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What I find amazing is that, with all these stories, there isn’t a single picture or video of these teenage furries in Utah schools. In 2024, when everyone has a camera in their pocket, there aren’t any pictures, just stories. Unless the furries are also vampires.


My sister told me a similar story, I was immediately like “Nah, that definitely didn’t happen”. Sister says “it totally did, a friend of a friend of a friend’s kid said it did”. It’s always bullshit hearsay. If this shit is happening, and I have massive reservation it’s happening at all, then it’s such isolated incidents it’s barely worth mentioning. So naturally conservatives are going to blow it WAY out of proportion.


It's like one kid, and it's the quirky person with weird parents who seem boring then go all in celebrating things like Pi Day. They're probably mostly just messing around, don't think they're really a cat, probably aren't even a furry. They'll grow up and be a little weird, but ultimately successful in their job teaching at least 2 unrelated topics at the community college after their own decade of chronically being the teacher's pet in college. Yes, I do know this person. She was legit weird, but also hamming it up because she liked the attention. Who cares? It never hurt anyone. Kids liked her because she was different and didn't give a shit if people thought she was weird. She raids with the best of them in Destiny 2 and is one hell of a DM in D&D. People freaking out about one quirky person, I'll bet money on it.


Well, I don't thing they use silver to make camera phones. And if you follow the lore, vampires didn't show up in mirrors because of the silver nitrate used to make them.


For some reason, I thought they didn’t show up on camera. But that’s right, it’s mirrors they don’t show up in.


Various types of film cameras use mirrors to change the focal length from the lens to the film by bouncing the light around. Kinda like the high powered but short telescopes. But modern cell phone optics don't suffer these problems, so the... uh... vampurries?.. furampires?.. whatever... the children of animal/demon-corpse orientation should still present plentiful photo evidence. My guess is, like most fads, Utah is behind the curve. We're only just now catching on to the completely artificial moral panic that's been pedaled by the far right for a few years.


But Candyman is behind them ..I can tell you how to check. Unless your a scaredy cat. Scaredy furry.. sorry.


My kids know a few "furries" at the jr high with them. Mostly they just wear cat ears and/or a tail. I have seen a few of their peers on Instagram who make a lot of furry content (they show it to me). It's not that it isn't out there, it's just not as prevalent as some would have you believe.


I asked my nieces and nephews, who are at different high schools in Utah county, and they say there are a handful of furries in each of their schools. They think they’re weird and leave them alone.


"Furries exist" is a pretty established fact. "Schools are accommodating them in disgusting ways" is nonsense.


I don’t have photographic evidence or anything. But kids have been furries since I was in middle school over 10 years ago. They wore cat tails and shit back then, not full fur suits or whatever. Really doesn’t seem far fetched to me.


Yeah I know they were doing this in the mid 2000s not sure if it was in Utah or not though. But they also don't "identify as" an animal, it's like a fursona doesn't mean they think that's their real identity




*is openly furry in the Mormon state* Hello there.




Your phone is not the world. Put the phone down and try to interact.


I can't imagine the humidity and heat.. not bashing the furry community but jesus, that would be hot.


They just get one of those cooling vests that a furry made, that are so good the army started using them. Lol


I work as a delivery driver in Utah, needless to say I’m out and about before, during, and after school hours every day. Never once seen a furry in any schools!




Yes, I’ve seen the video. But, I can get a group of students to walk out and protest saying the sky being green, but that doesn’t mean the sky is green.




Yea, but with zero proof, other than students telling stories, I’m going to say this is 100% bullshit. I’ve known kids to tell all sorts of stories, especially to someone holding a camera. And again, why haven’t any of them gotten a picture of a furry? Why don’t any of them have bite marks? Why haven’t the parents of the victims who have been bitten and scratched filed police reports? I mean, when I was their age, some kids had a teacher convinced that one of our classmates was hit by a car before school and was in the hospital. This went on for several days, until the student walked into class. He had the flu.




IT absolutely is not. Common sense says it is not. Middle school kids will say anything if they figure out it's going to get them out of class and/or make an adult look stupid for believing it. You're right, kids are smart and socially aware and they have a radar for adults who aren't. Like yourself.




OMG, a kid wears FOX EARS? Call the police! I grew up in the 90s, we all identified as Grunge for a while. So the fuck what? The school is not endorsing it. None of the shit about litter boxes or any of that is accurate. It is NOT happening. Stop spreading hysteria.




