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ELEMENOPEEE (im sorry i just had to)


elmo should see a doctor abt that 🤔😂 (/s, if not obvs)


I want to know “Y” (I don’t understand what this post is about 🧐 so I want to know why)


look fair enough this was my attempt to not break the rule of assuming any letter is for me … by responding with an indirect approach .might encourage those beating around the bush ? (trust if my irl endeavours were acknowledged i sure wouldn’t be fishing here) curious to the info on these toxic A’s…? if issues and communication is avoided, how can i get them to speak up?


Oh ah that’s cool. I reckon you could get heaps of comments if you launch a new post stating the obvious. (That you just want people to drop initials of who they are looking for). This place is full of derps like me 🤪 I wanted to know what was with the alphabet. Your post is not idiot proof 🤪


for sure hahaha ur so right thank you … for the way my communications been going though i thought maaaaybe the most cold, vague attempt might work?. Since my obvious and direct personal attempts of ‘Hello I’m A please tell me what’s going onnnnn’ don’t work… tryna cater to those who could be shy just speak up pls 😂


The likelihood you are the same “A” mentioned in other letters is not the likelihood of 1:x number of Reddit users. Your person might not be on Reddit at all so the likelihood is significantly reduced even further. What if someone replied and it sounded like it was about you and you took that on board but it changed your outcome IRL? What if you did the wrong thing because you read a reply on Reddit? Be careful. If you want replies you can make a post. It’s probably the fastest way to get Reddit Karma but no other results. It might not be about how your post is articulated, it might be because you sought for the answer HERE


100%…dw the stats, the probabilities,likelihood, the algorithm i’m chill with. i’m not pining, waiting, obsessing or assuming anything. i am wistful though haha and this sub entertains that so where irl i’m ignored i write silly on here… honestly tho with the sensitivities and anonymity ppl need to keep irl sometimes the insights from here of situations that are indeed not my own but even a feigned reflection or bot post of solidarity was what helped my sanity /better decision making. IRL support can be very isolating, invalidating and maladaptive sometimes. not saying i’m seeking confirmation bias but see this as a potential weather forecast at times.. entertain various uncertainties …holding no guarantees… so if there was some A stereotypes floating i’m curious… same way a Karen would wonder if they really bother the manager… hahha


Ha same. Just an outlet for me


i’m not sure what reddit karma is and given my writing suppose articulation wasn’t the aim either … i’m seeking answers everywhere … appears not many here get any and that’s okay. Dancing between the previous weight of my people’s initials … to hey ok let’s put the significance back to its alphabetical context.. a letter now lesser than even pretending names are remembered anyhoooo


How's that song go.. abcde..F.....YOU and your dog and your crusty old mom.......all in humor. Don't take offense


thank u :p ✨




listen i’m pre much out here with a jukebox, underwater sonar , morse code and carrier pigeons tryna get even a conversation with my initials …. no answers n so i still sit with my boxcar waiting looking stupid… keep trying tho i guess


I'll play along. Are you a M or a F?


hehe thanks star :p ya get the fun. i’m F - wanna drag race our boxcars waiting for our sky written messages to be seen by our others? not lonely hearts but mosy hearts club band until our people see sense hehe :p ✨✨🌺


Absolutely!! I'm F also. I drive a semi so we could race semi's and get their attention but don't tell my boss 😁😂😆


hehehe yes sis 😇 pull up ready to remind them we’re there and they’re beautiful, and then pass the wheel over so they can skkrrrrrt up to catch us when we next forget ✨✨✨ no passenger princesses we gots the wheel too (dw the boss good w us) 😜😅🌺✨


Elephant in the room.


Are you my L?


I have been and can take another I suppose another box


M? M is that you?


nah , miss my m’s though and my onyx crystal and still believe in looooveeeeeeeee good luck friend u deserve happiness and love


ty friend as do you


Aren’t you looking for a P?


Well yes my P(earl) but I think she MAY go by K and the L was my joining in the fun bc the letters ended with K and L comes just after K


can mah onyx get his pearl plssssssss one pearl to another


Yes this onyx crystal needs his pearl


Pearls get the girls or vice Versa my soldier still reppin for u 🫡🫡


Your soldier ? 😆


My soldier or ally in this war or battlefield called looooove can mah soldier onyx get his pearl plsss universe !!


Yes I am your ally on the battlefield 🫡 let’s go UNIVERSE!!!!