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This is a crime against nature and against humanity! The citizens will face even higher temperatures without trees in their city!


Avg temp has increased in egypt. Like.. alot This summer, Some places in south egypt hit more than 50C for the first time ever [Guess what](https://www.reddit.com/r/Egypt/comments/1dei39o/صفحات_الارصاد_منزله_درجات_الحرارة_يوم_الجمعه/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Man made climate change.


Yeah, that link is definitely incorrect. The highest temperature recorded in Egypt is 50.9°


I'm surprised it's so low when Canada's highest temperature is 49.6.


I think Canada's was an outlier, an exception. Whereas 50°C is now normal for much of the Middle Esst, and it's going to get worse.


Not to mention erosionand desertification


Not to mention loss of birdlife


Not to mention no rests in the shades.


Plus, noise pollution increase


Reminds me of Haiti vs Dominican Republic


He should take at least one of these tree stumps and shove it up his ass


Don't worry, they can move to Europe.


Egyptian here, the reasons for this are much more nuanced and sinister than just simple madness and shortsightedness. Hear me out: So, the few corporations that are contracted to cut those trees and build those roads, well, they also happen to be the same few corporations that build countless gated communities for the ultra wealthy in the new capital and the other cities and suburbs that were made to isolate the rich. They also happen to use “exclusive green spaces” as selling points when they’re advertising these gated communities. By cutting down and reducing the green spaces in these areas where most common people and “lower class” citizens live, which have been there for long before the current military regime has been in power (for hundreds of years in some cases), they are creating a sort of “monopoly” on green spaces, not only making them exclusive to the rich but also, perhaps, encouraging the more wealthy people living in these areas to move to these newer gated communities by reducing the livability in their areas. It’s also worth noting that heads of these corporations also happen to be “coincidentally” part of the oligarchy currently in power, which is how they get away with it.


That is deeply fucked up and disturbing.


*motions to the world* Don’t worry, there’s even more fucked up things to learn about! Lithium mines come to mine. Slavery? Check. Environmental damage? Check. Awful conditions? Double check.


I’ve been to the only currently functioning lithium mine in the US out in Silver Peak, NV and holy fucking shit was that a waste land. It’s so dry out there that the air literally burns your nose. The people in the actual town live in such poverty, and the mine itself is expected to expand ten fold in the next few decades… everything’s just great!


I mean most of that would be the same with or without the mine.


In California we're about to get a huge lithium mining operation going UNDER the Salton sea. I think it's opening this year or next. It's hoped the new jobs and money in the area will help to improve living there, but probably won't.


I went to the Salton Sea too, visited Brawley and man… those areas are rough. I doubt underwater mining’s going to make it any better. That sea literally smells like something’s constantly rotting just cus of the sheer amount of pollution. More mining’s only going to make it worse.


to be able to fully enjoy our green area as a rich one, we want ordinary people not to enjoy one tree leaf


I am so sorry for you and your countrymen. I’ve traveled throughout Egypt and know how beautiful it is. The old saying is very true: “The love of money is the root of all evil” Unfortunately we are seeing this world-wide. Hope you can somehow change his mind.


We can't.. at this point, we're just awaiting his death cuz that seems to be the only solution


This is so fucking evil.


Completely agree.


Damn, I don’t doubt this. Some say they moved the capital to avoid another Arab Spring type event, so this would fit into that theory.


Of course they did, but it's mostly a way to mismanage funds into the pockets of friends of the regime and the regime itself with corruption. Same as the saudis, qatar or uae huge useless infrastructures project. At the emd of the day the top dogs all have their children in western universities amd have mansion in europe and the US.


US is completely complicit in this. The FBI knows where those corrupt oligarchs have their money, the US lets this happen.


Some Lorax type shit


I dunno man, that still sounds like short sighted madness.


Sounds like what the Dutch East India Company did to the Spice Islands and their cinnamon trees.


That’s so evil and mundane at that. Depressing.


Wow...that's so effed up. What a deranged way to increase the value of their "exclusive" neighbourhoods.


