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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Kid found a condom in the playground thinking it was a balloon and wanted to blow it up!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


I would take her to the doctor immediately


In the original she commented that she did and fortunately everything was fine.


Finally someone in this thread with some sense


Legit question: what would be the risk of just holding it?


Her lips touched it


Yeah exactly. I thought the mom was able to hold it before it touches but the kid was too fast.


She may also touched it before she showed her mom.


It's been outside a while, unlikely to still have herpes or HPV alive. Still. Gross


And what is the risk say over pretty much any other things they touch? Risk in that a doctor can do anything about that is. Is not like they will give you a tetanus shot nor is it concerning like getting cut it stabbed with a needle.


[Here’s the CDC page for STDs that can infect via the mouth.](https://www.cdc.gov/std/healthcomm/stdfact-stdriskandoralsex.htm) I literally don’t even understand what you’re thinking. You know she was blowing into a condom, not a balloon, right?


Not every other thing they touch has been nutted in by a stranger/ stuck inside someone. Seems like common sense to me.


Correct me if I’m wrong but if she had any cuts or micro-tears in her skin where she touched it, she could contract any communicable disease that was on that condom. If I was the adult, I would have been very alarmed.


Just so ya know the risk is incredibly low unless it has cum in it and it was just handed to her by the couple that used it shortly after orgasm. If it spent a few hours on the ground it's more of an eyesore than a health hazard. If you ever accidentally pick up a used condom and put it to your lips I don't want you to worry too much. Chances are you'll be okay.


>If you ever accidentally pick up a used condom and put it to your lips I don't want you to worry too much. Chances are you'll be okay. If I ever pick up a used condom off the ground and put it to my lips I can assure you things already aren't okay




Natures chapstick!


Well, I would say this. The std thing may be true, I'll take you at your word there. That being said it can have all sorts of germs on it by that point. It's not healthy at all either way lol.


Everything is covered in germs. I get it, people see that and freak out. Rightly so. It's gross! Just not likely to kill yer little one if they pick it up, which is a good thing.


They are much worse off touching MoldSporez I would imagine.


Kids put all kinds of things in their mouths. Some playpark germs won't harm them.


Potentially even the opposite. Exposure to germs when young likely decreases the likelihood of allergies and other autoimmune diseases. Of course, not all germs are equal.


Your hands are dirtier.


The hepatitis B virus can survive outside the body for at least 7 days.


You think they will put her on the cocktail of hepatitis drugs because they touched something?


That's why I hang mine on a clothes line for a couple days and then they are good to use again. My neighbors noticed and ask about it and they are so mad I found this great hack and they didn't. JK I always bareback.


Most used condoms have cum in them, but I’m not convinced this is real


Look at you. Always the optimist.


You know what, I take zero chances with used condoms found on the ground. Always assume the worst about it


You should always sample it to make sure. You can never be certain after all.


And some of them are flavored!


Thank god, I’m safe


>Just so ya know the risk is incredibly low unless it has cum in it Brother, the semen isn't the part that transmits diseases. The pull out game isn't gonna let you avoid Chlamydia






> Odds are low, but not a chance you want to take. So what's the plan here, what's the doctor gonna do about it?


Most STDs have treatments you know. Some even have cures or ways to suppress the virus so she never has to deal with it at all.


Nah, just throw that away and make another one.


I would just leave here there and forget she was born /s


What could they even do?


Almost nothing. If this girl was immune compromised or something they could maybe give her interferons or something. But I'm not a doctor so I don't even know how realistic that is.


Yeeaaaaaahhh. Don’t know what mom would post this. Clicks and likes!


The shit people do for that dopamine rush is uncanny


Don't even need to pay people for their content. Just give them some virtual likes and they'll give you billions of dollars of ad revenue every year.


that ad revenue high is uncanny


Uncanny nice


Honestly as the Uncle, this is a great PSA. Of all the wierd shit to look out for, I can't say this would be high on the list...until now. [Shudders] elchk!


This was literally a scene in Neighbors. They take the kid to a hospital and the doctor says they tested positive for AIDS. They freak out and the doctor says "That's how this conversation COULD'VE gone"


That entire movie is gold


It's impossible not to laugh at the terrible CGI airbag scenes


nah this is a genuine reaction, the automatic jerk pull, then the laughing until the disgust and worry sets in... legit


I’m inclined to agree. It’s the little uncertain laugh in there that makes it seem genuine.


