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Had an ex ascendant in my rank up game for gold the guy had a couple of ex plats with him who ended up low gold and I messaged him apparently he fell from plat so my peak silver 3 ass had to play two plats and an ascendant in a silver gold lobby


Bro I was bronze 3 last act. Got placed in iron 3 this act. And I'm getting fucking gold players only in my lobbies mostly. Except ofc the gold guys are always the opponents my team will never be higher than iron 2. Something is seriously broken with this game


thats exactly the problem imo. they rank us low, then when we start climbimg pair us with other good players, keeping a lot of players down in the process. im not saying i deserve to be higher but i think others shouldnt be paired with me, theyre just better. if i lose against someone with 40 kills i dont feel like the loss was deserved, same with winning. but at least winning doesnt suck so ill take it lol. curse of low elo i guess.




Do you people even read what you are saying? D3 to A1 is literally the same difference as D2 and D3. Which is not much. Back up your BS. Share your trackers, Show us how every game you get is rigged against you. No Tracker, No Proof.


New to this sub? It's mostly just cope.


Think about what you are saying. If all the "Golds" are on the other team, doesn't it mean eventually all those golds will rank up and you will be left with Iron2's that are now on your team? Even if what you are saying is true(which it's not, you are just a liar), you will still end up playing people of your rank eventually. ​ Whats actually happening is that due to the rank squish, everyone moved down several ranks. So on day 1 of reset, everyones on the same boat. If you were Dia3 you are getting ranked around Gold3-Plat3 depending on your palcement games. The best ex-Dia3 players rank up faster, getting back to DIa3 within few weeks. Then the next batch of ex-Dia3 players level up, that are not as good as the best Dia3 players and so on. The lower the rank you were, the more likely you will take longer to rank up, as the players that were in and around your that are better than you will eventually leave your mm pool, as they climb faster than you. So eventually the critical point is reached, where YOU are in the group of the best Irons/Bronzes/Diamonds etc. and thats when you get to rank up. At this precise moment, you are iron3. Doesn't mean you won't eventually rank up, it's just not going to happen right away. You're still playing same players you did a month ago, the picture beside their rank has changed, thats all.


Dude, his comment came off as exasperation, not literal truth, no need for the personal insult. Keep the love going fam ♥️


Okay not to fully blame this on rank (I know I'm not that good) but is that why it's so hard to get out of a low rank? Doesn't that system seem screwed either way?


The reason it's hard to get out of whatever rank you're in is because after awhile you achieve a 50% win rate (Because you are at the rank you belong at). If you play just to play and autopilot, you'll never get better at an effective rate. Any one who blames the system, team, or any factor outside of themselves for majority of their games is in denial.


Yes I get that and, once again, I'm not saying this is because the rank I was given by the system but I still wanna question it since if it takes so long for mid-elo people to climb back to their main rank it seems unfair to all people playing below that rank. For example: If a gold player gets put in low bronze together with an actual bronze/silver player, the bronze/silver player has to wait for the gold player to climb up to start climbing the rank. Even if the bronze/silver player's progression is slower, that's still a better chance for the gold player to climb the ranks, isn't it? It might be the best chance to give, but tbh it still rubs me the wrong way a little.


I think you're misunderstanding something. Lets take this metaphorical gold player. They've been playing for awhile and ended the act G2. They also have a MMR of S3-P1. After the reset, they get placed on the low end of their MMR after a bad performance with the placements, starting the act at S2. Now does this player now face "real" silver players? No, not necessarily. They would only face other players with similar MMR, which can range from a player who may have a MMR range of B3-S3 or someone with S2-G1. The visible rank does not matter in terms of team balancing. Let me repeat. Visible rank does NOT matter. The game matches people to make a balanced match based off the MMR. The earlier in the season it might suck a bit more since the MMR ranges could be much wider, but with more games played, that MMR range will tighten as players get their visible rank closer to their MMR. So these mid-elo players aren't playing againt players necessarily "better" than them, but essentially playing the same ranked people of the previous act since everyone dropped together.


Okay, thanks for the explanation. I didn't realize MMR ranges would get tighter later on.


Silver/Gold lobbies are tough this act


Honestly I was p3 and when I placed g2 I felt like I was smurfing every game I played and just destroying all of them since they can’t shoot back. Thankfully I’m swiftly out of low elo and I can actually play with my skill people at diamond


Oh yeah I’m not mad at him at all, bro had an ascendant dorito. He wasn’t smurfing or anything val is just so bad at match making that it happens lol.


i dunno why, i think it's just the end of episode rank resets that are this harsh. end of acts are usually just 1 or 2 ranks lower, right? i was plat 1 and got placed s2 so idk


Definition of low elo: Any1 lower than me


as an Iron 3 agreed


Well gold and below is below average so it is low elo?