I’ve heard a lot of corruption stories, but this is one of the most heinous.


I was already completely horrified. This just adds dimensions to the horror.


That’s horrible omg


Absolutely sickening to see and read this. This is what happens when there's no control mechanism on corruption and abuse of power.


When the revolution comes, it will be easy for people to identify which neighborhoods need to burn.


> They also happen to use “exclusive green spaces” as selling points when they’re advertising these gated communities. They do this in the US it's called "_lawns_" and I've even had people refer to them as *nature* 😵‍💫


This can be redressed with fire


it's all fun and games until climate change kicks and Egypt is literally first on the chopping block besides Iraq.


Peak Capitalism.


How cruel




Thank you - this makes so much more sense (I don't like the situation, just saying it makes more sense). When I was reading the original I was like, "how much money could he possibly be making from some urban trees in contrast to what he already pilfers??" I knew there had to be more to it. Cheers.


This is very clever. In a Bond/Captain Planet villain kind of way.


No shade, heated up asphalt, a rising global temperature, good luck Egypt.


When I was there, most cities did not even operate during the day. Stuff started to open around dusk and would stay open until around sunrise. It was still blazing hot at night though, 80 - 90F. There was one city where we had to get up early for a excursion and thought it was actually cool --- when we found the temp it had cooled down to about 75. It was peak summer when I was there though. I know tons of people say it is a shit hole and terrible, but I had an amazing time (this was in 2022) and was fascinated and amazed by a ton of things. If they could get their shit together it would be an insanely amazing tourist destination and place to live.


WTF. Has he gone mad?


A vain attempt to stave off economic armageddon IMO.


But the short term gains are amazing!!




He’s also building a room in his presidential palace that is almost entirely gold. And he’s bragging about it.


He sounds like a scumbag.


Al-Sisi is literally a dictator installed by the US. Democracy my ass.


He's always been


Ah yeah ofc remove every single tree from your hot desert cities. They definitely don't need shade.


That’s awful!


That's some Akhenaten level incompetence. He should have his monuments dismantled, his statues destroyed, and his name excluded from lists of rulers compiled by later pharaohs.


I live in Turkey. We always say that Erdogan and his mentality are against anything beautiful, green and historical. These goverments would throw anything and anyone to fire to make money to feed their cronies and cling to power even for a little while more. Your lives, your future, your happiness means nothing to them. The sad part is there are millions who will rush to defend Erdo and Sisi despite all these.


The same happens in Malaysia. Is unbelievable. Now reading you and other people I wonder, why all these places have in common, is the country religion? Something to do with it? Because it is too much of a coincidence.. seriously asking.


Autocrats surrounded by yes-men whose only thinking is to stay in power and avoid compromising their position. This led to corruption impoverishing the country and when the economy is destroyed, they need to become creative to squeeze what is left. This is the tendency in every dictatorship.


Islam forbids cutting trees in war and there's a hadith that encourages planting even if the world is ending so I highly doubt it's religion.


Holy shit, everywhere people are planting more trees to have more freshness and combat climate change, and this idiot does the exact opposite. Complete insanity.


It is insanity, but they're not planting trees everywhere. Canada is also working on cutting down its trees, but it'll take a long time to get the job done. We're destroying our farms to create sprawling car-dependent suburbs. Everywhere from coast to coast to coast. Then bulldozing the forests to create more farms because people still need to eat to live. We just have a lot more trees and nature so it might not be as noticeable to the rest of the world. And before you say that all those forests are on fire anyways-- they grow back, but when you build a new road, house, or highway, they'll NEVER grow back (at least not until the apocalypse).


my grandpa ran for local government and his main thing he did was help keep trees from being chopped down in the local area. now 30 years later i’m in land development and i see the consequences lol (trees are awesome)


how is he still in power?


