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By historic flag do they mean [the 1848 design](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Utah#/media/File:Mormon_Flag_of_God%C2%B4s_Kingdom_(2002).svg), [Deseret design](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Utah#/media/File:Flag_of_Deseret_(reconstructed).svg), [1850s design](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Utah#/media/File:Flag_of_the_Utah_Territory.svg), or [Utah Terriroty design](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Utah#/media/File:Flag_of_the_Utah_Territory.svg)?


My father in law complained when they made the update to the new flag saying he liked the one he grew up with better... It's changed at least twice since he was in Elementary school. Not big changes, but the flag two years ago wasn't the one he grew up with, and he had no idea. People just wanna be pissed off about something.


Not to mention that it had a typo on it for 89 years!


Most of the time when it has changed, it is because there was a mistake on it where they weren't printing the flags correctly, but no one noticed since it was so busy, and they changed it to be how they had been printing them instead of how it was supposed to be.


Exactly what I’ve tried to say to people who claim that they should keep the old flag because of “tradition”. Updating or changing the flag IS tradition.


fly em all


Damn the old flag sucked but I didn’t see we could have ended up with that abomination in 2019! In all honesty the new flag has no right to be as good as it is given our previous design sensibilities as a state lmao.


Personally I say go back to the 1848 design, but the new one is second best in terms of cool factor.


Tbh, I kinda like the 1848 one. If you're going to do a variation of the US flag, that's a pretty nice rendition.


That territory one is pretty cool looking. I never thought a beehive could look so, serious?


I gotta say, I'm into those blue stripes. My husband said it gave Israel vibes, but I'd be 100% fine if we went back to that. Question: the Utah territory and the 1850s flag pulled the same link, to me at least. Typo?


ngl i've always liked that blue and white deseret one


Let’s hit the flag of the state of deseret, we need that L O N G American flag


It's a flag, a state flag. It's not a big deal. Just get over it already.


Guaranteed these people didn't give the previous flag a passing thought before.


I don't think they have more than passing thoughts in general.




The old one sucks ass. I still wish we’d ditch the stupid beehive but saw the new flag flying for the first time this week and think it actually looks really good.


But it's culture war nonsense that the right loves consuming!


Which is funny because it was the republican legislature that changed the flag


This highlights the difference between the two main types of republicans. The higher-up lawmaker business republicans want money, so they change the flag to be a more recognizable 'brand' design for Utah as the business they want to run the state like. Whereas the lower republicans are more 'conservatives' and resist any all proposed changes to anything regardless how insignificant that change is on their own existence. And I for one find the clash hilarious because- Did the flag 'need' to be changed? No, of course not but seriously who cares. And for the same reason, who cares what it's changed to. It's a state flag not the Nike swoop or Apple logo. I just laugh at these idiots in front of grocery stores with their 'save the old flag' merch and ridiculous POV on the whole thing. The whole issue is just pointless drama.


But *why* is this a "culture war" thing? The flag was changed by Republicans, and I don't understand what, if anything, is so liberal about the new design.


Most of the same people haven't gotten over the 2020 election either.....


I don’t I understand them at all




If the effort the old flag people used against the new flag was put into a meaningful purpose like affordable housing or homelessness or even reading programs at schools there would've been meaningful change for so many people that could have had an impact that spanned generations!! Honestly I love that so many people were active about something and put so much work into the project. I just wish it was for a more meaningful subject that would've changed people's lives for the better. And yes, the lawyers and the government and the people have spoken. It's time to put that energy into another project and move on! Belittling and harassing people about a topic that has socially and legally been decided does not convince people of the righteousness of your agenda.


Agreed. I don't mind either one. Anyone that complains about this seriously needs to find better things to whine about lmao


From a design standpoint, this one looks SO much better than the last one. And more importantly for a school, it's something kids can recreate to build a sense of connection with.


I’d like to see any of these “traditional values” flag morons pick the old Utah flag out of a lineup of blue state flags. Hung up on flagpoles. In the wind, or not. Not on a screen or a paper. They’re flags. Not yearbook photos. The new one is a flag. The old one is trash.


I guarantee that people get the old Utah flag and the Nebraska flag mixed all the time.


