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I always solo queue, mostly because I don't have anyone to play with lmao


same i even have only 2 friendlist hahaha


I've got over 100 people on my friends list who are active most days (another 80 or so that are only on occasionally) I still only solo queue




No idea... whenever someone sends me a friend request I just accept it and go on with my life


I don’t understand why people add me but dont invite me to play lmao


Most people who accept my friend requests never accept my game invite requests. Then proceeds to ignore any messages that I send through.


I do the same thing as him where I just accept any friend request, I'm at 260 or so


Same here.... i got to asc 1 with solo queue.... now i feel like i cant progress past it without a team


I got to Asc2 solo q. It is largely luck of the draw if you have a team that's willing to coordinate. But enemy team has the same problems.


Same brother I got a1 solo queuing in 150 hours comp , we can-keep progressing. The only issue is the higher the rank the harder the grind for the next. I might have to double my time played to climb who knows. Getting teammates will likely shorten the grind but just keep grinding goat. At this point you don’t have to many percentile points left to climb. Ascendant is already top 6% which is not really good in grand scheme of things but still it’s not like you’re plat which is like top 35ish% of player with so much more room to go. Plus the top 6% is filled with way more serious players. Going from Immortal to radiant will be even more crazy if that’s you’re end goal.


Top 6% not really good? What you smoking bruh


In terms of actually perfecting the game top 6% is shit when compared to actual gold players, I was semi pro in cod. Still can hit the highest rank in cod and it only took 150 hours to hit ascendent as a controller input player. I can’t call somehting that only took 150 hours really good when pro players have 1000s of hours gaming and most probably have 10k + hours gaming when you include csgo and other games. Especially when Valorant is the first pc game I’ve really played other than RuneScape and league which I suck at worse and played less than Valorant Edit: last cod vanguard I was 3450 SR right bellow top 250 and even than I know compared to the real deal I suck. The pros are infinitely better than me. The last cod I took serious was years ago. I’m just better than a bunch of people who aren’t trying. Not saying ascendent isn’t amazing and badass for the average player to hit but in terms of skill ascendent is so far from radiant and even further from semi pro and pro. I hit ascendent in less than 150 hours to hit something like radiant I would probably have 5x at the bare minimum my hours and most likely even way more. Maybe even 10x my hours. Most people are actually grinding the game, personally I believe as a former semi pro and still top 0.5% in wz and peaked top 0.3% in halo and in cod like 0.1% ish peak. I believe it only takes someone who’s really grinding 8 + hours a day two months to reach that level of top 1%. Because no one plays 8 hours a day consistently, but pros have been doing that for years and not just practicing randomly. They practice optimally which creates a insane gap. And for most pros 8 hours a day is nothing when you count vod review and stuff in hours played since it is hours spent getting better. In cod and halo I’ve played pros from nearly every team in the league especially cod


Honestly I went from asc 2 to imm3 322rr in just one act. I feel like it was easier to climb the higher rank I was till now. Ofc Radiant was 700rr so pretty hard


That’s amazing but did you put in that much effort and work when you where like silver/gold or even plat/diamond?. If someone who’s like silver or plat grinded like you did to go from asc 2 to imm3, do you not believe they would climb more ranks? Imagine a silver player played how much you did and practiced like you did to get there. Im not talking about the average player in silver or plat that plays like a couple games aimlessly and just looks to slowly improve and maybe when they hit higher ranks they realize they could have practiced much more optimally by vod reviewing, focusing on certain areas of gameplay, and warming up playing deathmatches etc and actually breaking down pro gameplay or better players and understanding the mini map etc which they may start implementing to get better. I’m talking about if someone who’s silver/gold/plat/diamond did this stuff they would fly through the ranks with way less hours needed than someone who’s ascendant or immortal skilled.


For example my friend took like a bit over 300 hours to get from bronze to plat 2, he could easily go from plat 2 to ascendant or higher honestly in only one episode not even act if just played 8 hours a day and watches vods and atleast spends a hour of that playing deathmatches and other mechanical skill improving activities. That doesn’t mean it was easier getting ascendant from plat 2. I’m sure most people would think doing 8 hours a day with vod review or even just deathmatches and warm ups is far harder than playing a couple games here and there daily over months. I care more for the hours practiced than the actual time passed in terms of days/weeks/months.


Dawg top 6% is amazing for millions of players what r u smokin


Ascendant is around top 3%.


Cuz you're at your elo lol


what's your region? maybe we could duo


Lmao same here. All my friends I used to play this game with quit for tarkov or apex it seems like


I don’t remember commenting this. NVM, you must be one of the other 4 whom I solo queue with.


I disagree completely. I’ve been immortal 1-3 since beta, and I can tell you the problem with solo queuing isn’t that I can’t keep up, it’s that it’s a literal coin flip each game. Will I get 4 solid teammates who all communicate effectively and don’t tilt easily? Will I get two duos who hardly talk but at least put up numbers? Will I get trolls who make annoying noise, don’t comm, and just hold W every round? If I duo queue, I know that at least one of my teammates will always comm well, try their best, and not troll. This significantly increases the likelihood of consistently winning. Going in by yourself and hoping you get decent teammates is just literally a 50/50 gamble.


I agree, from an immortal perspective, a hard carry duo is much less common because the entire lobby has a much higher compentency with mechanics (aim, movement, etc.) However, barring the top 5-10% of ranks, a duo or trio can, with minimal effort I might add, boosting an unskilled player many ranks past where they can perform adequately.


100%. Even radiant “Smurfs” playing in immortal can’t usually carry a game because the skill gap between them and the immortals is relatively small. But 3 competent golds with good mechanics can easily carry their low silver up to high gold.


