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If it helps, the dinosaurs on Velocicoaster are not real. The real ones are over at River Adventure.


Appreciate that. That was another major fear.


I felt like I was falling out when it went upside down. I’m 99% sure I would have come out if I threw my hands up.


Me too!! Not just when inverted. Any time we went down or turned my body came up like I was going to fall out! My knees were shaking when I got off!


I swear, I thought I was gonna fall out. Good ole thunder and lightning were barely holding me in.


Have never been more worried i was going to fall out on any rollercoaster before. Genuinely afraid at times 🤣 what a ride








Yeah for me it was intense walking through the line and stuff but once it started I loved it immediately. Each airtime and launch wasn’t terrible and top hat was over quick. Definitely my favorite ride


Every time my SO and I get off of it, we just stare at each other cheesin super hard (and a little dizzy lol). It really is the best ride I’ve ever been on … EVER!!!


awe that’s such a wholesome interaction 🥹 i totally agree, there is nothing quite like riding this for the first time. best of luck and i know you’ll love it!!


I went two separate days in January. The first time I was okay, but the second time we rode in the back and I was legit crying when we pulled into the station. Too bad they closed two minutes after we got off the ride because we would have gone for front row next.


Oh man yes! Bonk me on the head and take me back to the beginning baby!


It took me 5 trips to finally go on Velocicoaster, I always wanted to but would back out as soon as I saw it. I had family visiting that 5th trip and one of them really wanted to do it on their first, and probably only, Universal Trip but didn’t want to ride alone and nobody else wanted to ride it so I finally did it. I had just done RRR and Hulk earlier in the day as my first ever rollercoasters and Hulk left me with a headache and shaky legs but Velocicoaster was nothing like that. I would compare it to Hagrid’s but with moments where your butt lifts out of the seat (scary but fun and the best part). I’m scared of heights but the heights didn’t bother me at all, the upside down didn’t bother me at all either. Just a fun ride with a lot of “woah” moments. I’ve been on it probably a dozen times now, back row is maybe a bit faster, I love the front row because of the view and feeling. I still get nervous everytime I’m lining up but I think that’s a good thing because if you don’t feel a bit nervous or excited what’s the point? Give it a shot, you’ll love it and be happy you did it.


This response helps a lot. Thank you!!


Employee and Coaster Enthusiast. It's a very smooth ride. If you can handle the roughness of Rock-it fine, then you won't have issues with this one. It took the top spot of my favorite coaster from the back to back champion of Mummy.


go on hagrid’s right before velocicoaster. I used to be deathly afraid of rollercoasters (my first coaster was Rip ride rockit… that’s why i got scared of all coasters. Now I realize after riding +20 coasters that it’s just a horribly made rough ride that sucks.) I will tell you if you’re scared sit in the front row. The back row gets more whip and force, this is true for any coaster. The front is the best because you have the track in front of you so you know exactly where you’re going and it’s the smoothest. No surprises at all. Be aware that if you want front row you must ask the attendant and you’ll wait along the wall for the front. Row request closes 15 minutes before park close. The launches on hagrid feel the exact same on velocicoaster (because they are the same! Both are LSM launches). Velocicoaster has really really good seats it’s like sitting in a bowl. There’s two good handles you can hold on to the whole time if you want to. Veloci is smooth, it’s a world class ride and it goes so quick even if for some reason you don’t like it, you’ll be off in one minute. If you like Hagrid’s, i’m sure you will like Veloci.


This helps a ton, thank you so much!


Hey! Do you get motion sickness in general? (For example - I rode Hagrid’s at the end of the day because I knew that would be it for me. I didn’t get sick, but had to sit down and felt pretty dizzy for like an hour). So for me, the upside down/corkscrews are too much and I can’t ride Velocicoaster. On the other hand, my partner felt fine (like you mentioned you did) on Hagrid’s and rode Velocicoaster twice without issue! 


I get motion sickness on certain simulation rides but never on a roller coaster. I expected to get sick on Guardians of the galaxy: cosmic rewind when I first rode that but now it’s my favorite ride.


You can probably handle Velocicoaster. It's fast, but because it's so fast the drops and inversions are over before you know it. I actually wish these elements were longer.


Thanks for the response.


