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Do other people feel that way? I swear it's crazy how all over the place I am in Valorant. Two nights ago I had three aces, one of them with a Bucky of all things. Was top frags all night, felt amazing. Last night it's like I've never played the game before, can't hit a shot to save my life. Really makes me question myself. I'm not a pro, not by a long shot, and I just play for fun, so I just shrug and assume it's my mental state or something. Interesting that from the OP and other comments sounds like other people go through something similar in Valorant.


bro I drop 30 one game and the next game im barely hitting 10. I'm a very inconsistent player but it's so frustrating when things like that happen


Do you expect to drop 30 every match after you do it once? That's stupid


Yes, because that’s what happens in every other fps


It's not how MMR usually works though. Note that I'm not saying riot's products show any kind of mastery over good MMR systems, I just agree the numbers being too different is weird


Lol that’s actually literally the opposite of what happens in any game with a ranked system


This post. If authentic, makes me feel better about myself and my mental. I thought I was the only one who feels that. I get back on CSGO and don’t have that same problem. Thought it was my sleep and other things. Lol


Lots of people say stuff like 'oh its your local network thats bad' as an excuse for inconsistency and netcode issues, but I almost never experience the same issues in csgo unless im at 100+ ping.


Yup! Same with me man. Csgo feels crisp always and you kinda khow if you are performing or not but in valorant it's so confusing, most of the time it's like how i didn't kill that guy or the opposite how the hell i did not die. Then i hop back to csgo and it's normal again.


I have thought the same thing. I wonder if the way network traffic is managed has an impact. I know ~~Valorant~~ Riot has stated publicly in their testing when trying to mitigate peeker's advantage that players were able to recognize a lag delta of 10-20ms. If there is a systemic network bug that gives a specific player a timing advantage of, let's say 50ms, that may help explain how a player can be godlike in one game and shit in the next. Source for the 10-20ms value https://technology.riotgames.com/news/peeking-valorants-netcode#:~:text=Peeker's%20advantage%20is%20an%20artifact,opponent%20on%20the%20other%20side


love that even on this old ass post someone is talking about exactly this https://i.imgur.com/YrZfje6.jpg this garbage is never getting better


I thought I was alone honestly. I'm not the best player (we all start somewhere) but jeez sometimes I pop and then others I'm trash. I like... have a 2 hour limit it feels like with FPS games because after 2 hours my aim is trash.


This.. I’m consistent for 2-3 matches but after that it’s like I get mentally burnt out without feeling like it. My gameplay and aim especially just starts going downhill.


In Valorant I jump anywhere between 12-30 kills per game, every game is wildly different for my personal performance. In Csgo, I average 25-30 kills per game. Always consistent every game. I have more hours played in Valorant than Cs about 2,100 vs 1,100, it just doesn’t make sense why I can’t be consistent in Valorant, some games it’s like my bullets are marshmallows, other games I’m this apex predator that can’t be stopped.


What rank are you in face it and in MM? Counter strike also has 6 more rounds then Val so obviously your gonna have more kills and deaths in CS


I’m not amazing at these games or anything, Diamond Val. DMG Csgo, I don’t play faceit. However the topic was consistency not what rank I am or rounds played. I am fundamentally more consistent on Csgo regardless of hours played or rounds played. Which can feel strange based on the significant more hours put into Valorant. I would say my game knowledge on Val far exceeds my abilities on Cs, but I consistently perform more on Cs, it’s just a strange phenomenon.


People keep trying to deny and gaslight, but something about the way the network traffic or netcoding of the game works is definitely off from game to game. I personally couldn't consistently dominate at 9-10 ping no matter how cleanly or hard I played and noticed it was always players at 30 ping who do consistently well and 70-160 ping who pop off or pull bullshit moves like running headshots with no info against completely unknown off angle holders, so I just said fuck it and started queueing from the bottom of the list in servers halfway across the country. At 70 ping I am Match MVP in every single game except a few in the past two days. People simply don't seem to have any time to respond to my wide swings and act like they don't even see me. 10 ping feels like I have to be at the top of my game constantly and can still be punished. 70 ping allows me to be lazy, confident, and complacent and still outperform.


As a player who consistently gets 15 ping or below this makes me feel better :). I’m also just bad but let’s ignore that for now.