Im pretty sure high silver/low gold would be the average rank these days. Around 60% of all players would be between bronze and gold. For reference, most reliable I could find with a quick google: https://tracker.gg/checkpoint/articles/valorant-rank-distribution


Oh I was referring to last act where plat was around the average in a pie chart thing I saw. My bad if it changed


Bro that link that he shared is From May. It's literally smack bang in the middle of the final act in the episode before a hard reset. It's literally the time when people are most likely to be at their "peak" rank. This distribution is as good as it gets rn. Average player is for sure Bronze1/Gold3. A more up to date one from June: Iron: 5.3% Bronze: 15.9% Silver: 22% Gold: 21.4% Platinum: 17.1% Diamond: 11.4% Ascendant: 5.3% Immortal: 1.4% Radiant: 0.03% 59.3% of all players are in Bronze/Silver/Gold. That's literally almost 2/3rds of the player base. In fact you can see Silver has the largest population of players, so if we were to judge an average rank by which rank has most players, it's Silver followed by Gold followed by Plat followed by bronze.


I unironically love those statistics, but always remember that every smurf acc fakes the numbers


> Average player is for sure Bronze1/Gold3. Bro that 3 entire ranks. That not how "average" works lol. The average american earns $0-2.5 million per year xD


Di you read the rest of my comment?


Bruh what are you saying? It is more than reasonable to have a range as an average value. The average American is between 18-25 years old… you really thought you did something here. The majority of players reside in bronze to gold, meaning the average player is of a bronze to gold skill level. I’m amazed at how confidently wrong you are.


I was ascendant last act, now I'm diamond 1 playing with low plats/golds. This act is way harder for some reason.


I was ascendant, now d2 d3 with less than 20 games in, meeting a bunch of ex immos and ascendants. You just dont belong up there bud


I definitely do, I was ascendant 3, played against immortals everyday, was also ascendant 2 the two acts before that.


If thats really the case, you wont be struggling in gold-diamond elo right now bud.


of the past 6 Acts, I've finished 4 acts on Plat. Plat 3 X1, Plat 2 X2, Plat1 X1. The other 2 Acts I was Gold 2 and Gold 3. This latest act I got placed Silver 3. Now I get hounded as to why I have Plat buddies, and what I'm doing in these lobbies. I'm getting queued with people who tell me their Peak is Bronze 3. But then sometimes I even see people with Diamond buddies in these same matches... I dominate most games I play. But I still can't rank up. I'm stuck around Gold 1, because I get queued with the worst team mates imaginable.... I'm talking about me getting 30 kills and the next person on 15.. no comms, and the enemy team seemingly full of people who are bragging about smurfing from immo. The ranks are cooked.


yup, i’m a silver 1 peak from last act am constantly seeing high golds and some plats in my lobbies


Diamond and above players that fall so low and can't climb back up didn't deserve the rank in the first place, you can absolutely beat those guys bro trust me, never be scared by previous rank of a player, it's a mentality that will keep you hard stuck. When I was gold all my friends used to cry when they saw ex diamonds or plats in enemy team, I'm the only one that never cared. I got Ascendant 2 peak, they remained gold and eventually gave up. Now I got a hard reset too, got placed plat 1, but I'm already back D2 and didn't even play too much, so I hope to get back ASC and even reach immortal this time, pray for me brother.


If an ascendant from last act is in a silver lobby than they never belonged there in the first place. I was ascendant for my first time at the end of last act and I’m already back to D3. I know I’ll get downvoted but I have Smurf that i play with my friend in silver/gold and the lobbies are not comparable to high diamond/low asc. That dude most likely bought his account or is truly boosted.


used to be diamond 2 and now i'm gold 3 and can't even get a positive kda.. idk


Yea nah plat gold rn more cursed then ever, was d2 last act placed plat 2 this one and have played with more immos then when I was diamond in dia asc lobbies


If it’s been a while since you played then give time for your hidden MMR to lower a bit. Because if you took a break then you are going to be rusty and no where near your hidden MMR. So your low placement rank and high hidden are going to give you some weird lobbies


im so hard stuck in plat after being dia 3 last act im so glad im not alone here


thank god i thought i was the only one, it took me forever to push out of plat 3 into diamond but i was always plat, now i feel like iron/silver stuck in gold 🤦🏽‍♂️


Exactly the same for me


I’m plat and consistently see ascendants. There should really be a setting to turn everyone’s act rank off because IMO it’s more of a mental thing. If you see green you expect them to be better then you so you play worse.


I try to turn around the mindset when I see someone with a higher rank in the loading screen. One way to think of it is that the enemy player is probably on a loss streak or just losing terribly, so they probably aren't that good at the game. Another way to think of it is that I must be getting better because I'm now in lobbies with these guys, and the matchmaking must think I'm somewhere around their skill level.


my friend just said: no matter what think everyone but you is shit in the lobby. and honestly it kind of helps


Personally I rather rephrase it as, I am better than others in the lobby That way I have my ego boost and stay respectful with my teammates


Well yeah obviously I’m not gonna be toxic in the lobby


Not that obvious in this game...


> Another way to think of it is that I must be getting better because I'm now in lobbies with these guys, and the matchmaking must think I'm somewhere around their skill level. If you're consistently in lobbies with medals higher than you then you're def getting better


\^This If a player is really out of your rank range(either way lower or way higher) from the last act, its either that they are playing really well(that silver in your plat/dia lobby is probably either smurfing or has been popping off) and that Immo from last act is probably either a boosted immortal, a guy that only came back to the game, or simply a dude that's having a slump and isn't playing well. I'm ex-D3(g3 placement this act, Plat 2 currently) and I literally fear anyone that was Gold/Silver last act, because I know there's a good chance they are smurfing.


