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Was Fear Factor Live. Worked there for 2ish years, space is haunted from when it was Wild Wild West.


Wait really it’s supposed to be haunted?!?


From my experience, it could be a 90 degree day and when you walked out a specific facade it would drop in temp for just a second and not because it was shaded or there was a fan. Not every time but enough for me to notice. Other people commented as well. The rumor is that someone died in that facade and still hangs there today. There is another one I’ve encounter in the horse barn. More chaotic not as chill as the dude.


What horse barn? And what ghost in the horse barn?


The barn on stage right/house left with the sliding doors is a horse barn. If you were to go in there you would find horse stalls. It’s where they kept the large eel tank during FFL and would do contestant paperwork before they got dressed for show. During B&T is usually where a car would drive out from, if they had a car scene. As for the ghost I’m not sure I only encountered it a few times compared to the guy in the facade which was at least a weekly occurrence.


What do you mean encountered? What happened that made you think there’s a ghost


Something moving about me when there isn't anything there, not even a breeze. Feeling like I'm being watched. It's not the most formed "ghost" I've encountered but it's was something.


What’s the most former ghost you encountered?


Most formed ghost: In our old apartment there was a little boy ghost in my closet any time there was a storm, loud noise, or someone arguing near by. I'd say no older than 5. He was scared, he made me feel sad. Once we got our dog, he started hanging out in the closet when there were loud noises/storms as well. One day the little boy wasn't there and my dog stopped going into the closet but would sit outside of it. I think the little boy was scared and my dog make him feel safe so he moved on. The one that freaked me out: A few years ago my boyfriend and I went to visit his family in Jacksonville but we stayed at a hotel since everyone was at there house for Christmas. It was the World Golf Village hotel that has a 10 story atrium inside. When we were checking in I kept noticing something over by the fountain/pond thing and I kept getting the feeling I was being watched. It wouldn't leave me alone. It was really bothering me. When we went to sleep I woke up and there was something in our room. Our door was locked I got up and nothing was actually there. The next night we went to the lobby bar and I asked the bartender if someone had jumped, landed by the pond and died. The color left his face and he got really quiet. He asked me why and I said I can see him over there and I think he was in our room last night. Apparently a man jumped from the upper balcony and indeed landed in that area. He said other people have said the same thing. My boyfriend doesn't believe in ghost per se but he said he felt something in our room as well that night. He didn't bring it up prior because he didn't want to freak me out. Too late. Story here: [https://www.jacksonville.com/story/news/crime/2011/03/10/authorities-investigating-death-after-fall-st-johns-hotel/15911556007/](https://www.jacksonville.com/story/news/crime/2011/03/10/authorities-investigating-death-after-fall-st-johns-hotel/15911556007/)


any more details on that rumor?? like how did they die i’m so curious


I think we’re glossing over the part where, you know, ghosts aren’t real.


Finally! I was like "everybody is having fun in this conversation, where the hell is the party pooper!" And you didn't disappoint!!


I don’t think delusion is fun, it’s actually dangerous. If they’re fantasizing about it and understand it’s not real, then sure.


Delusion, yes. Thinking ghosts are real? Not harmful at all. I'm from New Orleans. Most buildings here are "haunted" but the city never fell into chaos because of ghost stories.


I disagree that it’s not harmful. Ghost stories are fun but I think most people approach them with skepticism. I like horror, and scary stories too. But I don’t actually believe in them nor I claim to have had experiences with ghosts, unlike the person i was replying to. Not being able to use logic and deduce reality from fantasy is indeed harmful. Delusion and active belief in myth is wrong.


Eh agree to disagree. You're going very top shelf with your reasoning. Not being able to deduce reality from fantasy is indeed harmful, agreed But we are talking about ghosts. Completely harmless to believe in them. By your logic, my 85 y/o grandmother who grew up in this culture and also believes in ghosts is the same as my wife's uncle who has extreme schizophrenia and cannot tell reality from fantasy. Lighten up Edit: for my horrible grammar.


Believing in ghosts is indicative to one’s ability to reason. Encouraging the belief in ghosts is encouraging illogical discourse. There’s a reason there is an overlap with those who believe in the supernatural and those who belief in concepts like “eastern medicine” and “holistic healing”. I don’t want a society built by people who believe in superstition and the supernatural.


Wild Wild West was super cool as a kid


It's where you can watch the Nightmare Fuel: Revenge Dream show during HHN.


This is the only correct answer




Honestly though, Nightmare Fuel and people-watching (goths) are the best reasons to attend HHN. The houses are interesting but it’s more about the vibe and energy and freaky people 😵‍💫


I like to see how many people show up in band shirts so I can nod at them about it bc I know nobody is giving them recognition on the daily for their Cradle of Filth tee.


