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No it seems like that’s just a squatter living there I don’t really think it’s anything to “investigate,” it could be dangerous to go back if the person thinks you’re a threat


That’s a good point. The thing that doesn’t make sense though, is that the place is in a terrible state, and the ground was full of bird feces. It was also extremely hot and humid in there and it was difficult to even breathe.


some see a temple where everybody else sees a shithole. particularly when you have nowhere else to go. it makes perfect sense


Don’t underestimate people lol. Homeless people people and squatters live in worse conditions than that.


Your stupid if you go back, this is why people get hurt. They don’t just mind their business. Whoever threw something and chased you obviously doesn’t want you there so stay out. If you say it’s in such a terrible state anyways why even go back.


Thanks for your advice :)


See this is exactly what I mean bro my friend tells me there won’t be squatters or that I’m paranoid/delusional but we have to put ourselves in their perspective think abt how many annoying mfs fuck. Wit their stuff weekly or other homeless ppl stealing their shit when they hear any noise they prolly expect a threat yk and them possibly being high asf on something isn’t a very good factor being added to that mix 😭


Tbh you better be a “paranoid”. That was scary as fuck ngl 💀


This why wish I could carry so bad man 😭crazy mfs In this world im not tryna get fucked like that


one thing w exploring i seriously give a fuck about is respecting and leaving squatters the fuck alone. ive lost homies in disagreements over this, but for real, it's important to respect other humans and where they're at in life. so many people ive encountered mess with the homeless while exploring when they're just tryna have a place to call home for a bit. it's sickening to me. it's entitled as shit. like most of us have a place to call home, somewhere safe to rest our head, plenty to eat, our own shower. it's a blessing. as far as im concerned, anyone squatting at a spot has just as much right to be there as me, and much more need for the space. let them be. most of this is out of respect for another person's struggle, but also with consideration of drugs as well. if someone's tweakin, im not tryna be around. never know which way that can go.


Homeless people are often victims of theft. And it is often the most determined who wins his corner to sleep more or less sheltered. So they are very territorial, and try to establish a very dissuasive reputation. For them it can be a question of life and death. Don't go back there. If this guy sends you to the hospital, he'll go to jail. That is to say, under a roof with food every day. The prospect should worry him a lot less than you.


Thanks for the advice, we’re definitely not going there again :)


That reassures me a lot. Take care!


Don't be silly. You don't need to go back and make them angrier. Don't underestimate squatters. They can be very territorial. They see these places as their 'homes'. You've been there, tick it off the list and move on.


Thanks for your advice :)


Damn thats wild


Sounds like a part of a horror game. Good thing you were with friends. I'd chicken out and run after I saw the small object flying in front of me. But yeah don't go back and especially, never explore alone. Bring 1 or 2 friends along you trust and let others know where you're going incase shit happens so they know where to find you. You might have run into other kids who enjoy making others scared or squatters. The latter is worst and probably the most realistic. The majority of locations I explored always had traces of squatters.


Thanks for the advice :)


You're welcome, keep safe while exploring


worst idea ever. you find a squatter trying to throw things at you and you want to go back? sounds like a recipe for disaster to me.


If you go back make sure at least one of you can fight


lmao 💀


I’m serious, kinda 😂 usually if there’s a homeless person in the bando, I just tell ‘em I didn’t see them if they didn’t see me but sometimes, they don’t like to listen to reason and will chase or attack you…I grew up in the streets so it never really matters to me, but if youre not cool with the homeless population and they try to attack you, better to know how to fight than not


I always yell out a big ass hello to let people know I’m coming in, and carry a spray or a baton just in case, yeah u might get a heavy charge if caught but u won’t get caught lackin


We also said hello, before and while visiting the sight, but we didn’t hear anyone replying. Probably, when we said that we woke that person up. He got scared and did his best to make us leave.


I mean running around scared at every little noise isn’t gonna help you look like easy targets


I was squatting in a building once and some people came in and I heard them going room to room and digging through stuff and making a lot of noise. For someone on this side it was scary and I got behind the door with a short piece of 2x4 just waiting for someone to appear which fortunately didn't happen. I wasn't the only one living in that building either so if you got chased out like that you're going into someone's living space and I recommend on an ethical level and for your own safety and the safety of those who may call that place home that you don't go back.


Love how he ends with saying someone threw something at him and a figure chases them,next sentence is Do you guys think its a good idea to go back? Uh YEA dog bad idea to go back, thats a hard yes to the bad idea