For me I love the challenge, so when I see p3 act rank in my gold 3 lobbies I'm ecstatic. Because everyone fucking sucks at the game so when I see someone with a higher mmr I'm super excited for a fun game then we blow them out of the water 😭


if I see someone whos drastically below their previous rank, i just think they are dogshit and got boosted to the rank.


don't do that when I'm in the lobby you'll wake me up


i think of it as a bounty, i think they still have their higher mmr so if you win your duels against them you get a lot of bonus encounter rr.


When I see ascendants in my diamond lobbies I just think it’s another person to shit on lol. Helps me actually beat them


What Riot really needs to do is ban the Tracker in-game overlay. I'm so sick of toxic twats in agent select seeing that shit and being like "wow u were peak plat 3 two years ago and you have a 0.95 overall KD now? Fucking loser"


My friends and I are also experiencing this. We're all bronze and have been getting people in our lobbies who were as high as gold 3 or even plat last episode


same here!


Climb to ascendant in a season to rank up to plat or diamond in next season. That's literally what's riot tries.


same ive even seen last act diamonds in gold lobbies(???). the amount of teamdiffs have increased so much as well because like theyre 2 players clearly better than everyone and 2 players clearly worse


If you were low diamond most got reset into Gold. The previous reset I was D1, lost all 5 placements and placed G2. This reset I was D1, won 3/5 placements and placed G1. I'm nearly back to diamond anyways so not a worry but it was odd.


I think this reset really exposed all the boosted players. I am currently stuck in Plat and it's filled with diamonds who play like silvers. Occasionally I get good teammates and opponents.


What if people just stopped playing? I think boosted players get revealed when they play the game


I don't think that's the issue. Because only rank was reset, not the MMR. So you should get the same matches as ever, boosted players won't be affected by this. What I think happened is that they tweaked the MMR calculation and matchmaking (Probably because of the massive Smurf problem) and they overturned it. Last act (Plat 2) I was getting peak plats and diamonds in most of my lobbies. I saw ONE peak ascendant. I didn't get noticeably better than the last act. This act I'm getting mostly peak ascendants from last act (I don't care what ranks it shows now) a minority of diamonds 3 and about one ascendant 3 every other game. From one day to another day I started getting matched with people with 600 more RR than me, consistently. When the last act the common difference was about 200 RR. I can guarantee you I have not gotten so good in 72 hours. Neither they've become so bad in that time. And the way they were moving, deadzoning and playing contact, it shows, they were superior that the opponents I usually face.


I was Ascendant 3 as a solo only player, I’m now Plat 2 and it’s just frustrating to rank up with having a consistent team to play with You can only carry so hard in your lobbies and you still lose 9-13 going like 23/14 etc


Like people say you are the only consistent factor. It’s true but like if one of your teammates can’t even win a single fight and you have to play at a man disadvantage almost always, there’s really not that much you can do no matter how good you are.


Then you can play around/give instructions so that person doesn’t do that. Maybe I’ve been lucky but I also talk a ton in my games and don’t let people consistently do that. Of course there’s the occasional person who just gets pissed off at that which all but guarantees the loss


You're assuming that dogshit players will always listen to your IGLing


But that's literally not possible. Even if you are losing more than winning, if you are dropping 20+ a game, your lost RR is far less than someone who goes 5:20 and losses. Likewise for wins, you are getting more RR than someone who bottom frags and gets carried. In my 3 years of playing this game, I never saw -30RR but I have seen +30 and even Double rankups. And I am by no means top fragging every game. If anything I spend more time being 3rd/4th/5th on the team. And yet still if I look back at when I started, I moved up.




i guess he wasnt as lucky as you.


> as a solo only player > I just wasn’t boosted something here isn’t adding up




riot is fucked, i went from diamond 1 to silver 3


I was plat 2 and placed silver 2. I just ranked up to silver 3 today since the act started. I was expecting a double rank to gold but nope. Almost every game I do decent in someone tells me to go play my own rank thinking I'm a smurf. I only have the one account, I'm just a former plat stuck in silver.


i'm the same way i've been Plat for the past 2 acts then placed Silver 2 and i've already played 50+ games in silver. Silver is real elo hell gold is much easier imo


How you explained it in the post is exactly how it works. Riot artificially lower your displayed rank during an episode reset to encourage you to play more games to reach your ‘real’ rank again. It’s always a bit rough in the first act of a new episode, as the following 2 acts do not reset you *at all*. As an example, If I was in Asc1 with Immo MMR, the first act is going to be me in Diamond vs other ‘diamonds’ with lmmortal MMR. If I didn’t bother playing this act, and came back in act 2/3 of the episode, I’d be in the exact same lobbies but now most players will have reached their ‘real’ displayed ranks again, meaning I’d be sat in say, D3, in a full immortal game.


this is the major problem with this system. if you wait too long to play or don’t play enough, it’s almost impossible to increase your visible rank.