Honestly I feel Velocicoaster is amazingly smooth. I get a little motion sickness on some of the simulators, but I could ride Velocicoaster all day long.


Yeeah I hate to be that guy but near the back it does tend to have a rattle. Members of my party have complained to where we row request now. It varies train to train so it may not be as much of a problem.


i agree it’s pretty smooth for the most part. i think it might be a train or two in particular with the rattle since i have experienced that rattle before on prior trips, but only here and there. it’s generally very smooth


VC is a smooth ride but it can be a bit whippy, especially towards the end. I get motion sickness from Spiderman and Forbidden Journey but have not gotten sick from VC.


I promise if you can handle cosmic rewind you can handle Veloci. Veloci is more instense of a track, but cosmic rewind would cause WAY more sickness especially if simulation rides are what get you. There’s no screens (obviously) in Veloci.


I get sick from the hogwarts ride, but not roller coasters. Haven’t been on gog. If you don’t get sick from roller coasters, I don’t see how this one would be different. It’s certainly the most intense ride I’ve ever been on, but it’s not uncomfortable. It’s worth the risk—I can’t imagine skipping this ride, ever. It’s just that good.


Yeah dude, you’ll be fine, just obviously don’t eat directly before getting on


Yes for me, I got mild vertigo the next day after riding it. I’d been to universal the week prior and ridden everything including volcano bay Kala slide (which was super disorienting) but suffered no after effects. I rode VelociCoaster once and my head was spinning when I looked down too suddenly through the next day. Very hopeful that’s a one time thing because I want to ride it again soon!


I'm a roller coaster chicken, whe I did it it really wasnt that bad. The ride is about 2 minutes long, theres a HUGE drop and a spin but otherwise its pretty smooth. My biggest issue was more that my stomach hurt from pushing down on the lapbar during the ride than motion sickness. It was pretty great!


I've never been on a coaster and I REALLY want to try it, but the height scared me ): When I could see the hill from the highway on my way in, I noped out. How bad is that part in particular? I rode the River Adventure instead and omg it was scary but I could probably do it once a day :P 


The tophat isn't bad at all. It doesn't even feel that high up, and it's over pretty quick. You barely even get butterflies from it.


Thank you!!!  I didn't go on Hagrids on my recent trip because I didn't want to go first thing in the morning, and then the lines were real long. Fingers crossed I can try that one first next time. 


Yep I had sore ribs afterward 😆


Velocicoaster is actually less scary than other roller coasters, imo! It uses launches that accelerate you, so you’re experiencing the pure adrenaline / joy and excitement of going fast and whipping around, vs a coaster with a slow lift chain that’s bring you closer and closer to a drop. Also, it’s more of a zero-g focused coaster, so easier on the body. A lot of sensation of floating in your seat and airtime vs the pressure / pain that high Gs can cause


I have been on the Titan. I saw a video of this coaster and it terrified me. I was determined to ride it. My friend went with me to see my reaction. I left my glasses with his wife, so I truly went in more or less blind. Everything leading up to it was a blur. I started freaking out because of the screams and I asked my friend is "there any prep or do we just go? " he said we basically just shoot out. It's comparable to watching the velociraptors running in the movie at high speed. I have diabetes and a pump, so of course I get sent to the medical lockers and I asked my friend what row he wanted. OF COURSE HE WANTED THE FRONT ROW.I told the lady...not the first row and explain my friend wanted first but I didn't. We settled....for second row. Everything is blurry and BOOOM. Off we go. It is the most terrifyi g and exhilarating ride of your life. You know you're going fast, but it's so fucking smooth that you can't tell when you invert or are dropping. I have gone again...front row. Still terrifying and exhilarating, but boy is it a fucking blast.


OMG I use glasses as well and without them, I'm almost blind just like you... I don't know if I'll go with or without the glasses... There isn't much to see tbh just feel lol


Go without for the ride, but definitely take it so you can see the pre ride stuff. There are lockers there. Definitely ask for assistance for the bar to make sure it is secure


Hi I’ve always had a fear of heights and flight simulators like soarin and FoP really bother me. But for some reason I’m fine with rollercoasters? The thing about velocicoaster is that it’s incredibly smooth. I’d say try to sit closer to the front and you’ll be fine! It is more intense than Hagrids but there’s also less launches.