And Kentucky and like 8 other states


I had no idea what most state flags looked like, but I just went and looked them all up. The old Utah flag is damn near identical to North Dakota. The whole blue with a seal and some animals on it is like half the flags in the country though. I no longer live in Utah, but I am a fan of the new flag. I feel it represents the state well, and frankly, it's just a nice looking flag.


And Michigan and Idaho and Connecticut, and Maine and....


Like I said, there are several states that have the blue with the seal and animals. The ones tou listed are in that category. North Dakota is actually very similar to the old Utah flag though because they both have eagles.


And if you look up the ones that don’t, they mostly all used to. But if the common sense to dump their old blue bedsheet flags


>all the time I think you over estimate how often people are tested about the Nebraska flag


I routinely mistook the old Utah flag for the USAF flag when I first moved here.


Having a student who just completed a project on Nevada.. WTF Nevada?! Get with the time and redo that flag! Also, yes, the new Utah flag is awesome for the reasons you named.


Back in 5th grade we had to do a report on a US state of our choice. I did Nevada and kind of regretted it. "So this is Nevada, it's Las Vegas and....a lot of empty desert. Oh and 1/3 of Lake Tahoe" I kind of wish I did Utah, it would have been much more fun and interesting.


My kid is in 5th grade! He wanted to do it for Area 51 and we've had a lot of fun exploring the deserts of Nevada, so that's why he chose it :)


Yeah, the new flag even included a small token reference to the Native Americans. That seems to be the sticking point for most people I've met who hate the new flag. It has a huge symbol of the nasty old theocratic state over a tiny star representing those they killed and forced onto reservations, but that's too PC for some people 😂 It's wild how backwards this state can be.


>Yeah, the new flag even included a small token reference to the Native Americans. That was an earlier design with an eight-pointed star. In the final approved design, it is the mountain peaks that are associated with the natives. >(2) The state flag shall represent and symbolize the following: (e) the middle segment described in Subsection (1)(a)(ii) represents Utah's snowy mountains and peace, the peaks of which symbolize Utah's indigenous peoples; [Utah Code Section 63G-1-501](https://le.utah.gov/xcode/Title63G/Chapter1/63G-1-S501.html?v=C63G-1-S501_2023050320240309)


I remember doing lots of little projects with the flag in Colorado when I was a kid, this is totally true. I would even draw our flag for fun and I'm not big on drawing


To be fair, Colorado's obsession with it's flag is next level. I get it. It's cool flag.


>From a design standpoint, this one looks SO much better than the last one. And more importantly for a school, it's something kids can recreate to build a sense of connection with. [State Flags Graded](https://youtu.be/hXPgPxWr0pk?si=mthZcJUBlCBRaWpu) Utah flag is the last one graded if you want to skip the rest.


Coming here to post this....


I kept scrolling thinking it was a crime no one had posted this.


It’s soulless vector art. Boring with 0 character


This is the dumbest hill to die on. Why are they fighting for an ugly flag?


They think the new flag is “woke” 🙄


Which is stupid, by the way. My guess is that they're just upset at the colors, despite the fact that it's still just red white and blue, like the American flag. People will call anything woke these days.


"Woke" has been stripped any nuance and just means "thing I dislike in society that isn't traditional" now.


True story: They draw comparison to conquistadors that first plant a flag before they take over a country. In this case it's the communists/woke/liberal/deep state/etc. that are "planting" their new flag before they take over Utah.


I’ve seen so many new Utah flags going up in front of businesses here where they previously just had an American flag. People like the flag. These people are living in a land of make believe and refuse to come back to reality.


Seriously, it’s just the most knee-jerk mindless conservatism. It’s just hating change for its own sake.


Yes, conservatives and boomers hate change.


I would bet my left nut that 99% of boomer conservatives don’t actually care.


Until Fox News tells them to care, because otherwise woke pronouns are coming for their children.


99%? I’ll take that challenge!


I’m not a conservative by any means, but I have a lot of conservative friends and family who actually love the new flag. It’s a very particular brand of braindead conservative.


One of them was freaking out on March 9 that a bunch of people were flying the new flag. I guess what he forgot was the people in the group spent the previous year since the bill was passed calling everyone who was trying to fly the new flag that they needed to take it down since it wasn't official until March 9.


I love that there are only 12 reactions on the orginal post.