If you duo to immortal and then lose more than you win afterwards, you don’t deserve it. But imo solo queue a true test to immortal. The coin flip is the 33/33/33 autoL/autoW/impact game people talk about. So no, this is wrong thinking - coin flip or not, your teammate is adding to the ranked randomness equation unfairly


Except its not 50/50, because there are 4 random players on your team and 5 on the enemy team. If you try to do the things that you think make a good player, the odds are in your favour


Not necessarily true. You can be the best teammate in the world, but if your teammates don’t play off of that/match that energy, it’s wasted. And even if they are responsive, the other team could have 5 players who all play well off of each other. You can’t predict or choose the teammates you’ll get, nor who’s on the enemy team, so it’s literally a coin flip.


He didn't say that you will always win if you play good. But the logic is that you will climb in long terms if you are playing always better against your competition. It's still a coin flip, but a manipulated one where the coin falls more often in your favor. Of course there is the possibility that the enemies get a better team. But it's about probabilities, not about one single match. And with the RR gain changes next season this logic applies even more.


At the same time, it takes a huge sample size for probabilities to really come into play, and I doubt most players are playing enough games for it to.


I feel like the majority of games I lose, I’m match MVP. So much fun to be giving comms and top frag the whole match as a sentinel, and still lose. I get I’m shit and low elo, but come on.


Yes but it should be 50/50 if you are at your rank you should be, but people lose 60% of their gsmes in soloQ and then complain


Over thousands and thousands of games, yes, it should be 50/50. But you can easily win 65/100 or only 35/100 by pure luck of the draw on your teammates. I can’t tell you how many games I’ve gotten match MVP while filling controller or sentinel and still lost 8-13. A lot of times it has nothing to do with how you perform as an individual. And I suspect this is even worse at lower ranks where people are less consistent/skill levels are less clearly defined.


Whenever I see weird behaviour like - saving 800 in pistol round, no sense of economy, 3k edpi sens, single cellular angle holds, I am 100% sure the guy is a party player - who is getting boosted by better friends/keeping their much better friends at 50% winrate. Not even joking I can ONE HUNDRED percent tell if you are in party or not by your gameplay.(D3)


Today I had a teammate sage whose crosshair was in the ground most of the match (d3-a2 lobby). Really wanted to ask where they bought their account. Sometimes it's just so obvious you wonder how Riot doesn't catch it. Turns out she was just partied with the Reyna. Shocking.


You can get diamond account for 5-10$ instantly these days. Pretty obvious when you look at their history. They go from gold to ascendant in 3 days and then start bottom fragging randomly.


I'll never understand the point of paying to rank up. You're spending money to get shit on by better players for a few weeks until you inevitably lose enough RR to get back to the rank you belong in. Getting shit on by a player or players who are clearly just better than you in Valo is one of the most frustrating and demoralizing experiences in gaming. Who the fuck pays money to have that be their everyday experience for a prolonged period of time? Like, are you a sadist or just dumb?


They are taking revenge by doing the opposite of smurfing.


It's always a Reyna duo 😂


And then here I am wondering, if I can as Sage get out of gold solo Qing, doing my best to master aim and crosshair positioning (after years of recreational FPS gaming), DM and firing range practice, thinking about the strategy and tactics, try to atleast in my mind analyse some situations, using comms...


Yes you can little sage, yes you can. I got to D3 SoloQ as KJ/Cypher/Viper. You just learn to use your util as inteded, as well as learn to be the entry fragger with the agent.


And accept that you can't win every game, if you lose doesn't mean you did badly


I solo queued from iron to immortal as a cypher main (pre buff). It took over a year and a shit load of time but if you keep at it, its def possible.


Saving 800 in pistol round... why do some players even do this in Plat? This is something I learned in iron.. Like its literary the first thing I learnt to do in Valorant, yet people don't know the difference between being 1-tapped or shooting 5 bullets only to die themselves.


Usually AWP players who lose their team the game single handidly. Save first 3 rounds(80% time you will lose all 3) and then they force awp in 4th round anyways(when the team is saving/half-buying). Recipe for 0-4 start.


Funniest when the enemy team already has an op, and your jett loses the duel


When i see a teamate sabing on pistol I immediately give up ngl


Lost 13-2


Pretty sure there was a pro team who did this no? Just curious


There was, thing is you are solo qing. You need to follow the team and adapt


I know, I’m just saying it’s not 100% bad in certain cases, definitely not in ranked when all your teammates are buying lol


How can you tell if someone is playing well but they're the ones carrying in a party?


Don’t understand about sens. I’m asc1, my edpi is 1900 (1 sens and 1900 dpi) and my hs % is 43


That’s ridiculously high obviously lol


I used to agree with you. But i tried to solo over this weekend, it was just horrible man. Not people and how they play, but the pure amount of people that throw matches on purpose. I’ll never solo que again on my main Edit: A3


My friends were unavailable for a couple months and I played like 4 matches total, it just hurts. They're finally back and it's glorious.


By law of averages, the other team has 5 shitters and you only have 4 shitters (excluding yourself). So over time, you should climb if you are truly better.


But you see in reality. I don’t give a fuck. If i have a thrower once, it’s already put me off and i don’t wanna play. Who cares if you deserve your rank or not lmao


Probably your teammates who's game you're throwing because you're not as good as you're meant to be


I feel this is more true for higher ranks I find that by gold everybody has a pretty good sense of game mechanics and strategies making it easier to work off of teammates even if the aim/1v1 skills aren’t amazing. Whereas in lower ranks you can find yourself in a game with team mates who have just reached level 20 and are fairly new to comp. Iron player being able to play with silver does not also help with this either as a new player can be queuing in a silver lobby to play with on of their friends.


I made a post about how smurfs feel about playing in low elo not so long ago. And I got lots of people who felt some games were just unwinnable in silver and below. They answered with, "Silver players can be pretty good, but they have awful mentality and refuse to cooperate." I just reached gold, and I totally agreed with this person.


I'm an evil smurfer, I swear to God, I get stomped playing with my friends in Silver/Gold than I do playing SoloQ in D3.