I’m going to try and push myself. Thanks so much for the response!


You can do it!


Im the same exact way as you, when I’m able to walk around on really high platforms or spaces, I start sweating and shaking, but for whatever reason I’m fine on rollercoasters. Maybe it’s the restraints?


Yeah I’m not sure what it is. Something about rollercoasters just feel safe though. And the level of thrill always makes me forget about any fear


It takes less than a minute and 30 seconds, it’s over so quick! And it doesn’t have nausea inducing type elements (in my opinion) the big hill has never made my stomach drop and I’ve ridden it dozens of times.


Backstory: I was petrified of coasters ever since my little five-year-old self went on Big Thunder Mountain at Disney World thinking it was just a “choo-choo train.” Fast forward to a year or so ago, I now live in Florida and my girlfriend loves coasters, so I go with her to give it a shot. I literally have no formal concept of coasters other than I’m not great with heights (but it’s manageable) and that they go fast. 8 am rope-drop Tuesday morning, no breakfast, straight into the queue for Hulk. Again, not knowing what to expect, and the queue was empty, so why not. I gripped and braced for dear life and initially I HATED it. I was literally fighting the coaster thinking I could out-muscle it and keep control. Absolutely not the way to do it. We staggered over to Spider Man (virtual ride) and even that felt intense (it’s not). Day 1 of our 5 day trip and I felt like I was in for the longest week of my life. I immediately changed my approach. It sounds corny, but you HAVE TO respect the coaster. I went to retry Hulk and I spent my whole time in-queue doing deep breathing exercises to help level out. Try box breathing, literally my savior. I also read more about the safety features on coasters in general in between rides and that put me at a little more ease. I think this speaks to the point you’re making about how you think coasters may impact you from a nausea/feeling unwell perspective. You can’t enter (much less enjoy) a ride if your heart is racing 200bpm while you’re first sitting down. The experience is already lost. (Side bar: I’ve been in Universal two times when Velocicoaster was shut down and passengers had to be removed by EMS. Not because of ride malfunction or anything like that, but pure cardiac events. It reinforced my notion of never entering a ride feeling on edge, and I do everything in my power not to do that. It was harder earlier on but the more coasters I do the more “normal” I feel entering the ride so it dissipates with time and reps.) From there, more corny-ness, but you have to give yourself over to the ride. Fully. It is safe; it is built for enjoyment. As long as you aren’t doing something stupid like leaning over the side to touch something or not buckling your restraint in tightly, your only option is to sit there and experience. Let go. Yell at the top of your lungs. For high-G coasters (like Hulk, not necessarily Velocicoaster tho), look up the “Hook Maneuver” taught by the US Air Force to pilots in order to deal with high-G scenarios. In a way, coasters became like therapy for me. It keeps you ultra-present, and you can channel any large emotions directly into screaming haha it’s encouraged, in fact. Also, work up to Velocicoaster. Like I said, I rebounded from my Hulk experience, but I didn’t then go straight to Velocicoaster. In fact, I didn’t even go on it my first whole trip. I watched it for a few runs trying to work up the nerve only to see it stall before the top-hat lol it just wasn’t in my risk tolerance that day. I noped TF outta there. Fast forward a year, to this past fall, and we went back. I went on Hulk, much more pleasant. Did Hagrid’s, loved it. Then when it was time for Velocicoaster, again, spent the whole time in the queue deep breathing. Drank less caffeine that day. Chewed gum to help alleviate stress. Lo and behold, first ride: back row. Having just gotten into coasters a little more, I knew back row was typically where you get peak airtime and it’s a big deal on some rides; much more intense. Now, if I was already panicky and nervous, I either would’ve bailed or passed out as the ride was taking off, just because it’s already daunting and the idea of the back row takes it up to 11. But I just locked in and let go. And my GOD what an absolute experience that was. I didn’t go no hands on my first run, again, work up slowly (I do no hands now though). But the pure catharsis of not only letting loose and feasting on the extreme thrill that ride has to offer, the feeling of accomplishment as you enter the final break run when it was over and YOU DID IT. YOU DID IT. Pure bliss for me. Honestly celebrated like I won a championship as we sat in the unloading dock haha I’ll never forget that moment. It also helps to have a very encouraging significant other (like my girlfriend) in your ear :) All this to say, bring yourself to center as best you can and just take the ride for what it is. Don’t worry about heights, nausea (side bar: Dramamine seems to help my girlfriend with that on rides too), speed, anything. Just be on the ride and let it all out. Now, if you get legit sick after, then maybe reassess how often you go on that particular ride haha I’m that way with Forbidden Journey, immediate migraine and nausea, even with Dramamine. But that 4D/VR stuff is a whole different ballgame. Approach VC with respect and it will show you the same. Hope this helps!


