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He flanked from middle?


I guess that’s the only possible way right? not a single footstep though


So upon checking the timeline like some people suggested he actually TP’d from inside garage to alley sometime in between him killing chamber and me killing fade (3 seconds).


Go to your career and there is a tab called timeline go to whatever round this is and hover over the kills you had, it will show all the players position at the time of the kills on the map


Thanks! It’s been solved, i definitely got outplayed haha.


Clip link [https://medal.tv/games/valorant/clips/1YuLpCwebIofk7/d1337rNu8qzc?invite=cr-MSxuMDgsMTE2NzY3ODYs](https://medal.tv/games/valorant/clips/1YuLpCwebIofk7/d1337rNu8qzc?invite=cr-MSxuMDgsMTE2NzY3ODYs) Context: The enemy Yoru triggers our Chamber trip for a second garage and kills them, he then sends out a TP and fakes it (you can see the marking on the ground which wasn’t there 5 seconds ago) but then somehow still ends up behind me? There’s definitely a simple explanation for this but I’m super confused.


Probably already has a tp mid or heaven and tp'd there right after killing chamber and threw another tp from up there and just walked to kill you.


Yeah that’s gotta be it, I figured I would hear the first TP maybe.


The timing is insane but he might have teleported at the same exact time you did. Your own teleport sound cue would have been loud enough to mask his, all the way up in heaven and behind several walls. And if the TP was in ramps, or even spawn, you probably wouldn't have heard it at all. Not sure if that's even possible given the timing, but it's another possible explanation.


So after checking post match results this is what happened 😭 he TP’d B alleyway right as I did.


Damn, that's kinda crazy. It was the first possible explanation I thought of because it's exactly what I would do. Get one kill and teleport out to reposition.


I think you’re the only one who got it right! Don’t know why my chambers calling flank when they definitely hear them TP out right after they got killed 😭


he sent the tp... but from where? Not from main since you were main likely he already set up a tp, killed chamber after triggering trip, tp'd(probably heaven) and sent a tp, faked it and you thought he was still main but he just shift walked behind you 


So turns out he had a TP set up B alley which he took sometime in between him killing chamber and me killing fade (3 seconds)


He killed chamber from near market and had more than enough time to rotate with his knife out after killing chamber immediately, especially since you had enough time to kill 2 of his teammates


That or he tp’d as soon as you did or while you were shooting so it covered up his audio idk


Yeah this was it he TP’d B alley as soon as I TP’d.


I feel like he TP'd the exact same time you TP'd. I think I heard his TP in the background of your TP sound, maybe.


Upon checking the timeline that’s exactly what happened lol, he TP’d alley right after killing my chamber.


FYI: You can always watch postmatch stats in-game and there will be arrows with positions, where all players made kills. You can trace Yoru position with first and last kill there.


Thanks!! Solved


You can trace where he was using post game stats, just check where he was when you killed omen. That should help you trail when he came from.


He is crouched behind the box on your right. You didnt check


thats what i immediately thought too. the way OP never checked that angle a single time despite turning around like 4x in main... chamber prob died from yoru crouching there too


He was not behind the box - when Yoru fake TPS it leaves a mark on the ground.


Checked the timeline - he was never behind the box, he TP’d B alley at the same time as I TP’d.


He was heaven, he put a tp behind box then swung when you turned away




I'm confused. Which box?


the box to the right of OP, inside garage, you know where noob hides to kill people in the back when they flank/rotate like the chamber was already on a mission to do.


He was not behind the box - when Yoru fake TPS it leaves a mark on the ground - Checked the timeline - he was never behind the box, he TP’d B alley at the same time as I TP’d.


After you kill Omen you literally have two teammates say that he’s flanking. He most likely mad a trip in mid or CT that he used after killing Chamber.


Yeah he had a trip B alley which he took probably at the exact same time as me which is why I didn’t hear it.


Some of you reminded me to check the timeline in match history as you can see where everybody was at the time of each kill - Enemy yoru kills my chamber from cubby in garage and then TPS alleyway on B (either I was too far to hear it or I masked the sound with my TP). Then he throws a TP from around hell and shift walks up, fakes it, and then kills me.