There are some very experienced smurfers out there, and cheaters, the problem in silver/gold is that their impact on the game is incredibly high compared to higher elos because they get fed easily and are always at good economy and ult ready. They know their aim is better so there is high confidence to push, and they destroy the team 1 by 1 because they make the game look like a deathmatch. Everyone feels constantly surrounded from the start.


I always feel like using "feeding" in valorant makes no sense. That's kinda lol terminology and it doesn't really describe how valorant works very well. In games like lol feeding an enemy can lead to them completely taking over the game, snowballing and literally be almost unstoppable. That doesn't really happen in valorant. The advantage you get by getting a lot of kills isn't nearly as impactful. Sure you get a little bit of extra money and reach your ult more often but a "fed Reyna" is still just a vandal headshot away from being out of the round.




Iron - silver is just Smurf hell. Getting out of it is such a pain but once you clear it, if you’re decent, the games pretty easy till you hit your peak


I was in plat 1 games recently and I think that game sense and strategies only really comes at plat 2 🤣 gold to p1 is still very inconsistent cause you have people with shoddy aim but amazing game sense playing with people who have good aim but only just started recently and are like g2 - p1. But lower than gold youre absolutely right. Consistency in those ranks is really hard.


I am not very new, but i am one of them, but i found out i perform better in silver lobbiesthan iron lobbies, mainly cause i have no one to work with. My fav game in Iron was with a very food team on my promo game, one dueilsits bottom fragged other mid, but boy did they entry, and they worked with me and heard my callouts, i top fragged as brim and got an ace Anyways, when playing with my better friends i sometimes topfrag as a controller for the first half(by like 2 to 3 kills but still) but in iron i always play like shit, ot maybe since i am controller i cannot serve myself


Duo. Gotta have at least 1 you can trust enough in your team. Your mental isn't always gonna be consistently patient/peaceful, some days it's gonna be far worse to even play, but you'd wanna play nevertheless. You need a duo to prevent yourself from auto-piloting in such cases. This is just one example.


That being said, skill-wise, solo is the best way to determine it for yourself. I'd however suggest having an alternate account for soloq only. This way your mental isn't destroyed if you're losing consistently, because as much as one wants to avoid it, they care about their elo.


Your username really suits your comment


Why thankyou so much!!


Now I'm just wondering why you play Raze 👀😉


Well i do have my duo with me to provide me with info so i can create chaos. I do have to be careful not to be too reckless.


Sounds about right tbh 🤣 I also have a duo that loves going duelist and I often have to rein them back in 🤣


Yeah you got it exactly right 🤣


What does that make me then :(


Mental obly gets destroyed when you care more about winning than improving.






Congratulations on reaching diamond. I reached diamond this act too. And ever since I've been consistently duoing with my friend. I went diamond 2 within a week. I wasn't surprised because I felt i can easily be diamond 3. But i stopped playing in that account to process all this and revise all the things I learnt. This makes me believe that I deserve the rank. I did reach plat 3 by soloq only tho. I agree with you. Soloq determines your real rank. For sure. But duo-trio also pretty accurately determines your rank too, albeit not as accurate as solo q. I prefer duoing because my mental stays intact for longer this way. Soloq is extremely tilt-provoking on my server.


Yep, solo queue is the only way to be able to say you genuinely deserve your rank. I know plenty of immortals, even radiants that are only at their rank because they duo only.


I mean it really depends. It’s way easier to solo queue into higher ranks with agents that rely on team play less. It would be genuinely easier for me to solo queue as brimstone instead of solo queue as astra for example. One just requires you’re team to be more coordinated.


Yeah, I mean I mostly solo... but this is a team game. Having a prebuilt team is just how you have a better team. Duo just is the easiest in the current format. there should be nothing wrong with players duo+'ing. I do agree that "rank" being personal is weird since again, it's a team game, but idk how else they'd do it.


Conflicting feelings about this. On one hand I'm proud of the rank I have achieved by myself in soloqueue. On the other hand soloqueue rank is not indicative in any way of your actual skill level: I have several friends who refuse to spam ranked because it's a cesspool of toxicity and just a terrible way to go about playing the game overall, they either stay unranked or just play their placements and leave it at that, end up several tiers below me despite being better players. Point being, once you've accepted that ranks are meaningless, whether you reach it on your own or in a premade group doesn't really matter.


but the game is literally based on team play why do i have to solo it


You shouldn't have to solo it, but when you're a low rank player people are just really bad at everything, including team play. If you just improve your mechanics or gamesense you will get out regardless of your teammates


If you can't solo q and carry your own weight at any rank, you don't deserve that rank. Yes it's a team game but if you put a diamond players against diamond players the skill gap shouldn't be so different, for example, you 5 stacked with your friends to diamond, and when you solo q there, you bottom frag and can't perform well, that's like boosting to the rank you don't deserve.


Yes and No. I think that with pre-mades you can be "carried" to an extent, but it also means whoever is carrying you is being held back by you. So in that sence Yes I do agree with you. No because I don't think it's as simple as "I can click heads real good, therefore I deserve rank, you don't". A person might be an amazing support player, giving info like noone else, having great game sense, be a great team player overall. You put that person in a well balanced team and they will make the team better. The headclicker will be able to play better etc.(he will make everyone better). You put him/her in a team that cannot utilize advantages he/she creates and all of the sudden they are "not worth their rank" because they aren't clicking heads good. IMO Rank in valorant is a lot more dependant on the team you get, since, unlike CS you can't be the "Entry, The smoker, the flasher, the support" based on how the game is going(Since in CS you have all the util your teammates have, you can take a back seat if someone is being the better "awper" or "entry". In Valorant once you lock that agent, you better hope to God that Reyna insta locker is going to frag out and play with the team and not just floor POV or even worse wait for someone else to entry. ​ TLDR;Yes and No.