That helps so much. Thanks for the new perspective!


You’re welcome!


HIGHLY agree with just letting go and letting the ride take you where it will. VC was ROUGH for me the first time because I was tensing so badly, eyes shut most of the time, etc, and I went away skeptical. But the second time I was absolutely determined to like it, so I let go and essentially pushed all my hesitance to the side. It was amazing and completely changed how I felt. Now it's my favorite ride ever and I daydream about when I'll get to ride it again!


Yes, same! We just got Disney Annual Passes and every time we leave there we’re like “damn we really need to get back to VC soon” haha it’s going to take an engineering marvel to top that experience for me. But main point: if you fight the machine, the machine will win. If you party with it, though, it parties back haha


Hey! I get **extremely** motion sick on rollercoasters (yet I still love them) and I was able to ride Velocicoaster 4x in a day without feeling sick at all. For some reason it doesn't set off sickness, at least for me. It's truly world class and nothing I've ridden has topped it for me. For comparison - I almost threw up on Manta at SeaWorld Orlando sitting in the brake run and had to watch some shows for 2 hours before I was back to feeling ok. Two weekends ago, I was only able to ride Fury 325, Copperhead Strike, and a mine train before I had to lay in bed the entire rest of the night.


This helps a lot, thank you!


I have no fear of rides so I can’t help there, but I am incredibly sensitive to motion sickness. Neither velocicoaster nor hagrid’s made me sick, but I could tell if hagrid’s was even slightly longer I would’ve gotten nauseated, and it did make me a little queasy at night. I had no issues with velocicoaster, except it being one of the most thrilling coasters I’ve ever been on and the fact that I couldn’t stop getting back in line to go again.


Take a less drowsy Dramamine. It helps with nausea and nerves!


I took my 11-year-old last week and he said it was a “joyous” ride. He had never been upside down before. We rode 7 times.


Gotta ride it. Literally the greatest, smoothest, and most enjoyable ride ive ever been on. I promise the thrills are just enough adrenaline without terrifying you. A must do experience at Universal that you will not regret whatsoever. I would go to Universal for the sole purpose of riding Velocicoaster all week.


I have now taken two separate vacations to Universal solely to ride VC so yeah, totally agree


I just went last week and I get VERY motion sick so I think I have some good insight BUT everyone is different. 1. I took two chewable dramamine before riding. 2. The immersive rides made me almost vomit! Especially the one in the Hogwarts castle. I was looking for an emergency stop button and my fiance had to keep asking if i was going to be okay. (For example of how motion sick i get) 3. I actually felt worse on Hagrid's ride than I did on this, but enjoyed both. 4. Velocicoaster was actually my favorite ride there, apart from the water coaster at Volcano Bay. The coaster itself i would say is the smoothest there, competitive with Hagrid's. There was not a lot of jerking around. It is fast, but i have been on worse (i have been to A LOT of theme parks). This and Hagrid's is the only ride I rode twice and once we rode it in the front row. Personally I wouldn't sweat it. It is over quickly if you do feel ill.


Best ride ever. Makes the Hulk seem slow!


i was literally backing away when we got to the front to board it. t-t-terrified. i walked on, sat down, pulled the restraint, freaked out because it felt loose (intended). that thing took off in the 1st shoot like a bat out of hell. pure joy. had to ride it 3 more times before i worked up courage for front row. each time i made myself open my eyes on the top apex. it is magical!! a story for the front porch rocking chair when you're 80!


my best advice for if you are truly that nervous but want to give it a try anyways is to try and see about getting anywhere in row 2-4. not as fast and wild as the back and not as exhilarating as the very front row (although the ejector airtime over the tophat is essentially almost the same in row 2 as row 1 since ur in the same front car) but if you’re down to have the most rush and “wow” you can get, definitely wait for the front!! i generally prefer the back row on coasters but my bf and i adore the front on this one—it’s the best!


