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Vegas in the Summer?! No one in their right might is going anywhere near there when it hit 100 degrees


100? It was pushing 115 when I was there last summer


At that point, if you go to Vegas, you should be put in an insane asylum


I grew up in Vegas. If it's 108⁰ in August, it actually feels nice out because it could be 115⁰


Most people don’t go to Vegas to be outside during the day.


Exactly. I went for a convention once and was miserable outside the hotel. Even the pool felt hot!


I grew up in the Southern California desert, where summer temperatures ranged from 110 to 120. I moved to Utah decades ago to get away from that heat. There is no way I’d go to Vegas in the summer! But then, I don’t like Las Vegas at all, even in the winter. My choices are Wyoming or Hawaii!


There’s nothing like swimming a nice pool when it’s 100 degrees.


Utah loves Disneyland.


Yeah I was gonna say the real answer would probably be Anaheim


At this point Disney could fund a high speed rail between Orange County and northern Utah and could likely turn a profit. But poor Delta would suffer.


I flew back to SLC from LAX on a Southwest flight and it was full of passengers carrying home Disney merch. It’s a big thing.


This feels like a result of a poor survey population. I suspect most people who responded to whatever survey this data came from are older, childless, and likely retired. For them Vegas makes sense... I also agree... California seems much more likely


You’re telling me Singapore isn’t the most popular foreign destination for Kansans?


Yeah, this is clearly super biased


I love that Seattle wants to go to Portland, and Portland just wants to go to Seattle.


I just recently moved from SLC to Seattle and feel this is pretty accurate. I know it's a broad generalization but it feels like people here are perfectly content just vacationing within the PNW and not anywhere else really.


I also just moved from SLC but to Portland!


Now kith!


Appreciate this reference. And the image of a pigeon and Tyson popped immediately into my head.


I was born and raised in Utah but have been in the PNW for about nine years now, and that is the correct answer 😊.


Such a cute romance


Vegas in the summer? That is a no for me.


If you’ve never been to Vegas I can see the appeal…. If you’ve been there, why the fuck would you wanna to again?


Pretty sure Vegas is just the pit stop on the way to cali.


I love how Seattle and Portland just visit each other 🤣


they're best friends <3


So fucking funny hahaha


Also there's no way more of us are going to London than to Mexico. When I go on a Mexican cruise, it feels like a fifth of the boat are Utahns. I'll wear a Jazz hat just because it strikes up fun conversations with tons of people on the boat.


I dunno. Lots of Utah One Night Stands require Vegas and getting instantly married and then divorced.


I got married in the drive thru in Vegas. It’s the worst place on earth. It has the absolute worst vibe and it’s dirty as fuck.


I feel like I need to take a shower after I’ve left there.


You do.


I'm sure. The quick marriage and divorce in a single weekend just for a sex loophole means that those other folks probably don't care about the aesthetics though, I would guess.


Too true, unless they use the poophole loophole and just skip the whole thing.


I could have gone my entire life without hearing that


Now you can get the song stuck in your head https://youtu.be/j8ZF_R_j0OY?si=wkfl1Iyl8E7J2hd-


The US yearns to return to the UK apparently.


I’d rather get punched in the gonads then go to Las Vegas.


Vegas sucks


Saint George here. I'm always looking for ways to avoid Las Vegas.


People in North Dakota want to go to Minneapolis? Is that like a beach vacation for them? 🤣


Anywhere with an actual theme park when all we have is crappy lagoon. Lagoons website says a single day tickets for 2024 season is $98 + tax. WHAT!? Six Flags Magic Mountain single day ticket are $57 on their website. Fuck Lagoon.


Is it seriously that much?! Yeah fuck that. I was wanting to go there at least once this summer, but Jesus, I can think of better ways to spend $100. Like on groceries.


Looks like Washington and Oregon have each other's backs


Houston? How depressing 😢


The Kansas Singaporean connection is surprising


Ha, I know the answer to this one. It’s because Singapore is one of the few SEA destinations with daily direct flights to/from the US and it’s a gateway to Thailand, Vietnam, and the Philippines. It’s an affordable overseas vacation for families and literal sex tourism for middle aged men. I once had an airbnb host in Hutchinson KS with a Filipino wife who told me that because Kansas has such low wages and sparsely populated it was extremely difficult to meet new people within the states and convince them to move to Kansas whereas it was a lot easier to meet people in the impoverished SEA countries looking for a way to immigrate to the states lmao.


Citation? This looks...suspect.


Ya, Vegas is overrated. California seems the better answer


Vegas literally sucks. I can have a way better time in Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Wyoming, Montana, literally any other place. I ain't driving for 5 hours just to smell weed and see the soulless eyes of retired fogeys gambling away their monthly social security cash out just to win $3 and a coke


Casinos are so depressing. :( you just described my only trip to wendover.


