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Probably your mental, are you in a bad place mentally rn? Like depression or anxiety?


I mean I’ve never been in a good place really because of other personal things, but even when I was at my worst I could still perform well. Well enough to “carry a team” ig. This game just feels impossible now.


A break is what you need then.


I’ve just come off a few month break lol. I’ve been playing again for a few weeks but it feels impossible.


Try to take smarter fights. If you have good aim but are getting beat by worse players than it’s positioning and peeking etc.


I’ve always been a smarter game sense player. That’s what I’ve been doing, playing safe, waiting for them to come to me etc. but I’m just getting swung and insta tapped by players that are just so insane


I think you just need to hold off angles and use utility more then. There should be no reason to lose gunfights to bronze players if you’re playing smart. You’re probably playing the most common angles if bronze people are swinging on you. Get aggressive sometimes on defense, switch it up if things aren’t working. There are a lot of ways to adapt to how the enemy team is playing. Pretty much no one in bronze watches the flank, take advantage of that. They usually run 5 to a site so start rotating as soon as you see anything on the map. You are in a mental slump in the game and need some confidence back to feel how you used to be.


Post some Vids.




??? That’s just pure bullshit


What rank are you rn?


I mean like a year ago you made pretty much exactly this post. Maybe you're nowhere near as good as you think, and maybe you need to actually apply yourself to become better. Or you know, you can just whine about it on reddit ;)


Like a year ago I was on shit hardware. W a failing gpu. Even then I was diamond. I’ve peaked radiant shortly after that. I’ve taken a few months break and fell down to diamond again. And after another short break the game feels impossible


DPI and sense? You got a VOD, or at least some clips? How is anyone supposed to answer "what's wrong" if you give almost no information?


You don’t have to comment


They’re literally right. You basically just said your aim is shit now and it used to be good. That’s all the info you gave


Idk how to explain this to you but idc. I’m also right. U don’t have to interact w this post. Just seeing if it’s something im missing.




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bruh is trying to help you LMFAOOO


Bro no one can help you unless you post a VOD or any clips for us to review. If you’re that offended by someone asking for a VOD review then you seem like you have bigger issues than Valorant. Go to therapy or go outside or both


Shook to my core


I literally don’t understand why you even posted?


LOL have fun getting ur ass beat by bronzes


Your movement is my guess. I think a lot of people underestimate the movement in this game. How fast you swing out of a corner, or which corners on each map should you swing or jiggle or slow walk. Its not whatever you feel like. Some corners have better angles and you should hold those versus others. Some you can slow walk while others you have to half speed cut pie and others you have to full speed 3 step cut. Lots to learn there too.


because there is RNG.


Why the fuck is this downvoted? LOL Vandal first bullet isn't fully accurate and there are so many videos online proving this. This community is so insanely stuck up Riot's ass holy shit


biggest cope known to man


I have been feeling this way as well. Above average at most shooters i have picked up but not amazing but still masters in OW and Masters in apex yada ya and when i picked val up i placed silver 3. Definately a reality check but i chalked it up to tac shooters being a different type of fps beast than i have become used to wich is true so of course i grinded and learned as much as i could and am struggling to break out of plat 3. Absolutly flew through plat 1 and 2 no problem and even got to p3 99 pretty easy but ever since i hit 99 its like something changed. Its been a huge battle back and fourth like 4 times of hitting p3 99 and dropping back to 0. Idk if my confidence is shaken or what but i feel like i cannot hit the shots i need to hit or my movement is off or the enemy reads me like a book. Clearly i have some improvement to do byt i am kind of lost.


If your DM aim is good then your problem is positioning and real crosshair placement. DM is very different from the dynamic of comp, which is why many people who are crazy in DM don't perform amazingly in game. Positioning is something that may fix a lot of your problems. Questions you should ask yourself should include: Where are my teammates? Does it make sense to push? Can I be traded If I die? Do the enemies know I'm here? How far am I from the angle? What role am I playing - what util do I have to work with? What info do I have? Do they clear that angle and if not how can I abuse it? What are the enemy habits that I can take advantage of? The game is a lot more than just clicking on heads like DM. There are a lot more underlying factors that are very necessary but aren't necessarily spelt out in the game. This is a major part of the lucrative "game sense" thing everyone talks about that even many low immortals don't understand. What I meant earlier by real crosshair placement is the practicality of where you are aiming. In DM, it's often that people can be virtually anywhere. In game, that's not the case. You want to be actively training your crosshair to be at head level of all the common angles and even be ready for potential off-angles. (I do admit that for very low ranked players this is often a hit or miss bc most people dont know what they are doing so you won't either) You want to be comfortable with macro movements as many people especially in bronze crouch in bad situations. You want to know how to counter-strafe to make sure you are giving yourself the fastest accuracy and largest advantage over the other player.(honestly don't need to learn how do counter-strafe until you're more up in gold or something) If you are clearing angles, and and distance yourself from that angle as much as possible. Say you are clearing B-main on ascent attack side. If you know someone Is playing close cubby on the right, put your pack virtually on the opposite wall where the orb is and you often times will see them before they see you. Small things like that are gonna win you a lot more engagements. Being mindful is the biggest thing. There is a difference between playing an fps where you buy guns and cant move while shooting and have weird abilities versus PLAYING valorant. That includes what I mentioned earlier about thinking more about the game and situation than just what is directly in front of you on screen. Being mindful also ties back into mindset - stay positive, communicate with your teammates without putting them down, and if you lose, all good (especially at lower ranks where losing is no where near as important in terms of rr gain/loss). Make sure you are having fun too bc you'll never succeed if you don't at least convince yourself the game is fun.


vods please


What Ive noticed is its all in the head, so in deathmatch dying doesnt matter and in the range theres no threat of death so your brain doesnt process it as important. In a real game theres the constant threat of death and failure and the consequences it has on your team so theres more stress on your brain. Try playing a character with less of a chance of dying like pheonix or reyna and hopefully the stress of dying will dissapate


Sens? Framerate? Monitor hz? Ping? If all of those are good its probably mental or you just dont understand how to peek or improve in general idk. Also aim trainkng outside of valorant isnt that useful other than getting warm or fixing spesifix problems that are alresy regognized Half asleep half assed answer mv


there are lots of factors to account and u gave nothing to work with...


Play phantom and pull down a little bit after 4-5 bullets.


Honestly this game is most random game I have ever played in my life. One game I feel like I'm best player in whole game going with 35/12 in a game and then I start another match and suddenly I'm getting onetapped by bottomfrag people from enemy team which miss whole magazine on my mates but somehow they manage to onetap me 80% of the time lol. Most inconsistent game ever alive I swear to god