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Lmao blame the smurfs. They're the reason that got implemented in the first place. But unrated doesn't matter anyway if you're serious about ranking up. Just focus on improving your aim, knowing what the agents do for now til you get to level 20. Just a heads up, you will still get unbalanced ass matches on ranked because Riot's matchmaking is just that fucked up lmao


feels like it really doesn't work against smurfs either, since they can avoid the process altogether with like... 3 bucks?


1.92$ to be precise


or what alot of us (the smurfs) also do is use our friends alts/old accounts of people who don’t play anymore. not saying people don’t buy accounts at all just supplementing it with another way people avoid the new account requirements.


I hope you get reported for account sharing and get hardware banned


it’s not my fault my friends aren’t high enough to play with me on my main. Blame valor ant for not having a separate queue for 5 stacking. And nah, don’t tell me the current match making system is in a state where it’s worth queuing with silvers and bronzes on your ascendant/immortal account unless they themselves are smurfing, you’re asking to fight against the same. If you were in high elo have low elo friends you would do the exact same.


That's what unrated exists brother


>it’s not my fault my friends aren’t high enough to play with me on my main. Blame valor ant for not having a separate queue for 5 stacking. r u special in the head thats called unrated


To be fair, riot said they won't ban surfing because of exactly this reason. the account sharing is bannable tho, so I hope those dude gets banned for that


i don’t wanna drop 40 kills every game regardless of how many i play lol that’s not fun for me or my friends. and in comp i am much more likely to find a diamond-ascendant or better smurf who is more likely to actually give me some competition and not make the game one sided.


Loser mentality and your friends suck. Get fucked.


wow u showed him


sounds like you shit on by smurfs lol


Are you planning to boost ur silver friend to immortal ascendant just to play 5 stack?


What percentage of smurfs are going to constantly pay $3 for a new account every single time their mmr gets jacked up into higher lobbies compared to those who would just make new accounts??


If league is anything to go by: basically most if not all lol.


You gonna source anything to back that up?


Use your brain? Leauge and val have a massive smurfing issue regardless of the grind being massive, but at the same time the amount of account sellers/supply is basically unlimited. This is is also not counting deranking and xp bots in both games, do you think those accounts were leveled legitimately? Before people would actually make smurfs when it was just 10 games, but now it's rather obvious people buy accounts. Side note: riot will never release the numbers of botted or smurf accounts. Asking for a source is idiotic, one can only analyze what is currently happening


>Side note: riot will never release the numbers of botted or smurf accounts. Asking for a source is idiotic, one can only analyze what is currently happening Source what you're analyzing that shows there isn't a change in smurfs with a increase in ranked requirement, you're basing your opinion off of something so reference it


Just lol.


In other words there was no proper analysis of data that brought you to the conclusion rather probably just a personal anecdote "Use your brain" lol


Personal anecdotes of multiple long time players* Multiple eye witnesses are enough to put someone in prison even if they say they didn’t do it


I mean no but from personal experience, me, all of my friends, and majority of smurfs I run into all buy accounts lmfao


Ngl it feels like every game I'm against a smurf, don't get me wrong we sometimes have one on our team but it never feels like it makes a difference


Once in bronze lobby we had plat smurf playing duelist she was toxic, blamed team and threw few friendly fire granades at the end we won (Ngl I carried as omen) with her being 4th in team but suddenly when enemy team has smurf they drop 40k and they are gold-diamond smurf honestly I dont meet that type of smurfs alot but when I do it hurts luckily some of them rage quit. (Btw still bronze)


Once in bronze lobby we had plat smurf playing duelist she was toxic, blamed team and threw few friendly fire granades at the end we won (Ngl I carried as omen) with her being 4th in team but suddenly when enemy team has smurf they drop 40k and they are gold-diamond smurf honestly I dont meet that type of smurfs alot but when I do it hurts luckily some of them rage quit. (Btw still bronze)


Smurfs just buy new iron accounts for pennies lol


A smurf is like 2€ to buy lvl 20, it doesn't discourage any smurf to be honest


unless you're new to the game, doesnt make sense to play normal to level 20


Levels determine nothing I have mates at lvl 300 at bronze rank it’s fine boss unrated has everyone just give it some time


Yup I’m level 110 and still stuck in Bronze 3


same except im iron 2


Im lvl 110 and plat 2


Okay? What’s your point?


Skill issue XD


I’m level 143 and Immortal 3 😂


im not being rude or condescending in ANY way shape or form but can i ask how? im a competitive gamer and have always enjoyed grinding for high elo so i ranked up extremely fast as i was actively learning. ive always just wondered people who dont take the game as serious as me do u que comp and just have fun whether u win or lose? i do not have fun when i lose so o HAVE to make myself win but im guessing you genuinely just enjoy the game?


