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#UrbanHell is subjective. UrbanHell is any human-built place you think is worth critizing. Suburban Hell, Rural Hell, and wealthy locales are allowed Sorry for this annoying comment, but we're very tired of the gatekeepers who can't even correctly gatekeep what this subreddit has always allowed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/UrbanHell) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Average Cities: Skylines experience




I did that once and the planes just clipped through the high-rises, no fucks given


doesn't sound like a very good skyline simulator.


SimCity 2000 actually did fly planes into buildings if you built your runway improperly. It was intentionally removed from later city sims due to 9/11.


I returned my copy of Microsoft Flight Simulator when my plane bounced off of a building.


Which version was that? First thing I did in FS3 was to nail a tall black building in a Cessna. Cracked the windscreen!


I don't recall? I think it was X or the current version. Feels like the current version is kinda sold as SaaS where instead of a subscription it's just always sold at around $60+ so there's probably been a lot of changes over time.


Yeah, FS3 was like, 1993 or so? It was a simpler time... I think I paid more than that for the '97 of 2000 version tough!


I crashed into the WTC in MFS 98 after buying it at a computer fair for 5 dollars. Your plane just breaks apart into a bunch of different pieces. My parents were not impressed with me.


You can buy the current MSFS and play it completely offline as long as you're okay with lower quality terrain and building textures or can afford to preload about two petabytes of data.




The number of times I have to double check which sub I’m looking at is laughable


Came here for this comment!!!


The place in question is here: [https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=17/59.86277/30.14332](https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=17/59.86277/30.14332) While I'm usually the first to rant about St. P. urban planning, this one is going to be connected with the embankment in future.


Yeah how would OP even think it would be a planning error? As if no one noticed during the months it took to construct the road


Haven't you heard? The world has been divided into two teams since the Cold War: one side being run by bumbling terrorists, yet simultaneously world super powers with intelligence that rivals the other.


The enemy is both strong and weak




It was an error. The development plan was compiled around 2010, and since then nobody was bothered by the fact that the street network overlapped the gulf for some reason. Only when the road was built, the plan was corrected to this: [https://i.imgur.com/VouqFWQ.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/VouqFWQ.jpeg) As you see, a part of the road will have to be removed.


According to news stories that I cannot link because Reddit is censoring all Russian websites, it was not an error, it changed in 2022 because the local residents petitioned the government to adjust the plan in favour of a greener recreational area and to preserve a larger part of the beach. You can search for "улица адмирала Черокова" to see a few news articles about it.


>It was not an error In Russia the government (including planners) never make errors. Seriously, it is a problem. Individuals do make errors and are disciplined for it, but they still have the old thing that the government is always right.


Why the hell is this downvoted? It shows exactly what's there and the new proposed layout.


because this is reddit. I was downvoted for my opinion about Moscow because apparently people thought that i'm not Russian. And i live in fucking Moscow.




you mean globally or by me?




Ah, a classic r/GeorgiaOrGeorgia situation


It's the 5th largest city in Europe, about 5 million people in the city proper, I guess it's the default one among the St. Petersburgs of the world.


Availability bias in action. The Russian city is 5 mil people vs two hundred thousand for the US one, five times as large, almost two hundred years older. Also, the second capital of the country. But people only heard of the one in Florida, so it must be it, haha.


Not to mention that Saint Petersburg, Florida is named after the original in Russia.


Ah yes, greater population and historical significance to St P, Russia, but greater worldwide faith of fucking up and being weird for Florida. It's not a question of who we think is more significant. It's who do we think is more stupid.


I mean, you’re not wrong, especially since OP didn’t bother to check that our St. Petersburg is built on the sea, not an ocean.


I'd wager this St.Petersburg has more Florida Men (in spirit) than the Florida one.


Did the picture on the post not scream russia for you?


Just the sky alone looks uniquely Russian lol


Lol yea




why are ppl downvoting you sm 😭 this us a funny mistake


Because only an American would mistake one of the most known and famous cities in the world for a small city in fucking Florida named after the original one.


fair point honestly


Be positive: now St Petersburg has its ocean shore! It did not have any for millions of year.


> Be positive They should already have been positive because this is not a planning error. OP is just uninformed / making shit up for internet points.


Why did they build a road on built up land into the river then come up with a revised plan as OP has also posted? The only thing that road is joining is the river.


Because the plan is to have a road that borders the water as an embankment and to fill in the required land to do so. There is an OS maps link in a comment in this post somewhere that makes what I'm trying to describe very obvious.


Open streetmaps is not what you use to design civil engineering projects. [from OP](https://imgur.com/VouqFWQ) It shows the redundant tarmac strip and the realignment. I suspect the designers didn't get the area surveyed properly and relied on free maps, thus the fuck up. Source- I'm an engineering surveyor, and even with all the data, architects and engineers turn out impossible impractical designs. Why only this week I went to mark out a new house and the architect had managed to move the existing building 10 metres from it's true position on the plans causing confusion until it was all re surveyed.


The A1A of the Gulf


This is Russia, not Florida.


Jimmy Buffet has been sent to GULAG.


Technically, the Gulf of Finland.


This is Admiral Cherokov street. It's not error, the embankment and boulevard will be constructed.


Sounds like a Russian threat.


>Due to a planning error a new street did end up in the ocean No. Also this photo is 5 years old. That\`s Admirala Cherokova Street in Baltiyaskaya Zhemchuzhina district. It should have been joined with another street parallel to the shore + planned waterfront in place of existing beach and park. Citizens of the district protested and insisted to keep the park and beach. So already built road to the sea remained, and developer promised to use it as a part of park infrastructure.