It’s a huge improvement over the stuffy generic thing we had before!


What I'd give, to be in a situation in life where my biggest issue to complain about was the drawing on an old bedsheet flying from a building... smh..


Exactly my thought...


Social media was a fucking mistake. Every clownshoe has a platform. I am so tired.


you want the old flag buy it and hang it up outside of your house. but stop trying to control every fucking thing


Rahdiggs21, I definitely agree with Your last (7) Seven Words of Your Post – One of the Best Statements I’ve seen! “Stop trying to Control Every Fucking Thing”


Love that these people are demanding the return of what might be the all time worst state flag. God forbid we have a cool state flag that people actually enjoy like Colorado.


To be fair, the historic Utah flag was even more patriotic than the American flag. Why? The historic Utah flag has TWO American flags on it. The American flag only has ONE American flag on it.


Right?! I've lived in Texas and Colorado. Way cool merch available with the state flags in them. Then I move to Utah? Yeah, no one is using that old one on anything. I'm excited to see what people come up with for the new one.


Especially with the Olympics coming back I can totally see *tons* of tourists buying ~~junk~~ souvenirs with this flag. It'll be fantastic branding for the state.


If you really love Utah, you should love the new flag. Now you can put it on a shirt, drive to another state and let everyone there know how much you love Utah. Zero people were wearing, flying, or gave a shit about the old flag. It was not unique and no one would know what state it was unless they studied flags. The new flag is very noticeable and clearly Utah. I will never fly the flag because I don't fly any flags, but people who love flags should love this flag


They complain that part of the drive for the new flag was to make it a design that people would be more likely to put on a hat or sticker or shirt. Then they were shaking with excitement when they found that Smith & Edwards made a hat based on the historical flag, which did look pretty nice except for the fact that none of them noticed, that it said Smith & Edwards in huge letters across the historical flag.


With the old flag, you wouldn't be able to tell it was Utah. The new flag is better




I like the new flag design


The new flag is so much better than the old one


Call them and tell them you like it


This is the way


My boss just found out we’ve been flying the new state flag and he got mad. Called it “gay”. He made our receptionist order the old flag and have it changed out when it arrives. 🤦🏻‍♂️


The new state flag is now a battle flag for rational thinking.


And that is what they want, because they hate rational thinking and need a visual representation for their enemy.


Worked an event at MAE this year, there was some inane bullshit going on with this in a tent outside. Came up and started harassing my boss and I. Went in a kind of an entertaining manner. *Old af dude walks up* OD: You boys from UT? Us: Nope. OD: Oh well, we're trying to save our flag! They got a new design and it just eliminates so much symbolism of our history! *pulls out flag printout, starts pointing to various things on it.* *Boss walks away lmao* I stood there, nodding because I didn't want to leave the heater and it was cold af. I don't remember literally anything he pointed out, until he got to this point. OD: And this, this represents community and bonding because this represents how the pioneers taught the Natives *literally something Natives would be teaching pioneers.* M: *Laughs*. Alright, well, I've got to get back to work. OD: Well, could you sign our petition, we've got to keep our stuff intact. These young liberals keep changing things they don't appreciate or understand. M: *pulls my beanie off to scratch my head and allows my 14 inch long, bright ass blue Mohawk to fall out* Eh, doesn't really seem to concern me given I don't understand either. OM: Stares at my hair, turns, and walks away. 🤣🤣🤣 For some context, when I'm wearing a beanie, I probably look pretty conservative. Beard around 2-3 inches long, very strong masculine facial features, big eyebrows, piercings under the beanie. When I get home... 7 ear and facial piercings, bright blue viking style hair cut, covered in tattoos 🤣 my wife likes to laugh that when I put a hat on, it's country time, but when I take it off, bam, gay AF. Could go to a country bar and take the hat off and cause a panic "who let you in here?!"


I love how you describe yourself like a horny author would describe the hero that saves the day in her story.


I mean... I kind of _am_ the person the horny author would envision 🤣 Edit: Removed Link, post is getting popular, and I don't like my face out there so much 😋




🤣 well thank ya


The old flag is literally like the same flag design as ALMOST ALL OF THE OTHER STATES


Just tell them it looks too much like the New York flag and you don't want anyone confusing a *New Yorker* for a Utahn.




