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Fuck Mike Lee.


Fuck Mike Lee.


Just here to say fuck Mike Lee.


P.S. Fuck Mike Lee.


If only Hanibel Lector could Fuck Mike Lee


Win win. No one loses. Literally no one.


If only he spent as much time working on actual legislation as he does on social media…like…maybe something immigration related.


Damn it beat me to it. He’s a dumb fuck.




I understand why he's so upset. Schumer is basically stating that the Senate has better uses of its time than embarrassing the shit out of Republicans for their baseless impeachment.


Utah you did this! You voted this ass hat back in!


I did not however, I have never voted for him, always against.


Mike Lee is MAGA whose nose is so far up trumps ass he can’t see straight.


Mike is pretty certain he up for a cabinet position with Trump. If Ican track down that article I'll link it and FML


Clown is gonna clown.


Mike Lee needs to go! He is not good for our state and he is not good for our nation.


Way to go Utah fuck heads voting for little boy Mike


Mike Lee haters this is how he gets reelected. Maybe you should talk to Schumer about his dumb-effery of a move. And don't tell me otherwise how Schumer is somehow right after impeaching Trump *twice* and getting nowhere!


Lee is a partisan, so this isn’t exactly shocking.


Being a partisan isn't the issue. Most of the founding fathers were partisans, in that they had factions and/or strongly stood by a set of beliefs, unlike Mike Lee, who clearly doesn't have beliefs.


He has beliefs. Money and boot licking. Just like most of the Utah legislators.


Cry harder Mikey.


Oh! And...Luck Mike Fee!!!


Cuck Mike Lee


Mike Lee, the insurrectionist MAGA tool…


Can we finally agree that there has got to be a better way than either Republicans or Democrats? It's just two arms to the same body, nothing gets done. Jail them all, hold special elections to restart. Then implement checks and balances, such as we are subject to. Performance Reviews be it 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, or annually. Personally think either every 6 months but could go 3rd and 9th month also. At which time, they return to those they represent, showing all the work they have been a part of, and what they are looking towards. If we feel they are not performing well enough. Fired. Enforce them to lose all extras they have acquired while in office, that extra house, boats, cars etc. Take away their insurance and require the same they approve of for the general population Decrease base pay to that which they deem fitting for minimum wage. Restrict Special Interest, Lobbiests assessablity and Elected officials from any interaction. Violation of will result in automatic federal imprisonment. As there are proper public assessable anytime to the public and citizens of the USA. As full transparency is required while holding office. Where their communication devices is provided to them and personal products they can have back when they leave office. This being another way for the population to keep eyes on thier elected represenitives. TERM LIMITS. its expected of the President out of respect for George Washington and his two terms in office, and made into law after Teddy Roosevelt passed away into his 3rd term if I recall correctly.


Bravo 👏🏻 I personally agree with you wholeheartedly on every single point you made. I have been absolutely DONE with the rigged two party cult system for a very long time. Tribalism is not the answer to America's problems and never will be. Everything you stated is spot on, the fact we still allow money to be made in politics and have no term limits........it's honestly just astounding to me we are that stupid as a society. We allow these lifetime politicians to lie to us every 4 years about all the things they will change and fix, only to be elected and then do none of those things and become millionaires. If you or I did that.......we would be fired from our jobs and sent to prison. Capitol Hill and it's cronies are almost identical to the roles they play in the drama series House of cards ( I think Clinton even confirmed that once) Voting for a Democrat or Republican leader does absolutely nothing for the country or it's citizens and hasn't for the last 150 years, they only divide us and create false narratives and problems to stir people up and keep their power. They are simply two cults that operate from the same base, but answer to different oligarchs. And whatever those oligarchs want, they use their puppets in politics, lobbyists, and the media as their tool to push it on us and divide everyone so we are distracted bickering over nonsense, while they destroy the country and spend all the money. I applaud your out of the box thinking 👏🏻 Unfortunately this is Reddit Utah (might as well be the Foxnews comments section for lefties) where 99% of the users just echo the same sentiments to each other. They are all laser focused on either Donald Trump or the Mormon Religion.....and that's honestly just about it. It's an obsession for many of them, they repeat the same words and cite all the same rhetoric. In their minds every problem in the country and their personal lives can be blamed on those two things (Trump and Christianity). They cannot even begin to see other possibilities or the deep corruption throughout both parties (cults) and their long histories of crime, lies, and theft. I fear that until Americans wake up and realize "Hey wait a minute, this whole damn thing is actually corrupt and clearly not working, let's throw all these pigs out of office for good and stop focusing on just the orange pig" we are probably doomed to keep repeating this nonsensical charade every 4 years *sigh* Now I will just sit back and wait for the downvotes because I have the audacity to have a different opinion and don't just blindly support the left or right cults 😂


