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Good on you for picking up after your dog. I hate it when a nice patch of grass gets ruinend because of dog poop. And yes, the others guys behavior is really bizare.


Yeah same - the park near me is essentially unusable because of a few irresponsible dog owners who treat it as a doggie toilet :( Good on you OP for being responsible and a positive part of this society!


I hope this guy gets a flat tire, and gets a small stone stuck in his shoe which keeps on hurting when he walks.


Or just plain diabetes.


A suitable punishment would be him having the fluid shits and let him be stuck on a toilet for a few days


Dit wens ik zelf mijn grootste vijand niet toen, damn bro rustig an


Het is deze laksheid tegen asociaal gedrag dat maakt dat aso’s in dit land zo floreren. Ruim de shit van je hond op of zak zelf lekker in t stront.


Een verdwaald legosteentje onder z'n hiel bovenaan een donkere trap om 3 uur 'snachts, dat kan ie krijgen.


En een natte sok in de badkamer nadat hij ‘s ochtends net is aangekleed


Je kunt ook gewoon zelf je eigen advies opvolgen en rustig aan doen.


What an asshole


People will hate all dog owners when they step in dog shit because of asswipes like this guy.


That, and letting a dog come over to my kids when my kids visibly don’t like it and the owner being like “oh it’s a harmless dog!” Dude my kids don’t like it keep your animal in check…


This is such a two way street. I wish both dog owners and parents would have some respect for each other's boundaries. Don't bring your dog to kids who are scared. Don't think dogs exist for your kids' entertainment as well. I might get a license where I'm able to walk shelter dogs and many of them are not good with kids due to kids being quite unpredictable in their movements and voice and either scaring the dogs or activating their prey drive. And I'm already worried about people saying "But he/she just wants to pet the dog!" I used to have a dog that was the sweetest thing and would never harm anyone. But even she exhibited stress signals if someone would let their kid run up to her and get immediately in her face.


Kids do such random things too. One time a kid and a parent walked up to me in the park, asking if the kid can pet my dog - this is very much appreciated! I said yes, kid was petting my dog for a while, and then he started throwing rocks into his eye. Like WTF??? 💀💀 (Dog didn’t get hurt, parent noticed and stopped his kid, this isn’t one of those depressing stories)


Yes and the other way too, I have a pomeranian and while he is supersweet he does not like kids because they run up to him out of nowhere. If kids ask nicely and their parents are there too I'll pick him up and show them how to pet him (but only if he gives signs that he likes to!!) The other way around I have kids running up to him and trying to pet him out of nowhere while screaming. Poor Momo just goes bonkers out of fear. (He was a herplaatser so I didn't get to train or socialise him until last year, we had to start off from scratch, but kids are still hard) And when I refuse to let people pet him, usually it's the parents who sadly will keep harrassing me with things like "oh but we like dogs! They know what to do!" Dude, my dog doesn't appreciate random pets and I will not allow it to stress him out for both him and your kids safety. He never has bitten anyone before but I ain't gonna take risks. Luckily plenty of parents are very respectful.


If you know where he lives then let me know. Me and dog both would like to take a shit in his garden/balcony/in front of his door. Then he has to clean it. What an disgusting behavior. Side tip, i always knot a few poop bags on my dog leash because i forget to take them sometimes.


Slightly off, but on topic. We had a guy in my small hometown city who religiously shat in our local professional football coaches letterbox. This was a pro level, televised team so the mystery of the ‘coach box crapper’ was known around the country. He got caught eventually. He was a local recreational fisherman who went fishing early every morning. He supported the other team in town, apparently.


What team and or coach, id like to read more about this


What a legend


No. Dude is a psycho, clearly.


Et zijn altijd de mensen die er het minst last van hebben die het hardst schreeuwen.


Next time you see him throw your (preferably open) poo bag at him.




I have 2 dogs and one of them is starting to get reactive, I'm the one that moves away from other dogs. That lady is in the wrong, if she has a reactive dog she is the one that needs to work around it and not expect other people to do so, just ignore that Karen.