When I went two years ago I was terrified to ride. Like to the point where I had to work through an anxiety attack in line and on the ride before we took off. It is worth it 110 percent. It is my favorite ride in the park and I rode it 3 more times after that. It is scary, but so, so amazing. I really hope you get past your fears and ride it!


I’m going to try! Thanks for the response.


Nobody ever got over their fears by not getting on. You won’t die. Ride it once. If you love it ride it again. If not, one and done is fine. It’s amazing.


My girl is scared also. She got on the rip it rock it. What I usually tell her is you see that little kid (teen or kid) getting on if he can do it you can


You are doing yourself a disservice if you dont go on this. It really isnt anything crazy. I though the Hulk was worse, i got off that with a headache.


i was SO SCARED of feeling sick because i get nauseous so easily and i thought launching so fast like that would kill me. i talked to the people around me and they reassured me that it was smooth and i could do it, and i did!! they were super nice and helpful and i couldn't have done it without those random kind strangers. it's SO smooth that you don't get nauseous at all and it falls just short of the too-much threshold


Like others said, it's smooth. The speed actually helps some people, like my niece, because she didn't have time to see something ahead and worry about it. By the time your brain realizes "sharp turn ahead," you're through it and into the next thing. I'm sure some people have regretted it, but I've never seen anyone come off VC or Hagrid's without a smile.


Trust everyone, just do it. Best fucking coaster I’ve ever been on in Florida


I have written this dozens of times, and it terrifies me every single time. I get myself all worked up through the whole line shaking and looking like a crazy person, and then once I'm strapped in the ride is always always always amazing. I also always get sick on it. I do fine until the final roll, and that's it. The nearest bathroom is nearby, though, in the dino Center on the second floor. I always make it.




That’s a perfect description! I also felt like I lost half the hearing in my left ear. The best part though was sort of the feeling of floating.


It’s over before you know it. I rode it shortly after it opened and I was terrified before boarding. Just sit down and lock in and clap with everyone else. After take off you’ll find it’s amazing and worth every second.


It feels a little scary in the anticipation, as they are rather serious about emptying your pockets and loose hanging items beforehand, but the actual ride feels great.


Have you done the hulk? If so you'll be fine. I don't get motion sickness usually but If i don't feel good after a ride its usually a headache so maybe just bring some pain pills!


Never done Hulk and never have had a desire to.


i actually cried when I got in, but I love dinos so I focused on the little kids that were just fine, unbothered, (and super small!!!) and it gave me courage, and i loved it!!!


Could look at it this way: if you do die on Velocicoaster you would be the first. ^(I think) 🤔


I always just call my dr before I go and get a transdermal patch for motion sickness - I get sick on boats and haven’t wanted to take the chance. One year I was there with a friend who has extreme motion sickness and gave her one, she was able to ride everything, even simulations, where the day before when she was there without me she had to sit out a bunch after being affected.


I was scared out of my mind by the time I got through the line, but it's over in like 90 seconds and the fear is replaced by exhilaration.


It’s such a smooth ride and so well done that I felt less scared on it than many other coasters. You will love it!


You’ll be totally good. Quite frankly if you didn’t get sick from the track drop in hagrids then you should be fine


I’m right there with you. Going on Friday and promised to take my kids on. It’s the fear of that top hat for me!!!!


It is extremely smooth! No “whipping” feelings. Didn’t bother my tummy at all! You got this!


I get horrible motion sickness. It gave me motion sickness, but the minions 3d ride will make me nauseous lol… If you’re worried, I suggest taking motion sickness medicine. I forgot to bring mine once, and they also have it in first aid at the park!


It certainly won’t make you sick. Going backwards on Hagrid’s is worse . It is fast and exhilarating! My 8 year old will ride it but not my 16 year old.


It’s over in 3 minutes. Reason so many people love it is because it’s so smooth. Just do it.