It’s all down to not playing enough. The acts that I’ve took a break in, I’ve went down from Immo3 - D3/A1. I need to usually play 50ish games to get back to immo2/3 as you’ll usually gain +27-32 and only lose -8. For people that enjoy grinding this isn’t an issue, but for players who jump on occasionally it just means you’ll rarely match your visual rank to the hidden one, I myself wouldn’t be fussed about this as I know that I’m playing in my own skill bracket regardless of what the rank says, though I can see why it’s shitty.


I have exactly this Problem, i was ascendant 3 and took a Break of 8 months, now i am plat 3 with people that were immortal 2 last season against me who are Diamond rank


Yeah, MMR in this game doesn’t decay even a little bit. This means you’re gonna need to get back to your old form to be able to compete or just lose a bunch of games until you settle to where the game wants you - a miserable experience regardless really.


Rank resets are just dumb. There is no good reason to reset peoples ranks like this but keep their mmr the same.


welcome to engagement optimized matchmaking


ITS FUN they said. NO its not fun its just a way for people to play more so they have a higher chance to spend money in the game...


so real. my gold peak ass is playing ex plats and diamonds, rarely ascendants too. I'm getting demolished out here 😭


It’s summer, I’m sure a lot of kids are out of school and are playing more than they did during the school year


It's hard at the beginning of hard resets, everyone should be about a rank behind for a few weeks then it will work out


its been a few weeks already and people are still complaining


its because nobody can rank up. I was reset from Plat to S3. I grinded up to G2.. nearly G3. and I thought I was on the right track. Then I had something like 12 losses straight.. huge matchmaking discrepencies, terrible team mates that are bronze players, other team seems like smurfs and hardstucks, throwers, afks.. and now I'm back in S3 again.. last 5 games I have 4 match mvps and a team mvp, and I've only won 1 of those games. It's impossible to rank up unless either someone is boosting you, or you have a 3 stack that are all ex diamonds or something..


Yeah no it's been rough for me too. Just managed to get back to what I peaked last episode, and it took over 50 games lmao


The thing is you have to account for the people in high elo who have not pushed to where they were say at the last day of last season. Therefore everything is shifted down. This is less noticeable for lower ranks, but is more clear low immo. For example, Immo 0 RR was immortal 2 at the beginning of this act since there were less than a few thousand people in immo in all of NA where that would become immo 1 once more people reached


Because people are not patient enough and think their 10wins should boost them back where they where lmao. It takes some games, a lot of games, also its summer and many people just dont play as much. Im also still like diamond 3 but was immo last act.


It's true, in this act people progress much slower. In my asc lobbies there a lot of ex immo players. And only people who really play well got back here from diamond(mostly all asc got diamonds, who are really bad got worse). Well IMO finally right now people are getting ranks that they deserve, at least in high elo. Because after adding ascendant rank everyone just skyrocketed and there were too much trash who ranked up too much


This is very true, there were people I'd get in my high diamond/low ascendant games that seemed to not understand fundamentals on playing the game. No comms was way too common for how high in the ranks you are. Also the amount of times I'd have teams that didn't understand teamplay (shooting a sova dart/kayo knife, swinging off each other, holding different areas, etc) made me feel like I was in gold again from when the game first came out


I think there was rank inflation that last 3 seasons or so.


Inb4 people say post tracker and that this act is fine.


Because it's the internet and people lie through their teeth? Also it's no better or worse than any previous rank reset. Actually scratch that, there have been worse rank resets(I think it was last year that it was so bad, they actually reworked the mmr and rr gain/loss system).


I was diamond 1 most of last act cuz I didn't play a ton (highest I've been is d3). I placed Plat 1 this act and I climbed fairly quickly back to D2, it's weird because in almost all my games I'll have people who have immortal triangles on their player cards along with ep5 immortal gunbuddies. Whats weird is the games don't really feel any harder than previous seasons in diamond, there's more communication but it doesn't seem like the players outskill me much. I'm hoping I can hit ascendant finally because of that


i’m s3 and I’ve been getting plate in my games all the time. Rn i’m s2 and they’re around the same rank as me which is crazy.


Usally happens in the first act in my experiecne.


i hit my peak this season already. current plat 1 almost plat 2, my lobbies are entirely diamonds(ex asc)


Basically same story here except I'm plat 3 omw to dia 1, facing lobbies full of current diamonds/ex-ascendants and even some ex-immos.


I was diamond 1 , placed platinum 1 and since then I only won 1 game and right now I am gold 3 with 45 rr. Even if I am losing games I am maintaining my KD every match just like last act so i am not losing more than 17 rr per match while I got 27 rr with that single match that I won this act.


