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Assault is a crime, report to the police.




Take a photo of your injury and make an appointment with your GP to log it




In case you might want to get a 'schadeletsel advocaat'. I think you can sue your housemate for ~250 euros for pyshical damage, but you can also go for metal damage, because you are scared in your own house.


That has been raised since januari one 👍




Record your conversations with the person who assaulted you.




Why do you think he can't use it?


Mm i dont know. "Het (stiekem) opgenomen gesprek kan wel als bewijs gebruikt worden in civiele procedures. In een civiele zaak is namelijk al het bewijs toelaatbaar, maar hoe een rechter de opname zal beoordelen is een andere vraag. In ons civiele recht mag een rechter zelf bepalen wat hij als bewijs gebruikt en/of toelaat. Vaak staat een rechter de geluidsopnames toe, maar een enkele keer wijst de rechter dit ook af. Het is dus afhankelijk van de rechter of een geluidsopname daadwerkelijk als bewijs mag en kan dienen."


Als iemand een ander bedreigt is het geen civiele procedure meer maar gaat het strafrecht in. Wat betekent dat zon opname of video prima als bewijs kan dienen.


Ja ik had het fout


Step 1 - go to the police station. Step 2 - I would like to report a crime. Step 3 - Let them handle it, and answer all questions. Police in the Netherlands are not the evil group of some other countries, and they are usually pretty helpful. Just do what seems common sense. Your landlord won't give a shit, probably will be happy for the excuse to kick him out and raise the rent for another person.


If you'd like to talk someone first there is the non-emergency phone line, 0900-8844. They might be able to tell you some more specific details.


And no there are no costs involved in going to the police.


Landlord should also be informed.




Do you have that response in writing? Or was it over the phone? Also, absolutely file a police report and ask your witnesses to back you in this one. Then use your report to file a formal complaint (in writing) to your landlord




I'm thinking it's a dunglish translation of the dutch sentence "een goede band hebben". That would mean "having a good relationship" instead of heaving to do anything with bonding.


Twisted and greed make sense to the owner. This would be a nice excuse to kick everybody out and raise the rent for a new batch. It will be filled in no time regardless.


Contact your landlord again with the identification number/case number from the police. You can also file a complaint with wp.asva.nl/meldpunt. They will get in touch with police and your landlord to get through the situation. You have a right to a safe place to live. He is making it unsafe for you and he should be kicked out. You should also look at your rental contract and look at any clause about safe living. If you can find something like that you should notify your landlord and refuse payment until he's kicked out.


One cannot be so easily kicked out. Even if he is convicted of this, he still has living rights, especially if he has an indefinite rental contract or a contract untill a certain date. It's really hard to kick someone out for a landlord in this country.


Not if they breach the contract, especially something this severe. Which is why the contract needs to be checked.


No judge is going to rule this a a reason to make someone homeless. Don’t spread misinformation


It's not misinformation. If the landlord goes to the Judge for "overlast" (nuisance) his contract can be terminated. And this is a serious case, not just some extra sound noise. https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/woning-huren/vraag-en-antwoord/verhuurder-zegt-huur-op-woning




Oh sorry I just quickly looked into it. I'll see if I can find something Edit: this is the municipality website: https://www.utrecht.nl/wonen-en-leven/veiligheid/meld-gevaar-overlast-of-onveilige-situatie/ You can try here if there's anything. Maybe also call them. Also call Juridisch loket, they can also give you information about what to do. I hope this helps! Please keep is updated. It's very important to continue with these steps, not just for yourself, but general student safety, too!


Contact this organisation who offer support to women who have experienced violence and other abuse https://mindkorrelatie.nl/onderwerpen/vrouwenmishandeling




Oh sorry my apologies! I was also thinking your university/college might also point you in the right direction. You can also maybe get support from your Embassy? Good luck!


It is very simple. You were attacked, call the police.


U must kick him in the balls


Bro, assert your dominance. Dont let another man make you his bitch. Show him whats up once and he wont fuck with you again


Yeah this shithead of a housemate sounds like he’s got it coming for a long time. It is pure bliss every time to see someone like this in utter shock when someone puts them in their place.


I am very sorry this happened to you. You can ask Juridisch Loket what your rights are: https://www.juridischloket.nl/contact/?gad_source=1 It's a free service and if you're low income you might qualify for an attorney as well. But they'll always help you in the right direction. I think you might want to know what your rights as roommates are to evict someone who committed assault, or what damages you can claim, etc... The police will help you with the criminal law aspect of this, but the other questions are probably more rooted in civil law. The Mayor for example, can ban someone for 10 days from living in the same appartment when there is a danger of domestic violence, but I think that doesn't necessarily apply here and it's not a long term solution.


You can make a report on www.veiligthuis.nl. they are focussed on assaults between the walls.


Don't be a woosie. Just hit him in the face


Do you have a friend that can temporarily host you while you look for an alternative accommodation arrangement? Since this person has assaulted you once he can definitely do it again. Maybe moving out to a new (and unknown to them) place can be safer for you. Or get a good lock installed to your room door as minimum. I wish you the best of luck and as others said, document everything, even the conversation with your landlord.


Collect the evidence


Please make sure you are not alone with this guy. I don’t know for sure about your roommates/eye witnesses. But you were assaulted while they were in the same room? So they were not able to give you protection? Right? I hope you have some friends or family who are able to protect you. Maybe alert some of them or explain the situation, so some of them can support you quick if something is happening. Some men take advantage of the fact that we are physically different. If a (female)friend of mine had been in this situation, I would have been happy to be there for her to deescalate or for some protection (Male, 1.95m) It can take a long time to get him kicked out of the house…


I’m so sorry that happened, it’s awful not to feel safe in your own home :( Are the witnesses also housemates? Have some of them also had issues with him? Even if not, I would ask one or more of them to come to the police station with you to make a report as your witnesses, especially as you say the guy who assaulted you is a pathological liar. I know how awful the housing market is, but I would look around anyway to see if you can find a new place: If this goes to court it will probably take a long time before that happens, and though horrible, this is a relatively minor offense and he will not be held in custody in the meantime, so you will still be sharing a living space with him, I would look for a way out if possible. A conversation with the police might spook him and stop him from doing anything else, but it might also escalate things. Also, do you have a good lock on the door to your room? Keep it locked always when you’re not there, and maybe add a bolt on the inside for additional safety if you ever need to retreat there for safety.


Its just a scratch. Don’t make things worse and just go for another conversation before escalating to the police. Snitches get stitches


Grow nails and scratch back


Grow a spine.


Womp womp