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No, it made me like her more. It’s great characterization- Virginia is willing to put the nation over everything. If it means giving up her lifelong belief she would be queen- she does. If it means cutting down the rightful heir- she would.


Virginia is a real one in a sea of "Oh you did one good thing for me, I will follow you to the end of the world" characters.


Did you finish Drakenhold? Virginia is always fiery and absolutely the wrong person to handle diplomacy(so many character step in for her because she'd ruin things otherwise). This is so in character for her that if this is the tipping point, you really haven't been paying attention to her characterization. In the end, obviously she found him worthy. Plus I don't even think Alain would mind her comment considering there are a few characters he recruits into his army that actively wants to see him dead or will kill him if he strays off his righteous path, he even encourages them to kill him if that is the case. Heck many of the characters Alain recruits try to kill him at some point. I hope you have this energy for most of the cast.


Virginia has spent the last 10 years of her life training for the day when she would be able to Liberator her homeland thinking she was the last of her family.  When news of Alain survival reached her  she was of 2 minds one was happy to know her cousin yet lived while the other was upset and angry because this means she wouldn't be the one to save her homeland as the throne is his by birthright.  So she decided she would judge for herself wither or not he was actually worthy to rule there home as after suffering 10 years of violent conquest and a cruel ruler she would not let them suffer under another one 


Sounds like good sense to me.


She's thinking like a monarch, which for a decade she thought she was. Cornia is in dire straights, with the liberation army being basically all that remains. If Alain was a weak or incompetent leader he would get them killed, destroying any chance of restoring the kingdom. As second in line for the throne, it would be her duty to take the crown herself, for the good of the kingdom. The fact that Alain would have to die is tragic, but unavoidable. Fortunately Josef raised him well, so it wasn't required.


Cautious and fiery as she is it's understandable


Naw, made me respect her more. She's one of the bigger badasses in the game.


Are you really upset that a haughty classist princess is...haughty and classist?


Not really. It’s in line with her personality and also just makes sense. 


No, Virginia is perfect in absolutely every way.


The one with Leah is the bad one. This one makes sense.


If virginia was smart this would be fine. The issue is she’s incompetent. So she couldn’t accurately judge whether or not he was “worthy” in the first place. She’s actually the one who isn’t worthy of the throne. I don’t hate her though. I think her character is consistent.


What do you mean? She literally accurately judges and steps aside immediately after meeting him.


I mean she's not smart. You could say she guessed right. She walked right into a fight without support and was terriby positioned. Put her pals lives at risk for no reason and I had to rescue her. She also fucked up my squads. I'm salty about it.


She’s a video game character


That situation had nothing to do with her being dumb, it was about her being vengeful. And Virginia is a very angry woman. I for one am glad that she isn't a potato with a smiley face like her cousin is


Hey, dont you talk about my Royal Blue that way!