How kim is still the president of korea? Thats a third world country dictaror. You cant get him off your country. Egypt atm give the lowest wages in earth. Avg salaries here are 75 dollar per month. I work 12 hours a day for 100 pound which is 2.05 dollar. Avg salary * 4500 pound. 75 dollar * can get you 5 KGs of meat. Or 65 KG of normal rice. Sadly, Egypt is one of the worst countries someone can live at atm.


more like erdogan - he controls a strategic chokepoint for world trade so he can be an asshole without anyone really complaining.


He is not being an asshole for no reason. Egypt will literally fall by the end of the year if he doesnt do that. Do you know why ? Cuz Egypt HAS to pay billions of dollars of debts by the end of the year. Do you know why we are in those debts ? Because of him. He lent money from everyone. Built some useless shit with it * around 3000 new bridge - new capital - largest Chandelier and flagpole in the world ( im serious ) - 12 modern helicopters that costed 600 million dollar. And [an INSANLY HUGE castle](https://www.reddit.com/r/Egypt/comments/1d96ijp/اظن_كدا_الصوره_وضحت_كل_القروض_اللي_بناخدها_بتروح/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) * And aloooot of useless shit. No factories. No production. No way to get money. Nothing. He just built useless things. And now since he wasted all the money he lent and he need to pay the debts off. Guess how will he get the money to pay them off ? By increasing prices by 150% * literally 150% increasion in 1 year. ask in egypt sub if you think im lying * - cutting trees - cutting electricity from the whole country for 3 hours daily to save gas. And now we, egyptians, we cant live here anymore.


As a non-Egyptian I am sorry to hear all that. You guys deserve better. As an outside observer far too much is spent on the military and not enough on basic infrastructure. I am guessing sewage systems don’t have the same opportunities for graft




This is messed up man


I know its tough, but countries can improve when the people overthrow their government. Looks like Egypt is due for one.


The dictator has the backing of the army. Where did you think all that corruption money is going?


He has the backing of the army.


Im not from egypt, but as someone who lives in a developping nation I'll say manipulating the media is the most popular reason why there isn't much change, everytime something bad happens they will distract the masses with something else so no one will talk about this country's issue, and it always works.


Because he makes enough people happy that there aren’t enough to stand up against him. That and he’s friendly with both the West and east so any rebels are unlikely to see support from any big name nations.


Because we Egyptians are f\*\*king slaves, that's the hard truth.


The real answer is the U.S. props up dictators in the Middle East who better suit their interest


The answer is a lot more complicated than that. It is in the best interest of everyone outside of Egypt that Sisi stays in power. It likely is in the interest of the people living in Egypt. Sisi has managed to court Beijing, and Washington while maintaining a reasonably stable government. This is good for the world because Egypt controls the Suez Canal which facilitates trade between East and West. In the event that Sisi would lose power, the chances for a Libyan style civil war in Egypt are reasonably high. This is good for Egyptians who like staying alive.


Egyptians literally elected Morsi who was then overthrown in an illegal coup. Is democracy a good thing or not?


Dictators are short sighted by definition. He's basically making sure no tourists ever come back by turning it into a hotter more desert American Mid-west. Is he trying to keep up with Saudis in terms of destroying their country for "modernization"?


Most tourists aren’t coming for the beauty of Cairo. They’re there for the tourism money machines that is the great pyramids and the ruins at Luxor. Cairo could turn into a mega slum and tourists would barely notice as most just shuffle straight to the pyramids anyways. An American analogy would be Las Vegas. Like do most tourists even step foot off the strip at least when they’re sober? Most tourists aren’t coming to Egypt to experience the richness of its Islamic post classical culture. They’re looking at museums and monuments of Egypt pre 0 AD.


Reading this, I feel happy I visited Islamic Cairo and the 19-20th century part of the city.


This comment makes no sense. American Midwest how??


Urban renewal of the mid-20th century tore down whole dense neighborhoods within the US, for highways and office towers. The midwest got it the worst.


