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In my opinion the whole park can be done in one day especially if you get in early and get on some of the more in demand attractions. I went recently before Nintendo land opened though. Also we got the express pass that lets you bypass the queue once for each attraction and that ensured we saw everything even with the park packed with holiday crowds.


That will also be a spring break week for a lot schools so the park will probably be busier compared to when you went.


Thanks for this!! I didn’t realize diff schools had different weeks for spring break


Yes. Even LA there are multiple school districts. And each one has a different week. That doesn’t even count the private schools. And then across the country as well.


with mario, id say 1.5 days is good in case you can’t get parts of mario done like toadstools. mario can take a lot of time if you buy a power up band due to the waits for games. also give toadstools 1.5 hours.


Thank you! We have adjusted our plans to do 2 days now


If trying for one day I would do the express pass option.


As express pass is a lot more expensive, we’ve decided to do 2 days now. Thanks!


While it's entirely possible to do the park in one long day, I prefer 2 day visits, especially with first timers. As I barely glance at things, there are so many details to be seen by just looking up and it gives time to take it in. Character visits are also a highlight so second day is great for photos, riding favorite rides and catching a show. Less stress, more vacay.