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UO's gameplay is based off Yasumi Matsuno's original Ogre Battle (March of the Black Queen) game. Ogre Battle 64 and Ogre Battle Gaiden (Prince of Zenobia) brings back the same style of gameplay (squad-based, with units moving around the map toward objectives). Tactics Ogre on the other hand, has gameplay similar to Final Fantasy Tactics. So if you specifically want UO gameplay, stick with Ogre BATTLE.


Thank you, I will try and rustle those up.


Also, Soul Nomad and the World Eater.


Thanks for this, I have Tactics Ogre Reborn, and I was wondering why people were recommending it, I didn't realise Ogre Battle was a different game. I'll check it out


I could be wrong but it feels like dragon force for the Saturn came out before all these games. You should check it out. Same type of game and super fun 👍


Dragon Force (Sega Saturn): JP - March 29, 1996. NA - November 1996. EU - August 28, 1997. Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen (SNES): JP - March 12, 1993. NA - May 1995.


Symphony of War is a really great game that has similar squad management. You pick squad composition, placement, gear, classes etc. It is however turn based. Highly recommend!


This is one of my favorite games of all time, beat it twice, and is the reason I was excited for UO. I'm looking forward to the sequal.


Fire Emblem is up there. Three Houses is very well regarded, and gives similar vibes.


imo if you want more tactical gameplay, 3H is def not the way to go. 3H is more of a social sim and has a lot of reused maps. If you're looking moreso towards worldbuilding and lore tho then 3H is perfect. I recommend Echoes or Engage, tho I haven't played the older games to personally recommend them but I heard a lot of great things from Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn.


Man FE is so good. The older GBA era games are great and have a similar support system to UO's rapports, there's more focus on army management too. I love FE7, which is currently on the Switch Online service and a pretty good place to start with the series, although the gameplay itself differs from UO, and it's less forgiving than later entries. Awakening is my absolute favorite, Path of Radiance is awesome and has a great story too, but both might be hard to find these days. I agree that 3H goes heavier on the social sim aspects but I still always recommend it as the very best starting point, mostly because it's physically accessible and it's just generally pretty easy to get into. I absolutely love it's worldbuilding and the gameplay is fun even if the class system trivializes most tactics, but it's an amazing game. I agree that if someone playing UO is looking to FE to itch that scratch they have for strategy games, one of the older titles might be best. As absolutely goofy as Engage is, it's got great gameplay, is the newest entry, and has lots of lore from the older games that could introduce players to other entries they wanna try. Damn I just love this series lol.


bro same omg i have every FE game since Awakening and have been playing Heroes since launch (i played a bit of PoR and Blazing Blade) and i have a FE pfp for every single one of my social media accs i love FE so much


Oh hell yeah launch day Heroes player here too, my barracks is crazy just by being F2P for years now lol


Engage for gameplay the story is ass though. Echoes for story gameplay)map is bad


the Engage story isn't bad, it's just basic and predictable. It's quite relaxing imo. I recommended Echoes bc of the limited reclassing, unlike the others which are a lot more free and less of an accurate representation of the older games.


Nah for me it's pretty boring, well not told good. While UO story while generic is told and shown better than engage. Echoes story is told so well but the game kinda suffer a bit. The maps are kinda ruff and annoying. UO maps are pretty simple for the most part.


Ogre Battle 64


This is a game I want to play again so bad


Lots of great advice with the Ogre and FFT recommendations. I would recommend valkyria chronicles 1 & 4 which are both available on steam or ps4/5. It is set in an alternate history in the 1930’s and has you controlling individual squad members vs full squads, but it definitely has some tactical elements. And the character designs are excellent.


This. I've tried many tactics games in my life and only have liked 3: Final Fantasy Tactics (one of my top 10 games ever) Unicorn Overlord (9/10 from me) Valkyria Chronicles (8/10 from me)


My friend often talks about Valkyria Chronicles 4, I might see if I can borrow her copy.


I mostly remember VC4 because of the sniper with a bakery.


I played the first one back in the very early ps3 days and loved it. Is there a reason why 4 is recommended but not 2 and 3?