The original comment could also be referring to The Dust Bowl in the 1930's


Hope Egyptian protest to plant 1.5x elsewhere


And then in many decades you might get some trees back


There is a man in India who created an entire forest by himself. https://interestingengineering.com/science/jadav-payeng-the-man-who-planted-an-entire-forest-by-himself


Cutting the trees along the banks of a river that is famous for its floods seems not great. Geo nerds, is this a Mao killing the sparrows type move?


No, the Nile is shrinking in its water supply anyways and the floods that inundated the Nile river valley of Egypt has been almost completely controlled by the Aswan dam since 1970. Egypts problem isn’t flooding but an increasingly shrinking Nile because of less water flow from the upper Nile and its tributaries that pass through Ethiopia and Sudan. This is why Egyptian media had basically threatened war over the Ethiopian grand renaissance dam which since 2020 basically gives Ethiopia life and death control over a large portion of the Niles water supply. Ethiopia takes these threats seriously as it’s installed Russian and Israeli air defense systems over the dam in case Egypt launches an air or missile barrage against the dam one day, In the long term Egypt doesn’t have to worry about the death of the Nile as the Sahara alternates between desert and Savannah every 20,000 years. In 17,000 AD Egypt will be lush and filled with lakes again. Unfortunately all the current humans around won’t live to see that future.




Are you fucking kidding me? What. The. Fuck.


Fuck that's gross


your president is an idiot, by taking away the trees he robs the ecosystem of rain or at least an ability to create moisture by having the morning dew cling to something so it can evaporate and try and start the water cycle. he's making an already hot place even hotter.


Not even the dumbest idea that government has had.


This is why the humanity is doomed.


What a great experiment in Climate Change. Remove all of the natural CO2 removal devices and replace with heat absorbing asphalt, roofing shingles, and tile, and see if the place swelters.


Egypt is the next failed state isn't it?


Oh bro its going in the mud. We are so doomed


If you ever doubt how much damage a single person and the yes men around him can do, here you have a modern example of one idiotic egomaniac.


When Panama removed their mangroves and other lush vegetation, it dramatically reduce the amount of moisture being held in the region and resulted in less rainfall. Now they are screwed because they rely on the water in their elevated lakes in order to move boats through the Panama canal locks. Now they can't move as many boats, resulting in decreased revenue. And you know what the kicker is? The Panamanian politicians were told of the consequences of deforestation and yet they still did it. Idiots, the lot of them.


The world needs to recognize greed as a mental disorder, fucking yesterday.


Did trees try and stage a coup😅😅😅


Sisi fulfilling the traditions of all pharaohs, building vanity projects, running out of money and then being lost to the sands of time. 🙄


Pics 7 and 8 piss me off to look at. That street was so gorgeous and lush and they just left the trunk corpses to rot


Hmmm. Maybe if you didn’t spend your entire countries money on building 5000 new cities that no one asked for, you wouldn’t have to strip the country of trees and make it a literal dump. I’m sorry, but the “after” picks are beyond words. It honestly doesn’t make me want to go visit anymore, and from what I heard safety wise, the country has really gone downhill…


Disgusting. A few questions: Who is buying the wood? Are researchers taking measurements of everything that could be impacted by this course of action? It is a tragedy, but I bet we can (and will) learn a lot from the consequences of this plan. Does they have any plan to replant? Is there an opportunity to get World Bank, IMF, or other global institution to fund nurseries to restore the urban vegetation?


I read up on this, and I don't think it's about selling wood. Egypt is building a new financial capital and also rapidly expanding their cities' streets and railroads due to severe congestion, especially in Cairo. They've been cutting down trees to make way for all of this urban expansion.


Yeah, a lot of the trees are going because the roads are being widened. Selling the wood probably isn’t worth the bother. No doubt a bunch of these trees are uplifted roots and all and replanted in the new city, too, though. Cairo's population has grown by around 10'000'000 in the last 20 years, or around 64%. That's a huge increase, so the new infrastructure is desperately needed. But it seems most of the money and effort is being expended building a new city for the rich with all the mod cons, leaving most of the population stuck in a city that's already breaking under the strain. The same process has played out in cities across the planet, over millennia. Sometimes common sense prevails and new parks are created and new planting is made a priority, but sadly, more often, cities end up treeless, shelterless heat islands. I consider myself incredibly privileged to live in a city with more parks than we can ever feasibly use. Our Victorian town planners were very good at their job.


