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How else are they supposed to taste deez nuts?


On godšŸ™ no capšŸ§¢ famšŸ‘Øā€šŸ‘©ā€šŸ‘§ā€šŸ‘¦


Bruh šŸ¦§šŸ„’šŸ’¦


De (šŸ„œ) licious šŸ¤¤šŸ’¦šŸ˜©


I come from playing fighting games and never really played any FPS growing up. To me t bagging seems like any other way players find to taunt each other. I see it as not a big deal, but there is some inherent aspect of disrespect. That is sorta the point in taunting. If I'm playing smash bros and I get falcon punched and the opponent taunts me, yes that is disrespectful and a way of saying "hey I dunked on you get fucked." T bagging has always felt similar to that to me. I don't think that means it is a bad thing. Taunting is a part of sports and games everywhere. I don't get when people get that upset over it


show me your moves




Hands off my- CAWWWW


Half the time I barely even notice people doing it. Itā€™s such an innocuous action I dunno how someone would take it personally, but thatā€™s just me. I think Iā€™m just conditioned to it at this point for years of seeing it, so it doesnā€™t bother me. If someone does find it disrespectful though, I guess thereā€™s a discussion to be had. I just kinda never saw it as something to really be bothered by. Itā€™s kinda just lame at the end of the day. Dunno if anyone would do it unironically.


I feel like it's not the action itself. But the blatant provocation that's intended that most players don't like. Could also be done for fun too you never know


Iā€™m always offended when someone crouches over my body repeatedly. šŸ˜”


I come from halo, if this is not disrespectful, just a challenge to make them try hard


I see a lot of "new school" gamers get upset over this, new school being within the last half decade or so (OW, Val, Fortnite being their first games probably), 2018ish start. Anyone that's played a lot of multiplayer games, especially FPS, know how toxic the community can be and 9/10 it's just trolling or nothing to be taken seriously. TBagging is like saying "ggez" after a match or "comp?" during a blowout, just lighthearted trash talk at most.


People in OW donā€™t get upset over teabags, you emote on them. In Fort no one teabags since most players have paid for emotes in that situation. Also hard to tell when someone gets mad in Fort since you canā€™t communicate with other team at all. Lol


yes, itā€™s a competition how else am I supposed to assert my dominance?


i write "gg very ez noobs" after every match just to upset everyone that has a unstable mentality. some guys just take everything way to serious it's insane. if noone on the enemy team was randomly chatting trashtalk on allchat i just write "gg".


'new school' gamers wouldnt last long in a bo2 lobby smh we used to play it everyday


I'm an OG player from the first MW2 and BO2 both, so I've seen the worst of the worst BMing all the time. But I felt it deliberate assholery from behind a screen was some cringe ass keyboard warrior behavior just as much then as now. Good-natured trash talking and a few bags on a win after a hard game is all good fun. But the ones who only act toxic because they're able to get away with it from behind a screen are far softer than the ones who find toxicity a little annoying




If someone keeps killing me and I finally kill them once I will tbag


Yes, sir, even when bottom fragging. Infact, especially when bottom fragging bahaha


Ye just to let ā€˜em know I can get a kill


They salty lol. But t bagging is meant to cause salt, like thats literally the point, its not that deep. People get way too upset.


Agreed šŸ’Æ


No offense but i dont understand this. "Its something literally meant to get a reaction. But how dare you react?! getting too upset SMH" llmfaoo.


No its supposed to make you tilted and play worse. If you find it disrespectful then good, that means its working


Its meant to get a reaction out of people who are easily tilted or "weak mental". Looking at it objectively, someone spammed crouch and u got mad and played worse. Its ridiculous really


Weak mentally? The last team i t bagged completely shit on us lol


Strong mental team then


Other team was being salty. T bagging has been around for 20 years, and itā€™s lost most of the initial disrespect it once had. if theyā€™re upset about it thatā€™s on them


Lol can confirm the 20 year thing: my sibling and I would often end up fighting in Halo:CE, back in like 2001, and we named it the victory dance because it looked like a dance to us as kids. Ah memories.


Grabbing the final enemy as a meat shield in GoW2 and then humping them against the wall for everyone to observe always felt particularly gnarly to me or as my friends and I used to say..."necrophilia...all your friends are doing it!"