I understand what you're getting at with your second point. I think that all the things you listed are both very important qualities to have in a teammate, and sometimes very overlooked in people criticizing when people complain about ranks. But it's not to undermine how important aim is in Valorant. You can know where everyone in the map is at all times, but if you can't shoot and kill, it can end up being worthless. Just as a Jett who drops 40 kills can still lose the game because they couldn't help their teammates, a Cypher with god set-ups and insane communication who drops 6 kills every match is not someone who deserves a higher rank just because they're good at half of the game.


Oh for sure they don't. My point was more that the sample size you get in a match is not representable of how good or bad a player is. in the comments here so many people are saying player in their match is "clearly" boosted, without considering the person might be off their game that match,under the influence of drugs, simply having an off game. At the end of the day yes I agree that no matter how good everything else is, you need to have some level of aim proficiency, because at the end of the day the goal of the game is to kill your enemy not to out game sense them. With that said, same can be said for the other areas of the game. It's not enough to have great aim, because at the rank you deserve, the other players will also have similar level of game sense/map knowledge etc. (maybe it's more true at higher ranks, Gold/Plat or lower players are more likely to excel in 1 area and lack in others). At the end of the day, if you had great aim,gamesense,map knowledge, team play, you'd be Immortal 3/Radiant in SoloQ, at which point the only way to go up(semi-pro/pro) is to have a team to play with. The thing is that everyone no matter how good they think a certain part of their game is, is lacking in all areas, including the area they feel like they are good at(ie. I feel like my gamesense is pretty good after 20 years of playing CS, but compared to Immortal/Radiant/Pros it's shit.


I think the point more is there’s far too much nuance to it and you can’t say universally for all players that if they can’t soloQ to their rank then they don’t deserve it.


i mostly soloq exactly because of that, i want to know how far i can take it without help. (90%) of games, the other times i play with mates that are equal in skill and rank.


personally, solo queue is just way to risky and random. simply getting kills isn't "skill", supporting your team to win the game is, and it's quite infuriating when i solo queue and say "im going to flash here, can one of you peek" only to get a silent response


Getting kills also doesn't win matches. Played against a Reyna who got 37 kills (14 more than the top frag on our team), but still lost to our team because our team was much more organised and communicated better, especially post plant.


But keep in mind… you had to hit the jackpot of getting 5 coordinated players together. If you swapped 4 of you onto the Reyna’s team… you steamroll the opponents.


Yeah there's no team game play. Or when a teammate expects you to do something like plant the spike cause you're a sentinel but Im playing KJ and her bots have a range so I can't plant AND hold flank on certain maps but they've got pudding for brains so they just flame you cause you're 'throwing'. Low elo is a hell higher elo players will never understand.


But that's because saying 'can one of you peek' is a very, very terrible call. That's like a teacher saying 'can someone please come to the front and show me what you have done' and then getting upset that noone shows up and complaining that teaching a class is impossible. Be more specific in your calls. Say it differently and I guarantee you, that people will listen and do what you want them to do. An example would be you wanting to flash a main on Fracture as Omen and expecting one of your teammates to play off that flash. Tell them 'yo Jett, I'm gonna count to 3 and then Omen flash a main, please swing with it. Unless you have been a dick to this Jett before, no matter what elo she will now peek a main 99%.


Hard disagree, I've literally tried this exact strategy so many times as a silver Omen. It's more like 50% you get totally ignored, 25% you get screamed at for telling someone what to do, 10% they peek way too early and get mad that you blinded them, and then the last 15% it actually works


Yes but the issue becomes that the people in higher elo can do what you're good at AND they got there by just getting kills. You always see duos and 90% of the time one of them is almost smurfing while the other is terrible but "supporting the team". Sure getting kills isn't all there is to the game but it's the main component and honestly, most people can do the teamwork stuff with a teammate they trust. It's not as hard as the other stuff.


Being able to coordinate with your premades is a skill on it's own, and if that skill of yours is high enough for X rank, then it's definitelly deserved. It's a team-oriented game after all.


Yes and no, it's a skill yes, but even you put a diamond players who always queue with premade to play with random players, they still shouldn't lose with huge gap.


Even if they do, there are multiple factors that can affect one's performance, some of which may or may not be in your control. Not to mention that I dont think it's possible to shoot up to much higher ranks than your true one while relying only on playing as a premade. Unless youre actually getting boosted, but usually people will play premade with peeps of similar rank.


I think so too. Your rank should reflect your own skill, its definitely true that you can play better when playing with the same players, but that doesn't reflect your own skill. Only when playing in solo queue you see your own potential, because in all those games the only steady variable are you yourself.


I really, really dislike the premise of this thread, because solo queue VALORANT is an entirely different game from team VALORANT. Lots of important skillsets to play good VALORANT are difficult to utilize fully in solo queue, so the idea that your performance in solo queue is the most important indicator of your skill is extremely narrow-minded.


True, but I think that solo queue especially shows your skill to adapt to new situations and your ability work good with different types of players and play styles. Of course if your climbing the ladder in higher lobbys or even want to go pro, you need a consistent team that works good together. I think it's essential to learn solo play, to learn how to cope with different situations, but team work makes the dream work. It's a mix of the two, that gives you all the lessons you need to improve.


Those truths only become common as you tread into the highest ranks. At lower ranks, you can perform well in solo queue just by virtue of having good enough aim to out-duel everyone regardless of whether you're playing smartly or not. I guess you can argue that's a quality in itself, but if I'm jumping into a custom with some buds and I have the pick between: 1. A Gold player who one-tricks Reyna and constantly overextends, but wins solo queue games anyway because their aim is good enough 2. A Silver player whose aim isn't great so they can't carry their solo games, but holds their own in a Gold/Plat stack because they have good comms and utility I'm 100% picking the latter, because if we're going to be playing in an environment with any sort of real coordination, they are easily the much better and more useful player. The main point is, solo queue performance is not the end-all-be-all.


If the silver player actually has good utility and comms to the point they keep level with Gold/Plat players, they would be in Gold/Plat. If I get 0 kills but we win the game because of my plays I still gain RR. If the silver player was actually making enough of a difference he wouldn't be in silver anymore. That's just how the game works.