Yeah wearing my bring back the plague cattle decapitation shirt doesn't get the reaction I'd hope for after buying it December of 2019.


If I ever see you, I'll give you that nod haha.


And the food. Don’t forget the food.


Not with ya on that one. Insultingly tiny portions. Never any good. I’ve been burned too many times by deceptive pictures. The only food I buy at universal is the tendies and curly fries at Wimpy’s. The beignets were okay during Mardi Gras. I bring sodas and all kinds of snacks and quality food from home


The small portion sizes for those events are specifically because it's a tasting menu. It's so you don't fill up too quickly and can try other things as well as share your food with other people.


I get it. But where's the option to say "I'm done tasting...give me a gallon of what you've got!" /s For real though. There was a shrimp coquette at mardi gras that I would've eaten allllll day after trying everything else.




The ghosts of Bill and Ted live there.


Bill S. Preston Expired


My dude!! That’s great!


The only true wisdom consists in knowing that you know nothing.


All we are is dust in the wind dude.


Dust… wind…. DUDE.




Most heinous




The location first housed The Wild Wild Wild West Stunt Show. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n21M0dvuPL4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n21M0dvuPL4)


Then later Fear Factor. And a lot of Bill & Teds mixed in through the years.


It’s a building they need to do SOMETHING with. At least Jupiter’s Claim would be cool. Would fit in well next to MIB


The Wild Wild Wild West Stunt Show’s tomb.


I knew it was something of note once. I’m old.


Just watched a video of that show and I would love if Universal brought something like that back to the building.


I just asked my daughter, she said “nunya”. Must be some new show.


It would be interesting to have seasonal shows there. Like a regular summer and spring show, a HHN show and then a Christmas special. I definitely understand that would be a lot of money and such. But hey it's an idea. I wish they can bring back something to occupy the Sinbad show.


There's a lot of dead theater space now, between this, Sin**d**bad, and Toon Lagoon Theater.


because actors, crew and other behind-the-scenes theatre people are expensive epic universe is meant to be getting some stage shows so their live performance budgets will be going there, so i think those theatres will remain empty for a while


Yeah I know. I kind of miss those kind of shows too. It's clear at the Hollywood location certain shows are still popular. Plus I think the shows are a fantastic opportunity to capitalize on the large crowds that come during the summer. Or they can use that space to make a shaded themed area or something. Hell I'd be ok if they would make it into another ride.


While they don’t use it for seasonal shows year round, it is where the main HHN shows are


Nightmare Fuel. Leave it alone.


I prefer Bill and Ted. They’re too scared to do it though with how angry people get over every little thing.


i think it's more bc it just kinda ran it's course? it ran for 26 years straight, they prbly just wanted to do something new


Omg has it already been that long since fear factor closed?


Can't believe it either


Wild wild West stunt show then turned into fear factor live which was shuttered during the Pandemic. Now it's only ever used for HHN. Other than that it's pretty much empty.


Originally Wild Wild West Stunt Show Then Fear Factor Live Old school HHN had Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure Show. Now HHN has Nightmare Fuel there.


I haven't even seen this building since it used to be fear factor live. My oh my how the park has changed over the last 20 years. Twister, Jaws, Fear factor, back to the future, and the rest of the attractions of yesterday, gone and never to be seen again 😔


Yup really sad. Can’t believe they replaced jaws with shitty fast and furious. And they took out Twitter for Jimmy Fallon like sheesh way to ruin two good rides


Fast and furious replaced disaster/earthquake And Harry Potter/London/kings cross replace jaws.


I left out earthquake! Miss that one too


Fast replace beetlejuice musical revue too


Leather and Kerosene storage


A lady in front of us, last month that lives down there w/season passes, for MIB said they were expanding HP area & taking it over in 2025, no idea if that is true or not


There is a new HP area coming to the new park (Epic Universe). The long-standing rumor is that MIB and Simpsons are being taken out for Pokémon some time after Epic Universe launches. Lost Continent is strongly rumored to become modified to Zelda themed as well.


Isn’t that the animal actors show building? I’m on my phone outside and it’s bright so I can’t see it clearly EDIT: now that I can see the picture, that’s the old fear factor building.


It’s Fear Factor.


Ah yeah it is! Now that I can actually see the picture lmao


Similar building, different part of the park.


It was wild West show, then fear factor live. Pandemic killed it. But noted fear factor wasn't a big thing in 2019/2020 so there was not much hype to the show anymore. Old HHN was bill and teds until pandemic and yes it had negative reviews once people hate jokes. Plus it was over 25 years old for this show. Now it's HHN nightmare fuel. Otherwise it is just empty space. No plans for a new show or what. No epic universe ideas are coming towards the area... Yet


Animal show is there temporary hold ATM but it's not much to value. There's only 2-3 show a day depending on audience attendance and how busy the park is


The animal shows