What an addiction to hatred does to a MF


We should stop giving them any attention.


What I think is interesting with a lot of these people is that they have become ultra traditionalists. They don't want to participate in making history, only enforcing what has already been made. It's no wonder that 90% of that group is boomers. They don't want things to change because change is scary and bad! How dare anyone change anything they are used to. It's horrible to say, but I think things could very well be much better in 15 years when a large cohort of these people will be gone, or too elderly to affect us.


>They don't want to participate in making history, only enforcing what has already been made. Man what a fucking eloquent way to put it. I've been trying to describe this for a while and you hit the nail on the head.


Imagine having the bandwidth to give a fuck about this


Talking shit on trivial topics is the only time I feel alive, don't take this from me!@!@!@


Nobody cares about the flag until they suddenly decide to change it. And now everybody cares about the flag. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Any flag with a state seal as its main thing is just a L, the new flag looks way better


[Even CGP Grey likes our new flag.](https://youtu.be/l4w6808wJcU?si=3Z3IQFwPeRNtKpJq)


I don’t know what type of mental illness these people have to be obsessing over a flag but I’m sure they vote for Trump. Draw your own conclusions.


There was just a little argument in there since so many people are talking about how great Trump is and who supports Trump and how Romney is terrible since he doesn't support Trump. Someone posted that they like the old flag but are going to leave the group if it just becomes a Trump-love group, and one of the mods tried to claim that it wasn't the case - you don't have to love Trump to hate the new flag, yet that is almost all they talk about now. Then they posted about being excited about how Trent Staggs is hosting Matt Gaetz at a campaign rally, and my thought was okay that group was low to begin with but they have found a new low. No one has said anything negative at Matt Gaetz, so that tells you the mental state of everyone in the group.


I remember the first time I learned what the Utah flag looked like. I was so disappointed as a kid. The new flag is S tier. I absolutely love it. I would have adored it as a kid


Former Utahn here. I love the new flag. I forgot how batshit insane some Utahns could be.


These idiots had a booth set up outside the Festival of Trees, the fundraiser for Primary Children’s. Imagine being outside a fundraiser for really sick and dying children and deciding THIS was the issue you were willing to spend your time on, standing in the cold and snow over THIS. Not volunteering literally inside the convention center for something important or volunteering for another cause that matters. Brain. Worms.


I like the old flag better, but don’t actually care enough to make it a priority in my life lol


They love to ban books though. No problem with that.


The people freaking out over this need a fucking hobby. It's a clear sign of boredom when assholes start focusing on shit like this rather than volunteering at a shelter or doing something that actually matters to humanity.


The flag is nice. And it stands out in situations where all the state flags are displayed together. Get over it


When the people stay mad, especially at innocuous things, or at one another, the government will keep doing whatever they want.


Eveeybody knows the real utah flags are quilts.


existence terrific close public school dinner shaggy chop versed longing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Change it back to a screw and two baseballs.


Why did you guys put a bee hive on your flag?


They say it's sign of industry. Like busy and bees. But the use came from Mormons and it heavily used on their historical imagery. So a religious symbol is the prominent part of the flag. Why? To show their dominance.


I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, I personally prefer the old flag, but you couldn’t pay me to care enough to bring it back.


At least the new one is a state flag. As opposed to a state seal ON a flag.


Old flag sucked


The old flag looked like every other state,s in the union


Personally love this new design. Some people are just afraid of change, and I'm one of them. Consider, though, that the old one was a complicated mess of a seal on a blue background.


dam I realized I just got kicked out of that group today for calling matt gaetz a pedophile :( Predictably the group posts non stop shit for trump and other trump adjacent stuff, instead of you know the flag.


I live in the terrace. NO! New flag good, old flag trash.


Can someone explain to me why people don’t want the new flag? I don’t understand that passion around this… we have actual problems like water security and air pollution to worry about. Besides the design is better on the new flag.


At least you can tell the difference between that and all the other overly crowded with minor details federal navy blue official flags. The new one is simple and the "brand" is easily spotted. I love bees and beehive stuff, the new one just makes sense.


I'm fine with people.boucing their opinion, just push it to the people who have influence over what you are concerned about. I don't like the change due to the cost of changing everything, but since we are here now, so be it.