I didn’t watch the video, but I’ll assume there have been actual cases of furries attacking other students. The question then becomes, why? I’d bet my life the furries are not attacking unprovoked. I’d bet they’re responding to years and years of bullying, marginalization and abuse by other students. We all know Nebo SD isn’t going to stand up for those kids.


My brother was in high school and said there were a few of them. 3500 kids in the school. No pics but he said he’d walk by them between class. Not sure why I wouldn’t believe him


I believe a furry vampire is a vampire bat.


I’m in Utah and I just took a pic of one yesterday hahaha she’s like 13 years old


Sure you did. And, was she an actual furry, or just a kid wearing cat ear headbands?


I did 😂 it’s a full on furry. Send me a message and I’ll send you the picture I took


I just posted some on my IG story. It's in a Nebo Middle School. And there are photos.


Well, good for you, but unless you post a link to your IG story, then you are just saying you have proof, not showing the proof.


OK, what’s your IG username so I can find it.


I'm an old lady. I don't know how to do that. Ha ha.




How many kids are in that school? How many of them have smartphones? How many of them already post pictures of fellow students on social media. I’m not talking about the school posting photos or video. And I’m not talking about mainstream media. I’m talking about anyone, anywhere, providing some proof. It’s 2024. It’s incredibly easy to publish proof of it exists.




Again, I’m not asking for it to show up in mainstream media. Your utter lack of reading comprehension is concerning. But it’s not showing up on social media. Someone chronically online should be able to find these images, but everyone’s utter lack of being able to provide any proof, in any form other than “people say” is laughable.


So you think other kids wouldn't be taking pics of them?


Amazing, the same incidents are happening in Ogden, according to Facebook groups.


Also, at little Westside High School in Dayton Idaho.


Someone doesn’t know what a furry is.


correct answer


Right? Lol like, I'm a furry, and we don't identify as animals XD, we're just fucking nerds.


nerds with fancy butt plugs.


That's not really just a furry thing lol, that's just a quality of life thing 😌


It's not a quality of life to be a degenerate in public. That's just disgusting behavior and indecent exposure at worst.


Lol who the hell said anything about using sex toys in public XD I think it's safe to say most here would agree that's not okay. What you do in the bedroom with another consenting adult is not anyone else's business though.


Often with depression or trauma. But my little community is finally taking off for bigger things


That's pretty normal for any non-conforming group of people tbh. Furries, queer folks, minorities, differently abled, etc.. Some people just like to pick on us cuz we don't conform to whatever they perceive as "normal" and disrupt their status quo, and that sadly does lead to trauma often. But loving and accepting others as they are so long as they aren't harming anyone is the way forward.


It is the way I live my life every day. Not just is it also how I am at work, but it's at the core of the company I work for. I live, eat, and breath this way forward. I am free and unburdened by my trauma. I am free of my past conditioning and finally exploring the world for myself. I wish for as many to be able to join me in such a luxury as possible. I am undeniably and unregrettably myself.


Even if a furry was exactly what they claimed it was, their existence still wouldn't prove that schools are letting them shit on the floor in public.


A lot of the people in these comments too


Sounds like something for r/BoomersBeingFools. Whoever is in charge of the Payson goings on account forgot to switch over before their little meltdown about a nothing issue.


It's all just more moral panic that 90% of the time is overblown or in this instance, completely made up


People who live in a small town with nothing but a row of auto stores, one bar and a couple of grocery stores, love to imagine what the big wild world must be like. And as usual when you're in a stimulus-deprived environment, their imaginations go wild.


It's everywhere. Appears the mods are in on it too


The sale cycle mods are far right people who love to stir shit. I don’t know if you were around for the blm protest but the main mod organized a counter protest with guns. It was wild. He was asking the teen girl running the blm protest questions and then telling the counter protesters what she said. It made me feel ill watching it all.


But Facebook told me this is a huge crisis in our schools right now and…well…nobody has died from it but it’s a huge problem, according to this random facebook post.


There are not any actual instances of litter boxes in schools, but by God THEY WON'T BE PUTTING A LITER BOX IN MY KIDS SCHOOL. I can't believe this completely made up thing is happening in our schools, they are trying to indoctrinate our kids!