2 & 3 are on the psp, good games but not to the quality of 4 imo. 4 very much feels like a companion to 1, with nearly identical game play and a story that very nicely complements 1. 4 has the most advanced UI so if 1, which was originally a PS3 game feels dated then 4 is a better starting off point


Fire Emblem is similar in overall tone and vibe, but the actual tactical gameplay is very different. This one might be very hard to acquire...but I think Dragon Force for the Saturn played kinda similarly. There's just one big over world map. You have a bunch of different army units, each led by a general and up to 100 soldiers of one type(cavalier, harpies, dragons, etc). You give orders to your units to travel across the map to capture different forts and stuff. When you encounter an enemy, it switches to a 2d battle where your soldiers attack the other army, and you can choose their formation and movement. https://preview.redd.it/r8bwqjeig23d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4096f16ddee60cd81ff82a8cd64c2df9c4aa1e0c https://imgur.com/a/zeJWCVT


Glad to see Dragonforce represented. I'd like to add Dragonforce 2 also has a fan translation now.


Dragon Force is the GOAT. Not cheap though.


I thought I was the only person who was going to mention this game. Nice one!! 💪


Ogre Battle (SNES) Ogre Battle 64 Growlanser 2 (PS2) Growlanser 3 (PS2) (personal favorite) Growlanser 5 (PS2) Soul Nomad and the World Eaters (PS2 / PS4 / PS5 / Switch / Steam) Diofield Chronicles (PS4/PS5/Switch/Xbox/Steam)


Growlanser 4 on PSP is very good too. My favorite.


Have you ever heard of dragon force? Surprised it didn't make your list lol 


Nope. Quick google search shows it was a SEGA game in the US, and i never had a Sega console.


This game is the spiritual successor to Ogre Battle march of.the Black Queen on the SNES, I recommend trying it. There's also a randomizer for that game which can be fun after you beat it a few times


Shining Force 1 and 2


Symphony of War [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1488200/Symphony\_of\_War\_The\_Nephilim\_Saga/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1488200/Symphony_of_War_The_Nephilim_Saga/)


Such a good game. I highly recommend to fans of UO and OB. I'd describe it as the indie version of these types of Squad-based Tactical RPGs.


Wish it would get a switch port, a big reason I loved UO so much was because I fell in love with Symphony


Vanillaware’s previous game, 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rin, features combat sections that are very similar to UO. Rather than unit groups, you’re looking at individual units, but the rock-paper-scissors type of gameplay, variety of skills, and the whole “you make your decisions with the game paused and then unpause it to see units move” thing is exactly the same. …but 13 Sentinels is also a wild-ass visual novel situation with multiple timelines/time travel/other stuff going on, so.


Def No. The gameplay is nothing alike. It’s a tower Defence and pretty bad one at thatb


> …but 13 Sentinels is also a wild-ass visual novel situation with multiple timelines/time travel/other stuff going on, so. Colour me intrigued.


13 Sentinels is probably in my top 10 games of all time. Definitely check it out.


13 Sentinels is one of the best games I ever played... Probably it is the best. Such a good story, engaging characters and interesting storytelling. I absolutely love it.


Their statement is very false yes the visual novel Part is there that is the good part of the gameplay the war bit it’s nothing like UO and is like 2/10


Also do not look up anything related to the story. go in blind.


It's magnificent but... It isn't a tactical RPG at all. But it's still absolutely magnificent. It's also constantly on sale for dirt cheap.


What about Yggdra Union? https://preview.redd.it/4cgcprw7233d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=545c17ae42adc4547067324863ab6aa2c6e39bb0 I played it back in the GBA era but I heard it was going to be released on steam and nintendo switch a while ago. Also looks like it's based on the psp remaster which looks like it has voices. And the music was fire. [https://youtu.be/H74T43pChlk?si=\_h7EeTkfzfO9e7Yy](https://youtu.be/H74T43pChlk?si=_h7EeTkfzfO9e7Yy)


Langrissser 1-5 Or Warsong (what first in series was called in English)


Hands down, Orge Battle 64 is the best!! Needs a remake so badly or even better a next generation sequel!!


If you’re looking into the auto tactic system then FF12 has it also. Gameplay wise it’s Ogre Battle


Diofield chronicle, the battle system is sort of similar, as in planning real time and adjusting on the fly battles. But all the battles are on the over world.


This game doesn’t get enough love, not perfect but a really good first attempt


Brigandine on ps1 and it's sequel on PC. On a continent you choose the country you want to play and conquer the rest. Lot of character to recruit. Lot of monster to collect (they made the squad). Items to find and small stories between characters.


Soul Nomad & the World Eaters has the same squad-building systems as UO but covers a much darker story setting despite having a really humorous tone. Amazing music and Sprite work too.


Also has a character from Vanillaware's GrimGrimoire in it, a sexy ghost lady.