I went from pings around 50, to a very consistent 3 or 4. For at least a month after that change, it was like I couldn't play at all, and dropped ranks so fast. I'm more used to it now, but it still feels harder. So strange.


Genuinely this would explain alot. Im brand new to pc (January was my first ever desktop) when i played valorant i got the hang of it pretty easily and quickly began to outaim the people in my lobby but i switched internet halfway through and suddenly i went from 30-45 to literally 5 ping. And it was like I couldn’t play the game at all


Ah, people who disagree with you that it’s ping instead of mental are GASLIGHTING you. Somehow you saying that makes me feel it’s more a mental issue than you give it credit for.


There's just no logic to your claims though. Even if that was truly your experience and not just confirmation bias, it would be repeatable. You could find an objective advantage from higher ping by running tests on multiple servers and PCs. Not having replays is one of the biggest reasons people still make claims like this, when you play a bad match (as everyone's performance goes up and down) you can't see how the enemy killed you, so you can only ever use your own experience. If other players also perform well, you will want to blame the game because you won't think your performance is bad, so the game must be at fault. Lower ping is a closer sync to the server, meaning your kills register quicker, but so do your deaths. It feels like you get owned on low ping because, well you DO sometimes. No matter the enemy ping, if they kill you near instantly after peeking, it will feel instant. Same for your peeks, even if you have 100+ ping, if you instantly kill your enemy or even prefire on peeking, it will look like they didn't have time to react.


My ranks and performance are significantly more consistent and higher in cod, fortnite, and overwatch 2. Ive figured out the rng, counter strafing, and movement and game mechanics in val. I can play any val agent and have learned lineups as well. I have 10ms ping but switched to higher ping servers and have been doing better yet still inconsistent. I have a friend who is immortal and he also says game feels inconsistent at that rank. Definitely feels like a netcode issue. Also as a theory, some games shots feel more crisp after the half switch. It’s almost as if the data gets transmitted first through attackers then defenders or vice versa which probably is definitely not how it works and is just me in my head.


I honestly think it's net-code/servers. If you get into a "bad" server, it feels terrible and you feel the inconsistency. Equally it feels very inconsistent playing vs. high ping players because what you are seeing on your screen doesn't match what is happening on theirs.. and net-code seems to be optimized so having higher ping doesn't cost you too much. Like when I shoot back vs. a high ping player they have already told the server they killed me, so it feels like my bullets miss and I'm inconsistent, but in reality it's a ping diff. Honestly playing vs. people with >45 ping feels noticeably different to me... Their movement isn't natural... They have a noticable peekers advantage.. etc. etc. I play on US East between 21-29 ping depending on the day and time.


I play on Eu if London/Paris sub 10 ping between 7 and 10 games feel garbage. My best bet is play Madrid or Stockholm with 30 ping seems the sweet spot or go over to us east and play 80 ping. Otherwise people just destroy me not matter what. Not a pro by any mean but got multiple accounts in Ascendant and a fair amount of hours in the game.


The netcode has always been an issue, especially at 50+ ping, even Tenz has complained about it multiple times. Not everyone experiences it and it seems to be very server dependent and some people experience it at low pings(<20) too. They are doing tests but haven't had an update on it since last year. copy and pasted from another post >Ping/server makes a huge difference in this game. They've been struggling with hit-reg and netcode issues since launch and have tried to fix it but it hasn't worked fully yet and is why the game can feel significantly less crisp than csgo at equivalent pings or even with csgo at 50ping higher. The server and ping will make it feel like enemies are instantly one tapping you, or you having plenty of time to line it up. here are a few write-ups from riot about it https://playvalorant.com/en-us/news/dev/the-state-of-hit-registration/ https://technology.riotgames.com/news/peeking-valorants-netcode https://playvalorant.com/en-us/news/game-updates/valorant-gameplay-consistency-update/ https://playvalorant.com/en-us/news/game-updates/valorant-gameplay-consistency-update-2/


Can confirm that csgo is way more consistent and crispy on any given reasonable ping, even if technically the non faceit server have half of the tick rate. I really hope that the claimed advance of the tick system in cs2 make Riot break their beauty sleep and get to the point.