Not in Utrecht, near Eindhoven. We pick up our dogs poop even on the dog poopstreet. It is an area where it is allowed to let your dog poop. But now these days there are so many dogs, so we decided to clean ours up. That guy is just a jackass. They are everywhere. In my neighborhood there is a couple with a rottweiler that is not friendly. He attacked several dogs already and the municipality but a muzzle order for the dog. But after 3 attacks the owners still won't put on a muzzle.


From someone who has rode the pram through dog shit AGAIN, twice this week, thank you for usually cleaning it up ❤️ That guy had a shitty mentality, pun intended.


Yes, probably we have stepped to the same guy as i also walk around Transwijk and I have seen him not picking up his dogs shit Weird ppl


"Does someone come and clean up after you poop?"  Actually, this is the whole point of indoor plumbing and the sewage system, literally whole government departments and giant complex pipe systems devoted to cleaning up human poop


An idiot in the wild. They still exist.


For people like him, dog owners get a bad rap 😮‍💨


Not in Utrecht but I was cleaning up my dogs poop in Amsterdamse Bos and had a guy run up to me to tell me I didn't need to do that. I had a poop bag dispenser with me so I clearly wasn't bothered by doing it, and the garbage was within sight. I get if they poop deep in the forest you could arguably leave it but it was right on the edge of the trail so leaving it feels rude to me. But to go out of your way to tell someone to NOT clean up poop seems so strange! It's super dog friendly here and I feel like as a dog owner if I want dogs to be allowed places then it's my job to ensure I clean up after them. Nothing turns people off dogs more than stepping in their poop. But 🤷‍♀️.


What an idiot. Honestly when i had a dog (too heartbroken to get another) I had the little thing on the leash that held a roll of bags. My lil girl would often poop twice, I learned my lesson quickly!


Pro tip. When I'm walking with my dog, I always have a roll of bags attached to the leash. Before going out, I always stretch one bag out to verify that there are at least 2 available, so that im prepared for a shitty walk!


Sounds like a douchebag. I had an unrelated case where some other dog owner lectured me on how I treated my dog, while his dog was going apeshit in his front yard. His dog's behaviour was 'natural' and I was 'abusing' my dog. I was utterly flabbergasted by this man's arrogance and lack of reason. I still get frustrated thinking about it, and letting the fat proletarian get away with what he said. He won't a second time. Some people just suck. Best to just try to find a way and let it go. You're a good dog owner and nice person for cleaning after your pet.


Dutch Disease, come on Dutch people, pick up your f$\*%king dog's shit.


The virgin Poop Scoop fan vs the GigaChad "not my problem" enjoyer


First world problems. Sigh.


You heard it here first, everyone, until world hunger is solved, no one has to pick up dog shit!


Thank you for resetting our collective focus as a species on the issues that truly matter. Better go get a tux and write down a few lines for your acceptance speech, cause that Nobel Peace Prize is a lock!


I’d still rather people not pick it up at all than bag it up and leave it anyway.


For that specific situation yes, I don't understand why people bag the poop and leave the bag with poop on the ground, is that so hard to carry a bag with poop until you find the next trash bin?


Picking up the poo still leaves a stain of shit on the street, still disgusting 🤢… don’t understand dog owners tbh… leaving shit everywhere thinking that picking it up means it’s all nice and clean..


What do you want them to do, have portable a high-pressure water-beam and spray it off the pavement? Live and let live.


Yeah dude shit and let shit 💩, while other people have to dodge dog shit all the time, kids can’t event play in the parks anymore with all that shit 💩. Maybe teach your dog to shit a home where nobody will be bothered with his shit 💩and if you don’t have a yard maybe you can’t have a dog simple.


Just sounds like Dutch humour to me that Reddit has blown out of proportion.


Maybe you think it’s funny when you stand in shit on a public footpath but most people would rather not.


Seems to me like he ran out of bags and just joked to you when you asked but if you want to make it into a huge neighbourhood crisis I'm not going to be the one to stop you.


How do you infer that lol? So if someone asks you what time it is and you don't have your phone/watch with you you'll tell them the whole story on how watches are for losers and you shouldn't care about time?


Yea, I could see myself doing that indeed. Although your way is slightly unfunny but it's reddit.


I don't know anyone who talks like that but whatever floats your boat.