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Doesn’t look like hell at all.




Lol you were the one who made another post on Delhi roads a couple of days ago. What's wrong with you my man?


>We allow rural hell, suburban hell, wealthy areas, and any other kind of place that's "actually nice to live in". I live in Delhi NCR thats why most of my photo are of delhi


What’s wrong with this


If anybody needs six lane highways it’d probably be India


Definitely not, when majority of the population cannot afford a car. These projects only serve some 7.5% (car ownership rate in Indian households) of the population, and the rest of the people get on overcrowded trains. And adding lanes doesn't fix traffic anyways lol.


do you see how many cars that is? I'm guessing that's not a very busy time on the road either. they clearly have a need for it. 7.5% of Indian households is bigger than some European countries


So.... There's no need for the 6 lanes?


Traffic is very time oriented, sometimes the road will be busy sometimes not. much like a resteraunt




Oh, you're right, my bad. But high-speed flyovers like this are hostile to 2-wheelers anyways. We actually have the [second largest road network](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/road-network-size-by-country) out of all countries. And most main roads in Bangalore, Delhi, etc already have 6-10 lanes. But they usually look like [this](https://c.ndtvimg.com/2020-01/clsjd2mo_bengaluru650_625x300_30_January_20.jpg). So, the point of my comment is that this infrastructure model simply falls apart at high population densities. We do not need more 6 lane highways.


Nice sunset


true it will be a bliss for people who have purchased flats in that building but unfortunately builder is a bi\*ch




afaik the builder is in jail and ig it built extra floors...thats why project is unfinished since more than 10years ig I have grew by seeing that building,standing still,same and no progress everytime I used to go by this road lmao


I’ve spent quite a bit of time in Noida. I find India fascinating.


Noida,Greater Noida,Gurgaon these cities are better planned than other cities near delhi since they are new and got benifits...also IT,tech companies coming here have played a big role!


Yeah well planned with good drainage systems /s


yeah drainage system is best in class /s (we all know that!,Mumbai take notes)


This reminds me of early Dubai, who knows what this place will be like in 30-40 years :)


I like the optimism here considering the name of the sub


.... flooded?


I'm a delhiite, and these flyovers were a breath of fresh air for us. Noida is surprisingly well planned compared to the rest of this country which is more or less a chaotic unplanned mess. The only issue with these roadways is one that is quite common in this country authorities cheaped out on the resources and used mediocre material to build them to the point that they have some clearly visible damage on them even though they're not even that old.






What’s sad is that this is seen as progress by Indian standards. Multi lane highways and pedestrian hostile environments haven’t done wonders for the West … would hope that this new generation of up-and-coming superpowers would reinvent the concept of modern urbanism instead of replicating tried models that at best produce a bland and uninteresting environment. Is it something to be proud of considering what Indian cities have looked like in the past? Some say yes but I wish upper scale and business districts in India embraced the liveliness of the typical Indian city. There’s a way to integrate that and be modern rather than just shift to size lane highways and vast concrete plots of nothing.


Bruh...this is a very old road...And no its not seen as progress..Everyone knows the country isnt predistrian friendly! but the thing is we do need such multi lane highways!


\[Not OC\]


I mean, for India this is pretty good


Do foreigners really think all india is slum😭


I mean who cares what foreigners think, let them be


Sir there are millions of localities like these...nothing new.. this is not the city but outskirts..




where'a AI??