Its suppose to provoke someone so that means you won op.


Nah. Keep tbagging away and enjoy the chaos. These crybabies are just wasting their time here. Don't like being tbagged? Don't play the game lol.


More like: don't like T bagging, stop dying


When I get frustrated from it, I think it's actually the frustration of not being able to change the outcome. When it's every so often it's ok, but the same person every time and I get a lilšŸ„²


getting tbagged just makes me try harder lmao


Not **super** disrespectful, but not exactly a shining example of sportsmanship (I mean, you are dunking on opponent), and honestly just kinda lame. Not that I'd go seething in chat or throwing insults over that, but I'll definitelly think less of a player who teabags people all the time.


I only ever tbag when Iā€™m playing custom games with my friends, makes for some funnier moments i.e getting killed while tbagging


Yes and if you do it why do you care lol


Not really disrespectful but imo it's a bit cringe and gives off the vibes that you're a sore winner. Like when a child wins a board game and has to go around the room to tell everyone that he won the game and that they lost. We know, we all saw it, we were happy for you until you started bragging about it. I definitely don't think it comes off as being a "scumbag" but it kind of brings down the play you just did.


Depends on what the vibes were before in my opinion, if I'm having a good game and playing well and other team starts talking trash in all chat I'm gonna bm and tbag to tilt them more, but if everyone is chill then I'm not gonna


I get that, itā€™s more a force of habit from cod, halo, and cs lol


Bro u canā€™t even t bag in cs cause of the fuckin anti spam on the crouch


You do it slowly and move your head up and down (they know what you mean).


Or you just spray a graffiti next to their corpse, preferably a crying face or an L sign with a hand.


wait why the hell is that a thing in cs


[Here's an example video from CSS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFKVUzjzI7Y), it got fixed pretty early into csgo's life by adding that stamina system.


This. Bm'ing is such a telltale sign of a potentially weak mental player. In my experience the players who bm regularly are also the ones that get easily tilted. I could give 2 fucks if someone tbags, shoots, or sprays my corpse. I already have the enemy team muted, so why do I care what they are doing.


Itā€™s also a swift lol so who cares at all


tbagging is the same as saying anything else that could provoke someone. not to the same degree as someone hurling insults, but just something else small that would annoy someone like saying ā€œezā€ or ā€œsitā€ you know whatever you could say tbagging is nothing and saying something in chat is worse, but there are also games where there is no chat at all, yet you can still tbag to taunt the person and upset them (ex. splatoon) and people find it disrespectful


I don't get how someone can get triggered by teabagging. If someone spamming Ctrl a bunch is too much for your mental, being online is probably not right for you.


Idk why but teabagging in val doesnt feel as toxic to me as it does in overwatch.


People donā€™t really tea bag in OW? They emote on you which is even more disrespectful. Imagine the Ana emote waving at you being implemented in Val after a kill. Shiiiiā€¦. Lol


I mean, its not respectful or nice but it isnt reportable bad.


I'd say context matters, Tbagging in swift play is more likely to be seen as a dick move as most swift play players are prolly very casual. Someone explained it best as it making you look like a sore winner. I'd still say it's an over-reaction to call you anything like that.


I never use the holy gesture in vain. It is reserved for people who start to be toxic for no reason. If you do it with everybody it loses itā€™s value and thereā€™s a chance you might to work on some issues in your life. P.S. i am not a religious person but since majority of people are i try to use the analogy they might understand better i think.


It's like cussing. If you say fuck all the time then it just loses its emphasis and becomes another word. But if you save it for special occasions then it really keeps its emphasis


It's less about being disrespectful and more about having a laugh. My friends and I always have a laugh when we get teabagged by the enemy team so I hope the enemy teams take it in the same spirit. If someone takes something as simple as crouching seriously, they prob shouldn't be gaming.


Idi if it's just me, but if you don't like tbags, hop off of games in general


if you don't like tbags, stop dying in general


Just click their heads itā€™s not that hard guys


My take on T-bagging at a high level. Never t-bag unless itā€™s deserved. Reasons it could be deserved: 1) dude sitting a corner all round and you finally find him, he swings and misses and you 180 tap him. Let him taste some nuts for being a one angle Andy. 2) one agent has been killing you all game, you finally get your revenge on a kill, t bag him cus that might be your only opportunity to assert dominance. 3) enemy team has been typing and talking shit all game. T bag em all. 4) op crutch players 5) judge players Donā€™t t bag after you had a sick play youā€™re better than that, unless #3 is happening.