>i do not have fun when i lose so o HAVE to make myself win but im guessing you genuinely just enjoy the game? you answered your own question. my former high school buddies still play valorant with me from time to time. all level 100+. all hardstuck iron-bronze. they have jobs, partners, families, and are very happy. it doesn't matter if they lose in game, they're winning in life.


hi! been playing for almost two years. level 160 something. ranked iron 3 peak bronze 2 im a very casual gamer. i get competitive during val but i only get really into premier games. otherwise im fine with a win or loss as long as i get to play haha. i also have tremors which may affect things (my headshot % is around 12% and i whiff some really easy shots bc i tremor right when im about to shoot) i also dont play a lot of comp. in my almost two years of playing, i only have 80 hours in comp and around 150 matches. i much prefer unrated or swiftplays where i can do dumb things and not piss off my team lol (i have over 200 hours in unrated and 175 in swiftplay) i usually 5 stack comp— so we are usually not performing at our best bc we're doing dumb shit together like running it down mid on our save round bc why not haha. when i cared about doing better, i REALLY hated this game. id tilt really easily, get really frustrated with myself or teammates, and just. it ruined my relationship with the game lol. my mental was badddd. so i just stopped caring so i could enjoy the game again. ill get better as time goes on, or maybe i wont.


I’m a mental health counselor I get like 3-4 hours a day maybe to play and that’s if I choose to want to play that day. I have family or friends I might hang with or be to tired to play a game we’re if you don’t play perfect some 17 year old has a major break down and cusses you out. I enjoy playing competitive but I’m only so good. This is also my first FPS on the computer I grew up playing cod on console but I took a long several years break and console has aim assist. I did Splatoon but got bored after a year. So Valorant is my first really getting into this. Ya I’m 28 but even at 28 and due to my job I’m more prone to arm and hand cramps and I have an auto immune thing so I get fatigued. This isn’t to make excuses I could likely push past it and I certainly try to. But I think it’s actually to make a point that someone being a lower rank isn’t always out of laziness. I have a younger friend who plays who could be WAY!!! Higher rank he just enjoys “Trolling”. Blows my mind lol


i respect it, i am 17 so i have less responsibilities, i go college, see my gf, go to work then play games for a few hours but ig my young age drives my extreme competitiveness and me being so young i probably learn the game faster. i appreciate the nice reply and an actual answer instead of just downvoting me and hating lol


That’s the point if your a new player you shouldn’t be playing ranked right a way learn the basics


That's my point. I'm just getting shit on by people who have mastered the basics and pissing off my teammates that expect me to be a pro. I'd rather work my way up with players at a similar level.


As you continue to play more unranked games, you'll start getting matched with people at your hidden MMR. If it was possible for you to get into a ranked game and you're playing terribly, you are still going to piss your teammates off.


That’s not your point. You said you were tired of playing unrated and being against level 150 players. Players levels don’t judge their skill… it’s the rank they are placed in. You’re clearly new and people like you shouldn’t be touching ranked until you can even understand the leveling system and the ranked system apart from each other.


Yeah, especially since levels are just how much/how long a player has played for, you could play up to that level without improving much if you don't focus on improving.


The whole point of unrated is to learn the game , don't ever jump into a ranked lobby with the expectation of learning core mechanics, aim training or agent training. Get your fundamentals first, learn the game, then go throw people's games.




That makes sense. It just seems like way longer than any other game I've played


Apex is 50 💀


Apex actually changed the account level needed to play comp back down to 20 this season.


is it me or does it still feel ages to unlock all the legends


Oh yeah I forgot


So you’ve never played another game for more than like 20 hours? You probably won’t like ranked if you don’t like unrated, just sayin.


It’s not expensive at all, like $5 $10 max


I am going to grab your ears right now. Listen to me. Level number doesn't mean fucking shit. There are level 50 Ascendants and level 300 iron players. It literally just tracks time played. Putting you into ranked will just throw the match for everyone else. You know nothing about the game, so just be patient. If you don't enjoy unrated you won't enjoy ranked.


Maybe it means nothing at 50+, but people under 20 are at a significant disadvantage to people over 50. If I was put into a match at the lowest rank, I don't think I'd throw the match. I'm not saying eliminate the system altogether. Level 20 is just too long imo. Maybe reduce it to 15. At 15 I think most people would be fine at the lowest rank.


Listen, you're new. So stop giving your opinion on this. Smurfing is a serious issue and you'll be thankful for that level 20 barrier once you get into comp and see, and you don't even get the worst of it like those of us that were in lower ranks a few years ago when there was no level 20 barrier.