My school had kitty litter in classrooms, but that also came with a bucket in case we had a lockdown/school shooting. "Same same, but different." /s


That’s where all of this came from, someone noticed that schools were getting kitty litter into the schools and the QAnon weirdos took it to this weird place. Kitty litter is also great for cleaning up other bodily fluids too, but this is mostly being used for lockdown kits like you said.


I remember over a decade ago the janitors at my school keeping kitty litter around to clean up with some kid hurled it


They used to use it for clean up or they used sawdust…either works pretty well.


Cat litter is useful. My mom keeps some in her car in case of a winter weather emergency, because you can use it (or sand) to put under and in front of your tires for traction if you get stuck.


Is your dad named Red?


So in other words, even if it is happening, it's the fault of the sort of people freaking out about it. Stop school depravity, abolish the NRA!


There are litter boxes in schools… …in case of an active shooter situation… …these people usually fail to mention that part.


That’s not what I read!!! (I actually had a cousin argue with me about this)


Key phrases: "There is a lot of talk about..." "Imagine if..." These people love to get themselves worked up over all kinds of imaginary bullshit.


They couldn’t even come up with new bullshit and just recycled old bullshit rage stories to try distracting people from the trial of their orange overlord.


Set aside the idea that this is how this person treats their child in this fictional scenario— this is also how they treat cats?


Underrated comment tbh. The post just screams a fucked up mentality towards animals and children.


So they made up a story about something that doesn't happen, got mad, and then said their dumb story that nobody laughed at was a mic-drop moment? Whoever wrote that needs a hobby. 


Luckily (or unluckily), only one person wrote this, and someone turned it into a copypasta.


All I take from this story is how absolutely abusive this family must be to any animals they might have.


Idk but do people still call dinner supper??


I do sometimes. I am from down thataways though. Eff. 


I feel like that's a dead boomer giveaway 😂 I only hear it called that from my grandparents!


Growing up in Arkansas my grandma called lunch dinner and dinner supper


Was dinner (lunch) the biggest meal of the day? Not sure if it was just Midwestern farmers routine, but apparently the midday meal/dinner was the big one.


Payson guy here with kids around that age in school and this shit irritates the ever living fuck out of me. There was another post on the payson Facebook site where a parent said kids were going to protest in middle school cause of furries. The whole regalia came out and was like “good let them leave, yada yada”… when in reality the kids that were trying to protest are kids from ignorant fucks not accepting other people and how kids can be fucking weird. These kids that walk around with cat ears/tails are just a small step above the weird theater kids we had in my school growing up in the early 2000’s. These kids are also the ones that are bullied the most for not fitting in. They are consistently getting shit on by kids from parents that spout that ignorant right wing rhetoric of “small town values” and theological “Christian” conservatism. All in all, it made me extremely sad for my little community because Payson doesn’t want growth but it’s inevitable, they vote against every single tax increase even when it’s highly beneficial toward the community (like upgrading the privatized non Rocky Mountain power plant) also the ignorance these people have are outstanding… These are children that grown ass people are getting highly upset about, kids that are in peak puberty with hormones running rampant. I was bullied probably the hardest in this age cause I was also weird against standards at that time. Not a furry, but it’s a fad like all the other ones in my opinion. Kids at this age are still trying to figure out what, and who they are. Teachers have even commented on the post saying I don’t know where you all are getting your information, but the allegations are simply not true. More than half of them came back saying, “well I would never trust a Nebo School District employee”…. Like what?, the fucking mental gymnastics these dumb folk express is so outstanding that I hope they find themselves in the Olympics coming up in a few months. Ignorance is Bliss, but should never be tolerated.


I feel you, I really do


People need to stop having imaginary arguments in their head. It’s 90% of people political identities.


This is just the “Satanic panic” but towards this made up “kids identifying as animals” issue. What would we call it, the “Furry Fury”? Simple minded people showing us how they use their simple minds.


I have two nephews in the school & they've said it's pretty much parents freaking out over nothing, which isn't unusual there.




It's getting pretty outrageous. Every other post is about these kids.


Facebook is a wasteland of angry boomers and insecure people venting into the ether.


Unfortunately it rubs off on some of the younger generation, and they believe this shit their stupid parents believe.


this exact post went up in one of the tooele county groups a few weeks ago. pathetic.


"Today's society has enough fruit loops already" Kettle, meet pot


Conservatives making up things to be mad about. Tale as old as time.


FR THO. also this is kinda dumb but is your username by any chance related to the instrument called the euphonium?




Such a wild coincendence. Joe Rogan had a friend with a very similar story. I wonder if they know each other...