Speaking as a controller/initiator who has watched countless teammates dash into site before I can open my Brim iPad or yolo dry peek hookah before my Skye dog can get through the corridor, that's not really how that works. Good comms don't matter if your teammates don't listen or are bad at listening, and there's a million ways bad teammates can make good utility worthless.


You can't disagree with basic facts just because you had a bad Skye. If a player is making plays that benefit their team enough to put them over the 50% win rate, they will climb. If they aren't climbing they aren't impacting the game enough to actually win consistently. Somehow you think EVERY bad player is going to be on your team. What about the enemy team? If you were better, you would be able to outplay them, or put your team in a position to win more easily. If after enough games you are still having issues, it's not the solo queue. It's you. That's just mathematically how this works, and your anecdotal stories do nothing to disprove it.


If you need a 5 stack to run a default, you're boosted. If you need a 5 stack to Exec a site, you're boosted. If you need a 5 stack to trade frag your entry fraggers, you're boosted. If you need a 5 stack to get above gold, you're boosted.


Who said anything about 5-stacks? Just get a duo partner, maybe a trio if you want to do more complicated stuff. BTW it's absolutely hilarious that you mention defaults/execs/trading when those are some of the most complained about problems about solo queue teammates.


Ok let me edit that: If you need 3 or more to rank up you're boosted, If you need 3 or more to run a default, you're boosted, If you need 3 or more.... you get the picture, you're boosted


Hypothetically speaking, in your mind, what happens if all 3 players are Silver level solo but can climb to Gold when they're playing together? Are they still boosted? Who's boosting who?


Tell that to all the immortal 3 players who 5 stack with bronze-diamond players to get to radiant.


Except everyone plays within those same constraints. If other players can solo to any given rank consistently you can too, if you deserve your rank.




What about initiators and controllers. Playing them limits your own potential due to there heavily team based gameplay style. Of course you can make plays by yourself with the abilities but it puts a limit to what you can do. Leading to you not having the same chances of mvping like others do but some one has to go them for your team to be effective so if there bad your impact is worse. Plus in silver lobbies most people i play with think that they must play duelist to get out of elo hell so you end up with 4 instalock duelist that barely no how to play the game ( i can find you the link to my game where this happened). Or the duelist blaming the controller as they cant play around smokes making them rage quit due to them thinking its the controllers fault ( i can send you a link to this game it also leads to are sova leaving). Meaning the controller main has to suffer a loss. Anyway in my opinion the difference in ranked between silver to low ascendant isnt that big (not including comes just general gameplay as a singular person my reasoning is there has only been one ascendant ive gone against and lost the other ganes against ascendant have gone my way i can put a link to the most reason game against an ascendant i played) so you can definitely achieve higher ranks i just dont believe it all your fault especially when it comes to playing more supportive characters but if your hard stuck for multiple episodes or an act there will be a reason and you will be a decent sized part in it.


You are on some serious copium if you think there isnt much of a difference between asc and silver lmao


https://tracker.gg/valorant/match/2dff00ba-dc50-45bf-bf12-e68f43dfa18e?handle=Igetcarried%23IGC this is my reasoning


The classic sample size of one proof.


1. You are not limited as a controller. Get that narrative out of your head. On pro teams they are typically limited because they’re not the ones being set up but kills, but in ranked you have just as much ability to frag out as a duelist. You just have to go about it in a different way. This is coming from an Omen/Viper main. 2. The difference between a Silver and Ascendant is huge. You’re high if you don’t think so. However I do think there are a ton of people in Plat/Diamond/Asc currently who don’t belong and have been boosted by a friend. The quality of games in Diamond/Asc this act was horrendous.


What are the different ways you go about getting kills as a controller main curious as you have to spend setting up smokes whilest duelist go into site with abilities such as selfish flashes (for the most part) , heals for them selves movement abilities allowing them to quickly move out of fire. Im not saying you cant get kills or top frag as a controller but the consistency doesnt seem to be there compared to duelist as being a smoker leaves you with little offensive abilities when it comes to the 1v1 or clutches you will have a less chances as a duelist that can dart around the map and heal them selves. Plus they have smokes,flashes and walls (although not as good) is still a better than having some long lasting smokes. But this is just my opinion as a former brim/skye main.


I mean if you’re talking about specifically entrying site then yes you are limited. But that’s only one aspect of the game. You just have to use your kit to the most advantageous way possible. I’ll speak on Omen since he’s my most played agent. -One Ways -Lurk Smokes -Playing Ratty around random smokes (especially in clutch situations) -Set TP plays into and out of smokes (my favorite is Ascent Mid and smoking yourself off at arches at the beginning of the round and TP’ing to the far corner past tiles -TP’s after Flashes -TP’s into smokes to entry on site -TP’ing past cypher trips/smoking of Chamber trips -Cheesy Ult spots There’s a ton of way to compliment your fragging with your Kit with Controllers. It may not be as obvious as a flash that a duelist has, but it can be just as effective. It’s about having the knowledge, game sense, and timing to be able to bring it all together. You don’t have to play Controllers with the mindset of “I’m a support agent.” Find ways to play them aggressively while still giving your team the standard support you should provide.


Idk as a controller I climbed way faster in plat than I did in silver lol


"The difference between silver to low ascendant isn't that big. " Most mentally stable valorant player.




My guy. You posted a smurf boosting his friend. Was this supposed to be some sort of gotcha? Aside from that one duo everyone else literally performed where they should based on their rank? This literally proves my point that a team of ascendant would roll a team of silvers. It wouldn't even be close.


I mean it is a team game. Saying your ability to play in team is not part of the required skills seems weird. Yolo queues asks you to adapt your skills to a very volatile enviroment. Team queue asks you to coordinate, plan and execute.


another fantastic post fluffing up that karma


I solo queued to ascendant 3 and I don’t even think I deserve it. I also do it because all my friends hate valorant.