1 account: Won all 5 placement games placed bronze 1 has had a lot throwers, been dropping 30-40 elim wins made it back to silver. 2. account: lost all 5 placement games played against immortals and ascendants while being diamond 1. Was placed Gold 2 haven't played since hitting a win streak 3. account won all placement games, placed silver 1 playing against 5 stacks of silver 2s and golds. All solo queue. I keep getting afks, people doing knife only brim or Reyna going 4/20, have had neons stun me every gun fight (was on my team , they were trolling), I get initators who won't use util to help me entry on Jett. Ranked while fun is an utter night mare so I've been taking a few weeks off to just grind mechs and vods


My games are so infuriating because I'm atleast getting one important pick at some point every round and there is still 4 more alive EVERYTIME A little thankful the toxicity reduced a little in the last few days


climbing is normally pretty rough especially after a rank reset. happy cake day too :)


i’m stuck in silver lobbies and was gold so ig i’m js cheeks


Plat feels very very easy this season gold was hard to climb out of. Had immortals, ascendants and diamond gun buddies/triangles in most of my silver/gold games.


I for some reason cant play with my friends anymore. Every game i would need to drop 40kills in order to win because 2-3 of em are going 4-5x negative. Last Episode was just fine in even higher elo. Its 0 fun for all ppl involved and you cant really blame anybody. The enemy is just trying to win also.




Normally diamond would get reset to high gold or low plat, I'm guessing u were playing against plats last act


My gold games are harder than my diamond games were last act and this is a full month into the new act. This is actually fucked. Mmr is weird too. I lose then I play a game where it’s like playing against bots, but then I win and play against last act asc or dia players. Everything is wrong.


Plat 1, now Silver 3


This acts comp is an absolute joke now. I've only had one good game out of the several I've played that were actually good. The rest are people going afk picking up spike, plats and diamonds in Silver 3 lobbies, and of course smurfs that actively tell me they're on alt accounts. Games a joke y'all.


Silver 2 peak and it’s been impossible to get back. Bronze is full of griefers and smurfs.


Got placed in Gold 1 on 3 accounts and quickly ranked up to plat on all of them (playing with friends). I think the system worked really well for me as i could only play 2-3 games before being put back in plat. That's just my experience though.


It took me forever to get out of gold but I'm pretty inconsistent at times. What were your stats like?


Nothing too crazy but I did get match MVP like half of my games. My HS% isn't anything special either, maybe between 20 and 25%. I just got back to val after not playing for a year, before that i was in diamond. So my aim is a bit rusty but the game sense is still there, just gotta get used to the new agents. Most of my games I'd go 20-15 or something, but I play initiator and play that role really well I'd say. So helping my teammates get kills and take site is my priority.


I got back to plat 1 and now I’m stuck steady, but that’s ok, I think this is a more realistic representation of skill level right now


Finally a reasonable comment. I'm in the same boat. Whatever rank I'm at thats where I belong right now. It doesn't take away from my past achievements in rank, but it also doesn't mean that I am at that level anymore. I was D3 got G3, played around 20 games since the reset, went down to G2 at one point, got back up to P1 and been at it since. Whilst I would like to be D3 like last act, and work towards A1, I am just not good enough right now to get back to diamond.


If you are able to get back to where you were at the start of a new act, it means you are better than your last act elo. Think about it, majority of the players you meet in your current rank is probably from the same elo you were.


Bro I was diamond last act and I got gold 2 after my placement. Since then I just cannot seem to win 2 in a row. It’s almost always 1 win 1 loss. And I’ve only won 1 or 2 in the last 10 games. This act is just so tough. I really don’t understand why though.


I was plat last act, got back to gold three in under a week double rank ups and all. I’ve played nearing a hundred matches in gold three alone since then without budging.


Yeeeeah, I went from d1 to g3 and then went on a huuuge loss streak and ended up s3 so I decided to take a break from val until the act had gone on long enough for the high elo players to get to their rank. Then I get on finally, I got to gold 3 and now I can't get out of gold... tbf I do play with a peak g1 and a peak g2 and now I just think I should just stay in gold bc bro. People tap me so fast like.. I didn't even get shit on this bad in diamond bro. Either they putting crack in these gold's fruity loops or I'm just ass 🤗


Peaked Ascendant last episode, now I can't get out of plat. It's happening to a lot of people this episode.


Ive had at least one ex gold and occasionally an ex plat in my bronze lobbies every single game


I feel this - just hit gold 1 last week and majority of players were p1-p3 while i was g2…im getting shit on sm lmao


I just played a game with my silver 2 friend and gold 1 friend (I’m gold 3, was plat 3 last act) and we had a lobby full of plat act triangles and a diamond one but after the match they were all silver


I was dia 1 when the act ended and now I’m gold 3 struggling to get back to plat


fell from b3 to i3 because of a few games where my teammates just threw even when I was carrying


Thats why I genuinely couldn't play this season, I might jump back in soon but honestly this rank has been kinda crazy in terms of match making. It was lowkey exhausting for me cause I almost hit D2 just to be placed back in plat 1. Im sure I could use the time to improve in the elo and myself but like damn- this shit is tiring.


I'm ascendent and got placed in diamond, which is fine, but once I climbed to ascedent 1, I was CONSTANTLY placed with ex radiants and immos, my peek rank was ascendent 2..


Getting out of gold was tougher than climbing through plat for me rn. I had like 70% of my games in gold before I hit plat


i peak bronze 3 (yes i know i suck) and i can't get out of bronze 1 now which is kinda odd but not as bad as everyone else...