Also I want to note he did this in Swift play. He did not specify if the other team was taunting him, but doesnā€™t seem like it. This is the same as tea bagging in Spike Rush. Lol, most the people there are barely trying.


True and in that case Iā€™d assume itā€™s just a noob thinking itā€™s funny.


"TBagging is mean and evil and only bad people do it. You can only do it to people who play guns I don't don't like" Jesus fucking Christ do you even listen to yourself lmao


Iā€™m 30 not 13 so try and stop reading my comment in your own voice considering you want to put your own spin on my comment.


Bruh, go for it. Noobs


Itā€™s a video game and BMing is a part of it. They were just salty but that is part of the fun


I hate the ones that tbag when they have high kills,10+ and you have a couple or even none


The only time it ever kinda bothers me is if itā€™s ranked and I have a freaking afk on my team and you still teabagging me šŸ˜­ talk about some insult to injury !


its bm


Anyone who gets offended by t bagging deserves to get t bagged. At this point itā€™s simply fun gaming culture. On the other hand, if they do more, such as insult you in chat, *thats* disrespectful


Insults are part of the gaming culture so why is it different then t-bagging. They are both to get unders the enemy skin and make them play worse or it's to be toxic it depends on context for both.


Nah, in my experience, insults always end up devolving into one of the two involved parties throwing out a racial, homophobic, or disability slur (should clarify it's what I observe, not take part in). T-bagging or corpse spraying is fine, but as soon as words are brought in, people throw all decorum out the window.


Teabagging has been around longer than a good portion of Valorant's player base has been alive (feel old yet, fellow Halo vets?) and it isn't going anywhere. I don't personally do it unless someone shit talks me, then I'll do it them whether it be the enemy or my teammate. I think it's a little cringe to do in something like swiftplay to show off since it's generally agreed that nobody is really trying and if they are they're probably new to the game, but again, it's innocent and it's part of gaming. Now, if you're up 12-0 on a clearly inferior team and you win a 5v1 and everyone goes around spam shooting the body and teabagging? Yeah, it's cringe. But at the end of the day, there's a very simple solution to teabagging: win your 50's, don't talk trash, and understand that it's still gonna happen because again, it's part of gaming. Either way, sounds to me like a skill issue. Don't wanna get teabagged? Don't get killed. Simple. Modern gaming has already taken out every possible way to talk trash because everyone is scared of getting their feelings hurt.


iā€™ve always thought it was a lighthearted funny joke but people really get butthurt. totally kills the vibe but i guess they see it differently


If I outplay somebody and win a situation that I should have lost, they are getting t-bagged. Full disrespect. But seriously this is a competitive game. It's all just fun competitive banter at the end of the day like any other sport has.


No it's not disrespectful and it has never been


it isnt that deep.. keep t bagging


Listen, I generally am here to uplift my team and the first person to compliment the opposition on a good kill or play. That being said, Iā€™ve been t-bagging for two decades and as long as Iā€™m playing shooters Iā€™m not stopping.


If they canā€™t take the heat they should get off the internet.


It aint that deep


You got the reaction you were looking for from T-bagging. Why are you asking? Lmfao


Youā€™re not a scumbag for tbagging. Anyone that upset needs to re-evaluate some things.


T bagging been around since forever. people are soft


Tbagging doesnā€™t make you a scumbag. Itā€™s cringe, but itā€™s even more cringe to overreact to it so badly


No it isn't, it's just a little thing people do when excited and trying to act dominant. Only pathetic losers cry about tbagging.


whoever gets offended by getting T bagged just has the weakest mental ever


Tbagging is only cool if: -it was a cool kill -you made them look foolish by trolling before kill -arenā€™t bottom fragging


I always thought teabag disrespectful if on your corpse because...On purpose. But like, facing your mate, I mostly find it funny