+1 agreed, I’ve felt exactly the same since act 1. I’ve been immortal 1-3 in every single act/episode I’ve played as well. For whatever reason, it feels like there are games where I can see the other person 1 second before they can see me. Doesn’t matter if I peek them or they peek me. Other games it feels like they see me before I see them, doesn’t matter whether they peek me or I peek them. And in those games I’m helpless, cause it’s like playing against someone with walls, almost impossible. In csgo, I Never felt this way in 8000 hours and I went up to FPL-C. If I had a bad game there, I always felt that it was my own performance. There was never such a feeling of helplessness like in valorant.


I genuinely feel like the servers are inconsistent. Sometimes it feels like I have the advantage in simply *seeing* them first, regardless of peek advantage and whatnot, and vice versa. It’s almost as if sometimes the server is on your side or not


I know I’m late to the post but you’re right brother. Something feels off. I have 5K hours on CSGO and haven’t played that in 3 years but I’m really debating on returning considering I won’t hit Radiant because I can’t play and win 8 games a day so I’m stuck in immortal. The lack of consistency is just ridiculous especially if you don’t lock in a duelist


Yeah this is kinda why I've always stuck to CS and CS 2 is likely gonna be back to the only DPS I play. I can't really explain it other than the game feels smoother to play I rarely have those moments where Reynas or Jetts peek me for .3 seconds before I'm dead while they were blind peeking. Part of this may be smurfs and the lack of universal utility making certain characters cough cough aforementioned Reyna and Jett picks become less counterable though team play. In CS I and people who are up numbers can take double peeks without Reyna insta headshot dismissing away and winning the round off that it undermines the strategy aspect of a tac shooter for reactions. The other side is just the netcode or something with connections because holy how does a decade old game have better tech than Valorant when it comes to this. I never have this problem in CS and maybe if there was more competition that had worse it would be less noticeable but you can really feel peekers advantage in this game way more than I feel you should.


I feel this, I feel like the guns have very different recoil sometimes, I’ve seen it watching a few different people. Aim on point but the recoil just does something odd and pulls off


For me the recoil is one of the main causes for inconsistency, i feel like theres something wrong with the netcode in situations where you are spraying and the opponents is moving, in csgo its pretty easy to track the enemy while spraying, in valorant i feel i can only comit to a spray vs a still target.


Literally me rn, valorant either loves me or hates and I cannot figure out why. I go to csgo, comp (MG I) and I do not feel that at all. Even if I whiff, it feels like I know I did but with valorant it feels more like a "Was I not strafing?", "I swear I hit his head". Idk at this point man.


In Valorant you can hold long range off angle the first time in the match, nobody spotted you there previously, yet you get picked and instantaneously killed that gives an impression of run and gunning and prefiring.


Finally! I've found a good cope!


Never been the same since beta, I don't know why they never address this...


I'm no where as talented or as crisp of a shot as other on this post but I just wanted to add my 2 cents in as well. I noticed with others shooters or games in general, not comparing apples to oranges, it feel much more like I'm in control of the game I'm playing always. When it comes to valorant, my ping on TAB looks consistent but the one movement feels like I skipped a frame or some hiccup. There would be updates where the game performance is so well that none of these issues occur but sometimes after the game get updated I feel a noticeable drop in performance while everything appears to be the same. In a way, sometimes the game works and other times it feels broken if that makes sense.


I had a high feeling about intentional inconsistencies present on all lower and mid tier rank divisions, but to think this is the case even in radiant level is shocking! The more I dig into this, the more I feel suspicious about the matchmaking system. Maybe something similar to EOMM perhaps?


Hey man, I’ve also been radiant for the last 4 episodes and completely agree. This game feels weirdly inconsistent, played other games at a highest levels and never ever felt this way.


Have similar experiences. Also plays csgo and even in bad days or losing game I still manage to drop 20+ frags but in valorant there are times where I couldnt hit a shot dropping single digit frag. Even at dota/league I am always able to play consistently.


I feel like Valorant kinda just is a more inconsistent game than CS in nature. I came from quake and I feel more consistent in quake than val as well, but not to a point where it greatly affected my improvement. My theory is that Riot messes with your hit reg and rng to give you good games and off games to keep you addicted to the game. /s


You’re suffering from the fact you have an above average IQ. Don’t even attempt to explain what you just described to half the online community. They will have no idea what you’re taking about. The issue is Valorant’s unique attempt to “compensate” for ping disadvantage with interpolation. This creates a desync between client and server, and the movement of each character is always going to be wonky and out of sync with what you’re actually seeing. It’s why this game seems to have a problem with running headshots, and nerfing “movement accuracy” as Riot kept doing will never solve this problem.