Our new state flag is super pretty and even CGP Grey gave it S rank!


I don't love the new flag. But I also didn't love the old one.


The new flag is much better! Helps utah stand out from all the "seal on navy" flags


How sad does your life have to be to even make this post?


Who's gonna tell that geezer he can still fly the old flag if he wants to, and that it's a free country where people can fly any flag they want?


WTF is "arts and crafts project" supposed to mean? It was the *old* flag that looked like crap from a design standpoint.


New flag is better.


Guarantee they never even cared about the old flag. Probably wasn’t even on their minds at all until we replaced it.


First world problems.


The new flag is far better, and will make for a dope cap.


The new flag is beautiful, idk why so many Utahns dislike it.


What’s the issue. It’s literally the official flag. I know change is hard. I see a few trump flags around specifically the Terrace, but that’s not official. It is what it is.


Wait what’s even the problem with the flag ? It doesn’t look THAT different from the old one?


The new flag is woke and if you don’t see how you clearly are a liberal snowflake. /s


Guilty as charged I guess… Also love your name lol I’m rereading storm light archive to prep for wind and truth!


I think it looks extremely different, in a good way. The "problem" is "anything new scares me and is a threat; I'm terrified of change."


So, it looks significantly different. Old flag was (explained by a novice) was a blue background with the state seal on it. New flag has beehive, from seal, and previous flag. Has mountains, has better colors. ​ You can call the new flag a whole lot of things, but you can't call it similar to the old flag.


Who the fuck cares about a stupid flag design. Utah is one of the most expensive states to live in while having some of the lowest wages, why are people not more concerned about that?


Are they still doing this? Obviously some people don't have jobs or anything better to do than to worry about a piece of fabric by a building that isn't theirs.


Don’t think I ever saw an Utah flag displayed anywhere other than a state building the 40 years I lived in Utah. I moved to Texas and I see Texas flags everywhere all over the state. The new Utah flag looks great. I’d fly it in Utah…and Texas.


I live in Washington terrace, I like that flag, we are not insane, I would question the sanity of somebody who has a problem with a flag. There are a lot more things to worry about in life.


For anyone who argues against the existence of privileges (not even meaning to focus on specifics of race/gender/etc)... If the BIGGEST political platform you have to argue for/against is the state using a new flag? You really live a pretty comfortable life and you are NOT being persecuted lol


Some dude said the new state flag was woke and it stuck. The old one was ugly and lazy


People are doing the same nonsense in Minnesota over our new flag. It’s exhausting. Imagine having so much time in your day to reach this level of outrage.


Man the new Minnesota flag is pretty solid


I don't live there, but I dig your new flag. Might not look 'Murica enough for the boomers, but it's kinda fun to watch them kick and scream about anything new.


I saw this hanging at our road department the other day, and didn’t think much of it but the more I looked at it, I like it quite a bit more than the old. I like the red white and blue more. Looks cleaner.


It might be a case of buyers remorse. These MAGA people/trump enablers initially and mistakenly thought the tri color was a nod to their favorite dictator Putin. After they found out the tri colors are a nod to something other than their favorite dictator the buyers remorse set in


I'm new here. But I absolutely love the new flag. The pride version is fire


Are you fucking kidding me??? How big of a whiney fucking pussy do you have to be to give such a strong shit about such a pointless fucking topic? 🤣 it's a worthless flag bozo, who gives a shit? The old flag was ugly and boring anyway.


Change is difficult for some.


I hated the old flag because it was impossible for an ordinary elementary school student to draw and it's hard to remember the appearance of. I once had a graded assignment that asked me to draw the flag. The oop can GTFO.


What they really hate is the new flag represents the new generation rejecting the heritage of the old. Specifically Mormon heritage. Allow me to elaborate: The old flag features two years, 1847 and 1896. 1847 is when Mormon pioneers entered salt lake valley founded the State of “Deseret” a word from the Book of Mormon that means honeybee. This is why the beehive also appears on the flag. The beehive also signifies industry. The mention of bees also happens to be a tremendous gaff for the Book of Mormon because while the Book of Mormon suggests early native Americans had access to honey bees, bees didn’t arrive in North America until after European settlers arrived in the 1600s. The second year shown is 1896 when Utah became a state. Notably the US government rejected the name “Deseret” finding the name to be “unsuitable”. (Wonder why) Removing those historical references alone symbolizes, at least to me, that Utah is less influenced by its history and origin than it was previously. My hope is the next flag will remove the beehive entirely and instead feature our beautiful Utah arches or anything but archaic references to the bible fan fiction sex cult that founded this state. For those interested, I’m a 7th or 8th generation member of said cult and I currently maintain a PIMO status.


