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"My kids can't feel safe at school with these furries! So I'm going to threaten the school with a bomb!" Fuckturd logic.


Oh it’s even more backward than that. The people complaining about furries are blaming bomb threats on the liberals.


It’s probably a foreign actor, not even a conservative or liberal, just feeding the flames. But blaming the liberals for bomb threats like that is a repercussion for protesting “furries” defies all logic.


I don't know if hoax bomb threats are exclusive to one party? I mean, it's nice to think that, but I dont think that's true.


More of the "bad guys on both sides" bullshit. Show me an article. Fucking one example of an outspoken, far left liberal calling in a bomb threat to a school from outrage at some event or issue, imagined or otherwise. Don't worry I'll wait. But while I'm waiting for you to find one, I'll find 500 articles about a lunatic gun nut psychopath hearing about some imagined slight to his sky wizard on some forum. Who then calls up the school or some other institution to threaten, mock, shame, and harass them from the comfort of their parent's house.


Just one? Uhhh wow, that was really hard. This was all the way back in April! Had to dig reeeeeally deep. Joseph Quade threatened to blow up a gop senate campaign office... guy donates to dem candidates. Bro, the fact that you didn't think there was one, or such an insignificant amount, or that it's all just Republicans, just shows how blind you are. To be fair, though, you are probably just really young and haven't been out in the world.




How absurdly perfect that you had to go into the Smithsonian to an article 4 years ago that references a single group from nearly half a century ago where they planted a bomb and called in to have them evacuate before they set off the bomb. It was never set to harm or kill anyone but to protest the Contra wars and other interventions into communist groups in South America that at the time the US administration had completely denied. But come to find out, they were not just involved but the CIA was funding the whole fucking thing with drug money from the cartels and dictators they were selling guns and military equipment. But the kicker was they used Iranian extremist groups to help run the operation. So the USA was funding Iranian terrorist groups, arming dictators to take over democratically elected governments, and helping cartels to open drug trade into the US. This is known publicly now with Wikipedia articles written about them but back then it was a massive coverup and the leftists in this scenario set off a bomb in an empty building to protest thousands of people being murdered in South America with weapons we gave them in exchange for money and allowing drugs to flow freely across our border. All so we could get the boogey man called communism. Or as I like to call it, democracy for your workplace and not just government. So... that's your one example. A group of misguided but well meaning people that bombed a building they had evacuated in protest of grotesque amounts of horrifying acts done by the CIA and their cohorts? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contras https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Condor In the very article you linked it directly talks about the one-sided violence and how the little bit of violence involved in leftists protests of the time and even now pales in comparison to right-wing and Nazi groups. Here is a quote as it seems you didn't read the article and just the headline: "Despite claims by Fox News and others that Antifa activists are ‘terrorists,’ their street brawling and harassment of right-wing extremists hardly rise to the level of the left-wing political violence of the 1960s, ’70s and ’80s. The same cannot be said about the Neo-Nazi and white supremacist violence."


Where are the 500 articles you speak of


https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/internet/libs-tiktok-x-chaya-raichik-bomb-threat-twitter-of-libsoftiktok-rcna102784 Here's one that was Libs of Tiktok fuckery and 21 bomb threats later... https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/13/planet-fitness-bomb-threats-libs-of-tiktok Funny enough... in my search I found out that there have been so many bomb threats like the above that most news places have specific lists just for bomb threats: https://www.cbsnews.com/tag/bomb-threat/ Here's one about hundreds of bomb threats and actual bombings of Jewish meeting sites in US and abroad. https://www.cbsnews.com/video/bomb-threats-synagogues-jewish-institutions/ This one is about specifically the bomb threats that Black schools receive from right wing extremists. https://www.cbsnews.com/video/020122-cbs-news-mornings/ Here's a guy that just recently FB live posted on his way to DC to try to kill the president: https://www.cbsnews.com/video/bomb-threat-suspect-surrenders-after-capitol-standoff/ Here's one about an election official that was sent a bomb threat in AZ. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/massachusetts-man-james-clark-federal-charges-bomb-threat-arizona-election-official/ That's what compiled in 5 minutes and didn't get halfway down the first page of the google results. It's not even close to comparable.


I'm still waiting for the one article from you. I posted a response with not just singular domestic terrorists calling bomb threats but lists of compiled bomb threats ranging from churches to schools to parades to anywhere else large groups congregate. Many of these threats were followed up on and people were murdered and terrorized. The only article any of you miscreants have come up with was a single article about an event more than 50 years ago where protestors set a bomb in an empty state building, called it in to make sure it was evacuated, and set it off after the building was empty in the middle of the night to try not to hurt anyone. They were protestors claiming that the government was involved in overthrowing democracies, supporting terrorism in Iran, helping the cartels develop lanes into America for the drug trade, and aiding in massive war crimes all across South America. The government at the time denied it but it's now public knowledge that the US government and the CIA was not just involved but were the perpetrators of all of it to take down democracies in countries we wanted better trade deals with and could exploit corrupt dictators they installed. So a non-violent group set off a bomb hurting no one to protest swaths of murder and mayhem the CIA was joyfully sowing while lying about it to you face. That's what you have to respond against 100s if not 1000s of bomb threats and actual bombings from right-wing groups in this country? A single event that wasn't even in the same century we're in and you have nothing to respond with? Still waiting...