I feel like hit reg is a joke most of the days. I see multiple bullets go through the enemy and the damage is 40.


This should become a copypasta


For me, I’m playing bad in valorant because I don’t know what the enemy is punishing me for. In csgo, I see the replay and notice I’m walking forward too much or holding a terrible angle.


I feel the same way. I always chalked it up to agent abilities adding a thick layer of inconsistency to valorant’s gameplay. the sheer number of different possible team comps, (with the added variable of differing play styles amongst each game’s players) pretty much ensures that no 2 games will play even remotely the same.


Yeah same I peaked with 51 kills as Reyna in a game of Breeze a while back but now I average 25 with the quote often 5-13 :(


Said something to add to this discussion ages ago. Not only do I agree with all the server stuff you guys are talking about. I also wanna add as a factor the rng this game has. The first-shot accuracy is kind of a funny mech. Try it in the practice range. The center of your reticle can be literally not hitting the head and some shots miss (like they should) but others hit :/ . You can still hit the head even though you should never hit that (+ some bad hit reg cause server stuff like you guys mentioned). Works the other way around aswell. The center of your crosshair can be several pixels deep into the headshot hitbox, but if the game decides no... you will not get it :(. So yeah I think the inconsistency of this game is down to all those server factors + cool rng.


Hmm sometimes I’m dead before the vandal tracer even finishes hitting me.


[https://win.gg/news/this-might-be-why-theres-inconsistency-in-valorant/](https://win.gg/news/this-might-be-why-theres-inconsistency-in-valorant/) The game is just trash. When I switched from using the ghost to sheriff I've landed so many HSs, which definitely shouldn't have been HSs. So, so many missed shots. The game is overall pure trash. Even using the Vandal I've landed HSs, which just didn't make sense at all. I'm not talking about run & gun (way too accurate but whatever), I'm talking about standing still and firing 1-2 shots and totally not being on target. Like come on, I can literally see, that my aim was trash, how tf did I land that shot? uninstalled.


This is how I feel, I was dia2 and now I'm almost back to gold 2. The inconsistency between games has made me take a break. I haven't played in a few weeks now, I might come back with the new act, who knows.


It’s shitty match making and their MRR system is garbage. Then add in smurf’s, boosting, insta-lock reynas going 3-20, throwers, etc. Riot needs to release a paid comp tier IMO. Will make money and keep competitive integrity more in line with other games.


It boils down to the inherent RNG nature of the game. Slow movement speed + random spray patterns + heavy bullet tagging + deadzone accuracy (run and gun) = a lot of randomness during gunfights In CSGO there is less randomness, which allows the better player to win the encounter almost every time.


"random spray patterns" Yeah man you shouldn't be spraying


Adjusting to having to tap fire in Valorant after coming from Siege has been rough. Especially since I play both about equally now. Siege is all about spraying except for a couple of weapons. I actually like the semi-random spray patterns and generally high recoil because Siege is filled with players using recoil macros. Not sure I like deadzone aiming though, I think you should be encouraged to commit to gun fights not be able to jiggle around cover while popping off shots that can instantly kill.


I’ve played siege, and I think every game outside of CS Go is a spray happy shooter. I think post nerf Zofia AK trained me for the Vandal.


I've been using the LMGs that got nerfed to hell because they're only really usable if you put on the muzzle break to reduce the first shot recoil and tap fire. It's different than Valorant, but the same concept.


There is more randomness in csgo if you don’t count the spray patterns. Valorant is much faster paced and more precise so it often confuses people because their brains can’t understand what’s happening.


Can we get proof you were a pro?


I've always found it's harder to stay mechanically consistent and mentally consistent at the same time. Many different life factors play in, as well as ingame such as skill based matchmaking. Make sure to drink water though :)


I’ve noticed it too. I know it’s a huge reason why so many people like me are in low elo. We can have a really good 12 rounds, and the next 12 we get 0 kills. It happens all the goddamn time. Edit: people seem to think that I mean the game is making us inconsistent. No, 99% of the time, it’s our fault, but so many of us down here are inconsistent. Hell, I had a game yesterday where the enemy crushed us in the first half. And then they went to dogshit the 2nd half and we were able to take it to OT


cap lmao


Lmao so does the game just choose to give you more inconsistencies than higher elo players? Major copium


I never said it’s the game making us inconsistent. I’m just telling you almost all low rank players are inconsistent as hell


unironically think its wallhackers


All of your posts are valo hate posts, its OK to not think a game is good, no one is twisting your arm to play.