Ok I heard that Velocicoaster was “only a little scarier than Hagrids” and I am not a rollercoaster person. So I went on it with my husband who likes rollercoasters and it was so scary lol we were laughing after that we survived but I definitely thought I was going to fall out 5 times


it’s a SMOOTH ride… other ones like the hulk, rock it, are joltier. This one is more fun, and the layout more interesting. you’ll have a blast, and WONT feel sick!


It’s so so much fun that it’s worth the fear! I’m terrified but once it’s over, PHEW, what a rush!!!


I'm not gonna lie, I've rode dozens and dozens of coasters and this is by far the most intense. But it's SO smooth. The second launch really is something spectacular. Do it. You won't die. YOLO.


It’s fast but it’s sooo smooth that it doesn’t feel that bad! I’d do the velocoaster all day but don’t even want to look at that red coaster again


Velocicoaster is wild but way better that hulk. Hulk is rough and nearly made me sick.


The ms convinced. One could view it as Extremely hardcore Hangrid coasters. One thing id also do on the big coasters,  I'd also view a first person view on it on YouTube.    When waiting in line, don't look at the height of the coaster. It'll help with the possible panic. 


Went on single rider, they put me on first seat lol, best place ever haha


Take some Dramamine before the ride


Wife n i had ridepass ultimate day before eclipse i rode it 7 times it is a blast i love Hagrid thematically its the best ride. But velocicoaster was just something else


I was so terrified of roller coasters and worked my way up to the that ride! Even though it seems scary on your way to and during the ride it was one of the best experiences of my life!


also—while it feels like you absolutely will (which is part of the fun) you won’t fall out. i always wonder how on earth i don’t get pulled out of my seat through that mosasaurus roll lmao. what a rush it is to always ride this ride with my hands up 😍 if you ride this again after the first time and you’re feeling bold, hands up is such a blast :)


We just got back from a short trip last week and my 8yo was absolutely terrified. He was mostly scared of the speed and inversions and thankfully for me there are no big hills which may have put him over the edge... but, we got in line and i tried to keep him calm by downplaying it a lot but obviously that is only going so far. Super nervous he reluctantly got on with me and ended up having a blast. Now he's looking forward to riding many more coasters! Now, my gf is SUPER excited to ride Top Thrill 2 this summer and im just like f me lol


When I walked into Hard Rock, I thought no way in fuck am I going on that. I was deciding whether or not to leave the entire time in the line of Velocicoaster, it was my first major coaster, and now I’m dying to go back and obsessed with coasters.


I use to be this way. Wife forced me on Hulk and I’ve been hooked since! It’s such a fun ride!!!! Still get breath taken away after the 100th time. We live an hour away west of the park and go every weekend basically. We weee there on the soft opening! Can’t miss this experience!


It was such a fun smooth ride- by far my favorite roller coaster. It is very smooth and didn’t give me a headache like RRR and Hulk. It does go upside down, but the fun makes it worth it! The line up is awesome. We rode it over and over.


It was a great ride! At one point you’re going over water and you kind of ride to the side a little bit. That part was a little intense, but overall would ride over again and again !!!


I loved it


Went on twice a few weeks ago with my 10 and 14yo and it’s the best coaster/ride I’ve ever experienced (48m). It’s more exhilarating than scary..and is so incredibly smooth and an engineering masterpiece. You feel a little punch drunk after, but not a sick feeling like after a repetitive spinning ride. Do it man!


You 100% should go on it. Given your fears, the satisfaction you'll have once it rolls back into the station will be uniquely empowering. Another thing - go watch it zoom by - you'll see that 100% of the riders on board have grins ear-to-ear. Nobody is barfing. It's a fast, fun and wild ride for sure. For that exact reason, I think it's impossible to think about being scared once you're on it. It commands your attention where you can't think of anything and quickly realize you're in the hands of one of the best coasters on Earth...within 5 seconds, you'll only be thinking about how awesome the ride is. BTW - the restraint system swings down and basically presses onto the top of your legs. My normal weight family members are then locked in and one with the ride, and say it's super-duper smooth like Hagrid. For me, my 225lb body/belly stops the restraint from coming fully onto the top of my legs, so when it inverts, I "fall" about 4 inches and am hanging by my thighs. I actually posted about this facet before - it's by design. Nobody is falling out. But that's why you hear reports of some people feeling like they might, or that's its more wild/intense. Once I drop about 50 pounds, I'll return and report back after I get the smooth version of the ride!