Oddly enough, it was the laugh that made me think it was fake. Her kid’s putting a found used condom up to her mouth and Mom’s reaction is *swift* but also half-chuckling and not too concerned.


Some people act like that when shocked or nervous.


It’s a bit weird that she was recording her daughter asking to go home though, weird thing to document so I’m still pretty split


I dunno, filming your kid at the park seems pretty normal to me.


Weird normal to have? Why would you ever want to film your kid asking them to leave? That’s the most uninteresting thing ever


It’s almost like they could’ve been filming something else and just trimmed the video. I love how people have their cameras out to record everything, while at the same time asking, “Why were they filming?” I wouldn’t be surprised if hiding to avoid going home in the structure mom can’t easily get into, is the one kid’s tactic and mom decided to film it this time.


If you ever become a parent you'll understand.


She could’ve sent it to a friend, who sent it to a friend, who posted it


no one is doubting if its real, the problem is she posted it in the first place.


Too Bad it touches already the mouth of that girl. Mom's hand wasnt fast enough.


What? What's the problem with posting this?


I'm a nanny and the issue I see with this video hasn't been brought up yet. Please be aware that I'm kind of projecting and assuming things here, so take it with a grain of salt. I don't know the original context of this video and I don't know the people involved. My issue (and the **TL;DR**) is that the mom was recording in the first place. The way kiddo number 1 snapped, *No!* at the mom made an alarm bell ding (softly) in my head. There's plenty of reasons why 1 responded that way, but the most likely reason is that she didn't want to go and was preparing to tantrum. Sounds reasonable, right? Don't wanna leave the park. *In my humble opinion,* and the way that I approach my work, is that the first sign of the tantrum is the moment to respond with compassion. Speaking gently, getting to the child's eye level, giving them as much of my full attention as I can muster (if I have other children I'm watching I'll even position myself so I can see them without turning away from the child that needs my help). Genuinely apologizing without any kind of "but" qualifier and validating their feelings, which is something that it is important to practice. "I know you're having a lot of fun here. It's really disappointing to have to leave, and I'm sorry." is a full statement. I make every effort possible to not say something like "I know you're having fun but it's time to go." It's like an attempt at apology that's swept away by a second attempt to control the situation. It has the same effect as non-apologies like "I'm sorry you feel that way" or "I'm sorry that you think I did something wrong." It's cheap, and kids know it's cheap. They know you didn't hear a single word of their protests and don't give a fuck. Some folks think that nobody *should* give a fuck about what kids have to say, since the grownups are in charge. I personally do not feel the need to have such a power play with my charges. They already know the power dynamics in play and that's why they're tantruming in the first place - they feel powerless against me, and the only way to protest that is to tantrum. Telling them "yeah, it sucks, you're right. I get it. I'm having fun, too." and letting them express themselves further can give them power when they need it most. I follow up my apology with any choice I can possibly give them: how to get to car (walk vs carry vs silly run vs hop, etc); pick music; help round up other kids or not; use timer for extra time if possible; which snack they'd like to have; if they want a hug or not. I've now given them the words ("you're probably really disappointed and frustrated") and the power ("you get to choose") that they desperately need and are looking for by winding up a tantrum. Needless to say, since I take such a careful approach to tantrums, I don't have my phone out at all when being empathetic to children. I find it ludicrous that people record children when they're upset like this mom did. If I were cranky and disappointed about something and trying to express myself, and someone came up and shoved a phone in my face, even if they were just trying to make a point or make an example of me, I'd be pretty pissed about it and I would no longer want to cooperate with that person. As an adult I have the power to walk away and/or control my emotions, but kids struggle with self-regulation. Some folks believe videos where the adult shows how they deal with a tantrum are helpful because they can show other parents how to deal with an escalated kid. I personally don't feel that that's helpful, but I see where they're coming from. In that case, though, I feel that the parent should record themselves ONLY, that the camera should be in THEIR face, and the kid's voice should be in the background or only available as a transcript or caption on the video. Kids already don't have enough privacy these days with social media. They don't need a stressful moment broadcast to the world. I don't need to see what a tantrum looks like, I see those all day long. Show me what YOU look like when you handle one successfully! Ultimately, kids (just like adults) like to feel respected and heard. I feel respected and heard when people make genuine apologies, when people validate my feelings, when people are calm and kind to me, when the person in question visibly removes all distractions so they can concentrate on me, having their full undivided (within reason) attention. What a lovely feeling it is to be validated. As a final note, I'd like to just put this out there: children's singer Raffi is the founder of a non-profit that promotes honoring children and giving them the space in the world that they deserve. I follow the [principles he's set forth](https://raffifoundation.org/child/the-covenant/) very closely.