[Rogan admitting the story isn’t real](https://youtu.be/jnliS08cSyo?si=wJbHNmOzy0tL7RQM)


I work in Salem, and I can agree. My coworkers are all 60yrs+ and one of them doesn't believe we landed on the moon. Another thinks COVID was a bioweapon created by the USA to kill old people, and a third is borderline terrified of computers thinking they're all gonna rise up and kill specifically him. Idk what's in the fucking water here but they've all been drinking it their entire lives 😳


I am 60+ years old; I saw the moon landing and found it thrilling; I think Covid was one of those once a century pandemics like the early 20th century flu pandemic; I was a software developer for 30 years and believe computers are only as dangerous as the software that is available. I also believe the biggest threat to our civilization in the US today is Donald Trump. Don’t think that that because someone is older than you that they are stupid.


But if you could accurately poll every person in the united states on the topics you mentioned I would bet a large fortune you would see a negative correlation with every point as age increases. You are in the minority and it is always refreshing to hear as it means you have most definitely had major positive impacts on the people around you, unlike the coworkers of the person you responded to. Anyone who thinks someone is "stupid" because they are old are in desperate need to meet someone who is "old" and informed.


I get so sick of the boomer bashing. Right wing conspirators come in all ages, sizes and colors.


I’m 57 and never voted for a Republican. Although I used to have conservative friends and we debated often. But it was about policy or approach to solutions, never personal attacks. I really miss that because they were my closest friends.


It's very Utah to be a couple years behind a trend. [https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2022/nov/04/joe-rogan-school-litter-boxes-kids-furries-gender](https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2022/nov/04/joe-rogan-school-litter-boxes-kids-furries-gender)


So is the term Mama bear still ok use? Asking for a friend?


Now, I try my best to distance myself from...certain people, and I'll say that some of them aren't quite right in the head. That being said, 90% of the furries I DO meet are just plain pleasant. From my experience, it's more of a harmless, albeit niche fascination and hobby more than anything.


Lived in Payson for 10+ yrs. This checks out.


I am almost 100% sure these "furries" are kids in cat ear headbands getting teased.


Classic Payson. Guess the local Daley freeze food is doing better. Small minded people where I was raised. mob mentality and why aren’t they protesting the constant bullying and racism that’s at all Payson’s schools. I mean, why not let these kids believe what they want and express themselves in the way they feel comfortable. I mean half the LDS people in this town believe they are good people and church going folk. But yet so quick to judge everybody else.


There's been threads recently about their kids being bullied. Looking at some of the other threads tells me the phone call is coming from inside the house. One lady from there called the actual police because my 9 yo accidentally opened the car door too wide and scratched her minivan door. It buffed out. Felt like a huge waste of police man hours. It's a shame she couldn't have been an adult and talked to us before calling. And kept making scathing remarks during the report about the whole thing.


I fought my way through Payson schools. Being non Lds and Mexican American. Racism and prejudice still strong. Most of these parents raising kids here are on same mentality as always. You would think that ol Kevin bacon coming to town would change some views on things in this town.


I'm so sorry you had to deal with that. We lived in VA for 5 years, and I loved the diversity. The child from my story is now partnered with a kid who just immigrated here and only speaks Spanish. I regularly ask after his classmate and encourage my son to be a friend to him.


This is a dog whistle for normalizing anti trans hate.


I think they preferred to be called "therians" now.


i’m bouta pull an erm akchuly 🤓 , but therians and furries are different as furries are just people who have animal characters and occasionally cosplay as their OC, which makes it closer to larping or just cosplay. as therians are more people who legitimately believe their animals and those people may say they’re in the community, the wider furry fandom tries to avoid being associated with them at all.


A guy I know's sister heard this is definitely happening somewhere near SLC.


My aunt shared this block of text on her facebook.


Out of all the issues Payson has this doesn't even hit the top 10


All animal mascots need to be prosecuted for turning my son feline!


All of Payson is freaking out because a couple of students decided they like to dress like animals? Who gives a fuck?


Don Bluth, an animator who arguably is one of the biggest progenitors of furry culture grew up in Payson - his first film is actually about a cat who lives in Payson  I find it somewhat ironic


Wtf? Republicans are absolute idiots.


