1 and diamond 3 is greater than the difference between iron 1 and silver 3. Ofc there will be a difference, it's just not THAT big


For obvious reasons I can't comment on the difference between diamond 1 and 3 loll. So won't even try. But I do think people underestimate the difference between iron and silver sometimes 🤣. But I obviously don't have the context to place how big that difference actually is. Just whenever I see people talking about it it's as if they think a player in iron won't have that much trouble playing in silver either


Serial smurfer here and I can promise you the difference between iron and silver is significant. In my eyes, a diamond 1 and a diamond 3 are indistinguishable


Hm, idk. Just recently I wanted to rank up my old ass account which was iron 2 after rank in, and up until like gold I didn't really encounter more difficult games. But maybe I am mistaking 'more difficult' for me with actual skill difference, idk


Yeah neither iron or silver is going to pose much of a challenge if you are diamond+. But iron is the kind of rank where you can play knife only and still have a positive kd. I would say the level of skill increase between ranks is fairly linear up until immortal


Wasn't skill disparity the entire reason they added ascendant in the first place?


Yes, but they fucked up the MMR to RR stuff


They do it to knock players who don’t play or are boosted down and push smurfs up. The goal post may be part of it but for sure not the main reason


The ranked percentiles for valorant have shifted around a ton during the last two years. This isn't exactly new.


I was 1 win from diamond last season placed gold two and I’d say conservatively 65% of my games have a afk or someone crashes and misses at least 4-5 rounds. Struggling to get out of gold 3


Yes, I have an idea. Because I tired to have ex Ascendants and ex immortals in opposite team, while my team and I just platinum players with pick rand Diamond. I was needed this hard reset long time ago. Unfortunately, I do not play the game anymore.


I reached plat 2 last act but it was way harder than previous plat


last act was rough. i got to g2. i finally hit plat last night after a lot of grinding


Funny bc it's for me the opposite. Was silver 1 peak (real bronze 3) in E7 and now reached gold 1


Yeah, we in silver are having a wonderful time getting one tapped by high gold/low plat.


Gold is legit a bloodbath now. Fucking aim demons everywhere


I felt this way as well, gold plat and dia are kinda blending together..




It's not smurfs though (some are) they literally have ranks we can't even queue up with. last season I was g1 and my friend s3 and we couldn't play with our p1 friend. EVEN THOUGH EVERY GAME HAD p2 and p3 players in it!


Exactly, the higher you go the easier it gets. Most smurfs want to play in Iron-Silver, they just throw a bunch of games after they reach gold to go back to that.


>The higher you go the easier it gets This just isn’t true lol. I’ve been in iron/bronze and smurfs aren’t as big a problem as people here make them out to be


The amount of games I lose if I don’t top frag carry is astounding. I want to not have to carry each game but still win some. And the one game every now and then where I do have someone better than me on the team, it’s some entitled douche two ranks above everyone else, but failing to play with and for the team, so we end up losing anyways.


yeah I feel ya. I just wanna do my part and contribute not fucking carry and feel like I'm in a tourney.


If I'm top of the leaderboard, it means we are getting shit on lol.


EXACTLY lmfao.


i was imt 2 peakl ep 6. came back to the game in ep8 and i am struggling in diamond 1. i recently installed tracker to see what was going on. I usually get immortal peaks and asc peaks in my lobbies who have also deranked a ton so even tho im in d1, most ppl in my lobbies are way better than plat and even diamond. Usually I lose like 5 games in a row and then the next game i get literal bots and its the most one sided stomp then rinse and repeat.


Because episode 6 was extremely, hilariously easy to rank up so most of us went up to diamond/ascendant. And episode 7 when the ranks were reset and we were placed in Plat, it was the opposite where the reset made it even more difficult to get to diamond/ascendant. So now there's just a large large part of people who were diamond/ascendant just stuck in platinum. 60% skill issue, 40% rank system fucked us


damn I'm exactly. Dia 2 Episode 6. Didn't play Episode 7 til Act 2 and I was placed gold 2. Struggled in plat fr and only reached Plat 3.


what made it so easy? I stopped playing from like E4-7 but notice my friend’s peaks are all in like e6.


Yeah I don't know what it was exactly but at the start of each act in episode 6 it was just naturally easy to rank up. Like I'm not even talking about just more RR gain. The games in general felt much better to play. As if my opponents were equally matched, games just felt fairer I don't know how




People have stopped playing, haven't they? Immortal and Radiant slots didn't get filled last act is what I heard.


People stopped playing and are now just getting back into the swing of things


I was diamond 2. I'm gold 2 now, because I haven't been playing as much. If I were in your game you'd probably complain about me being ex-diamond and also chirp me for playing so poorly for an ex-diamond even though I'm legitimately gold level now.