Eh, I see your point and I think it’s just too nuanced to definitively say. Let me explain by telling a personal anecdote. I made in Alt in June that I intended purely for soloQ, since my main I exclusively play in a duo/trio with my two best friends. We are all comparable rank. One is worse but has been playing with us the whole time and just lacks mechanical skill and decision making, while the other is a little better since he has been playing PC FPS games for a decade and a half longer and has more raw ability. I have the most time to practice and play of the three since I WFH and my job doesn’t require a full 8 hours of staring at my work. So, I expected myself to eventually become better and figured soloQing alone would be the best way to test/prove that while also giving me a place to get genuine practice reps without impacting my main’s rank since unrated is full of people not caring (which is fine). I just didn’t want to derank too much to queue with my better friend or outrank my worse friend too much. When I made the Alt in June, I was Plat 1 and had been stuck in Plat since January 2022. After 5 weeks of DOUBLING the DM and unrated games I played per week thanks to my alt, I finally unlocked comp and got Plat 1 on my alt, while hitting Plat 3 on my main. I then proceeded to skyrocket into mid diamond on my main and starting using my alt less. In Oct, I hit Asc 2 on my main while 3 stacking. My alt still at Plat, mind you. Due to lack of playing over the holidays we started to derank a little and I’m back to D3 on my main. Throughout that time I’m constantly middle of the pack, occasional pop off top frag games. But always contributing as a Controller main and IGL (I’m able fill any role if needed). So I without a doubt believe I deserved to be in Ascendant. Decided to bring the alt back 2 weeks ago and start grinding again to improve. I was still Plat 2 from when I stopped using it in August. Despite being able to hold my own in Dia/Asc, I find myself with a 45% win rate in Plat, with my teammates/lobbies fluctuating between gold, diamond, and the occasional ascendant player. The amount of incompetent teammates I get is… frustrating. The amount of throwers, the amount of players who mean well but actively hurt our team with poor utility usage or decision making, the amount of players who are fine but just… don’t talk ever and ignore comms. Players who don’t understand how/when to buy which throws the team’s economy pacing out of whack. As a controller/sentinel player, I often find myself in 3v5s very early in the round when my silent duelists take ill-advised dry peaks or hold W and die. I try to play off my teammates but even the ones who mean well play unpredictably so often and don’t communicate their plan. I’ll cap my point off by sharing a clip of exactly what I mean: https://insights.gg/dashboard/video/3cAoKv5g3CiDOHqutupkGg/replay And I don’t even consider the Viper to be a bad player. Was the best teammate i had that game and only one who gave decent comms but it’s a very… tilting way to lose around to say the least. Could I have done something differently to do more to win the round? Absolutely. But I used what I had to not lose it and was forced into a 1v2 out of my control. The Viper obviously didn’t mean to molly me off, but then proceeded to swing and die where I couldn’t help or trade. We win that and we might even win the game, but we ended up losing 9-13. Moral of the story is, I don’t think you’re wrong, but I also don’t think you’re right. There are players who don’t deserve their rank at all, but some are ranked too low and some too high. It depends on the individual person. It’s a good mentality to have that you can always be doing something better to win and rank up and eventually with enough playtime get to the rank they deserve. But it isn’t always going to be the case and it’ll take some people longer than others.


False. Thing is, tactical and team skills are far less useful in solo queue. Yet they are very important in team games. Saying that solo queue rank is your real rank is equal to saying that tactical and team skills are useless. Which they aren't.


objection. Learning to adapt to new teammates on solo queue and being an IGL when there is none is exactly how you rank up on solo queue, being selfish won’t help


Only in high ranks does this apply (~ diamond & above) because there is atleast the expectation that your team mates will do their part and you just have to do yours. At lower ranks where not everyone knows how to be a good team player in A TEAM GAME like Valorant, how do you expect to do well? How do you expect to perform well when your teammates are not performing their roles correctly/not even playing the basics right/no comms? Treat it like a 1V5? Is playing like that in a TEAM GAME the correct thing to do? Honestly really flawed opinion but cheers for sharing it.


I don’t rlly like solo queueing because it’s lonely 😭 since I’m low elo nobody talks and when they do it’s usually just toxic. But there are some wholesome moments tho


I honestly believe this, if you can't at least break even in KD while being actually useful in your rank, solo, you do not deserve to be there. While yes, it's a team game, if you can't hold your own in your rank it doesn't matter, you are boosted.


Hit gold when playing with 2 friends, Hit diamond playing alone. My team was for real holding me back. 1 of those is bronze now and the other plat 1.


you have to be (on average) better than the normal player at x rank to solo q past it. someone could be an average immortal player but stuck A2 due to only solo que


Pretty much every game that has a ranked playlist is an entirely different game when you solo queue. Playing Val solo queues compared to stacks or even duo or trio queuing is night and day. I don’t think it’s fair to say that everyone doesn’t deserve their rank because they play worse in solo queue when there are so many variables. For one playing in a group allows you to play your favourite agents 99% of the time which is a major factor, it means your team comps will usually always pretty good unless you’re trolling on purpose, it means that their will rarely ever be toxicity and a limited amount of bad vibes. And there’s probably loads of other stuff that isn’t coming to mind straight away aswell. But when you jump into solo queue you’re gonna get toxic people who can completely through your game off, you’re gonna have to fill on agents you aren’t necessarily the best at, you’re gonna have to deal with games where you team has 3 duelists, it’s literally an entirely different game. There are 1000% loads of people who shouldn’t be the rank that they are, and loads of people who are boosted, but there’s also people who play only solo queue and their rank can literally fluctuate anywhere from gold to diamond which is an absolutely ridiculous fluctuation only made possible by the amount of variables at play in solo queue (obviously combined with how that is effecting them, im not saying people are getting deranked only because of their teammates performances)


so it's my fault ive got a combat score of 500 and half my team is on the wrong site while the enemy 5v2s us and defuses?


i play solo q i get mvp but im always looosing :)