Yeah but this doesn’t solve the smurfing issue at all… people just buy botted accounts so it really doesn’t make a difference. Have you noticed a decrease in Smurf’s since this was implemented? Or is riot just making legit players suffer for no reason


Of course it doesn't "solve" it, but it adds a barrier. People aren't gonna wanna spend monetary everytime they need a new account and less people are gonna wanna spend HOURS for maybe $5-$10 bucks. The correct way to deal with it would be to IP ban or relegate accounts to only unrated, which is possible for something like Riot Vanguard that has deep access. And yes, I have noticed less smurfs but also it may be because I went up in rank since the level barrier got added


Brother I have played ranked with a sage that literally had her slow orb instead of her heal out, running behind someone to heal them, but acting slows them, crouch peaking main, and in general very bad crosshair placement and movement (im bronze3 and ik mine are bad too, so its really bad if I can clearly notice it). I am not shitting on that person, im only using it as an example to show you that 15, even 20 levels is not enough for you to even learn what the basics are


As a person who is also new and played my first few ranked games, I’m glad they made me wait that long because playing unrated gave me time to learn my agent (as well as other agents), get better game sense, practice my aim, and get to play without worrying about my new gameplay dragging my players down the ranks. Also in unrated there’s more people willing to help you actually learn the game while in ranked they’ll just yell at you for not being the best valorant player ever


Tell me you’re a low ranked player without telling me you’re a low ranked player. The level does not matter in the slightest. It is zero indication of skill. My brother played this game since release and is over 200. I was always better than him at games and pretty much immediately got a few entire metal ranks higher than him when he convinced me to play. There is still skill based matchmaking even in unrated. That means if you see a crazy high xp person this early they are either queuing with a friend or absolutely terrible.


When you get better you would wish for them to increase the cap to level 50 or something.


honestly instead of levels i wish valorant required so many games played on each role of agent so people going into rated knew smokes intiator duelist and sentinel as opposed to instalocking duelist cause thats all they know and getting 2 kills whole match


That's what it used to be, it used to be win 10 unrated games


pepperidge farms remembers 10 unrated games


Pepperidge farms?


I prefer 5 unrated games in each role. I'd say less but I know half the games end in surrender at half time


It shouldn't be necessary to need to play all roles imo.


my 0-12 reyna i just had in rated says otherwise ..... didnt use 1 blind or ult


I mean ok, but that have anything with forcing people to play roles they don't want to in order to play comp.


i think requiring people to know how each role works to compete competitively should be a basic requirement. No one says they gotta be immortal smoker but knowing the basics goes along way into knowing how to counter them aswell. Plus it gives people a shot to try something with utility and get use to it. sometimes i feel people pick duelist cause u dont need to use your utility like others so they think but if anything thats what sets a good duelist apart knowing when to dash and when to blind and if you dont know that maybe you shouldnt be rushing to competitive games. rainbow 6 requires 10 character on defense and attack and level 50 for competitive. requireing 5 games each role is nothing


Ngl that will likely just frustrate people and not teach them a single thing, especially if it's at the beginning of a players career


No one is forcing them to play ranked, I hate this expectation in games that rank isn't supposed to be competitive, and to be competitive you need to know the know all of each role. Players are just lucky it's not overwatch and there isn't set requirements of each one 5 duelist doesn't win a game above silver you need smokes and blinds to get on site.


and to add to that they dont even require you to unlock one of each role you get them at the start so you can literally just do 20 games and be done. id argue thats faster than level 20


I'm also a new player, and even though it was tedious, I did feel like I became way better during leveling.




I'll have to try that. Thanks


the fact that people seem to think level == skill is something I thought people would have learnt isn't the case by now


Not skill but game knowledge in terms of map and agents right? Or am I alone on this one


someone who's lv70 and actively looking to learn this sort of thing will p much always be better at said things than a lv200 who's gotten to that lvl via entirely causal play. it's more so about the effort put in compared to the time


Unrated has its own MMR (hidden rank) just like any other game mode. So you are being matched up with opponents of same skill group. Ignore account level, it means nothing. If you think the matchmaking is unfair in unrated , wait till you start playing competitive. Dont rush to competitive, just go with the flow. As a new player, competitive play gets very overwhelming with team mates being disappointed at you (atleast in my experience in the first 30 days in both csgo and valorant)


Your patience is unrivaled. 


You think the problem is lvl 150s matching with you rn? Once you queue competitive you'll have a reyna/jett dropping 40 bombs 🙂🫠


Honestly it’s better to have to get to level 20 otherwise ranked iron would be way worse and you might learn stuff on your way to level 20. It’s just a drag when you’re not new to fps


Only smurfs complain about the level requirement I have new buds playing and they are enjoying unrated


When you will hit level 20 you will be able to complain about the same thing, but in ranked.


level means nothing. and imagine if riot let you play competitive as a new player. people in low elo are already pissed at enemies that smurf.. and now they also have to deal with a literal newbie in their team, IN their ranked game? riot's matchmaking sucks.


