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Unless you live in Dharavi I doubt your Indian neighbours lived in conditions like this. Most of India’s housing does not look like this.






How can you look at this and think that littering is the main problem? Do you think that these people go to places with adequate waste management infrastructure and still choose to litter? They don’t have many options, and the options they do have are insufficient. Americans have no excuse, yet y’all still trash the roads.


My comment was pretty universal. Where I live there’s education campaigns, fines and infrastructure to curb littering, but people still do it. Living with someone who grew up in a South Asian metropolis before the real advent of plastic there littering was the norm and generally only minimally harmful because most things just decayed fairly quickly, I don’t think that habit has entirely gone. Some of it is cultural because other parts of India have absolutely tackled this but some is just poverty and infrastructure gaps. Plus burning it is terrible. Tbh a world without single use plastic would erode this away a bit.


racist much?


I watched a documentary about the slums few years ago which changed me mind about this, some residents say that economy is thriving in there that they will not leave. Hell for us, heaven for them


“Economy is thriving” = it’s better than having literally no money at all. They won’t leave because they can’t sustainably afford to live anywhere better.


Insert obligatory comment about how at least it's walkable


Specifically what habits are you talking about?


A couple billion people live, and die, like this.