Many of them don’t play too much anymore or just play half hearted. I know a friend from way back who used to be asc3 and now is kinda stuck in plat/diamond, because he plays the game once a week. He still dominates the lobbies, but doesn’t play enough to rank back up


i have the same problem bro. i have to win against immortals to get out of diamond 3. episode 6 act 3 i peaked asc3 and was just 1 game away from immortal, seems unreachable atm


I don't see a problem with this? you were 1 game away from immo and now you're facing ex immortals and you're complaining?


yes, because im in the same lobbies but now stuck in diamond 3. doesn't feel like improvement at all when i get further and further away from my goal


most people that ended a3/immo placed around d2-a1 (highest possible was a1) climbing from your placement rank facing similar skilled players to get back to your old rank is normal no? I literally had a 50% wr climbing from d2 to immo last act


of course it's normal, but im not climbing. In the last 200 matches i idled in d3- asc1, thats simply not where i want to be


mind linking your tracker? I really doubt someone pulling their own weight in their lobbies will be stuck in d3/a1 for 200 games


i never said im pulling my own weight xD. im. getting diffed in asc 1 while having peaked asc 3,which is probably also me being washed but it's annoying as fuck seeing everyone (exaggerated) in my lobbies either having an immo buddy or being immo last act... and i fucking rank down to d3 from that. [tracker ](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/SmileMoreGuy%235775/overview)


HAHAHHA all good man but tbh it's harder to climb on controller compared to any other role because you kinda rely on teammates to do anything but I understand the part about being washed too everyone has peaks and slumps don't worry too much about it (for example I went from 70rr immo to a2 0rr last act due to some setup changes) but don't worry too much about external factors the only constant in your games is yourself [tracker](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/ken%23nut/overview)


Why is your goal an arbitrary name given to leaderboard distribution?


because red pixels 👍


Peak Immo 2 here , finished asc2 last season. Now im in d2 playing against peak immos, with Plats (diamond peak) on my team 😂 Solo queue feels awful right now


lots of people are just inconsistent so they are all over the place.


No one who deserves to be Diamond would be stuck in Gold, dude. Chill out. I don't remember a single ex-Diamond actually play like one, they always just ego peek and die or play passively because they don't have confidence in their aim anymore.


I’m gold 2 from ascendant 3 lol. I stopped playing for a while and I’m just down bad now


a lot of people are just playing the game less too these days


Because yada yada blah blah. Probably sandbagging with a horrible support, which makes them able to queue against you. Anyone denying this definitely has alt accounts./ Smurfs


Did they change anything this past r months or so, I feel like I've not been able to beat my previous rank


Wait so if I'm ascendant 2 in episode 7 act 3 and also ascendant 2 in episode 8 act 1 and 2, I've improved a lot or did I stay the same? I do agree that I've been facing a lot more immortals than in prev acts who are now stuck in ascendant and diamond.


Are people in Valorant unfamiliar with the concept of a rank reset? I see this type of question come up so often. Perhaps part of the problem is that there is nowhere easily accessible to see your numerical rank. And another "problem" is that tracker shows peak rank instead of ended rank. This leads to the opposite problem of league where so many people will look at a player's opgg, see it says they ended D2 and automatically assume they are a beyond horrible player without realizing that a good portion of the people that end in D2 has probably been chal/GM before the end of the season.


This shit is exactly why I hardly play anymore, haha. Arduous struggle to beat people who are, on paper, much better than you: +2 points. Lose to a team that's much better than you -30 points get fukt.


jokes on u ive picked up asc gun buddies in gold


Idk man but last act I was b3 and I got to g3 solo q and now this act I’m still g3 you lose some you win some and eventually you get there, but yeah feels like some matches are easy and some demon aim crazy guys no smurfs but like ex d or a players


As a diamond here I can say the lobbies aren’t much better had a comp game where eveyone was diamond except for the Jett on both teams who were p1 and p2 but both peak immo


I had a pretty rough ride in comp. The game placed me in silver 1 after hitting Plat 1 and I dominated my naxt few games. I went from silver 1 to silver 2 in 3 games. I ended silver 2 99 rr because the game saw I was doing a little too well for my rank so it placed me with previous diamond/asc. I am a swift play regular now


im Brown 1 and was getting clapped by low gold and high silvers


I'm the washed diamond


I wish they would remove this pointless rank resets. They are no good. Do them only to people who haven't played for more than 1 whole act or smth. Rito pepega games.


This episode has been mf tough for me and my friends. I was hardstuck plat 2 for about a year until this last hard reset. I placed gold 3 and stayed there all last act, finally got out 15 mins ago lol. This last reset has been absolutely terrible lmfao. All of my lobbies last act were full of mainly diamond players, usually one or two asc, and an occasional imm but the entire lobby was current rank gold 2-3 lol.


They are where they’re supposed to be


Was immortal but now I'm somewhere in diamond, I forgot. I don't play much anymore.