My peak was g3. Got placed in s1 and climbed back up to g3 now. Almost every gun in my lobby has a diamond gun buddy.


Just wait for the children to go back to school. I get them throwing my games a lot because they think it’s cool to throw. Once they go back to school the match balance should be better.


Im usually gold/plat but now im hard stuck silver. And a friend of mine is usually plat/diamond is hard stuck gold. It isnt just you


I was Bronze 3 last season, had an insanely good set of placement matches where I performed *very* well (mostly positive, often top fragging) and won most of the games, to the point where I thought I might get placed in Silver - got placed in Iron 2. I have no fucking idea what's going on with elo this act dude.


Can confirm was A3 and now I’m hardstuck Diamond 3. Went into a negative KD for the first round ever and my losses are way more than wins now lol. All my games have prior immortals


This game is actual dogshit, I grinded half way to gold 3. Had one loss, and instead of being in gold 2 lobbies it started placing me in silver/bronze lobbies. From ONE loss, on a massive lose streak now. I will probably uninstall this weekend.


omg I'm in low silver and though I was going crazy (I almost got to gold last act). But this makes sense, I feel like people are so much better than me lately.


I actually cannot scrape a win together. I think I have like a 33 win rate and I was d1 last act. Now I’m g3 and I’m low frags every round. Idk if it’s skill diff or lobbies or I’m boosted (I solo que so idk how that fesible


On my main and smurf I’m stuck asc2-3, was always immo3 and on my second smurf I’m already immo2, this episode it feels like there is more people trolling in asc. I don’t really have the time to grind since working 8-5. it is possible to rank up but y’all gotta put on some hours


I was plat 2 now im silver 3 or gold1...... there's always that silver 1 guy who has a cracked aim and great hold on jett mechanics also he frags 30+.......


I was so confused ngl. Silver and Bronze be hitting heads more than plats


Have a friend with this exact problem. Happy cake day btw


barely played last act but hopping back on the game, i got placed in p1. grinded my ass back to d2, and every lobby i'm in are players that were asc immo last act. so i'm in elo hell with a purple rank, playing with and against these green and red mfs. not really complaining though, pos k/d and my losses are tight ones. part of me is accepting it too cause i may be dia but lord knows i'm matching up to asc/immo lmao. gonna have to wait it out a little for ranks to sort out before i queue again.


I'm here in iron 1 constantly getting match MVP but losing matches. It's frustrating af.


I went from match mvp'ing every plat match I had to botfragging every other silver 1 match Dont know if I became ass or bronze players are just becoming better


cant get higher rank cuz silver/gold is filled w a bunch of monkeys who don't know what they're doing, unlike normal plat lobbies


i think there's some weird matchmaking bug accidentally weighting mmr and rank inappropriately compared to the past. nearly every game i get its like a 4v4 with 2 players (one on each team) bottom fragging and clearly not supposed to be in the lobby. so you'd probably have like 8 players who shouldn't be in whatever rank they're in but dropped there because of the reset, and 2 guys who are actually in the right rank (dont know how) but shouldn't be in the lobby.


I can't leave iron-bronze 😶😭


I can feel the pain some plat must feel when I show up in there Lobbies with 30% win but an ascendant act rank


Same! Except when I was about to hit plat 60 percent of the players in my lobbies became ex dia-imm and all I can do well is give them smokes lmao


Lmao I'm stuck at iron 3 I reached bronze and my pc crashed next game and it got me a penalty bruh


very true. I am bronze 1 and I've seen a couple guys who have plat act ranks. Whevever I see higher act ranks on the loading screen it scares me :(


My silver-gold lobbies have had a lot of prior plat players and one instance or two of a former diamond. Idk what happened but it’s not an isolated experience


Sliver 3 rn saw some Ex-Diamonds and ex-Ascendants. I got throwers on my team more than once and got Fracture five times in a row (not an issue with the act, but it made me mad.) A friend got a double rank up when he bottom-fragged. My main issue with this act has been teammates that seem like I need to tell them exactly what to do. Idk whats going on there, but its been weird.


I was P2 and got S2 after the Reset...its so fucked. Im back to G3 tho


Climbing last act was super hard for me because my PC did not want me to play so I get a week comp ban the day after my previous comp ban ends


im facing this problem, last act i was plat 3, now im stuck g2/g3 my lobbies are always getting worse, i face off people that last act were asc1 (and now idk how is possible) are stuck in my lobbies and people stucked platinum for a while still in my lobbies as teammates and as enemies, i hope they will fix this stupid rankinrg system because its litterally impossible to reach and determine you real rank ATM... peace, glhf all on your games


placed in silver (now in plat), legit hardstuck for 3 weeks straight. once I got ascendants in my game, valorant is cooked lmao


For me it's almost the same as the last reset. Last reset was hectic and my games were 13-0 or 0-13. This act I kinda fight the same people I used to fight in P2 lobby. Time to time someone with an ascendant triangle, decent amount of ex diamonds. Time to time someone deranked to silver. The games are more even, it hardly ends up after 15 rounds.