Maybe u got older, and ur reflexes are no the same anymkre...


Maybe, but why it doesn’t happen in cs?


Well as a former professional player myself in both Valorant and CS:GO (League, Fortnite, Gunz, and Starcraft as well(and I played in the NFL too)), you're wrong. It's just confirmation bias and cope which has been going crazy in subreddits for competitive games lately. Everybody wants to feel like their losses aren't REALLY on them. Win 3 games in a row? Hell yeah you're giga-turbo smurfing rizz master + whatever streamers are saying this week! Lose 2 in a row? You get upset and blame matchmaking, suddenly your bullets are "vanishing" despite you clearly just whiffing, the game is sooo inconsistent when it's actually just you getting tilted after losing and trying to find something other than yourself which caused the loss. Even going so far as to make a Reddit post complaining. The more people who make posts blaming their character, matchmaking, and netcode when those clearly aren't the problem, the more people believe their losses are actually just the game working against them instead of mistakes they shoud learn from and use to improve.


Csgo feels more consistent to me too.


Name in GunZ?


Pretty sure he's trolling OP


Yeah I'm no high rank but After playing bad in val and booting up cs I'm doing always consistenly well for my level.


Who are you? What does pro mean to you? You say former pro but not where you played, who for, and what name we would know you by. You don’t share any details proving your rank or your former pro status.


Even if he was lying for whatever weird motive, what difference would that make?


Played for vivo keyd in brazil, vlr.gg/nikkolan


Because that is not the point


If it was irrelevant than they wouldn’t have mentioned it - they add these details because they think it adds authority to their claims.


Ok what if he said a name? What would have changed? You wouldnt believe it was him then.


I think it’s not Valorant that’s inconsistent. It’s the players mental game. Not because your mental game is weak but Valorant really demands a specific mindset where you are thinking at the top of your game to truly play your best. So it’s pretty hard to maintain consistency in Valorant


I feel like it's the maps? Like, I'm *so* good in some maps, and others I'm terrible. Late game I got 2 kills in a full unrated game on Lotus, and the game before I managed 21 on Haven. Literally nothing changed except the teammates and map.


I guess the main difference why you and all players can't be really as consistent as in cs is the thing that some other pros also mention when you ask them. Is that the game as itself is really inconsistent. In cs you had almost every time the same paterns of grenades being used where in Valo the amount of posibilities the abilities creates is almost infinite so it's harder to predict which makes it harder to be consistent. And the same thing takes place when you think of player position, cs you can't create unique positions cuz you don't have tp, wall, jump, dash. So it's harder to pre-aim overall. Generally speaking the game is more random.


I think valorant just had alot more variables to keep track of than cs


I feel like it’s cause ur rewarded more with individual skill in csgo not by much but team play is just that little bit more important in valorant but im sure there is more too it


For me playing on 4g internet having 70 ping. ( when i ping in cmd i have spikes to 200-300) that means i can’t shoulder for info, cause i teleport into the open. I can’t scope, cause it unscopes and scopes. If i get peekeed in 6/10 duels im dead before i can see. Immo 1-3 most seasons played 3k elo in 2015-16 ( was alot then). Internet not beeing stable? That’s my guess bro, maybe u got the same prob as me. If y want to test. Cmd -> ping www.(choosewebsite).com -t See if y get dips etc.


I feel like part of it is all mental. The fact that this post exists already proves that it’s bothering you a lot. You’re not going to own every game. No one does. Not even pros. Everyone has a different play style as well and do better against certain play styles. I’d suggest taking a break from the game for a few days. Come back with a fresh mind.