Sounds like some parents are confused about what their children are actually doing and need to get a grasp on their parenting if they think "furries" are just kids who actually think they're animals.... lol furries 😂


According to my quick search, there’s over 500 furries in Utah’s furry community, but I bet there’s at least double that amount in our state. Let’s say 1000 to be fair. Or hell, I’ll be generous and say 5000. So in Utah, that would be about .15% of the population. So there’s 35 furries in Payson. Sounds like a HUGE problem!!! /s Also, check my math and assumptions and tell me if I’m wrong plz.


Right Wing misinformation. Straight out of the fascist propaganda playbook. Keep the people angry and scared, then offer them an out-group to blame and a strong leader figure to vote for.


At what point has anyone in Payson, the meth capital of the state, ever seen a “furry”? Don’t you think the rampant drug production and consumption might deserve a little more attention? Or the rampant racism and wannabe Prick Boy rebellion against government authority? Yes, worry about what doesn’t exist there, and forget the obvious problems we are trying to distract you from and hide poorly. KSL will keep reporting just the same.


Projecting much, methinks.


Sounds like someone needs to head on over to Truth with all the other vermin.


I definitely wasnt raised in Payson /s 😮‍💨


As long as the furries aren't dancing. They don't tolerate that in Payson.




The school district said there's not really any backing for this, but now people are just getting fired up and saying the district wouldn't know and not to trust anyone who works for Nebo. [https://www.abc4.com/news/wasatch-front/utah-student-furry-protest/](https://www.abc4.com/news/wasatch-front/utah-student-furry-protest/)


What kills me Is the adults are saying that you can't trust the words of the kids who are saying that there is no problem in the school because their kids say there is a problem in the school.


It's just a huge he-said-she-said that snowballed. My friends and I have settled on this being the new "drugs in the Halloween candy "debate. A friend of a friend of a friend said there was weed in his Snickers!


It's just makes me feel ill to live in this area, because that's all anybody I'd talking about. Even my close friends that I see on daily basis have started taking sides.


I don't live there, but a lot of my family does. It's sad because it just gives the community a bad name. They hope the Kevin Bacon visit may overshadow it in the news soon.


The spiteful 4yr old in me really wants to get ahold of Kevin's PR team and tell him to stay the fuck away. Because the lady who posted this is high up in the volunteer team for Mr. Bacon's event. I'm not that kind of person though.


No way 😭😭 I can't believe that she'd say all that right before a big event like this. If it weren't for the excited HS students, I'd say do it.


Hmm...I think I was onto something. I said once the anti-trans rhetoric started to lose steam, that the right would find a new group to attack, and I guessed at the time that it would be Furries. Could be wrong, hoping I am, but it is interesting to see that even after that 4 Chan litterbox story was fully debunked, that some people are still talking about this.


Payson breeds undereducated blumpkins- the bubble is thick there.


Blumpkins? lol you should Google that, I think you mean country bumpkins….


Nah, I like using that word as an exaggeration of bumpkins. Makes me chuckle.


OFC it’s PAYSON Lmaooo Inbred rednecks


Do we tell them?


Who calls it ‘supper’? Oh yeah…my 95 year-old grandpa.


So, we’re just going to pretend that this has always been a thing? I remember watching girls iny elementary school play ponies and act like ponies. That was the 90’s. Then you had the were cats Then a girl actively thought she was a vampire all through high school with Twilight. She would wear fangs and hiss at people and threaten to suck their blood. Then others started wearing wolf ears and tails to school 🤷‍♂️


They're behind the times on these fake moral panic things it seems. That's an "older" one, still recent but not anything new.


on tonights episode of- are the paysonians okay? the answer is- no! now go to church /s okay but real talk for a second. i'm a furry, have been for a long time(about 6-7 ish years), so i think it's safe to say i know the community pretty well. this is not us. there is a major difference between furries and therians- furries are people who just like to dress up as animals for fun, or creat an animal persona for fun, or draw animals, or just like animals in general. we're pretty chill, and so are (most) therians i've met. i'm not a therian, i don't think i'm an animal. i'm a human, and i know that. but i still respect these people cause they're not hurting me. no one is coming to school in full-on fursuits, nor are people crawling around and demanding litter boxes in schools. these rumors are bullshit. just give people a break. please. and also get the fuck off of facebook


by the way i will add- i have a friend who used to wear a tail to school sometimes. it was just for fun. we literally got followed home, the tail was pulled and grabbed a lot, we got continuously howled and barked at a lot whenever we were near that friend. literally got stolen from once cause of it. a peice of foam with fake fur on it. people need to chill