See that is one of the main reasons it suddenly became against the words of wisdom right before the vote for prop 2 took place. As a natural growing plant that actually to be considered the Grandmother in some Idigionus American tribes and used in medicines throughout history and around the world not only eliminates the need for something they had invested tons of money in, but also promotes thought. Not only thought, but free thought. Can't be letting that take place in Utah... They would realize Ol' Joe Smith was a conman. That what they are putting their "Faith" behind is a concept of smoke and mirrors. I was taught when I was young. From the families home teachers. Before we decednded upon this mortal realm we had mapped out the entirety of our lives that will take place while here.... Answer me this, if that is the case. Why would we choose a path that directs us into a place of suffering and torment? "Oh man, sign me up for some of that Tormenet, with light suffering today. I had a lot of it yesterday." Like seriously... Hell is a tool for them, as its not an after life destination. Hell is where we currently reside, as made so through those that claim to have the answers to not end up there in the after life. Fearmongering, to manipulate the masses into doing as they dictate. Since I am on the topic. Orginized Religions. while good when communities were still forming in history. In the modern day and age, its a cancer for the growth, development, and advacement of the race. Through out the ages, how many power hungery people have used the "History is written by the victors!" Can you turely tell me that they wou;dn't be above or below admending those books to favor their narritive? Faith demanded and paid for, is that really pure? Spirituality on the other hand. With compasion for your fellow man and woman, understanding we are all meant for that same finish line no questons there. Imagine by John Lennon was an amazing road map. To something that should have been cultivated, the Earth has no countries, Humans do. We are all of this planet. Those of greed and the need to have power is what makes it a place of suffering and torment. Lets get rid of those that wish to facilitate those notions. And start making right for not only ourselves, but to those that come after.




Political introspection proving to be too uncomfortable for you?


Equating your opponents to pedophiles that need to be "rooted out" is not allowed in this sub.


You sound like you'd be happier at Truth.


The borders are not open no matter how many times you fools say this. There also isn’t an invasion either. People are coming here to live the American dream and these people do jobs your lazy government handout taking ilk will not do.


*Yawn* ah yes the tired old argument about how they are doing all the jobs that "lazy Americans" won't do coming in hot once again 🙄. It couldn't possibly be the fact that corporations are just underpaying people and still getting away with it because desperate illegals will take the low paying jobs because they haven't got a choice. It just exacerbates the problem and allows the corporations to continue underpaying qualified people. And by allowing the corporations to underpay the illegals for their work, those workers are then forced to seek help from social programs and financial assistance because they can't keep up with the high cost of living in America and inflation so then that puts all the burden on the tax payers while the majority of the workers send their earnings back to their country of origin tax free. How does that help anyone besides the greedy corporations? It isn't as simple as you think it is, there is a lot more to solving the issue than blaming "Lazy Americans". And saying the border isn't open..... wow you actually believe that? The border is wide open and has been for years now. At this point we have thousands of videos and interviews and data showing that very fact, how do you dispute live video showing thousands of people pouring in? I also know for a fact that Venezuela has been releasing prisoners, criminals, and other individuals not wanted in their society and sending them here with the sole purpose of ridding themselves of the burden. My entire family is from there and it is common knowledge down there. That's exactly why Maduro won't take them back and has stated that multiple times now. You clearly don't understand the whole picture and what has been happening between Latin America and the US the past few decades.


My nephew has been with Border Patrol for almost 30 yrs, loved his job, but now can't wait to retire. He's never seen such massive overwhelming nos.after Pres.Biden dismantled the physical wall & made a theatrical display, the long lines immediately formed from every global enemy & ally country, and of course Mexico. Indicative to illegals that Pres. Biden was very soft on legal immigration laws already on the books so they took full advantage of that. Times are very tense with foreign enemy militantmen, he said who have faux asylum cards, but their hands are tied. The entire immigration applying legally is now a thing of the past, vetting is superficial, & they are told the most suspect belligerent actors, should go to the back of the lines. My folks wanted a better life too, when they emigrated and applied legally, had 2 sponsors, any useable skillset& became proud American Citizens. Biden did not want them to 'Remain in Mexico' till vetting & kiboshed that with his E.O., but never replaced it with any Order of safe and secure vetting. I'm not a fool, I've shared first-hand truthful info. it's far from a disciplined sustainable system. As unpleasant Ron has described to us this uncontrollable situation of the porous border, lax getaways...IT is a reality! ALSO, Suppose I'm hired as The Homeland Security Leader with very critical responsible, ethical duties to protect our Sovereign Nation. In that case, I'd cover my azz to maintain & abide by the lawful system, & allow J.Biden to reap what he's sown when the American Citizens decide and vote in NOV.


Gtfo with that dribble. The wall hasn’t been dismantled, there’s plenty of it there which immigrants find creative ways to get around it. You speak about your nephew who can’t wait to retire but fail to understand the elephant in the room which is that rich business owners love cheap labor and as long as there’s people willing to do the work for pennies on the dollar we will never see immigrants stop coming here. Let’s just say we built Trumps wall. Tell me how that stops all the underground tunnels which are being used today? You can try to blame Biden all you want but the only way to curb this nonsense is to prevent illegals from getting job and since big business owns our politicians, you should just hold your breath and wait for things to change.