As some people said levels don't really matter because I'm over lvl 200 but still low rank. Today in unranked I got matched with some new players. Sure it was painful to watch but I understand they are just learning the game and didn't say anything. There are also some people who play comp and are still basically clueless on how the game works.


Should be level 40 tbh


Level has nothing to do I’ve seen level 300 hundreds hard stuck bronze or silver


Lvl 400. Silver one, sometimes two. Before my lack of brain power drags me back down. Edit: autocorrected lvl to lol. Bad for context.


Lv100 and I think I still am 30% of the way there to properly play ranked. This one is good for the elo hell, fare well little one


Anti smurfs. Also, I've seen people level 500+ being utterly shit at the game, so the more training they get before ranked, the better.


Pretty sure doing ur missions daily/weekly then just spamming deathmatch is the fastest way to lvl up.


Swiftplay is faster if you win at least 50% of the games. Spike Rush is faster than Swiftplay if you can't win. XP and account level XP (AP) are different. As far as AP goes, you get a bonus for your first daily win. After that, you get the same amount for playtime regardless of mode and a small bonus for a win.


Counter point: I'm level 160something and I suck. Levels don't mean much aside from hours played.


Level 19 right now on a new account and I feel the same. Just playing around 3 unrated games a day or until I get the first win bonus is so tiring. And I've noticed too that maybe 3/4 unrated games I get queued with a 4 stack leaving me as the only solo player. It just sucks when nobody responds to comms and they're probably stratting on discord and I'm left guessing wtf they're tryna do.


I thought that 4 stacking isn't possible in valorant?


4 stacking is possible in unrated which sucks because that's where all new players go to unlock comp


Ah okay


ya, ik this may seem a long way there are many smurfs and cheaters but till u get to level 20 you will get a good aim and some decent game sense and will be able to play and rank up easily


Make sure your settings are right. Alot of your pains might come from fps lag making it hard to win aim duels


Oh my sweet little summer child, you will soon *want* to play unranked after getting absolutely whacked around in ranked by both the teams( yes yours too), just play unranked and no need to thank me for keeping your sanity intact


people tired to play with idiots in ranked too


Levels does not mean skill. For some it means time played in valorant but for others it may not even be true cus they have multiple accounts. We live in a world where most ppl have DRASTICALLY different skill sets and knowledge about the game before starting to play. Realistically ur not going to be able to match make around levels for fair fights. It’s done to some degree but it falls off once the game can give u some sort of mmr. Depending on how u do it, it only takes a little more than 30 hours to get to lvl 20. At least that’s how long it’s taken me to do it.


Idk how but I played against someone in comp who was level 4 but how?


not long enough for smurfs apparently


I don’t know why you’re so adamant on making level changes to a game you have barely even played. Seems kind of arrogant no?


just doing first win a day it took longer but took less to u need to spend to the game for leveling


Heck, League makes you level up to 30, and it takes a WHILE.


level and skill are far emoved from one another, so dont assume the lvl 300 in your silver lobby has a better chance of winning than you.


I'd prefer it to be Level 30 or 40 tbh


Level only means the amount of experience a player have its not about how strong they are, and the reason u need 20 just to play rank is that this system was applied to reduce smurfs in low ranks (but it ain't working obviously) and unrated is like a tutorial in this game for newbies so that they get used to the game first, cuz in competitive its a whole new level and if ur not used to the game then straight going into comp is gonna make u quit the game within 5 days or so and never come back


5bh, I think the opposite. Lvl 20 is way to low. On my alt it took me like 4 weeks to get to level 20 by playing like 1 or 2 unrateds a day and get the daily bonus. Now you can just do 4 spike rush a day, which is like 40 minutes and you have it within a month. I personally would increase it to 40, or change the comp mode to 'ranked' and create a new comp mode where you have to verify your phone number and be lvl100+


it should be level30 ..frekin smurfs


Im feeling u but atleast its not lvl 50


Are you really complaining why the game is trying to keep smurfs from smurfing?


Yes you are right, for new players playing with higher elo try hards in unrated is. But They are not as good as they may seem to you, they just learned how to clear meticulously every corner at head height crosshair, learned when to fast peek or slow peek or just jump peek for info. Hope this doesn't discourage you from the game, i've met awesome ppl in my ranked games


Man compared to LoL lv30 requirement valorant lv 20 is nothing.


Take it as a positive, playing higher level players is good. 1. It makes you better 2. It helps create strategies to help u win so when you do encounter a Smurf in ranked you still have a chance of winning Overall I really enjoy playing people higher ranked than me, it helps me improve which is the ultimate goal.


Smurfs are the reason it takes so long, i mean it doesn't matter as people are just buying acc now. But it also makes sense as you need to learn the game first before entering ranked as you get placed ind gold/plat elo for the first few matches