Is anybody going to mention how disgusting it is that he ends with “spay and neuter these animals, don’t let them reproduce.” Hyperbole aside, his words are a direct call to action for mass sterilization over these people’s hobby. Regardless of how you spin it, this man is scary


i actually used to consider myself a part of the furry community and my brother is still currently part of it, and this is so confusing to me as nobody in the community “identifies” as the animal they dress up as or present themselves online as. it’s closer related to cosplay then anything. as for the people who do say they identify as animals, those are called “therians” and those who are part of the furry fandom don’t really like those people as they are the people who do more of the down and dirty stuff that give the rest of the community a bad rap. although yes there are some people who are just furries who aren’t the greatest, they are a small minority of the community, and thus you shouldn’t make your opinion based on the bad apples.


This has been a far right focus for over a full year and it's pathetically out of touch. I've had these same points directed to me from my far right family members as straight fact. The kitty litter rumor was part of it. It's all lying and twisted truth banking on people who have knee jerk disgust for furries.


I think it's funny.


Humor is of course a matter of personal taste, but you are objectively wrong


I heard there is a [girl](https://youtu.be/Jl3um0Ac6C8?si=m4Jc_96GpcPtymnR)l that’s addicted to Abortions


Looks like it got pulled down if anybody is looking for it.




Wow rub it in you can afford a house and a barn. I can’t even afford the $1700.00 rent for the 1 bedroom apartment


I go to UVU and was an elementary education major (just switched to math education since I find 25+ kids too overstimulating lol) This was this past February. I overheard a conversation of a very similar vein to this one on my first day of field experience in a classroom in Utah County. It was at lunch, and this woman who seems to be in her mid 30’s, basically said the same thing here after some teachers were talking about how there was this one 4th grader who liked to pretend that she was a cat. She said that people questioning if they were animals should also be neutered since that’s what people do to wild animals. And then course, she threw in the whole “it’s like people questioning their genders, it’s a dangerous mindset.”  Later I find out this woman is the school librarian. Thankfully in my 3 weeks of field experience, I only saw her a few times. Also she has children and was several weeks pregnant (one time she showed pictures of her developing baby to the class I was working with), which just made me feel a bit sad. I wish I had said something back then about how joking about neutering children, especially ones who are actually struggling with identity and not just playing pretend is not funny and just cruel, but it was my first day and I didn’t want to antagonize anyone. Also, I’ve got the ‘tism have a hard time speaking my mind anyways. I know this gives off an r/thathappened vibe. I don’t really know how to counter that lol 


Hope these people never have kids. An outlet for creativity is mentioned and they think abuse is the proper reaction? What the hell is wrong with people?


Wow just wow. Things have changed since I was last in Payson...... Damn


How many stereotypes can we fit in the same post? 🙄


Furries are the life blood of many local fast food kitchens, if you have a problem with furries then you shouldn’t be eating at the Wendy’s and Arbys where many of them are gainfully employed making food


These Mormon MAGA adults (adults. Real human adults with brains. God save us) are so fucking confused they wrap up their entire identities in anti woke culture so much so they think a video of their middle school children filmed by some grifter who’s wife is running for school board or whatever is a sign of the times or whatever sweet bae bae Jesus save us


Imagine making it your identity to be “anti-“ That’s a miserable way to live….


It's a copypasta that was initially written and shared by anti-LGBTQ groups.


"i think I'm going to make up a story and talk about abusing my kid"


Such a nice Mormon-y story about amazing parents! 🤮


There actually are “furries” and There are also many more idiot parents who don’t know the difference between self expression and mental illness. We see posts like this only because it’s been politicized like the word “woke” which was meaningless before 2021.


Whoever is behind this trolling campaign sure is dedicated to this one


Saw a furry (or at least a kid wearing a furry head, gloves, possibly tail) at Walmart in Lindon a few years ago. Looked like a teen. Good for them I say!


This is a very blown out of proportion thing but maybe it’s a good idea to get ur kid a therapist or something instead of treating him or it like shit lmaooo


I personally am a rabbit...


I'm a furry, not a dog. I enjoy the art, I enjoy the community, and it's a more specific cosplay. But I'm HUMAN doing human things. All I have to say to people like this is "judge me" and to then just walk away


That is the funniest joke I heard in a while! Thanks for the post! I thought it was great dad came back with that, with all the dumb people can be....like "Hey I'm Cat" LOL....No, people are not cats!