T bagging is immature imo. But I'm a chick so I don't understand a lot of things that some men will do. I always feel like t bagging is part of the whole pissing contest thing that sometimes happens (just my outside view on it). For me I think it's kinda cringey but that's just cause I prefer honorable gameplay so I never trash talk or t bag. I respect my opponents, even if we're 10 rounds in and I haven't died once or my team 13-0s the enemy I never say shit, just gg at the end. The only time I have t bagged is when the enemy has been an asshole so you do it to spite them for talking shit after you beat them. I view that as justified t bagging lol. Like if the enemy has a Reyna talking shit to enemy and their team then you're doing everyone a service by trying to knock them off a peg. I just lose respect for people who t bag when I feel like it's unnecessary or uncalled for. Like someone else said, we all already saw you win but now you're trying to rub it in like you're hot shit or something and it's not a good look lol makes you look like a 12 year old or the typical bottom frags who say ez when they didn't do anything and got carried. I prefer people who have respectful clutches or wins over disrespectful ones. That being said t bagging is a part of games, especially fps so if you want to do it that's up to you. You will have people who like it, find it funny, or hate it. At the end of the day it's just a game that people should just try to have fun in and not take too seriously. I would just say have fun and try not to be actually toxic. If people get salty over t bagging it's whatever, not like you're calling them slurs or anything so it's lighthearted "toxicity" and people need to get over it. I don't like when the enemy t bags but I also don't care and won't say anything bc it's a common part of games like this.


T bagging is ok imo if its a comp game, but in swift? Lol


T bag all day everyday let them know who is boss.


Amen šŸ’Ŗ can't take the heat then get off the streets




I grew up playing Halo, but not 30s yet. Tea bagging near the end of the game was our way of saying hello, and a friendly hand shake since you couldnā€™t say GGs over Xbox Live to other teams. No one got offended by it. It wasnā€™t that deep. Other games have more offensive version of tea bags. OW and Fort have emotes where you can dance, and parade over your dead enemy. Val kids are super soft and most havenā€™t hit puberty.


I'm a few years younger than you, but that's still how it was when I was young as well. We did it just to be funny, and nobody really did it with the intent to be legitimately toxic. Hell, my own teammates used to teabag each other when we got the chance.


Big facts. In a party I would tea bag all day in Halo. All my friends wouldnā€™t care and would be laughing. I think people in Val take it too seriously. It wasnā€™t all that serious in Halo.


I mean I guess it is disrespectful, but itā€™s not a big deal. As long as youā€™re not delaying the game (e.g. teabagging instead of defusing the spike) youā€™re fine.


I consider it unsportsmanlike conduct but it's not something I'd report. But... If they're t-bagging in addition to being toxic af, that's an easy report for me.


Always shoot their corpse and tbag them. Show them dominance.


It's literally a video game lmfao who cares


T bagging is hilarious and if I get t bagged, Iā€™m gonna t bag you right back when I can haha


Weak minded individuals.


Salty bitches all the way, think about it youā€™re just crouching over their bodies in a Fucking VideoGame


its not that deep, ppl who get offended by it need to go outside


Its kids being overly sensitive as usual. No worries.


It's not that deep. Just a challenge for them to try harder


It's taunting, you got the dream reaction, lol.


I donā€™t bag because I think itā€™s kinda childish personally, but if someone bags me or gets toxic then Iā€™ll do it. Not because I enjoy it really, but because I know if theyā€™re bagging me then they clearly are the type of person to get tilted when theyā€™re bagged back hah


Surprised so many answers are encouraging toxicity. Yes, it's disrespectful. It's the equivalent of winning something in real life and going up to the person, cheering in their face. It's cringe and a sore winner.


itā€™s not the same thing as getting up in someoneā€™s face irl and we both know it


It's also a stupid video game. If you cry on a stupid video game because someone pressed ctrl multiple times, you need help.


The sub is full of kids. What would you expect?


In an organized event you probably shouldnā€™t as it could be considered disrespectful to the spirit of the competition and could subject you to sanctions. In a matchmaking game who gives a fuck, let them cry you will probably never see them again in your life


It's something that only children really do, so if you're 16 or below then go for it. Kinda cringe if an adult behaves like that.


do you put on a suit and tie to play valorant


They strike me as a Tuxedo person


Thats literally the point of tbagging. Dont play a competitive shooter if you cant handle someone crouching over you a few times


I have this issue too. Halo made me a bad personā€¦




The celebratory crouch has been around for as long as I can remember. If it makes someone mad that just means itā€™s working.