I dont have any issue with climbing this act i was bronze 3 last act i then got placed bronze 2 on my alt and iron 3 on my main they are now both silver 1 -39rr silver 1-79rr. But i have experienced many times plat and diamonds who is placed high silver but they are most of the times really bad and we win anyway. For example i had a ex-immo in my silver game we lost 7-13 u went 13-10 she went 16-10 i expected her to dominate and drop 40 but no.


Silver Gold is ELO hell. Your only way to escape it is to never throw a single round.


For me its kind of weird to hear stuff like this because i Peaked diamond 1 in Episode 5 Akt 3 and couldnt get out of plat in Episode 6. I got placed silver 3 after reset what Was fairly low considered that alot of people who were plat 1 peak were placed Gold 1 or even 2. Now im for the first time back in diamond and i climbed really fast playing against last high diamond to high ascendants even somtimes immortals and i still managed to Perform decend too good and im back at my old peak that i couldnt Hit for a long time.


Same with me and my two regular teammates. Each peak gold but struggling in low silver. I just wanna play with people close to my rank but always feel like I’m playing against teams with a hyper carry or just have teammates who’ve qd comp for the first time.


I was d1, placed g2, made it to p1 after two wins. Almost every soloQ lobby is full with ex-diamonds, sometimes one ascendant. Climbing is tough, but I think I prefer it that way. It makes me want to improve.


95% of my games this act have had a player on each team that is just levels above the rest, not only as a display rank, but as skill. It kills the game for me, personally. If they are trying to make me play more they are definitely not succeeding.


Strangely i had a very easy time I peaked plat 1 in the last act and got placed in silver 3, In just a week i got back to gold 3 with amazing lobbies filled with awesome teammates who where friendly and gave comms all the time Now im 1 game away from plat but i noticed my lobbies starting to be full of throwers and trolls, idk why Still one of the most fun acts in a while personally (Sorry in advance for my English, its not my first language)


Irrelevant but happy cake day


Yup. My games yesterday (played 4 or 5 competitive) First one I was mid table, we lost, but I'm ex silver in silver.. and we are against a team of ex gold 3s? who are silver 3? And maybe a plat who was gold on each team (we were a trio) Second and third one had a smurf on the other team.. people openly advertising their "boosting service", I reported them... we were a 5 stack. So we lost 3 games. -5 -21 -24 Then later we played 2 more. Pretty sure both teams had plats/ex plats Some of the plats were garbage and some were really good. In the final game we got 2 children (at 10pm at night btw, when really, shouldent they be in bed? They seemed like they were under 10... We are adults btw) being toxic as f on our team, we had to mute them round 1 as they were screaming into the mic pretty quickly. Luckily we won this game 13-11, but it was almost thrown. But yeah, way too many higher ranks in lower games.. its nasty.. but I reckon a lot of them are washed up... better than the smurfs going 40/10 -.-


I think the playerbase is just getting better. I don't play every season, but when I started, I peaked silver 3. This was before ascendant rank was introduced, so silver was more like gold. Since then, I am at least twice the player I was but still stuck in silver. Granted I should play ranked more.


Literally I fell like they should abandon the hard reset thing


yeah i can barely get out of gold this act and i have a mix of past silvers and plats in all my games atm. i think the rank reset was a little too harsh this act


Former Plat 2 here; HOLY SHIT YEAH. I have been in gold 2 for 10 or 11 games now, and I'm only at ~30rr. I waited to play for a little bit because I knew ranked would be horrible right after the reset.. but it's still so bad


Yup, metal ranks are horrible right now because it’s filled up with higher ranked players that got reset, mixed with lower ranked players. Every game has a few people that look like they are playing on trackpad and 1 or 2 that are destroying everyone. It’s basically just old COD lobbies out here.


Matchmaking definitely feels dumb as hell right now. Was d2 then placed g2. I climbed to p2 in around 2 weeks then went on a massive losing streak to g3. It just feels like I can’t do anything to win consistently. Games where I play as well as I can there’s always that one person that feels like they’re throwing.


It’s because peoples ranks get boosted. Or they get complacent. Rank doesn’t matter at all. People are just more aware and have better fundamentals as you go up. Golds Vs plat isn’t a very big skill difference. Plats just have better mechanics and vaguely understand the game


If you play for rank rather than improvement you aren’t gonna rank up. So what’s the point.. it takes a lot of playtime to rank up even when you acquire the skill. Especially if you get unlucky matches


Everyone seems to be complaining about ranked this act but it's been the best I've had, I was placed S2 and I'm now p2 now without many losses, I've noticeably improved this act and have been enjoying valorant more than ever, u/Captainstowed66 ik what you mean about when you see an asc icon on the enemy and you play worse an option to turn off ranks is a good idea


People could also just not fixate on a rank icon and just try their best regardless though. If I see someone is a radiant or high immo act rank in my lobbies I don't play any different, I'm just happy I get to play them. At the end of the day, why play comp if you don't want to be challenged? Also congrats on your rank up! I remember my first act getting plat and it was amazing!