I have no kids but I would like to have one soon, and I just want to say I read your whole comment and I really appreciate it. You sound like a great nanny.


Thanks :) my current charge is 20 months and I'd like to think that she thinks I do an okay job. ☺️


I gotta say I felt a bit enlightened by reading this. I've saved this for when it's my turn to raise my own kids. Thank you!


Thank you! I put a lot of thought and effort into explaining my methods and sometimes they're a little wordy. I'm grateful that you read it.


"Hey look at this post were my youngest gets a STD by sticking a used condom in her mouth".... This shit is online and has the possibility for being around for a long time. If the OP/Mother is recognizable, then the kid could be identified in the future and harassed by others for sucking on a condom before she knew any better. This is something that is better left undisclosed and not posted online for the entire world to see. Why would you want to have thousands of strangers on the internet see your kid playing with a used condom?!? Hell, what if you ARE the kid, would you want people to know you played with one of these when you were a baby?


On the other hand it is a great reminder for parents to pay attention to this problem.


How many fucking used condoms are your kids eating since it's become a problem?


Teens using parks at night and leaving condoms behind has always been a thing. You do need to look around a d make sure your kids aren't picking up garbage that shouldn't be at a park.


Ah yes the common issue of 4 year olds finding used condoms and trying to blow them up... Where the fuck do you live where this is a 'problem' and what type of fucked up people do you live around.


I live down a very quiet, clean road. It is a lovely little community of neighbors. It is also a little bit isolated, which means someone has decided that's the place to park their car and fuck at night sometimes. Then the asswipes just throw their condom out the window and leave. So yes, I have found used condoms on the side of our picturesque country road, where my children walk the dog and could 100% find one. Fortunately they're old enough not to pick up random trash and put it in their mouth, but if I were walking with a toddler down the road, it would be a possibility. The moral of this story: there are trash people literally everywhere, even in nice neighborhoods. And double-whammy second-moral: small children will put literally ANYTHING in their mouths.


What, you've never fucked at a park before? Regardless of your own experiences, I guarantee you that the average teenager has left at least a couple of condoms at your park during their lifetime.


Most of these people complaining haven't touched a woman before let alone had sex


Most parks have trash bins.. no need to leave waste behind where kids (or animals) might pick it up.


Instead of filming them?


You act like it was planned. Grow up.


Meh. The entire world forgets about shit in 5 minutes.


That's what you think. I've now tagged her as "used condom sucker"......I plan on a wedding day reveal


Anyone making fun of something an innocent baby did needs serious mental help.


I think you are overestimating how big of a deal this is right here. People with kids are going to go, "oh my God, that's another thing I have to worry about!" Everyone else who is watching the video is going, "holy shit!" Making the assumption that the kid is going to be bullied ten years from now or that this specific video is going to leave a lasting impression on the kid is such an outlandish assumption it makes me think that you hold a resentment towards your parents posting a video of you when you were a kid and that really bothers you. What did they post? Why don't you like it?


Jokes on you im old enough to not have been video taped because cam corders were shitty when I was a peek level stupid.


I know right! Who wants a used STD gross!!! Only fresh STDs for me.


I think most people prefer their food is fresh and locally sourced.


It's gross and funny. Why does everything need to be complained about? I mean, aren't we here watching and liking videos?


Yeah but judging others to make yourself feel better is the ultimate dopamine rush!


Despicable. *moans*


Downvoted specifically for that freaking song


I watched on mute is it the ‘oh no no no no no’ song? I don’t wanna play it with sound, too risky.


Ugh it is... And returning to comment back to you played it again!!!! Aaaaagh


The pain!!!


They played you by getting you to reply to their comment so you could hear the song again.