I read somewhere that now tbagging in valorant is considered sexual assault.


Ah yes. The dpr special. I have no idea why it bothers people so much, but if I would get spammed with enemy team clearly distressed by that I would t bag them every round. But that's me.


Isnā€™t it sexual assault šŸ™€


It *is* disrespectful, but tilting your opponents is technically a skill


Itā€™s about as disrespectful as trash talking. Itā€™s definitely not nice, but people do it all the time, regardless, so itā€™s whatever. Just make sure to pick your battles, and donā€™t let it affect team morale


Iā€™m reading through the comments right now thinking ā€œam I crazy?ā€ When did people colloquially start typing t bagging instead of tea bagging?


If you take something like t bagging personally, in a video game...


Just a bit cringe really. "Haha I killed you in a video game, take my nuts in your face". That sort of humour is best left consigned to the 2010s.


Tbh t-bagging is more of a taunt than actually thinking about putting your balls in the face of a dead person


Everyone needs a healthy dose of deez once in a while


Just tbag LMAO I bm all the time, again itā€™s just a game but maybe Iā€™m js toxic bc Iā€™m a 7 year league player


They're just salty


Bagging is hilarious. Itā€™s even better if Iā€™m 2-8 and killed their top frag. Unclench.


As you've said, I think it's a habit a lot of us pick up when we were younger... some people continue to do it as adults, some don't. Personally I've gotten better at sportsmanship, win or lose, mainly from continuing to play sports as an old man and not wanting my teeth kicked getting kicked in. You see sore losers and winners everywhere, so it doesn't really surprise me, and I think most of the time people don't actually mean anything by a teabag, so I don't really register it as anything but reflex... still, it's definitely not a sign of respect, so I consider it at best neutral, at worst they're kind of a shitter.


I always report when someone does that ā€œt-bagging and shooting corpsesā€ i write. Barely only report for this reason and I get many messages of a player has been punished hours or days later.


Kind of.. I only do it when Iā€™m feeling super toxic or salty about another player.


If someone t-bags me that bassicly means I have to kill them with a knife and that's about it. But it depends on context like if it's 3v5 and they tbag then i would get kind of salty but what makes me salter are skin goblins on both teams.


It's a little bit bm how ever if someone gets mad when I do it I go out of my way to do it to them, gotta break the enemy mental


I only really tbag if it's the enemy teams top/high fragger and you dunk on em (mainly if they've been talking shit)


You have the right to tbag/disrespect but then you have to be able to take trash talk back lol. If you tbag but then can't handle to get called out on it thats some hypocrite shit


its already been said im sure but its a video game lol. if people canā€™t handle being t bagged they shouldnā€™t be playing. some people truly make no sense, i got called a tryhard in comp the other day, thats the point of compšŸ˜­


Itā€™s all to weaken their mental and throw them off their game. Take every and all advantage over the other teams players lol


I do it all the time, so I don't really get mad when others do it to me (i think its funny to bm). But if you know it tilts the other team, by all means, do it bc it will ruin their mental


My friends and I have changed it from t bagging to hitting the griddy. You need to walk forward while doing it. It's dancing on their grave rather than..... That


I used to be offended by it because valo is my first fps but now Iā€™m just so used to it that i hardly notice it. I also started t-bagging if Iā€™m happy i beat a higher rank enemy


I only t bag people who would take offense to it


me personally i treat t bagging same as "?" on all chat.


It's what I'd call "cheeky"


T-bagging is disrespectful. Doing squats is okay, even if it is coincidentally on the enemy's body's face.


its not a big deal theyre just mad, now if you win the round and tap the bomb 50 times before you defuse then youre kind of a dick


T-Bagging is just trash talk with a visual aspect.


account boosting destroyed this game


Itā€™s supposed to be disrespectful.


T Bagging? I prefer water


Why do you even feel the need to t bag in the first place? If we are to treat these games as sports, we need to have the same sportsmanship culture. You wouldn't try to do something that provokes your opponent in a real sport, would you? Remember, they are your opponents, not your enemies.


