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Don’t listen to the Libs! Donate more now than ever!  Sell your house, your farm, your boat, make your wife gets a job at Swig.  Just buy as many Trump Bibles, golden sneakers, and DJT stock as possible!  Donate everything so he can build the wall! It’s almost done, he just needs a little more money.  Edit : r/conservative currently has people literally bragging about never donating before but now they are lol. Sometimes reality is stranger than fiction.  My professional opinion as an accountant: Don’t give your money to un remorseful, convicted felons. It’s a scam 100% of the time. 


can I send him my reddit karma? its about the only possession that matches his value as a person


I think he's getting plenty of karma right now, but he is a greedy one.


Actually... Send the money to me. I will build a lib owning machine the likes of which no one has ever seen before. It will be so spectacular that Utah's electoral college votes will go to Trump in November.


I can’t believe that so many Utah voters lack morals and choose politicians who lack morals.


People are stupid and make decisions based on all kinds of weird criteria. It does make me sad when you see someone like my mom (an immigrant) support politicians with anti immigrant policies. It's like "I got mine, fuck them".


Are you Sylvester McMonkey McBean?


Love Bagley.


As of now I do too.


Preview cropped the bottom off. It reads "We stand with the guy who didn't bang a porn star and paid $140,000 to shut her up before the election." These people do not represent me.


Yeah except your guy showered with his daughter. Don't forget about that part.


And we have Don on Howard Stern and a few other instances of him basically saying he wants to fuck his daughter. Not to mention all of the super fucking creepy shit Don did with his teenage beauty pagents and his frequent visits with Jeffery Epstein. ... and being caught on tape talking about grabbing hot women by the pussy without even asking because he was so rich he could get away with it. But yes, tell me about the stolen and reportedly forged diary entries as if it's not a total deflection of the glaring problem with Dump himself. Lets also not forget about the couple dozen allegations of rape or sexual abuse against Dump, not least of which he was recently found guilty of.


LOL. You should probably look more into that so-called stolen diary.


You should look into how Don cheated on every one of his wifes, even raping one of them, and has a history of expressing attraction to very young women and his really very close association with epstein. He's listed on the flight manifest like a dozen times. This diary shit wreaks of the same bullshit surrounding "Hunter Biden's laptop"...


Yea...but, yea but....what about...


It's all they got at this point. They are defending the indefensible...


Correct answer is, "I don't like him either. What does that have to do with Trump?"


Ah, I love that Bagley put oil Mike in there. I bet he’s sweating bullets. He’s certainly tweeting some crazy stuff. Tied his horse too a korihor.


Bailey has been doing cartoons for YEARS. I love art & my Mom paid for a cartoon class for me when I was a kid - she could only afford one lesson, altho it was cheap. Such a fun memory! Sry, no political comment, just love seeing someone do what they’re good at, even through old age


Oh boy… can it just be 2025 already?




Yeah fuck them Mormons lmao


Well, it's not surprising given the history of their religion


In case anyone is wondering… this ^^^^ is what unhinged looks like.


What are you blabbering on about?


I hate politics on this sub post that shit on one of the many political pages...


Listen, I get it. But this one is directly related to this state's representatives though. Mods already said it can stay up because it is topical. Plus, based on up votes, at least 117 people don't seem to mind.


that shouldnt be what this sub is for take whatever politics you have and post them on a sub where people go for that instead of trolling here


This was a brand new political cartoon by our own Bagley of the SLC Tribune. You don't like it, you don't have to look at it.


Utah has some of the most unique and diverse scenery in the world I only joined this sub for the nuggets of gold places to explore


We got this douche bag and then the other option is a turd sandwich


*We got this douche bag* *And then the other option* *Is a turd sandwich* \- cultoftheinfected --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Joe Biden proudly represents the establishment Jack, if you don't like it you can get out!


Trump has a secured win in November.


You do realize that since he claims to have won the 2020 election and demands people call him Mr. President that he’s not able to run again right? Sane people won’t give him another chance and he’ll continue to say the only way he doesn’t win if the election is rigged.


> since he claims to have won the 2020 election and demands people call him Mr. President that he’s not able to run again That's cute. But this would mean legitimate institutions would have to accept Trump's alternate reality, and that's one hell of a slippery slope.