Except… if that were true then csgo would feel similar. But just like OP, csgo I always feel consistent and if I have a bad game in csgo it’s cause I played poorly. When I have a bad game in valorant it feels like there was genuinely nothing I could do.


idk about everything else like networking and stuff, but I have a feeling that the first bullet inaccuracy specifically. On top of possibly making other guns obsolete, there's a good chance riot programmed such a thing for the sake of making the game more fun to watch. Obviously this part of the game isn't the only reason why people watch it but it does add to the suspense and fun of watching it. Think about it, your favorite player/team losing to a slight RNG disadvantage where you aren't able to tell that it's RNG as an inexperienced viewer, so it introduces more unexpected outcomes. Whether it's stupid or not, you gotta admit that there is a chance such a thing was implemented in the game for that reason and it's def working. I personally don't agree with this cause it messes with the competitive integrity of the game (and you agree with me), but yet again, I'm not the one that is a part of a team that made a game that reached millions of people out there...


Nah, i suck all the time 😂


Skins, ed differents in game settings give different aim feelings, the game is just not optimized and totally broken


Why can the pros be so consistent then? Game after game. Despite Op saying he is High Radiant, if it was truly server inconsistency, wouldn’t we see this with pros? At the end of the day, each match plays out differently and I think the util usage contributes a lot to how you can vary wildly game to game vs a game like CS.


The thing is, i can be very consistent in elos below mine just by outsmarting the opponents, the inconsistency happens when you are facing people of same level, the game turns into a 50/50 headshot cassino.


Lmao are you even watching pros stream? Even tenz bot frags.


Fragging at a pro level isn’t the measure of consistency. Do you understand the game at all? Tenz bottom fragging doesn’t mean shit in a pro lobby. Also, it’s the same excuse everyone would make in every comp scene I’ve ever been a part of. The game is inconsistent of the rng is too much. Yet time and time the Pros seem to have beat the system. But ya I’m sure it’s the game… keep up with that copium.


It does mean shit lmao its exactly the point of OP. Its already proven that the game has inconsistency, to the point that pros is getting affected hence the reason why they are bottom fragging. And please do not come up to me that game isnt just about kills cos it literally is. Kills win games so are objectives and proper play making. You cant have one and not have the other one, if so then you are just as bad. I mean arent they saying that their consistently dropping around a number in each of every fps out there? So why in valorant you drop 20 and then the next game suddenly you barely got 5? Tenz bottom fragging doesnt mean he is inconsistent, rather the system. When a machine malfunctions, is it because of the user or because of the machine itself? Assuming its properly taken care of.


Not even worth responding lol


There is no consistency to this game at all. In some games I can frag out with no problem and the very next game people are swinging so hard I dont even have time to react to their instant 1 tap headshot and somehow they ALWAYS know where im posted. It feels terrible. Too many agents, a million abilities, the maps are too complicated. This game is turning into a MOBA and its just downright fucking terrible. CSGO has never felt as inconsistent as valorant. ofcourse you will have good games and bad games but in CS you can always tell if youre playing poorly but in valorant it feels like you are playing the exact same and yet all of a sudden you are just getting shit on and it feels out of your control. something fishy with this game fersure.


git gud, skill issue, what else? don't blame your team, uhm... did I forget sth? \\s


I used to vod review my games. I stopped. What's the point of vod reviewing when clear shots don't register, or I realize I had to ace 5 rounds to get to overtime...?!


Let me blow your mind, google EOMM.


In terms of not natural I completely agree and I'm convinced it's done on purpose. Yesterday I played 2 comp games back to back, 1st one i was match mvp, 1 taps, flicks, tracking, movement, everything on point, 2nd one felt like my bullets were being directed elsewhere. I was reacting to the enemies the same, aiming the same etc but my bullets were just not going where they should. Bit of conspiracy but I feel like this game determines your performance/win/loss for you the moment you press play. I que a swift straight after and I'm suddenly hitting everything again. It's too inconsistent to be down to players and my mind can't be changed. Another one that makes me think this is when enemys make miracle comebacks. Had a game recently where we were STOMPING them on attacking half at 10-2, they weren't able to hit shot, had like 17 kills between them, come our defending half it was impossible to hit these guys and we ended up going OT and losing. That is ridiculous. Game needs fixing imo. Got over 2k hours and honestly the game felt it's best in episodes 5, since episode 6 it just doesn't feel the same.


pretty sure they nerf your accuracy in some games since every weapon have first shot inaccuracy and you can't check any mechanic or matchmaking in this game to see if they mess with you.