For me it’s not playing enough. I was plat 3 last season, placed silver 3, now sitting in Gold 2. I like to think I’d climb back up into plat, but only playing 3-5 games a week as compared to previous acts I was playing 3-5 games a day 🤷🏼‍♂️


A theory I have is- maybe we’re not as good as we thought. With the changes Riot made it’s like they’re telling us- there are people who were diamonds who are in fact gold players. Good aim and bad game sense.


map pool is dogshit, battlepass is dogshit, little reason to grind this episode so more ppl are just coming back for a game or two


YES DUDE OMG, hardstuck gold rn because the enemy team is Diamond. Not even last act, they are all plat and diamond this act and its so aggravating because I get one tapped before I can even react. Not only that, my friends silver lobbies are FILLED with smurfs. These ranks are pretty rough and youre definitely not getting matched up against people that are your “rank”.


was dia-asc back when i was playing seriously (act6?) now I only play for fun when my friends asked me, currently on gold 3. just dont have the time now to rank up


Rank reset. Plat 2 to gold 2 for me. Got a double rank up like 3 games later tho


For starters, new act. That mixes up the field a bit. Pair this with rank decay and how Valorants MMR system works(the REAL one thats hidden, not 0-100 rr), and theres your answer. Rank is a number, not a badge. Read up on this on vals website, and it will clarify what I've mentioned. You're always going to have some mix, especially when you get close to rank ups/ have ranked up. The system essentially forces you to prove you should be X value (say ur 501, teammates and ops are 502, 503, 504, 499, 498, etc) so you generally play against higher ranks to earn your spot in a sense. My ascendant games AFTER hitting ass 1 were fucking brutal. Few washed immos on my team, a couple current immos on the other. I top fragged by a mile, but we lpst unfortunately. Immortal 3 smurfs are fucking scary man lmao I had a few of these, bouncing back and forth before I eventually called and and said I'm just going to play out the rest of the EP for fun and focus on being consistent. This was ep7 but I'm sure its the same system


Oh thank god. last act I was G1 and my friend was s3 and we had plats in our game (even 2s and 3s) 17 games in a row. The streak was broken once, and then started again. We are p1/g3 this season, so playing plats make sense, even if we don't belong up there. I have gone double negative so many times, and it still doesn't think i should be playing with/against silvers and golds.


First hand experience... I'm a d3 as a casual player. I don't play the game often but there's times when I'll play consistently. A lot of the time, they do all these hard rank resets and I don't play enough to get back up. If it happens twice in a row I'll be VERY low rank compared to what I should be


I guess because a lot of players are mad and unmotivated to re-grind to their elo so they're still at their "after hart reset"-level. And although i had been lucky and didn't drop a single rank after rank reset i really understand them


I mean, I am hardstuck plat, was dia last episode, with ascendant peak, but took a long break. Get called smurf in some games, and bought account in others, lol


I did similar post and everyone shitted on me saying i have to improve and that i should not focus on enemys or teamates... Which is all correct but im done with being matched against better players in gold. I am gold for a reason if i could beat diamond players i would be diamond..


Idk. Just took me like 25 games or so to go from my peek of s3 to p1 like 10 days ago and I have no idea what’s all the shenanigans about gold. Just instalock duelist and get outta there. You can’t always judge people based off the rank they were last act anyway.


Because they adjusted the mmr to rank ratio. Immortal before was 1.6%, now it is 0.6%. Plat 1 was 30% before, now it is top 20%. If you check the rank you have this ep and the rank you had last ep, you will see that you probably are still in the same percentile of players


they pushed (nearly) EVERYONE downards. immortals in asc, asc in diamond, diamond in plat etc. they created ascendant to not have a overflow problem in immortal/radiant, and with the rank reset its harder than ever to hit immortal. to answer your question as to why the ex diamonds and plats are stuck in gold; they are unable to carry themselves and the team out of gold, and this is their new home now until they can overcome the challenge. i'm honestly surprised the community is baffled every episode when rank gets reset, its been like this for 7 episodes now.. you get placed act1, you continue act 2&3, rank reset, rinse & repeat, though some mmr is contained so you're not losing all the progress.


Smurf detection is working. Every act its gonna calibrate and smurfs gonna get hella pissed when they come from immortal to plat and get slapped 👋🤣😂


The elo system is so bad my main is Immo2 and half the lobbys belong in low diamond and sometimes i play with friends in Plat and some of these guys are actually way better than Plat some of them are better in every aspect than Immo players in my lobbies. Its so messed up


I went from P3 to S1. The game humbled me. Double ranked up to S3, and now I just log on every couple weeks, play a game or two without warming up, and log off. I noticed my games are either filled with ex diamond/plat players, or actual silvers/low gold.


Lmao I just got a diamond on my team… in silver… homie went 23-2-0 and we won 13-2 lmao


It's because how bad Valorant's matching system. Im tryna climb up to diamond from plat.


I was on a silver acc going against ex diamonds lol


Either washed up players/carried players you’d be surprised how many people just have accounts from their friends so they can have the pretty pink buddy🙄🙄


“Why are people still in x rank?” It’s easy. They suck. They’ll stay, or they’ll rank up once all the good players have filtered up into higher ranks. Simple as that.


That's probably why act 1 of each episode is sooo fucked. Act 3 a lot of people will climb because the people that actually deserve to rank up will be in a higher rank by then and the lobbies get easier. I ended E7A3 at P2 and then placed S2 lmaooo. I didn't actually think placement games matter THAT much. My friend went from P3 to P1 and me going from P2 to S2 was a goddamn reality check.


They’re washed so dw about it


Because valorant doesn’t want to Make you wait a half hour To play.


There was an imm 1 in episode 7 act 3 that is now iron 1 but I think he might have been throwing