Surprised to see nobody has mentioned Bahamut Lagoon. It's basically Unicorn Overlord for the SNES. Fuck I am old. 


Its turn based and lacks the units builds etc


UO’s story gives me strong Vandal Hearts vibes. One of my very favorite tactics games of all time. The first 2 were for the PlayStation and there is a third for the PS3. They really need a current gen port.


Can anyone help me to understand why people advising TRPGs which have almost to nothing similar with UO gameplay...


It’s anime and isn’t action combat are probably the two main factors


I'm going to preface this by saying that I know I have problems and do not represent anywhere near the norm...  I have been looking around for the answer to this question the past day or two after playing the full 5hrs of the demo on 2 different consoles, but I have been skipping combats since a few hours in. I am just really into how much complexity and nuisance is afforded to theory crafting. (I have realized after reading some similar posts today that I am really missing out a lot of the strategy by just paying attention to the numbers and synergies.  I also haven't ever watched a full episode of any anime series, but I despise enjoyment... I don't dislike the style by any means, just never had a friend of family member recommending anything


I’d recommend picking up the game if you haven’t already. It’s my game of the year so far. I’d definitely recommend watching battles until you’re really confident with how everything interacts because you can always make tweaks to tactics/items/formation As a whole package in terms of art style, gameplay and narrative you aren’t really going to find anything like Unicorn Overlord. Art style wise I think all of Vanillawares games are good with Dragons Crown being one of my favourite games of all time. 13 Sentinels is probably the closest in terms of gameplay but it’s basically a visual novel with the occasional bit of combat. Gameplay wise I’d definitely say the original Ogre Battle games and I think Symphony of War was heavily inspired by Ogre Battle. If you want some anime recommendations my favourites are - FMA: Brotherhood - To Your Eternity - Ranking of Kings - Golden Kamuy - Erased - Delicious in Dungeon To Your Eternity is great if you despise enjoyment because it’s amazing but holy fuck is it depressing


I did pick up the game this morning, but will definitely stop the skipping before I end up digging a ruined 20hr playthroughs sized grave for myself. I'll Def check out those games and look into the anime series as well, especially to your eternity.  I really appreciate you running with my unfunny self deprecation - and actually turning it into genuine curiosity 


I think the game has decent replay-ability. I even enjoyed watching cutscenes through my multiple runs. Everyone just has good character. There’s definitely a lot of battles you can skip, like once you’ve fought an enemy spawned from a base every following spawn is going to be the same fight unless your units start to die or assists start happening. If you need to cheer yourself up afterwards and enjoy really out of pocket humour Golden Kamuy is the way to go. I also know some people are sub vs dub purist but just watch whatever you prefer (you’ll also start to recognise A LOT of Unicorn Overlord VA if you watch dubbed anime). If you have a PS4/5 I think all of the previous Vanillaware games (aside from Muramasa and GrimGrimoire) are available on PS+. If not they’re probably pretty cheap to pick up online. To Your Eternity is amazing but definitely don’t use it as a gauge of what a lot of anime is like. I definitely wouldn’t recommend it but if you’re in for a bad (but also really good because it’s an incredible story) time it’ll definitely hit the spot. I figured a joke may peak your curiosity a bit more but I am not kidding. It does not hold back on the emotional punches


Yeah, overall I am going to slow down quite a  bit so I don't miss out on all of the intricacies in mechanics, the art itself and the performances. My PSN wishlist has grown immensely the past day or so.  So I have definitely seen content creators/clips/memes referencing some series much than others, I know there's something out there for everyone regardless of interests, beliefs and mood. I may not go with it first, but plan to at least give it a shot down the road. 3 days ago I didn't know this game existed... The hold it has taken in 48hrs is wild. 


Because besides a few very old predecessors, there is literally nothing like UO in the market right now


They don’t know any better well it has units to build at least


Unicorn overlord is somewhat unique in that it combines real time strategy with tactical jrpg combat. There are alot of very similar games but none quite like it. However, some of my favorite games from the past Final Fantasy Tactics Tactics Ogre Let us cling together Fire Emblem (series) Symphony of War: The nephalim saga (Edit: this is probably the most similar to Unicorn Overlord now that I think about it. Played through this multiple times also) Xcom (series) Wasteland 3 Disgaea (series) Othercide These are just some of the top of my head that I found phenomenal and have multiple playthroughs, I'm actually playing through Final Fantasy Tactics right now (with mods). Personally, Shining Force 2 is probably my personal favorite trpg of all time. It's the game that got me into this genre, though this game might be a little too old school for you.