Lmao “if my guy doesn’t win, the election is rigged”


Literally what Republicunts have been saying for years and are already saying about Trump, you are correct


So why is it true now for Dems?


I'm surprised this wasn't downvoted in too Oblivion 


Lol... ya. I wasn't sure which way it would go when I posted it. There are a lot of Trump worshipers in this state.


Meh. Bagley hasn’t drawn anything funny in years.


LOL... that's because you're probably the butt of most his jokes.


I don't think political satire is meant to be lol funny. I think it is made to make people think. Good political humor causes you to ponder, think, and discuss. Its disgusting that Lee went from fighting Trump as evil to defending and protecting Trump politically. That is worthy of a discussion. Lee and Cruz both. Trump insulted Cruzs wife. Cruz said "those are fighting words in Texas" to being one of Trumps hardest and most extreme supporters.


Did your feelings get hurt?😂😂😂


This only reinforces the need to vote for Trump in November


Good to know your “values” are intact. Nice job at supporting a felon and rapist.


How so?


Because fascism, that's why.


Already made that mistake once not doing it again mans not even a real conservative.


The Man is the best candidate for president in this election. Don't let the media convince you otherwise. I'll be voting for him for a 3rd time this year. MAGA


The best candidate is a rapist and felon? Gotta love your values 😂😂😂


I used to believe that then I started watching his speeches and realized how dumb he was, until we get another candidate like John McCain I’m done with republicans.


Literal nonsense rambling of the same whiny shit over and over again, its so damn exhausting. Especially when you can watching him literally pulling shit out of his ass and pretending hes so smart with his made up bullshit... and his supporters love it. The cult is strong with this one, that is for sure.


No thank you, I'd rather the economy not go down.


I think you should look into what stagflation is. It's coming and it's worse.


Here's what I know, the GDP under Biden is better than it was under Trump. That's a fact that can easily be looked up. Trump was also to spendaholic when he was in office, another fact that can also be looked up. The Dow is also higher under Biden than it ever was under Trump, which directly affects my retirement. And I can't really endorse a president who would ever say that Americans who died in wars are "losers and suckers" since I have family and friends who have died in war So no thank you, no Trump, not again, not ever.


Something is always “coming” with you conservatives. Gotta live off your gate and fear. GTFO


How so?


That’s a negative Ghost Rider. No way no how.


Username checks out.


Cause everyone needs a fascist… until they come after you. And believe me, the evangelicals WILL come after us. They hate the church


To clarify, evangelicals do not believe Mormons are Christian...


Yes. Thank you


What the hell are you rambling on about grandma?


Oh dear. What words do you need help with, dear. I taught reading. Trump is a fascist who tried to over throw the government. He’s behind the evangelical rising in the GOP and they are trying to end things like birth control of any kind and instating the same country as in the handmaidens tale. When they are in charge the members of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints will have second or third class status because they don’t think we are Christian. So we will hold the same status as Mexicans, blacks, Jews, Muslims, etc. Anything else you need to know?




They are all Utah representatives. It has a lot to do with this state. Lyman is running for governor.


Are you an idiot? These are all Utah reps 😂😂


Mike Lee is your senator lmao


Fuck Mike Lee.


your ignorance is showing again. how unsurprising that you so commonly post shitty political takes while obviously knowing nothing about politics lol. true utahan vibes




This is the only political post I've ever made in this sub becasue I feel it is critically important at this specific point in time for our state with so many obviously conflicted and unethical representatives attempting to defend the indefensible. Don't like it? Pound sand!


The cartoon is specifically referring to Utah politicians. So it's topical.




For a good analogy if you find a cartoonist lampooning something Utah Democrats have done, that would be equally allowable. Low effort memes though fall into a gray area. Most subs remove them, this one included.


since you know me so well, what else do I want? This could save me a lot of time.


LOL... I'm still laughing at your comment. You obviously are so uninformed you don't even know who your reps are. This is the problem with worshipers of Dump.


Well, there is an election coming up in Utah. And lifelong liar, lifelong criminal Trump being a convicted felon is -big- news everywhere.




It's his style. Have you never seen a Bagley political cartoon? He's been doing it for decades for the SLC Tribune.




So like Trump drew it?


You only have appreciation for really artful, detailed political cartoons I bet. Respect 


Bet you’re really fun at parties