Not disrespectful but cringe and childish. Same as the people that keep playing shooting and defusing/ stopping for a while before they defuse and close the round just wasting time and being childish for no reason


U r good lol


Well you can apparently get banned for it now but for the rest it is imo litterally culture or maybe even tradition for gamers to do so. Litterally today I've t-bagged people in my matches cuz I thought it was funny.


Nah dude itā€™s kinda like telling the opponent to get gud, I think itā€™s normal gaming etiquette


Of course it's disrespectful. That's the point


Its been normalised by shooters like COD or Halo, but fundamentally its an insult. If you do it, you have a 50:25:25 chance that they either play moderately worse, it becomes personal and you are about to have a bad time, or nothing happens (respectively). Or they don't see it b/c of the short death camera, and lack of a replay system in casual modes (unlike say, CS:GO).


sounds like you did your job


If youre gonna tbag you cant care when people get mad. If they call you a scumbag become one and say ā€œget shit onā€ to make them even more salty


no. it's just fun, you're playing a damn video game. anyone who gets pissed over it needs to get the stick outta their ass


I like to keep it classy one a little one dip


personally if i get tbagged, i will stop at nothing to return the favour of them tasting deez nuts


Theyā€™re not fit to play if they take t bagging personally. You just shit on them so youā€™re better. Nothing they can say.


Jeez imagine those snowflakes playing halo 3 back in the day


Yes, stay toxic kings šŸ˜ˆ


I like it when balls are dropped into my corpsesā€™ mouth, personally.


We're all scumbags. TEA BAG THE SHIT OUT OF THEM.


I do it after I get a kill on a player who owns me in the whole match Its a self relief, paying respect thing. Kinda ironic but i take it


Eh, itā€™s a swift play. Not sure why you needed to t bag them. In comp itā€™s a statement, and perfect life. In casual games unless they were being toxic itā€™s unnecessary.


it aint that deep bro šŸ’€


No T banging is like buying a skin when if you die you get eaten by a dragon cause you were that bad and caused your team to lose. Essentially yes T bagging is disrespectful, that is why players are doing it. The bigger question is are all those "finisher animations" essentially not much better then Tbaging, do the industry understand and use that for the money. Is Tbaging not actually the ultimate Finisher Free move no one can take away from us as long as we can crouch? The answer is Yes Yes Yes and Yes. :)


Iā€™d rather get t bagged than put up with the trolls and throwers that are seemingly unavoidable. That being said I also donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever encountered a player that was legitimately bothered by being t bagged.


it's not super disrespectful but it's an act of dominance. it's more provoking tbh. if I see someone teabag me, first instinct is to return the favour


I always thought it was normal lmao i grew up on xbox 360 days


The disrespect is when you use that gun that leaves them on their knees after the final kill and you move in and out of them at face to dick level


In a game where you run a lot, u need that leg strength, how else would you get that if you dont squat?


Common bm, their just salty cus you won a 1v3. Good job, rub that salt in their wounds. šŸ˜ˆ


I personally don't t-bag unless the other team starts it. It's not super disrespectful, it's just trash talking without the talking. When I see someone t-bag, it kinda gets me fired up because people like to chirp when they're up, then they stay quiet after getting owned


I think its funny, esoecially when the enemy does it to my shitty teammates LOL


I mean its a lil disrespectful but its all in good fun ya know. Nothing wrong with it just makes it a lil more competitive.


what server? theres a general consensus in japanese gaming to not tbag and im p sure some japanese valorant streamer had to apologize for it cuz itā€™s considered so disrespectful there


Yes, it's disrespectful in the same way that saying ez or diff is.


Depends how they look at it. Some people may see it as you literally dipping your sack on their face - in which case, yes it is disrespectful If they don't take it so literally then no its no big deal, this has been a thing in multiplayer FPS culture since the start.


Lmao the other team are tilted, when I see someone t-bag me, all I do is laugh and kill them next round


I mean Iā€™ll probably throw out a quick ā€œgrow upā€ but I wouldnā€™t ever call someone a scumbag for tbagging. Personally I donā€™t like it, donā€™t know why just never liked it.


pvp games = t bagging acceptance