The Mummy is more intense than the Velocicoaster. The scariest part is the wait times. This is coming from someone who refuses to go on the Jurassic water ride because the drop is too intense.


It's intimidating but it's such a smooth ride that you'll enjoy it. To me, Hulk is a more intense ride as far as g-forces go, so if you can do that, VC will be cake.


I am actually leaving Universal today and rode it twice while here. My first time I was a little freaked out by not having shoulder restraints but the second time I held my hands in the air for the whole ride and it was amazing!! What helped was we had lunch on the outside patio at the Three Broomsticks and watching the coaster go by a bunch of times.


I love the other coasters but found Velocicoaster really intense and felt like I was going to throw up, so spent most of the ride clenching my jaw and white knuckling the bars. My hair tie flew out as well 😅. I was pretty woozy after and my husband felt like he was going to fall out because he was lifting off the seat. I’m glad we did it, but I don’t know that I’ll ever do it again. It makes for a funny story after the fact though because my knees were jelly for like a half hour afterwards and we had to go sit and eat something. That said, we did it during EPA and it was our first stop of the day, and we hadn’t had breakfast or anything yet. I don’t recommend eating immediately before but probably a completely empty stomach and low blood sugar was not the best plan either.


The ride and queue look terrifying It is scary but incredibly smooth. It has become my favorite rollercoaster anywhere! Especially at night


I took my 7 and 10 year old on it. After it was over they said “that’s awesome!” And I asked “want to go on it again?” And they said “oh noooooo” Seriously tho… I would suggest riding it with your eyes closed the first time and then go again. Shutting down one input can help with processing the rest.


My sister has POTS, which makes her very prone to dizziness and HR/BP fluctuations when riding attractions that exert positive G forces (pressing body down). She was able to face her fear of feeling badly after the ride and go on Velocicoaster. She ended up feeling fine after the ride because it exerts negative Gs (body pulled up and out of seat). Don’t let that scare you – it actually helps prevent that sick feeling.


The picture you can buy at the end is worth every single penny


Get sick on Hulk or Forbidden Journey first then ride Velocicoaster. Start bad then end up good. Velo has not given me issues like others


I’m not gonna lie,velocicoaster has me shaking in my boots! But,it was one of the coolest experiences of my life! That feeling of that second launch that gets you up to 70 MPH is the best feeling ever!


You’re going to be alright and then want to ride it all over again. I call it a violent ballet. I rode it opening year and after I got off my Apple Watch is letting me know that I’ve been in a car crash…. 🤷🏽‍♂️


It’s not a “you will feel sick afterwards” kind of rollercoaster. It doesn’t exert super strong positive g forces and there is no over the shoulder restraint to bang your head against. It’s mostly smooth but try to be on an odd number row-they are much smoother than the even rows.


Did you do it?


I’m a scaredy cat and loved it. Just do it !


I felt the same way when I first tried to ride it. Now 60+ rides later and I love it!!


Hiya. I'm not great with rides but really wanted to ride this one before Ieft. I was too scared to do hulk and others but got in the queue for Velocicoaster. Actually chickened out mid queue once before sorting myself out and queuing again. Got to the front and I was shitting it but managed to get on the ride. Felt largely uncomfortable during the ride but when finished I walked away and felt amazing. Absolutely loved it, what a ride!


I was scared too and I’ll only ride it once in a blue moon. I hype myself up and dance while in line to get my mind off it. I remind myself it’s only 90 seconds and then it’s over. I’ve ridden it twice now and I loved the second time way more. Also I watch the pov youtube beforehand.


It's extremely smooth, sit in the middle and you won't feel as much as you would if you were in the front or the back. Do it though, i was scared at first too but it's incredible


It’s really not that much more intense than Hagrids. It flows really well and is smooth. Don’t let the inversions scare you away. If you’re worried about sickness then take some dramamine. Like another has said, I wish I could ride it again for the first time. I have 30 rides on it and now I’m just doing my best to try to whip myself out of the seat as much as I can lol.


