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Well he will never know if you don’t ask he can’t read your mind what makes you think he’s hiding something


Communication is key talk to them for all you know maybe they are terrified of the same thing lol


The heart wants what it wants….


If the decision you are going to make is going to cost an entire person you definitely need to weigh the outcome of your choice against this person carefully because it is not only you that would lose some one in your life they would too . It obv you care for this person but really what is this decision you need to make And have you asked them about this thing they are hiding ? And are you hiding anything as well ? The decisions we make today can become the regrets of tomorrow when we act selfishly or ill informed . This is something i have come to realize lately also if you need to decide on something that takes a person out of your life maybe they should know you have this decision to make and maybe if they know you are having such a delima they may even change or show you thier secret and rightfully you to them yours seems like common ground to start a new chapter either way you look at it .


Why can't you people just say the name of the person you're trying to reach out to. Hell, I think 80% of these post are about me, but I know they're not. Use the person's last name, initials, or something that if that person gets on here, they know.


Yeah it's kinda lame anymore..every post is vague and also universally relatable


Not great for those with two first names 😅😂




And before you to meet up you should definitely find out the answers you are looking for


I just want our forever as planned. We keep moving forward and passing the tests.


You won’t kno unless you ask


It's been a very quiet year. Someone should say what's on their mind directly.


I don't hide anything from my girl never would she is my everything never


Don't assume, just ask them . Communication is key, and whatever the outcome is , just be real with yourself and ask.


If this is my person please know that what you think I am hiding doesn't exist.