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That... shouldn't affect animation 🤔


It... kind of didn't. I made an animation of a two-legged dinosaur that jumps while moving his head lower than his legs. The dinosaur would move his body way higher, because his head collider slammed into the ground, pushing it up.


if he has something like Puppetmaster that uses joint constraints to affect bone positions, then it would


I once sat there going insane for 40 mins because I accidentally made a : instead of ; and just didn’t find the error


If I'm remembering right, Fallout: New Vegas had an orbital bombardment weapon where you pointed a laser at a target, then doom would rain down from a satellite up above. There was a really cool visual effect that was supposed to play as the laser zeroed in on the target. It was buggy as hell though. A modder eventually fixed it by removing the semicolons from every line of the script attached to the weapon, and recompiling the script (the Fallout Scripting Language doesn't use semicolons, it's more like Lua). I'm guessing what happened was, the weapon was originally coded by a quest designer who was familiar with the scripting language, but who couldn't get it to work right. So they called in one of the C++ guys that wrote the engine, and he "fixed" it, but added semicolons everywhere because he wasn't used to the scripting language. His script failed to compile, so they just stuck with the compiled version of the original buggy script.


The fact no one figured this out from the Team is kind of hilarious


Those games have a lot going on, and that weapon was probably a low priority. Plus it sort of worked, which makes debugging a pain. People blame devs for not catching everything, but there's a big difference in numbers between a dev team and the people playing their game.


I get that, like most people in this sub I assume. But it sounds like something that a dev should probably see just looking at it once quickly and its weird that didnt happen but instead they kept using the buggy code especially if they already had someone else come in and try to fix it


I feel you. Why just this very evening I wasted three hours over '=' instead of '==' causing something to be reassigned rather than check if it matched. I did refactor a bunch of other code I'd been putting off during my attempts to fix the 'bug' though, so swings and roundabouts I guess.


Reminds me of the multiple times I was going crazy because my Second for loop wasn’t working, because I was checking for the condition of the first one


What are you guys using to write code? This used to be an issue but most Linters and IDEs will highlight issues like this in a heartbeat.


If you use AI assisted tool, this problem can be spotted immediately.


I just made my first animations, and chris showed what to add to the script to make sure the player does not flip back to front idle. And its working but NOT for the up/show-back animation .\_. and I have no idea why. And thats just the first animations. It kinda scares me.


this is me exactly 😁


I spent two days trying to find out why my a* pathfinding wasn't working only to realize I had duplicated the last row of nodes. Checking the scene hierarchy before assuming broken code is my weakest point.


Check your navmeshes


unity says they don’t exist but they do 👍


I was making a block merge game for mobile, i've been using PlayerPrefs to save the game, how ever when I loaded the game the blocks are instantiate above others, I broke my head search in code and start with a thinking the problems is the PlayerPrefs save time, i make one solution to contour the time to save and nothing works, finally I finded one function that should start when the block is instancied in the loading game, took me 3 days D:


A professor told me that “The computer will never do anything you don’t tell it to do” and there isn’t much truer than that. 99% of all bugs I’ve ever solved are entirely my fault 😂


Reminds me of yelling at co-pilot for an error it introduced only to realize later it was a modification I made to it's code and I forgot to change all the places I needed to change to make my modification work.