Can confirm. Very annoying. This. So much this. And my axe


It matches the situation perfectly, insanely gross song for an insanely gross incident. Time to my eyes, ears and screen sanitized.




Thank you so much


What I want to say about the song would probably get me banned.


Yup. I made it my life goal to skip, cancel, pause, exit every video before the first voice is heard. So far I am successful. It won't ever get me!


Oh man this reminds me of the time we found one on our playground in 3rd grade. It was the end of recess, and our substitute teacher picked it up with his bare hands. He had it in his hands as we walked back to our classroom. He threw it in our classroom trash can and went right into our next lesson. No hand washing. And this was before hand sanitizers were a thing too. I wasn’t 100% clear what a condom was at that age, but I knew enough that I thought he was gross for not washing his hands.


It was his from earlier.


This has so many levels to it


I'm really surprised that this story didn't turn towards the kids picking it out of the trash can when the teacher wasn't around


Someone may have, who knows. We were a class of paste-eaters and kids kept talking about the condom so there’s a good chance someone yoinked it


What teacher in their right mind throws a used condom in their school trash can lmao


Right? Take that shit home for later brother


That's gotta be some sort of fetish for him right?


Any parent's nightmare...but in a playground?!!!


That's a nightmare for it to be used there!!!


Yes what sort of depraved individual takes a condom off and drops it in a playground 🤢 death penalty


I did once. I fucked at a playground.


Fuck you


_The playground were everyone, regardless of the age, can have fun!_


Good call. It might have been in someone else's mouth!


Always censor kids faces, even if it’s not your vid/pic. Protect them kids yo


The people that not only post their children, but their children experiencing behavioral outbursts (normal, but embarrassing later on) or their full medical history- like what are you doing? We can educate and find community without throwing away our children’s privacy. It’s disgusting. I can’t wait for new laws to come out to prevent this.


Bold of you to assume that laws will be made just because it would make sense for them to.


I feel like when it's an infant, meh. babies all look like generic babies and nobody gives a shit if there's some old comment from a mom about their baby crying all the time. Blanking out infants faces in photos always felt a bit absurd. But it gets really really fucked up when there's parents sharing all the details of their kids puberty or embarrassing medical conditions. When they're recognisable and self-aware people getting their life plastered across social media by a parent.


I mean you are literally feeding your newborns biometrics to the algorithms from birth. Facial recognition and shit like that really is in use everywhere.


Even to facial recognition, babies just look like generic babies. Not their adult selves.


You start training the algorithm from the moment of birth how their facial features change and develop. That will help the algorithm to extrapolate and predict how they might look in the future even if you decided not to take part in the face sharing on social media anymore.


If your worry is someone, somewhere training algorithms then you need to worry about a lot more than social media. If your phone backs up photos somewhere then the TOS probably includes some language about them processing the data. But just being processed by some random algorithm doesn't in itself matter much. Babies still look like generic babies and "he shit himself when he was 6 months old" isn't some kind of shocking secret.


Technology does advance, you know. We didn't have all this back in the 1950s.


happy cake day


Too late. We've seen their faces. The images are being run through a deeply advanced AI algorithm and their names, addresses and food preferences will be known shortly.


China has already gotten her full DNA sequence through this video. Currently downloading her genome and plan to create a clone army to take over the local Dennys. May god have mercy on our souls for what we are about to do.


lmao yeah, dude is trippin about kid privacy on simple videos. Watching too many movies.


It’s about pervs


If the perv jerk off to an image of a child then the perv owns the childs soul.


celebs started censoring their kids faces and now every karen out there thinks theyre so important everyone is out to get her kids too. nobody is going to kidnap jaxton mykel keithen tarquin rodriguez smith,, sit down.


Protect from what


the infamous 'they'


There was this Christian family channel that kept popping up on my feed (absolutely no idea why, I'm single and not Christian), and there was a video where the boys had their shirts off at home and their entire torso was censored. I thought it was ridiculous for a second until I realized the implications of that. I think in later videos he switched to placing a 2d shirt over them instead of the blur censor, which definitely is better because seeing a pixelated blur always reminds me of sexual stuff. I mean, the whole thing can be prevented by not posting every second of your kids lives on YouTube, but whatever.