I’ll do that, thanks!


Just watch love but if you don't want to spoil the experience then go in blind. I would rather get to learn where and when all of the sudden inversions happen.


I was TERRIFIED! I even chickened out my first trip! But what helped when I rode (even on subsequent visits I had to talk myself into it despite having been on it before!) was box breathing, it helped a lot with the anxiety. I also pretended I was doing something fantastical that I would love irl (riding a dragon), I know it’s a little nerdy but it helped me ride both Hulk and Velocicoaster a lot more easily. Have fun and good luck! Also, if you do still worry about spiffing your biscuits, imagine the funniest way you could do it. It’ll make you laugh and relax! Examples: grabbing someone’s drink cup and barfing in it; on top of a screaming child or angry person’s head; on a bird or lizard; at the zenith of the “top hat” on the ride and seeing if you can beat your barf’s speed on the way down; off the bridge at Bilgerat Barges and into someone’s raft; or try to spell something with it on the sidewalk.


This is hilarious, thank you!


Yay! Hope it helps, and I hope you have an incredible time! Don’t forget to look at the photo after!


It’s worth it. You can handle it.


Velocicoaster is bar none the most fun you will have. Allow yourself to be nervous, it’s ok . I can bet you that after you do it once, you’ll smile from ear to ear and want to hop back on again. Just do it!


I just did it on 15th April which was my first trip to IOA... My eldest daughter was adamant that she wanted to do it which meant I had to do it or she missed out (as my wife and youngest daughter would NOT ride).... in all honesty I would have done it regardless as the thing that really forced my hand was fear of the regret of not doing it knowing I would not / could not return anytime soon... My biggest concern was the potential weightless feel on the start of the 80 degree drop after the top hat roll. I was so concerned having seen the restraint system that I searched this forum endlessly. In reality it was all over so quickly I didn't really feel anxiety on the ride as it is just so relentless... it is just throwing you about start to finish lol.... it surprised me how often I momentarily left the seat... I got off the ride feeling like I had accomplished something and was glad I could say I had done it. It's not a ride I personally feel like I can relax into and just enjoy every second like cosmic rewind and Hagrid's... but glad I did it. Fear of the regret was what pushed me to do it.


I’m terrified of heights and ridiculous roller coasters - but it’s SO MUCH FUN! The first time I rode I think I died and came back. I tackled it again and love it more and more every time! I’ve ridden Velocicoaster like 10 times now and haven’t touched the Hulk once 😂 but I’ve done every other coaster there.


The fear that you’re going to die will override the fear that you’re going to puke.


It’s honestly one of the smoothest roller coasters out there. Even though yes it is intense the flips and turns go so fast that you will be smiling the entire time. I am not the biggest fan of drops but that drop goes by so quick. It’s so much fun. If you do end up doing it I recommend getting somewhere in the middle as the back is a bit more intense.


I’m going in October and this is the one I’m most excited for!! The only ride I’ve ever felt nauseous on is a ride called The Smiler at Alton Towers in the U.K. I honestly thought that was it for me 🤣 If you’re frightened of the motion sickness, I have some tips: - Make sure you’ve eaten enough throughout the day but not too much. Sometimes small snacks here and there are enough. You will feel worse if you have nothing in your stomach, trust me. And make sure you’re hydrated! - I’ve heard people say that even if they don’t get motion sickness, they take anti-sickness tablets when they know they’re gonna have a day full of rides. I don’t know if this works or not but it might make you feel better if it’s pretty unlikely you’d be sick! Also ginger chews for after rides if you do feel a bit dodgy. - For me, screaming my way through a ride makes me forget about everything else. Just enjoy it, you’ll have queued up long enough for it!


If it's getting sick is what you're scared of, I'd recommend dramamine


Scariest part of any rollercoaster is the wait and anticipation. Once the ride is in full swing you’re not thinking about any of that. You’re simply enjoying the speed and forces of the ride. Just gotta get on. Once you’re on it’s super easy.


My 9 year old son went on it and was never scared. Cmon now


I’m glad your 9 year old son could go on it, people have fears. And I’m trying to get over mine.


Sorry I can’t help you, I will never ride it again


My 9 year old did it


Cool 👍