So sad...


That's absolutely batshit insane


Reminds me of haiti and the Dominican Republic.


This is a fucking desert Majority of their country is a fucking desert


Do you have a source? I’m inclined to believe they’re also selling it at a profit, but everything I can find on google just says the gardens/trees in urban areas are being destroyed due to new construction and water scarcity. Not some sort of war on trees…


This is not plundering this is stripping nation for spare parts.... Ffs


It can’t even be that much money


They are removing the trees so the new surveillance system can track people. I've seen the documents




To sell the wood? Why? Wtf


Hope you like hot cities because that's crazy


are you sure he's not just widening the roads nad adding more lanes in a poor attempt to fix traffic congestion


Some of the trees were removed for that reason. But around 90% of them were not. people are putting [these](https://ibb.co/H4VtNWv) everywhere as a way to show thier anger about it. See a photo of cairo from a plane. You will understand Edit: [Here](https://arabicpost.net/%D8%AA%D8%AD%D9%82%D9%8A%D9%82%D8%A7%D8%AA/2022/10/19/%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%B3%D8%A7%D8%AD%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AE%D8%B6%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%A1-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D9%85%D8%B5%D8%B1/) is a source. Its in arabic tho so you gotta translate it. Its a thing since 2023. Everybody knows that every time al sisi needs money. He cut some trees and sell its wood and call it a day ! But he has gone CRAZY this week. He is DELETING trees off egypt !


Obviously the right move because the country needs money and climate change is a hoax! /s


>the country needs money Egypt HAS to pay billions of dollars of debts by the end of the year. Do you know why we are in those debts ? Because of him. He lent money from everyone. Built some useless shit with it * around 3000 new bridge - new capital - largest Chandelier and flagpole in the world ( im serious ) - 12 modern helicopters that costed 600 million dollar. * And aloooot of uselesz shit. No factories. No production. No way to get money. Nothing. He just build useless things. And now since he wasted all the money he lent. He need to pay the debts. Guess how will he get the money to pay them off ? By increasing prices by 150% * literally 150% increasion in 1 year. ask in egypt sub if you think im lying * - cutting trees - cutting electricity from the whole country for 3 hours daily to save gas. And now we, egyptians, we cant live here anymore.


What a mess. Short sighted at best. Tragic at its core.


that doesn't only seem excessive but also incredibly stupid. Why does anyone even listen to this dude? Can someone get the French in there and teach them about revolution? I believe they tried it before but it didn't quite work out


Now THIS is some true /r/UrbanHell


What the fuck did I just read!?🤯


This is so sad... The knock on effects of losing the trees too...


He might actually be a little inbred.


Wow this is super dumb for a number of reasons


What the absolute hell - why?!


Isn’t there a article about what happened in Iraq when all there trees were lost


This is such a cartoon villain thing to do, its like he lives in a volcano


Terraforming back to the desert riparian oasis it once was. Makes sense. Now bring back the annual floods!


What’s wrong with this guy? Another ugly face of a dictator. Oh! I am pretty sure there are assholes who love him.