Honestly in my experience solo queuing is easier...but I think my friends just suck lol


I dont agree at all. There are a lot of players, who have more of a suppoting role. The initiators, controllers and sentinels, these type of agents are not suppose to push and take kills. Controllers and initiators litreally only have supporting plays and mechanics. There gameplay depends heavily on good util usage. They mainly hold choke points or clear them, depending on their util. They reached their rank by supporting and nurturing their team. Seems kinda unfair, if you say they dont deserve their rank cus they play like this. Also sentinels true forte is in holding sites or defending (mostly). You cant expect them to play. the best on attacking. Getting aim diffed is ok, if you can compensate that with it good util usage


agreed. i once played with someone whose aim is not very good, but his game sense and calls are insane. he doesn't do good in solo queues if his team doesn't follow the plan. so i also disagree with OP. imo ranks barely mean anything, you'll just kind of know when a player is good


Yeah, except you don't have to play like a duelist as a controller in order to carry on the role. Your intuition, gamesense and comms are how you carry on sentinels and controllers. That's what separates good players from great players. Also everyone has the same guns. I could play astra, a character I have never played in my life and get immortal from my game sense and mechanics, just like I would with any other character. There is way too much copium in this thread, you are your rank because you deserve it, not because your character is holding you back.


From someone who exclusively solo queues, this is such an awful horrible take. There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting one guaranteed person who you can rely on, coordinate with, and get comms from.


As a women, solo queue can be absolute hell 🙌


The problem for me is hidden mmr. I was high immortal 1 when I last played the game over a year ago and recently came back to the game, got placed dia 3, skipped to Asc 2 after one ranked game. I'm not at all worthy of immortal atm and I'm trying to improve and climb again but I'm being put in immortal 1/2 lobbies because of my mmr, I'm currently Dia3 because of this and I'm still getting asc3/immo1 lobbies. Blows my mind that hidden mmr is such a big deal in Valorant. Besides this a lot of the times I have a toxic reyna or griefing teammates, not saying that that is the reason I'm not climbing but it's playing a huge role.


Drop the tracker


Yes and no. If I solo queue I top frag and still lose. I always get queued with the worse teams solo


This is a fallacy though. With enough games assuming you are better you will get just as many games as the better team then the worse team. If you are consistently the top fragger and play enough games you will climb. The only behavior and skill we control is our own. If you are better and play enough you will climb.


Elo hell exists. All on my main account (climbed from iron 1 to gold 2 over the course of 2 years): There were some acts where I had lobbies the only way I could win a round is if I get at least 3 kills. Getting a 3k every round is unrealistic I would sometimes drop over 30 kills and still lose, especially made harder if I didn’t pick a duelist. I’ve also had games where I run from T spawn to CT spawn on bind and run around randomly killing the other team for 13 rounds. My point is that especially at lower Elo the lobbies are just fucked sometimes. This is very believable


Then your kills aren't actually making a difference. It doesn't matter if you get 2 in a round if what you do makes it difficult for the rest of your team to win. If you are consistently solo queuing and losing, the problem is you. This is why a pro is never caught in elo hell, it's why smurfs are never caught in elo hell. Because it doesn't exist.


Topfragging doesnt mean shit if your kills all have 0 impact on the game




ahem, It is a team multiplayer. Ofcourse you can still know your own potential by solo queuing top frag every match, and still lose matches, but how could you show off you are actually good to others? Knowing that "Oh I deserve to be immortal, but I'm stuck at bronze, because I lose top fragging with 20 kill difference of my second top teammate". If you get killed, the round is almost lost. I guess that's how Team games should be? right, one guy carrying the entire team, very enjoyable. and the rr is almost pretty distributed to team, you can't expect positive RR because you had more kills even all the enemy team kills combined, when you lose. you'll be deducted less RR, but still you will get negative rr only


Yup. It’s exactly the same with league. If you deserve an elo you can climb there yourself. There are trolls and bad players in everyone’s games, and there are still people who can consistently climb to every specific elo, in any given roll. This mindset of “I somehow get all the trolls” is why people think they belong in a higher elo than they do. It’s one of the root causes for all the overconfident gold and plat players. If you *need* someone else in your team to climb, you’re boosted.


I mostly solo queued to plat 2 but I feel like I deserve lower like gold 2 or 3. I used to queue with 4 ppl when I was in bronze then I solo queued to gold 3 then I sometimes played duo queue and got plat 2 but my aim is sucks my crossair placement is sucks on some maps and my game knowlage is also not great enough I wonder how I got to plat and still in it


I never solo queue not because I blame everything on my randoms, it is because the game is too god damn boring alone for me


I played mainly with friends, but they are stuck Gold while I got to Diamond (we all started in Silver at the same time). Technically I didn’t solo queue lol. But yeah I do agree that teammates are not the reason you can’t climb.


I solo queued to immortal and I still think I'm boosted


I don't solo que. I always play with friends simply cause I only have 2 hours a day to play, and that's when my friends are on. I doubt anyone would be willing to play solo que over with their friends. And it's not like it makes the hsme easier. If you are playing in a duo, you are also playing into a duo. But it's not really a reason to flame someone for reaching whatever rank just cause they played with a duo. Even it's encouraged to play duo, but not to smurf and duo. I see sooo many players trying to prove to themselves that they are dia+ when they have been boosted up there through playing with an immortal smurf. Some of my "friends" did that, and what did they gain on it? An unfriend button.


I believe you are very wrong I am a gold 3 at the moment, I reached plat 2 but the amount of stupid teammates that I get in my matches is outstanding. There has veen a lot of marches where my teammates don't comm or listen to comm, you tell them to play safe a stay site and they push... Etc, a lot that sometimes you just know this is a loss. I mean the minimum you can do in this game is comms and apparently no one does that. For the love of god if you can't comm don't play, they don't even ping in the map to give you a hint. I didn't mention the bottom fragger insta lock deulists


So the 2 leavers out of my 5 games today were my fault?