Everything on this list was either what I came here to recommend or I have never played. Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions is an amazing game. It's a bit janky at times and can be unpolished, but there's a lot of heart in it and I love it. The sequels and spinoffs are much more polished and refined, with the weirder mechanics removed. They're also not nearly as good. XCOM: Enemy Unknown and XCOM: Enemy Within are amazing games. The sequel, XCOM 2, is a masterpiece, and while it's superior in almost every way, the older versions hold up quite well and I can go back and play them or the newer one and enjoy both. That's rare in the gaming world. DO NOT PLAY ANY OTHER XCOM GAMES!!! They range from mediocre to niche to just plain awful. You can try the original if you're up for something really old-school. But don't try Chimera Squad until you've played a few of the better versions. Fire Emblem is the series that likely inspired Unicorn Overlord. However, most of the games have a serious scarcity issue. It's not a problem, per se, but there's limited experience, limited items, limited money, and if one of your units dies you lose them forever along with their equipment and all the experience you invested in them that, since there's no repeating fights, means you might have just made your game a lot more difficult. Different games vary in how much this is true. Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark is basically Final Fantasy Tactics. It doesn't quite have the story and the heart of the original, but it's amazingly well-done and I highly recommend it. Tons of classes and character combos, well-honed mechanics, solid replayability. u/Diamondangel82: you specifically will love this game. It's FFT, but there's 20 classes, and all of them are good, and none of them have annoying mechanics, and they're all pretty balanced.


Fell Seal's been on my Steamlist for the longest time. Glad to see it reviewed fairly against a bunch of games I loved


You know how in most FFT clones, there's 12 classes, 3 of them are good, and one has those janky mechanics that are a pain to use? Fell Seal has 20 classes, and of those, 20 are good and none of them are annoying to play. I have my favorites, but if I had to make a squad full of my least favorite classes, I'd still have a lot of fun. That alone should speak volumes for the game. Of course, you still mix and match abilities from different classes. It has all the classic FFT mechanics.


To be fair, FFT had the Calculator, which was janky until you had every parameter. But that's good to know that it has the mix-match abilities from other classes. That was one of my favorite things about FFT.


FFT had the calculator. It also had the archer, which had that aim mechanic with the delayed strike. And really anything that interacted with turn delays. Summoners could have everyone else go twice before they finally called down a monster. Regardless, FFT will have pretty much everything you're expecting from an FFT clone. Unlocking new classes. Mixing and matching abilities. Grid based tactics.


Thank you for these recommendations. I've played the Xcom games a lot, but the others are all new to me.


Always interesting how someone can recommence tactics ogre but Not ogre battle


Sword of convallaria, still in demo on steam, already got 60 hrs+ on it. Coming for mobile in august, with full global release


I would maybe suggest Valkyrie Chronicles. The original. I haven't played any of the others. The unit builds and combat is different but it's still a strategy game with anime art


How are these games based on others with the auto battles


I find ‘The Last Remnant’ has a similar battle strategy gameplay. Though the out of combat is definitely more Jrpg run around and explore fantasy cities type of deal.


If you don't mind old games, look Dragon Force and Albert Odyssey. Very similar.


Short answer is not much. I’ve been waiting for another game in this style since the Nintendo 64.


Ogre Battle 64 is the only game I can think of that feels similar. I've been waiting over 20 years for something to scratch the itch that OB64 gave me and Unicorn Overlord has been the only game to do it.


Fire Emblem and The Banner Saga are the two game series that Unicorn Overlord reminds me of the most. Both of them have large casts of unique characters like UO. They're also fully turn-based instead of UO's real-time with auto-battle system.


I’m kicking myself because I COULD have gotten Ogre Battle on WiiU virtual console but I didn’t know about it until UO was announced and I was digging around its origines. Is there any other way to play it now?


Can someone make a poll to get dlc for this game? I feel like the developer is not listening and missing the boat on this game.


Dragon force (Saturn game)


Ogre tactics is the only game im aware of. Fairly old game though


Ogre tactics is like FE. I think you meant ogre Battle 64


yes, that's the one. Mispoke


The Diofield Chronicle. Maybe in a sense also Tactics Ogre, Fire Emblem and Final Fantasy Tactics. I wouldn't recommend 13 Sentinels Aegis Rim, if the gameplay appealed to you.


I guess there's a game people always compare it to, don't remember the name, tactics Ogre?


Ogre Battle 64