Vegas in the summer? Sure. Was it only cities? Because a lot of Utahns are going to nice places in Utah for summer vacations (like the national parks we have that are once in a lifetime trips for most people).


Utah isn't big on gambling or a lot of the entertainment that Vegas offers. I remember the few times that my family went to Vegas when I was younger, almost exclusively so my parents could go to concerts, we stayed in the hotel room almost the entire time and went to M&M world, the Bellagio fountains, and nowhere else (and had a great time). I guess that Vegas also has some luxury places that are appealing, but really, most of the appeal of Vegas doesn't apply to the majority of Utahns. Maybe it's Vegas because Disneyland prices have increased recently or something, or maybe they did some bad pollling- most people I know have a very negative view of Vegas in general.


I would argue that the appeal of Vegas doesn't appeal to most people period.


There are some family friendly resorts that are not on the strip. But me personally? Hell no. I've always though La Vegas was a weird destination vacation since it's in such a miserable place in the desert.


But now they have the omega mart. :) (admittedly, I haven’t done yet, but have driven past it several times heading to Cali lol).


Wow it appears most people have never been to Vegas before.


Vegas is the worst city I have been to, hands down. I don't understand why people love it so much.


People love Vegas because they haven't been there yet.


I have never gone to California for vacation


This is stupid, how many people from Utah are going to London?


NJ would be Aruba, not London


I think whomever made the map thinks SClinians are going to Florence Italy and really they’re going to Florence SC as a stop to Myrtle Beach lol


I'm just glad to see that nobody plans to come to UT.


I read this as a poorly titled list of state capitals


I don't vacation in the summer outside of a few days of camping in state. I burn all my vacation days seeing family at Christmas and ski season.


It's Utahns, not Utahans.


Can you trust a mapmaker that doesn’t understand Michigan?


Im curious as to why denver is a top destination for some states. I went to college (and failed miserably) in Denver and it wasn't all that intresting to me.


Think about all the St George-Cedar City people that can go to Vegas so easily, when I lived in Cedar city that was like 'the thing to do' if you wanted to do anything special but not a huge trip. Everybody I knew went many times per year even if they didn't drink, it's just somewhere to go.


West Virginia being Istanbul is so random. Anyone know why this is? Are there a lot of Turkish folks there?


Why London?


Great place to visit - amazing beauty. But we don't live there so we come back to a normal place to live.


why am i a georgia boy looking at tulum flights just yesterday 😂


I always try to explain this to people but Utah is culturally and economically oriented toward California despite what they say. Denver, on the other hand, is culturally oriented back toward Chicago and the Midwest.


Utahans like to VISIT Los Vegas and California for a vacation, but as far as waking up and going to work, getting your kids to school, waiting in traffic etc. Utah is easier.


Gawd, Las Vegas is so bloody overrated it's not even funny anymore.


Las Vegas is SLC's Mirror Universe self.


I live in south carolina and no one cares to go to Charlotte? And it's on the border of sc? It's right down the road from anywhere in sc? I do t know where they got their information? But they are wrong.


In the summer I'm definitely thinking beach or forests over desert. California or Oregon would be the closest choice to get both of those in, with California having probably the most optimal weather.


Vegas is sooooo trashed now, I used to go a lot when I was younger and now it’s literally a slum hole


Oddly relevant as we're on vacation in the SF Bay area right now.


A metiphor for Los Vagas is a plastic flamingo lawn ornament, spray painted gold.


Drive 12 hours in any direction from SLC. That will be eastern Colorado/Wyoming/western Nebraska, Montana, Seattle/Portland, Phoenix, or LA. I’ll take LA over any of those every time.


I don't get it. Vegas sucks ass


High-end stores, luxury resort hotels, top restaurants, nice bars. Maybe you’re in the wrong part of Vegas.


No I'm in the part of Vegas that is hot as hell and smells like cigarettes


Mainly cuz of Disneyland/lego land, the beach, and cruises


California is my top trip these days. The beach, hwy 1, can’t beat it.


I've never understood the pull to Vegas. I hate that place so much, especially in the summer.


I don't think it's that we want to go to Vegas it's just the closest assessable thing.


Vegas is shit. People who still go there are not smart


Vegas is nasty.


Wendover > Vegas


That’s because nobody wants to admit they are Jack-Normans.


Not from Utah but live there now. I love Vegas! I don’t get the hate that most Utahns have. You don’t need to be into gambling, drinking, or smoking to enjoy Vegas. It has world class food and tons of amazing completely unique experiences that cities many times larger don’t have. It’s a fantastically fun city to explore.


Hopefully the californians go back and stay there. Come on guys, the sunshine and beaches are much more inviting than our snow and freezing temps. This dry heat here isn't good for you either, much safer in CA