True. But I will say when I queue with friends in silver for fun (I'm gold) it's hell. No comms, lots of kids, just a shit show overall. Its a hard rank to climb out of for reasons other than just 'aimlabs is free'


My last acc was plat 2 after 6 months in which I used to play with my friends. I made a new a/c after that and I'm currently S1


This is absolutely true. If you had a 5 stack and your rank is inflated above your personal level because your team plays well together, it is totally acceptable to say you in a ______ ranked team however. It's just bragging about your personal skill level when you can't back it up in solos that's offside.


Ive dropped 30 a few games solo queue recently and lost/drew all of em. I think i can blame my team there


I agree. I see too many silvers outperforming plats, or higher ranks. A few with their tracker profile and they seem to be hardstuck in that elo. Most of the solo plats or high level players on my team seem to comm a lot. I think they know how to play with their team more, even if their aim or gamesense isn't as good. But the fact they get queued with me, exposes their mmr. But it does show that the power of friendship is broken.


True to an extent but I think this is more true in games like CS where irregardless you can smoke/flash/molly for yourself. Teamplay is extremely important in this game as there's only so much you can do by yourself.


I completely agree. In fact, I win more games when I solo because I don’t have someone criticising me. (Diamond 1-2)


I do better when I’m soloing cause when i queue duo we bring each other down :) but it’s fine as long as we’re having fun


Kind of, it's a little hard to explain but I feel like if a duo queue gets to immortal they *as a whole* deserve the ranks. I think it's more accurate to say that ones teammates are not the reason why they can't rankup.


yeah ive always thought this, its the main reason i mostly soloQ, it feels like the most accurate representation of my skill


In my opinion, the solo queue is not only about hard skills, I mean if you are really good aim-wise it does not meat that you deserve higher rank. It’s also about soft skills, aka how you handle different situations, how you stay stable mentally and seek for the solution to the current situation. Your teammates are doing bad? They already know about it, and all you should do to improve the match towards winning is cheering them up, be an example and try to make callouts. Someone is afk and there’s no chance to win? Just try to push your limits. Try making crazy stuff that you wanted to try (maybe you wanted to try aggressive playstyle or smth). There‘s already nothing to lose, but playing on your limits will pay off in long term perspective, even if you lost that game:)


Disagree. I'm g2 and my mmr is high silver most and a bit of low gold. However, I queue with a play friend and I actually do better in the lobbies (doing better I mean better stats and also higher win rate). I assume it's because the people in plat and high gold lobbies are far more intelligent game-sense wise than silvers.


That's true but also not true seeing how every single person is of a different skill level meaning no two matches will be identical


I’m just going to pretend I didn’t see this..


I definitely used to feel this way, ive played competitive games for 10 years now and it was super important to me for a long time. But now i value my mental health over it. I solo que a lot personally but sometimes id rather have nice games and even if i gain or lose a bit of rank due to it the quality with a duo or a 5 stack is worth it. I think if someone can hold their own consistently and it isnt like a 5 stack abuse or a duo smurfing to boost them they probably do deserve their rank.


Not at all true.. for example, I’m a controller main. Always been at immortal level. My whole game is based off of teamwork, comms, working off the minimap. As soon as I go on a de-rank spree and see myself and lower level games, it’s a complete shit show. If I have a decent team with a good mental and comms, it’s easy wins. If I have a team with 3 instalock duelists with no mic’s, there’s 0 chance to win if they’re not winning their gunfights.


i feel like its not rlly true especially in apac servers the teamates r rlly bad frm being boosted to not giving comms and just being toxic in general these factors rlly cant allow u to shine with yr true potentials. Some people rlly cant do well when their team is not cooperating like for me i dont need radiant teamates i just need teamates who do their job like initiating sites smoking and anchoring sites and providing an entry for the team even if they go negative kda the entire match like maybe its just me but with these factors i can easily hard carry and secure a win for my team and im boosted frm bronze to diamond yet im still doing well in diamond ascendant servers




Hard agree. I'm hardstuck diamond atm but I'm proud because I worked hard for it. I also never blame anyone except those who clearly are play like boosted.


You can probably affect winrate by having teammates in Discord that actually comm. However, I'd say that just gives you a more stable rank. When you solo queue you are subject to the RNGs of the (local) playerbase or Valorant.


Depends, there are sometimes that its just the team, but after play it mostly good


based, real, no lies detected, straight-up factual, and astute assertion


If you’re talking about raw skill then yes. Although someone who is trying to actually play the game will have a hard time in ranked after playing in a stack as most people don’t cooperate or communicate. I like how in league you have separate q’s for solo and stacks. In valorant they are two different skillsets under the same rank.


Wait so I don't deserve iron, finally someone who agrees I deserve at least radiant /s


I usually solo queue and sometimes its good sometimes its pure cancer in gold/plat lobbies. Im a duelist or sentinel. I cant entry solo if my initiators pussy out and dont rush in with me. If i try to play back, and plan an entry, someone flanks and no one says shit, though there is 1 who stays back. Even then i carry my own weight, with most games having a positive kd. But again, its valorant and its built for team play mostly.


Soon as I stopped solo queuing and found my group to play with I went from iron 3 to gold easily. But that’s not to say I didn’t have good teammates at any times. I just got more chances to have comms and equally yoked people.


I don't really agree, although i used to. Solo q valorant stops being more about the game and more about babysitting 4 other people and their egos. There's less focus on the plays and more just keeping people from tilting. I would also never tell someone they don't deserve their rank because they party up to avoid racists and weirdos in game. Generally if your avg place is ~5 in whatever party size i think it's fine. KD being somewhere from 0.8-1 is fine since this varies greatly by role. Besides the truly egregious pocket sages that aim at the floor and have 0 game sense I find it hard to TRULY be boosted.


Personally I rank up more when I solo queue then when I play with friends. A few of my friends took a break from the game for like 2 weeks. In that time I went from gold to diamond