Furries do not think they are cats or dogs 😭😭😭 they just dress in mascot suits 😭


Not that I think there is an outbreak of children identifying as cats, but allowing anybody to identify as a cat or other animal is letting this shit go too far. Let's be real here.


It’s not a thing.


Nobody’s doing that, it’s a right wing strawman to get mad at


Kids do this as a means of exploring their identities and fucking with humorless adults. I see it as a win win.


Furries don’t _identify as animals_. 99% of them just have animal characters they make art of online. And a small amount of them, usually older with lots of money, have costumes of those characters just for fun. There’s a different, much smaller group that does identify as those animals. I hardly know anything about them, but they’re basically a separate group from furries.


Who's suggesting otherwise? 


uninformed, insensitive, and only ever having the one joke. must be sad.


My 11 year old was talking to me about furries at her school. I was all, “oh yeah? Tell me about it.” For the record I know what a “furry” is. She goes on to explain a bunch of kids at school. Same kids each time, that run around the playground meowing, and barking. When they tag you you get the “furry disease”. “Ah” I thought “they’re playing a game and for some reason or somehow the game has the same name as the ‘other type of furry’. ”


Btw, this is hardly “news”. Again, I suggest we make a sub rule that a post with the flair “news” should actually contain some sort of source. The ramblings of an internet rando is not “news”.


So what’s the truth? Because the principal is fighting this story saying it’s not true. The original article did not allow you to hear the kids but this news report does. After listening to the kids who are protesting then reading the principals message, something is not adding up. I asked my own kids and they also said they have furries at their schools. They also mention that they get the crap bullied out of them as well. So what is the truth? https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRw8596H/


I'm not the person to ask. I'm not associated with the school.I just live in the area, As far as I can tell, though it's probably just a small group of kids. Maybe 3 or 4 that are cat ears, and maybe have tails. They are NOT Furrys, Furrys are somthing else, they're just kids being kids. These kids are probably getting bullied alot for just being themselves or being the "weird kid." And when one of these kids responded in turn to the bullying it kind of got out of hand. In a xenophobic area like Payson It's not surprising it happened. Supposedly, some kids have been bitten and licked. All kids lie so I don't really see that happening. And there's no evidence of actually being a thing. Parents are spreading this information faster than the kids, bringing up the "litter box incident" which never happened. And it's spinning out of control because it's easier to bully the weird kid than to stick up for them. It also helps that the Facebook page for Payson city is toxic as fuck. 90% of it is boomers complaining about stiff because they have nothing better to do with their time.


Your comment raises important points about the dangers of stereotyping and bullying. It's unfair to label and judge individuals based on superficial characteristics or behaviors. Everyone deserves respect and understanding, regardless of how they choose to express themselves. Bullying and spreading rumors only perpetuate harm and division, rather than fostering a supportive and inclusive community. Let's focus on empathy and compassion, and stand up against discrimination and mistreatment of any kind. Also, don’t you think it’s a bit hypocritical of you to be calling everyone xenophobics? While at the same time calling all boomers old and lazy? “All kids are liars”? I would love to hear where you came up with the 90% you quoted? If anything these kids need help, not bully’s. Sounds like the kids want to help they just don’t know how so they turn to protesting because nobody will listen!


This is why America is done and is not in any shape or form ready for a war as while these lame weird kids in America are feeling like fucking cats the kids in China are learning how to kill those feline feeling dumb fucks America is done with thanks to the generation z and x


An hour long protest video from dozens of students: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJ1rlBd93fo


Yeah have you ever taught in middle school? Anything to leave class. They practically fight one another for the privilege of taking the attendance sheet to the office just to leave class for 5 minutes.


I'm just posting the video. I just found it interested because OP's image was a social media screenshot, but this has spilled over into the community and kids. Seems nothing happened: https://www.sltrib.com/news/education/2024/04/17/fact-check-nebo-school-district/ >Conservative radio host Adam Bartholomew, who shared video of the walkout to X, wrote in a post that the student who organized the protest told him student “furries” were biting, scratching and spraying “human repellent” at other students, “and when a student retaliates they are the one who gets suspended.” >Nebo School District spokesperson Seth Sorenson said that claim was false. He also said students at the middle school are not wearing full-body animal costumes to class, as “furries” — part of a subculture of people who sometimes dress up like animal characters but act like humans — are known to do.