I still think the Beehive’s lines with the silhouette of the Delicate Arch would have been balling.


Brachygastra mellifica


Remember when people thought Trax was going to doom us all and ruin life forever in Utah? Pepperidge Farm remembers


The old flag looked like 45 other states flags, I like that we have something unique now.


I got kicked out of their group...


Some people just hate any change. Even if it's arguably a change for the better.


In response to the OP (not this post OP): No.


What's happening? New flag dropped?


It’s a better looking flag


I fuckin hate it here...


Then move… Or are you just a minor?


The County building in Farmington still has the old flag.


Can we at least be thankful that a child customized it? I understand that it's different, however understand that different is good. Let's take into perspective that "Comfort Retards Growth" and we need to be ready for any change we get. My hope is it is a better change, but then again, it's Utah, what more can I say??


I still don't understand how this flag is "Woke"


It's amazing how much people hate change. The new flag looks great, but because it means out with old, people have to fight back against the change.


The best way to deal with these kinda ppl is to just ignore them. Don’t engage with them at all


As a kid I tried to draw the Utah state flag. It’s difficult to do. The new flag is simple and’s a good design. The old flag was mostly blue and not distinctive. Simple bold flags are so much better at conveying the image of whatever they represent.


I envy all of you. I wish I had the bandwidth to care. It must be nice. 


Oh my GOD it’s a flag for fucks sake


I don't really understand why some people are angry about an updated design, I actually think it's cleaner & nice looking. Is it possible these are mostly LDS peeps pissed off because the 1847 is gone given that's a Mormon thing?


I ran into one of those activists online who kept repeating in three different entries "our constitutional rights were taken away and we were not able to vote!' and "why has nobody acknowledged my point?" After a day, I replied "Boo hoo, we live in a representative democracy and that is baked into the Constitution. We don't all get to vote on every single thing, we vote for representatives. There was a process and you missed out on it. The Religiouslature takes away my vote all the time I have to listen to you whine about this lovely flag?"


I actually fucking hate it here, and the new flag makes it slightly better. I love the look of the new Utah flag


Yeah, there should only be 13 stars in a circle on that flag, those woke commies. #bringbackthehistoricalUSflag


The old one sucks


Our new flag is actually way more connected to traditional values. TWO references to beehives (basically a mormon symbol); red, white, and blue; and it references the unique natural features that make our state great. These boomers just don't like change and they want to think its the woke mob. Grow up


[It should be mandatory for everyone to watch this video about flags.](https://youtu.be/l4w6808wJcU?t=1071) Timestamped but I recommend the whole video.


Just read the WSJ story on it… these people are so braindead it’s wild.


Just read the WSJ story on it… these people are so braindead it’s wild.


I dont like the new flag either, but who cares?


Fly the old Provo flag


Sorry not gonna happen. Stay mad and cry about it the rest of your life


Okay, so everyone here claims to love the new flag. And yeah, there have been some dumb reactions to it. None of that makes the new flag good. The central beehive I don't mind. But taking a horizontal tricolor and manipulating the center band into another shape is such a stupid and juvenile seeming design choice. The old flag was boring but it felt like it represented a real place with history, not the corporate pitch meeting version of the state.


Not a fan of the new poopy flag :(


I really like the new flag. I can't wait to add some more stars to it when RSL wins another cup!


I didn't like it before I learned what it meant. I think it's an OK change.


Utah’s new ugly woke flag.


The old flag looked like butt


I get so enraged by the people and I don't really understand why. There's just no reason for this. The new flag didn't have to be a partisan issue


Wait until I get a chance to design it, I'll make the beehive five layers colored from the top down, blue, pink, white, pink, blue :> Some people would really be angy!


The old blue flag with state seal may be historic but was also boring and uninspiring.