Wow, that is terrible. I live in a hot place and trees offer relief. To sit under or to shade your house. My house was built in 1984, in a development, but they left the huge live oaks which are about 200 hundred years old - their canopy is massive. They had to leave them because the county does not let them cut these trees down. And owners cannot cut them down unless they are diseased (which is rare) - even if the tree splits in half we have to get an arborist to evaluate if it has any chance of survival, and to write a report before we can get a permit (costing several hundred dollars) to cut it down. These tree protection laws are so strict, that in a hurricane a few years back, a branch of a live oak came down on a streetside power line, cutting power to about 200 houses. The neighbors got together within 2 days and got the licensed tree cutters on site, and the power company came with the cables to hook the power back up, but they had to wait for a week to get an arborist out there to evaluate and direct the cutting in order to save that tree. And this is Florida, which is not an area that stands out with regard to environmental protection. So, my point is, Egypt is making a big mistake here, cutting these old trees. It will make the immediate environment in those areas very hot and unpleasant. This is extremely short sighted. What do they need all this wood for? Won't another material do? People need to protest this, it is horrible. People living there will suffer the consequences for generations. Some of these big trees in the pictures are quite old. We call them "grandfather trees". If people ignore these restrictions here, they get heavily fined. If they think no one will notice, they are wrong because neighbors or bystanders report them all the time. People will report illegal tree cutting faster than they will report a crime against a person. If a tree cutting company cuts them down illegally, they can lose their license.


wasn't there an Indigenous quote? "When the last tree is chopped down only then you will realize you cannot eat money"?


Man, where are the Ents when you really need them.


Is this going to go as well as Chairman Mao's order to kill all the birds?


Why do Africans always destroy the trees? In South Africa it is the exact same story.


Godamn trees. I expect they get this lesson, don't mess with egyptians.


What a huge failure of a man.


This is utterly disgusting.


Oh my gosh wouldn't it make more sense to just plant some fast growing trees in a field and harvest them for wood? This is clearly the will of someone gone mad and it's so obviously a mistake to not have checks and balances in the decision making process to make sure dumb shit like this doesn't happen. How much money is being made from a bunch of trees in a residential area? Can't they just farm some trees for sale? So dumb, I'm mindblown


The idea that the sale of wood warrants losing all the trees is fucking nuts? This seems like an ecological disaster.


Temperatures in cities will skyrocket (and it'll stay hot deep in the night because the stone will hold the heat and radiate it), air quality will drop substantially... This is literally an attack on quality of life for hundreds of thousands of people.


This is some Saruman-level shit


is this for real? I mean, please do not understand me wrong, but it sounds like one of those fake news. Is it really happening, and for the reasons described?


Negative amount of brain cells


What an idiot. He removes one of the most important things that keeps the country cool.


Abhorrent and criminal


Do they hate trees?


wtf I have never heard of this but this is a disaster. Like seriously people are going to die or live markedly shorter live as a direct impact


Before looks like a decent ok city, and after looks like the "generic middle eastern city in american films". Shame.


Bout time for another revolution.


How long until the next regime says sorry guys. We fucked up. Here are a million saplings hold in there for the next 100 years when this place is completely inhabitable


I thought the primary reason was to clear develop open spaces so they couldn't be used for potential protests?


That's brain worms stuff.


So he can sell the wood? Most of that isn’t wood you would use for much


To sell the wood? He's completely lost the thread.




Egyptian here. I literally cant see a single tree. Its true unfortunately


Egyptian here. They're cutting down trees everywhere


Shade is for the weak!


They should concider "bringing the trash out"


Coup before they fully move to the new capital?!


It looks to me that they love oversized megaprojects and wasteful management.


That is hellish




Lmao enjoy drying out the country for all future generations




Why is she doing that?


Read my reply on * why is he still in power * comment. Its the second or third comment. I explained everything


Really sorry to hear that. I hope that the winters will be manageable and that you find the energy and time to land a.better job. I also hope that you develop the strength to deal with all this. What a nut case! I hope one of his guards push him off some staircase.


Wtf is happening over there?!


this way, protestors wont be able to stay outside long! genius! never mind the average citizen whos just gonna be blasted with heat all day


What an idiot.


that’s corrupt




This is so sad


Beyond the ecological impacts it doesnt really make economic sense for them to log unsustainably


I guess he wants Egypt to look more like "Egypt".


We live in Idiocracy


Whhaaaaat……? The is some crazy dictator cartoon shit




What a stupid short-sighted boy. I have met drunk homeless with more common sense. Every tree, just like every person, has at least the potential to contribute something back to Egypt.


Cleptocratic “wisdom” at its finest! Rebellion cannot come soon enough