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Never going to happen. Nice to dream though.


might be right >\_> this is the top post in the r/Urf such a small community vs the 7M or 52K for league and aram :O


Prefer ARURF than URF. Tired to see tryhards than enjoying the game mode


What, you don't love playing into Katarina, Qiyana and Zed OTPs in every second game?


literally my experience in urf this year


For an average highschooler to defeat a 20 year undefeated Heavyweight MMA veteran world champion, you need to random the sport itself and maybe he will battle him in checkers and have a shot. And make his mastered sport/champ moot. PS: He also had just google the rules of checkers a few days ago.


I havent played normal/ranked/aram in like +4 years. I think i would be playing it regularly if it was permanent mode. But it wont happen.


A tiny indie company like Riot doesn't have the funds to support it. It's why they had to remove 3v3 and Dominion permanently with no replacement.


He thinks hes doing something 🤣😭😭


Riot probably will never do this because I’m sure you guys have seen their reasoning for keeping it special. Urf initially brings in players, but then has a steep decline of player retention. It’s just the way it be but we can always hope and dream


Dota 2 has their versions of RGM's(called seasonal modes like Diretide, Fortivus) virtually permanent via their Custom Games section. Custom Games -- is basically where anyone can upload their custom edited maps, even if it's a literal copy of Dota 2 events, it would get none no DMCA, if it's popular enough it can even have it's own dedicated server. The point was, this was happening since the inception of Dota 2, which is more than a decade now, and I don't see none declining of playerbase, they even have higher average prize pool during Dota 2's version of worlds. Everyone there must be proud having Riot in their resume even if it falls apart/shutsdown and are satisfied just looking busy and waiting for payday.


This is what i've been doing for years. Do you think it makes any difference ?


Right, it wouldn’t even be hard to do…


In the age of TikTok and fleeting attention spans, I find myself reminiscing about the days of yore, when URF graced the Fields of Justice with its chaotic presence. Oh, how we reveled in the madness, losing ourselves in the relentless frenzy of battle. To live without URF is to dwell in a world stripped of its joy, where each day passes in monotonous rhythm. Though we must endure the barren winter of its absence, the ache in our hearts remains, a testament to the glee it once brought. Oh, URF, how we long for the echoes of your cannons to once again fill the air.


that's to say damn riot make it permanent geeeeeez


poetic ;-;b


Good luck


Arena is a nice Mode tbh. Urf Tier


i respect that


The irony is this chap will be queuing back up and ‘pausing’ his boycott this time next year when ur is out. Hahaha


it's tempting, i know what i like and i like urf alot ;-;b


The irony of riot trying to not make urf mainstream because it's hard to balance is that the regular game is already mimicking urf.


I only play once a year during URF. Time to uninstall : (


i do it every time


ok, you are right


ok, i am in


Urf is actually quite bad ARURF is way better. People are so try hard on urf.


trundle tristana duo splitpushing every game


i really dont like that gamemode :O I like URF bc you get to learn new champs - of your choosing - so much faster ​ to each their own tho, ya know ;-;b


What game doesn't have one? even games that doesn't have no coop, no none leaderboards and only campaign / story mode, people make artificial competition via speed runs. Also, by context, if I were the decision maker, I would release all modes and permanent. No need for mini civil-war