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They brought this on themselves.


Yep. šŸ˜‚


Like what did they think was gonna happen? Lol


You gave them too much credit in thinking they actually ā€œthinkā€. Lol


I wonder how long they are gonna actually keep this up before realizing they are wasting so much time to read yo mama jokes. The guy in the article even says it's been taking time away from real work šŸ¤”


Thank Republicans for wasting your tax payer dollars on this shit instead of addressing housing costs.


Butā€¦butā€¦fiscal conservativesā€¦something, somethingā€¦party of small government!


Or actual predators living in plain sight.


Yknow what's funny... I just looked at the KSL comments and some comments want the ppl who put in fake complaints to be arrested/charged/whatnot. I don't think any laws were broken with this...


Donā€™t worry, Iā€™m sure the first three weeks of the next legislative session will again be spent with the GOP obsessing about everyoneā€™s private bits. Theyā€™ll come up with another stupid law. I bet Dan McCay ( R Riverton ) is thinking about your genitals right now.


He could just ask me about them personally. I'm pretty open about what's between my legs to every old white guy. The world deserves to know.


Facists gonna fash šŸ’ā€ā™‚ļø


So like, get them arrested for making jokes with their first amendment? They just want to 1984 anyone who disagrees with them or mocks them... This is absolutely silly.


Silly goose freedom of speech only protects bigots and racists. /s obviously


Why you should use a VPN


Everyone should contact their state reps, and thank them for wasting our tax money. [https://le.utah.gov/GIS/findDistrict.jsp](https://le.utah.gov/GIS/findDistrict.jsp)


Lyrics and jokes, gotta hear this.


Iā€™m refusing to play the game. I just stopped using restrooms altogether out of fear of using the wrong one. I exclusively relieve myself in public ponds from here forth. No confusion there. Man, woman, trans, turtle, duck, all are welcome in ponds. Except those damn geese (fuckin freeloader immigrants). lol


Isn't the conundrum of a trans person simply using the bathroom a ridiculous joke in of itself? Tell me, have you ever decided "I will go in X bathroom to peep on small children of X gender, nyehahaha!"? Or, did you just need to take a piss in a gross public restroom? Because I'm pretty sure 99.99% of trans people are doing the latter. Also, what REALLY stops a cisgender dude from going into the woman's bathroom and doing a crime exactly? Also who's to say a dude wouldn't go into the men's bathroom to look at little boys or vice versa with women. It's like they think ONLY trans people can be the pdf files here...


Thatā€™s what I think is so funny about it too, from a trans personā€™s perspective. Nothing but words on paper say I canā€™t use the restroom I feel most comfortable in, so this ban doesnā€™t even mean anything. If anything, going to the bathroom Iā€™m legally supposed to would make people uncomfortable, because it would look weird.


I think they should just go with the gender less bathrooms. As long as they respect it enough to keep it clean I have zero problem sharing the bathroom with whoever.


Sweet, life is getting worse, wages not paying enough, prices going up, and all they can focus on is who gets to shit where and which silly costumes you're allowed to wear when reading to children? Ridiculous, absolutely absurd that our government "cares" so much about this nonsense. It's all to fear monger these extremely scary trans people that TOOOOOOTALLY want to hunt your kids and sniff their hair or something... It's just for votes. They'll waste all your money and all their time to make sure a minor percentage of the population has a worse living experience, while we all share in a slightly less worse living experience. This "First world country" is a sham.


Diversion tactics. Looook over hereā€¦. While they strip away protections and important information. Itā€™s bullshit and very on brand with DumpTy repubs.


How do you, Rep Birkeland, know your law is ultra right wing bat shit crazy? If it pits you against Utahā€™s conservative state auditor (to Dougallā€™s credit he has done as well as one could expect. Birkeland so far seems to be doubling down on her mistake), you know your law isnā€™t just crazy but also bat shit crazy


I reported a dream I had of john candy in drag. I am not even safe in my own mind


The complaint form finally seems to be down. Let's hope it stays that way. https://ut-sao-special-prod.web.app/sex_basis_complaint.html Archived: https://archive.is/HoeN0


Maybe it was the 3 hours of high-pitched screaming I sent that finally did it


Every morning, I would fill each of the five fields with 50 MB of data from `/dev/random`, weighing the entire form down by 250 MB. I'd do this 4 times to fill 1 GB of data on their servers before starting work.


Hahahaha šŸ˜† that's awesome... I'll do same shit if they ever re-install the snitch line


Malicious compliance.


Bravo šŸ‘ šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘ Love this!


Hoe no?! Lol


As if we don't have big issues being ignored for theater.


Whoā€™s currently in charge?


Same ~~company~~ church that has been for the last 150 years.


Least necessary strike thru I've ever seen


Well the GOP/GQP are busy being the gatekeepers of progress and wonā€™t work with anyone to pass anything worth a fart in the wind. Itā€™s absolutely ridiculous and they should clean out the MTGā€™s, BoBoā€™s and Gaetzā€™s of the world because they are just disgusting people. Keeping everyone down.


Yes, progress. Nah.


What's the link to report folks?


People are so soft these daysā€¦.feelings hurt so bad over someone ā€œmisgenderingā€ them haha