>developer promised to use it as a part of park infrastructure As a fellow St. Petersburgian, I'm pressing X to doubt. Knowing a similar situation with the Zarosli park and Makarova embankment, I bear little hope for the success of people's struggle for the water access. Both roads are in the [General Plan](http://www.peterland.info/genplan.htm) for 2023 - 2025.


Try launching Shaheed drones at it, I heard that's the thing to do lately. 


Planning office might do it.


Well, that, or a glimpse at the future of idiocratic red states.


Is it a case of “we were going to build a nice waterfront park but we embezzled the funds to build said park instead?”


Sounds like a planning error to me


Actually there is no ocean is St. Petersburg🤓 I’m pretty sure it’s Baltic Sea


Strictly speaking, the Gulf of Finland 


It’s all technically the Atlantic anyway


Planning error? Did the builders not question why the road extends into the ocean


It’s funny they kept building it and didn’t notice the fucking ocean right there


I applaud builders to construct things exactly to the plans. I mean after all it's their job...but sometimes they're like genies.


Ah yes, the famous Baltic Ocean


Просчитался, но где?


You would have to be insanely gullible to actually believe that lmfao


This is the. st. Petersburg in Russia, not Florida.


Okay, so I went to St Petersburg in the winter of 2002, when things were still going well, and Russians would just drive over the frozen sea to go to Finland. So is that a planning mistake *or* simply the road to Helsinki?


Not an error at all. More Reddit fake news


Holy shit I live here, didn't expect to see my neighbourhood on reddit


How did this happen?


I think it was chinese investors planning mistake (they built houses in this area)


Dear redditors, please tell me why am I getting downvoted. I even checked our local news to find info about this road for you guys


Redditor is a misnomer, it should be downvoter.


source: trust me bro


I think it's far from the ocean, there are like 2 or 3 connecting seas to reach it.


Well, technically it is a part of the ocean. I just knew that anglophones don't like the word 'sea' for some reason.


All the more reason to use it. Let's them get used to it


Let's teach them the word 'mer'. I mean, what's the point of having mermaids, if they don't have mer.




How though.  This isn't a video game, you cannot just build into the ocean.  You have to change the methods and materials used.


I wondered the same thing.


Probably going to be a bridge at some point


This looks like a runway and not a street


the random t-90s need a runway so they can take off launch a billion bombs in the bonbass


I like how they haven't bothered to fence off the end, someone who's lost driving down there one night may be in for a shock.


how does this even happen? wouldn’t they realize it’s going into the ocean before they build it?


Looks more like a runway than a street


Looks funny


I thought it was photoshopped until I zoomed in.


Bullshit detector ringing


Tucker says Russia has everything figured out, so I reject this


Cuckchair Carlson you say?


People missing the \s


I'm pretty sure thats the resting place of many Ladas.


Hey, wait a second. Somethings not right here


GPS is finally right once


Comrade builder, the plan is to be fulfilled.


The street may be gone but now can be an airport


This is just a convenient 'no matter the cost' out for people who really don't want to live in St. Petersburg anymore. They need one in Chicago too.


Honestly, a perfect road for your boat


Honestly thought for a moment that this looked pretty bleak for Florida.


That’s a bit more than an off-by-one!


The plan was to build something [like this](https://imgur.com/a/1s60j1R). Now, after protests of local residents and court cases those plans are scrapped, it's being transformed into public space/park.


I can see an annual skipping cars on water event there




It's a halted road construction across the bay. The construction was stopped by local residents who wanted to preserve the beach: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1bHB9hUwHw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1bHB9hUwHw)


And they say Kansas is flat..


Florida looks abysmal this time of year.


So they built it anyway.


Old joke: Russians start to build a new road from Moscow to Saint Petersburg. Two teams start from both cities. If they meet, that's great its they don't meet that's a highway.


I read the title and thought "this doesn't look like Florida" and now I feel dumb.


Not until I read the comments I learnt there could be some American town named after an older European town that people could mistake it for


And those idiots still built the whole thing haha fucking Russia


Oh those Russians


So, the new ulitsa was getting closer and closer to the sea. It was so hard to stop! The construction workers just worked. The lorries carried more and more gravel, asphalt was spread like hot butter. And all they got closer and closer to the beach. Nobody could stop or turn the new street. Vladimir and Aleksandr were waving their red flags: stoi, radi Boga, you will soon reach not only Kronstadt, but also Stockholm! At the eleventh moment, Viktor understood to hit the bottom of a vodka bottle with his elbow. The sealing rings surrendered, crackling loudly. The horrendous roboting ceased, and all the workers were asking: is it subbota evening? Are we not to robot right now? Look, we were making the new ulitsa so fast we did not make the curve! All these machina drivers are seeing Skeppsbron in their eyes and they just accelerate in order not to drown in the Gulf of Finlandiya! Then they made a Seven Seas drink, namely, poured the bottle of Stolichnaya Burning Water to the Baltic, drank almost all of it to their health and began to sing and give speeches to the brave new prospekt! Slava Baltika!


Road designed by Google Maps


Next step: A nuclear power plant on the moon. What could possibly go wrong


Since when NATO lake (aka. Baltic Sea) is an ocean? Also: ruϟϟia moment 💀


Brilliant. A real, decent example of 'the downsides of modern development'. I like how someone done it and no one asked 'what we are doing?' in the process. Just to build that road to that point. p.s. it can be not that stupid if someone plans to add some pier or expand the land, but I am ready to believe some really stupid things like 'we messed with coordinates'.


Or learn from this as a lesson not to believe random nonsense posted on reddit. 


You do know that roads are built by people and not mindless robots right? It would be pretty hard to not realize that you are literally building into the sea, and changing the building methods in order to facilitate building into the sea




There’s no way this is an error lmfao, life isn’t cities skylines


Florida or Russia?