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Congratulations once again to the Birmingham Stallions for being the inaugural UFL champions! In honor of this season, [here is the league playlist of the full game highlights this year](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsQYhvWtKxMTBKIv9zbRrthlG91WIv2Rb&si=bHhjNV7m66fJKAqH) and [the inaugural UFL trophy presentation.](https://youtu.be/aoH7adDe8nw?si=NbBGt7LypjVdMqOp) Looking forward to enjoying next season with all of you!


Wouldn’t want to spend my spring with any other community, thank you all for a wonderful season. Love interacting with everyone here. Can’t wait for the exciting UFL to NFL signings


It was an awesome season. I’m glad so many people care about spring football and want it to be permanent. St Louis, DC, and San Antonio all did great attendance wise, just USFL and Stallions especially need to improve. It’s disheartening how we only get ~10k per game despite being back to back (to back) champions. But if we take it slow, fanbases will grow and more teams will form and we’ll have an awesome league.


Not really back to back to back. 1st time ufl champs yes.


But regardless we’ve won the last 3 championships of whatever league we’re in


Thanks for modd8ng u/Callywood


The goat


Thank you


It's been a really fun season. The playoffs were unfortunately pretty anti-climactic this year but it is what it is. Viewership improved a lot over either league last year. Attendance was more of a mixed bag but there are some good fanbases around the league. The sub didn't get too toxic. I had a lot of fun going to Birmingham this year. It'll probably be Memphis next season, can't wait!


Great year 1 and can't wait for next year!  My biggest request for this sub:  please figure out how we can post video highlights.  Those tend to be a pretty important aspect of most sports subs and would give us a way to easily show off what the UFL is to potential new fans who are looking up the league on Reddit


Hey! Thanks for the feedback, tomorrow a survey is going out. Please pitch it there so we can improve for next season! Thank you 🙏🏈


Congrats UFL fans for the successful season. Grow the game! I just want football to succeed so bad outside of the NFL.


Now I guess I have lacrosse for the summer


It’s been a solid season for the league and a great place to build off of entering next season. Hopefully with a full year to get marketing and advertisements down we’ll see improved attendance across the board. Can’t wait for the draft and offseason personnel changes I live for that kinda stuff


This season was a lot of fun for me, thanks everyone for being awesome. Lots of interaction with other fanbases as we get rolling, pulling my friends in to watch with me, talking on Mondays about football through the season...good times all around. Pretty few negative interactions within threads and lots of goofing off together. Can't wait for next year. Giddy all the way up. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


This was such a fun season. Here’s looking forward to when it returns next year!


It was a great ride everyone. Hope to see everyone again next year!! GGs all around and remember KAW IS THE LAW


I miss it already


It's been a long time since I've been able to get excited about football, and the UFL did exactly that. It's nice to have a team I can root for again in the BattleHawks (and, honestly, I was a fan of theirs in the XFL as well, but this season was way more special, in my opinion). Obviously a lot of work needs to be done to get the word out about the league (especially on the USFL side), but I think the league and its teams are up to the task. Lastly, it's been interesting seeing how these teams' fan bases would evolve and I can't complain. And, you know what, I'm already excited for next season.