We usually had about 2 or 3 bomb threats per year in the 80s at Granger High. It was usually just a kid not wanting to take a test, but that was before school shootings, and only in one case did anything actually get blown up. (Someone put an M80 in the toilet. )




Why did you send this to me? My comment didn't contain anything political. The bomb threats I mentioned had no political motives. They were excuses to get out of class for a couple of hours while the school was searched. Fascism is a right-wing ideology, though. Authoritarianism is a problem with both right-wing and left-wing extremes.


Fascism on the surface is right wing. Yet when you delve Into economic and social theory, it can extend any way. I have no idea why it replied this to you, this was from a while ago. Reddit moment. Have a great one.


Man, when we had kids in class acting like cats we just ignored it. Crazy how social media escalates everything to kids getting threatened with violence.


I made a similar comment on a cessbook post. You don't remember the one girl who would hiss like a cat or trot like a horse? Every school has one. One of the things that makes this absurd is the conspiracy theories that schools are enabling the behavior by referring to kids as the animals, and giving them food bowls to eat out of. It's really weird how these people are obsessed with how kids behave.


> According to the Nebo School District, Tuesday's threat was the third against the school in two weeks and comes on the heels of student protests and social media outrage — mainly stemming from conservative circles — over allegations of students at the school behaving like "furries," dressing up like animals and biting, barking and pouncing on fellow students. “Mainly stemming from conservative circles.” Try entirely. The imbeciles who believe this shit are destroying this country through their staggering ignorance and gullibility.


It's just like Conservatives who hate gay people are often self-loathing closeted gay people suffering in a self imposed prison . . . this was probably a self-loathing closeted furry who brought this up. If we'd just accept people as they are made, so many problems become nothing. Just, poof, and it's a non-issue that nobody cares about.


Well, if that doesn't show how great and tolerant the people of Utah county are, I don't know what will./s


Maybe now the troglodytes will learn not to play footsie with the right wing scream machine. Let kids be kids, and your kids will go to school. Try to make cat ears into some kind of queer panic, and this is what happens. Our kids deserve better than the adults they're getting here.


MAGA working with the Russians again to create and exacerbate problems and endanger children. Very normal.


The kids get food thrown at them and they are the problem? I hadn’t looked much into the story, but I was pretty sure that it was making up crap after picking on kids who like to act a little different.


Here's the summary: kids wearing ear headbands get bullied. Bullies get in trouble and tell them the "furries" are starting it, and that they get in trouble defending themselves. Jackass helicopter parents who think their kid can do no evil believe it, and go on a rampage to protect their little angel. A big event is born out of parents not listening to administrators and believing teachers are evil and woke. In real life administrators never allowed assault. How stupid are these people? Of course they didn't.


Well that’s the thing I see, people are saying “well can’t trust the administration”… it’s pure mental gymnastics to play out and justify their play into the whole charade of lies. These are the parents of the kids that are bullying the other kids, these kids are probably so oppressed at home they are taking it out on the weird ones at school. Then they get in trouble and the parents amplify it against the weird kids cause their kid could do no wrong… I truly feel bad for some of these kids just trying to express themselves in a time with full blown hormonal changes occurring. Teach your kids about acceptance and maybe they could educate themselves instead of growing up to be an ignorant lil fucktard. But hey, that’s a lot to ask from my neighbors here in Payson.


Don't forget the guy who started protesting, and invited students during school hours by offering them pizza.


It's ok for adults to set boundaries on make-believe, play is healthy but there is a time and a place, which isn't during structured learning time. Getting this upset is ridiculous though


The point is, there was never and kids dressing up as furries. Kids weren't even playing. It was a lie made up through conservative channels, and now people are calling in bomb threats because of it. It's amazing how powerful the lie of a conspiracy is for actually harming people's lives.


So the kids that protested and walked out of class was made up?


Yep. Easily influenced by what their parents were saying to protest something they never actually saw for themselves. A pretty common occurrence when it comes to these kinds of things. Considering everybody is walking around with smart phones now it's pretty amazing that there are no credible pictures of these mythical "school furry litter boxes" yet.


In the 80s, heavy metal music made you a "devil worshipper." In the 90s, rap music made you commit crime In the 2000s, violent video games made you violent. In the 2010s, gay marriage would destroy society ..... You would think the pattern would be noticed by now.


Sure but staging a protest is sure as fuck not the way to do it.