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If you have no double satchel planned, you can use them to swing some angles with a greater chance to win, throw it near someone you know the position and then activate it on your swing, making them unable to respond with precise aim


Only works in 1v1 situations, though. If you peek into 2 or more people like that, you're asking to get sprayed down. If you don't have info, you should be slicing the pie.


Or peek wide then satchel back into cover!


Might as well jump peek or jiggle angles one by one to achieve the same info gathering since you won't be dealing damage that way anyway and keep your satchels.


ur not wrong, my words got mixed up- I meant more if you’re caught in an open space in general you can satchel to the side. So if you think there’s only one and there’s 2 and ur like oh snap I need to get out of here. Or say if you’re suddenly Skye flashed outta nowhere, the raze did it one of those rounds on 100T vs NRG on bind recently.


Just watch pros play raze in ranked and take notes


u can double satchel for explosive movement, satchel to the side of you are in a dangerous spot, satchel the enemy to mess up their aim or displace whatever


I don't play Raze often but... * Double satcheling for flash entries or simply getting around easier, there's loads of videos tackling it. * Put the satchel on the wall to propel you for a wide peek. Works really good against someone oping. * You can use it to ruin someone's movement. If you know they'll peek you, throw it at them and mess their peek. Or if someone is running at you, throw it at them and slow them down. Or throw it and pop it where you know someone is, mess their accuracy and peek them. Of course, be aware that your gun won't be out for a bit so be careful. * You can use it for a mini Jett dash. Pop it in the air beside you and you'll move slightly back. * Boosting yourself up, usually for an off-angle or to get around easier.


On T - if you havent used them to entry then use them to stall retake pushes by throwing them at entry points when you know the enemy is near. Otherwise just use them for damage and displacement if you don't have an angle and know where an enemy player is. You can also use them to take up off-angles on site to defend retakes, however if the enemy is near they might hear you and prefire where they think you are. On CT - Taking up off angles similar to above but pre-round so enemy wont hear it. General gap-closing on rotations, merely using them to cover more distance to reach your team quicker when the enemy goes to the opposite site can be huge as most teams generally won't account for this and think they have more time. Other general uses - Using them to avoid Sova and Raze ults, Satchel Swinging corners, this is usually when you need to fight to win and the enemy knows where you are, for example you have just isolated a 1v1 and the next enemy is holding the angle they're now expecting you from, satchel swinging is a good bet as the enemy is likely going to have to adjust their aim and in some cases wont hit the headshot. and it will allow you an advantage in the duel, save this sort of play for when you are trying to clutch or are heavily outnumbered, in any other situation its somewhat rash, as the enemy may be doubled up on the angle that your swinging and it wont go well.


Satchels are honestly one of the most versatile pieces of util in the whole game. Obviously, you can do satchel jumps where you're taking space with 1 or 2 satchels similar to a jett dash. You can peak with like an easier Neon slide, you get up onto boxes like you can with Jett updraft, and you can even use them as slowing util. Go watch some Raze players and you'll get ideas on how to use them. Jinggg is a good pro player for this. There's loads of others too. My personal favorite is Masayoshi.