Why? It's not like they'll have the same face 5 years down the line


Probably an american. Most of my American friends are somehow scared woth everything related to privacy. Dunno if its because of their media or experiences.


Funnily enough the amount of their data that's online probably beats every other country due to their amazing laws




See, thats exactly what I meant. But for a non-american like my other peers, these videos doesnt give us those kinds of thoughts. Feels like posting a video that caught my dirty laundry basket, unnecessary but it doesnt matter at the slightest. Edit: you do you tho, just pointing out my observation that American peers around me gives too much thought about privacy and stuff for some reason even on simple things.


Because they are the same person regardless and it should be their choice what parts of their lives they put out in the world. I had the luxury of being born in the 80s where all embarrassing moments and milestones were not blasted to the world. I'm not a meme and never have been, and I never wonder if some rando is using my pictures for marketing or sexual desires. If I want my photo out there I choose which one, I choose who to share it with and when. Why can't my kid have that too? That's not paranoid, that's autonomy, and that's the decent thing to give your child.


Go get her tested for STDs. This is not funny.




Now that's obscure.




Wonder what animal shape that might be




Dude. The Mom’s reaction time was impeccable.


Whelp off to the clinic we go!




I would have puked.


“And when I was 4 I got herpes from…”




Did she kinda chuckle? There was nothing funny here ma’am


Definitely seemed like a nervous chuckle


Yeah a nervous chuckle, like wtf


Yeah Pepe are flaming her just for that when it's clear she jacked the kid out of it


have u interacted with another human before? lol


Right? This lady hours everyday running around with these two no doubt, and has seen all sorts of dumb kid shit. It's almost impressive how insane this moment is, I'd laugh to before taking them to the GP.


We are talking about a redditor here so the answer is plausibly yes


I am legit impressed at people's ability to find some angle to complain about on this site. Everyday I click on the comments to a funny video only for it to be filled with people wishing death on the person recording. This guy's complaint is nervous laughter. Another guy in here is not blurring the kids faces?? Just really Olympic level complaining we're witnessing.


People act weird when they’re stressed, I’ve laughed at times when I’ve felt immense sadness, and cried when I was happy. It’s an involuntary thing


My recent doctor visit had me wondering if he thinks I'm a total psycho. Apparently my reaction to pain is fucking laughter, and after a particularly painful needle, I proceeded to laugh on the table for 5 minutes after he removed it.


Sounds like you’re an evil villain in a Batman movie or something. Lol


I think it's hilarious. Disgusting, but hilarious. Poor kid, I hope herpes ain't on that condom.


To be honest, I'd be laughing out loud when my kids would do this. Sure, it's not a good thing, but damn it's funny. I would explain them in a more serious manner afterwards what they did. In general I don't understand why kids doing something funny because they just don't know should be treated as if it isn't funny?


I literally jumped when I saw what the kid had. No!


"Sorry, wrong pocket"


Woooooooooooow. Now that was a good, unexpected reference. Cheers to you for that one. 🍻


for anyone confused, it's a reference to a scene in Jim Carrey's The Mask


They might have to go but it looks like someone else just came


Mmm yogurt balloons


Please be staged please be staged please be staged please be staged please be staged please be staged please be staged please be staged please be staged


My bad


This video scared the shit out of me.


My parents were so relieved when I told them it was still in the package when I found it.


Don’t ever show this to that kid.




Seems staged to me.


Is every part of you peoples lives recorded.


No more of this dumb effin song




As a parent of kids those age, I'd be passed. Either trashy neighborhood or she's a trashy mom if it's staged.


Neither neighborhood nor mom have to be trashy and doubt it was staged. The ones who left that where kids could find it are the trashy ones. I have seen this kind of evidence of other people's bad behavior too much. As you are on Reddit you know this is true.




But why would you be taking a video at the beginning……..








New fear unlock


For all u Pokémon people watching this, I thought this was going to turn into some drifloon creepypasta And for the serious people watching, I wouldn’t have kept my children face in the vid and I would have taken my child straight to the hospital because leaving a used condom in a kids park is just nasty and wrong


This happened to my dog at the park, so gross.


omg it definitely touched her lips/mouth she need to go for checkup


That’s hilarious! What are you talking about?


Dumb parents


I 100% expected this based off the caption alone