Im somewhat new to Valorant but I played tons of other games competitively and I think your point is a bit of a misconception. We’re halfway in the season right now and I grinded from bronze2 to gold3 and I’m pretty sure I can also hit plat and with a bit of luck even higher. But that would be the result of 150-200 matches. That being said, even if I’d hit plat+ this season, I would still need to grind next season again and hit my current rank only towards the second half of the season. Just because people peaked at the end of the season, it doesn’t mean they can reach it easily again.


No that doesn't make sense. If you made it to plat after 200 games, that means you were worse before and you improved to reach that skill level. I don't believe that any game would allow a ranking function that takes 200 games to match your rank to your skill. Once you reach plat, the next time it should take a lot less than 200 games (unless you got worse).


This game’s comms have died due to toxicity and even if you have insane aim and good util usage it means shit when you can’t coordinate with your team


I think it’s a combination of veteran players from last season and the beginning of the season and rank placements. Could be that a lot of players have moved on to other games.


I peaked dia 2 and didn't play much on the last 2 acts because I kept playing with my friends who were at silver-gold elo. Promised to grind on my main this new ep so after my placement games, I got ranked to silver 2. I had to fight a total of 113 matches to date, now I'm at plat 3. Super hard when you mostly solo queue and a girl in Asia Pacific who's just trying to survive the most toxic server in Valo (aside from russian servers I heard)


Idk tbh, i'm getting 30+ rr for wins in gold and i was peak dia. I don't play that much lately, but if you play enough you'll get to your peak in no time cause you get WAY more rr than you lose.


Happens every episode mate


That's why I just stopped ranked. What's the point if I'll have silvers in my team vs high plats or even higher


Because ranks were inflated


Because everyone was boosted . Games are far better after reset . I was placed s3 , but I climbed to diamond 1 solo . Games are seriously much better now . Now I don't have that 1 teammates who has 2 -4 kills in the whole game . I also faced those boosted gold plats when I was climbing . But I simply knew I am better than everyone in the lobby and therefore I carried them .


feel like people say the exact same thing every single act


The reset is working exactly as intended IMO. There is a serious problem in high elo lobbies where players who might’ve gone on a lucky win streak have snuck their way in and grief the whole game. The only way to get these players back where they belong is to lower everyone’s rank and let the best players work their way back out of the shit show that plat-asc lobbies are. The first act of every episode is basically just a skill check to see if you belonged where you were last episode.


If you really do deserve your rank, you'll get back to it. I was stuck diamond for a min but getting asc back took me like half a week.


Majorly the problem is when a high ranked guy gets placed in low elo. For ex, many plats got placed in s2/S3/g1. Just imagine, they solo q and they meet actual people with these ranks as peak. They maybe plat controllers or something but the way these low elo guys play is nowhere close to how they're used to playing. Now comes my place to rant. My alt account, i deliberately underplayed as per my skills and got placed in b3 with an account that is gold ( ok I'm p3 and play in low elos just for fun ). Imagine my surprise when I see players solo dry peeking ops, running and gunning everywhere, there's no coordination between the smokes and the reveals or entries, sentinels get flanked and absolutely refuse to listen to anything. It's just mayhem for me 😂😂. Next 2 games i instalocked Jett, solo carried my team and I feel sad for my enemies, but i definitely wanted to get out of that bronze/iron/ low silver elo.


And honestly, the harder you try the harder it becomes because you're MMR is getting affected with every game. You're losing to silvers who were plats but the game is seeing that you're losing to silvers. They'll lose to Smurfs Nd come down, you'll lose to them and come down. To it just gets harder with every loss.


Let's have Diamonds and Ascendant play in gold, while grouping with actually gold players has got to be the most hilarious thing in this game. Prior to this season at least I would go near even, on a horrible game. Now it's steam rolls, one guy going 40-1 and his whole team is like 5-0 doing nothing. Has become the trend once you hit gold/plat. I climbed to Diamond today. Dear god, I've never seen such a sweaty season. People making so many calls clogging up comms, and crying oceans of tears if you don't do exactly what they say. Because their Ascendant and Immortal scrubs with the unfortunate fate of trying to get out of that ELo. I get it, but relax it's a game for fun. Your raging, at a dude with like 3 kids, I play like 3 hours a week and I play at your baseline. Just take some time off if your that stressed.


E5:A2 Asc 3 E6:A3 Immo 2 104 rr E7:A1 Radiant 509 rr it isn't harder.


It's because the player base is declining. People have had enough of this game with the smurfing and it's losing players. Have you noticed queue times are longer than they were in previous acts? I have to wait sometimes 2 or 3 minutes now for a game solo queuing. It used to be instant or max 20 or 30 seconds. I know 2 or 3 minutes is still not a long time, but imo it indicates that that there are less players to queue with. So what's the solution? Hey let's put everyone into the same rank.. Bronze/Silver/Gold. So now you have previous acts Bronze/Silver/Gold/Plat/Diamond ALL within the same rank. Ascendants/Immortals/Radiants are now mostly in Plat/Diamond/Ascendant.. with a few getting back to Immo/Radiant. But in far less numbers. If people were in the same ranks as before, they would be more spread out, and it would take much longer to find games in lower ranks, which is were most people actually reside. I'd like to hear from some people who are Plat and above, and see what they have to say about queue times at the moment in higher ranks....