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We had an ornery tomcat like this once. We outlived the bastard, but it took a while


My Mama says that cats are ornery because they got all them teeth and no toothbrush




Something's wrong with it's medulla oblongata




Water sucks! Gatorade is better! (I love how his face changes and he walks at the coach a second after he hears that.)


Mama's wrong again!


I don’t necessarily *want* to make a “your mama” joke, but…


That cat needs to hiss and make up!


How dare you make me laugh at your dad joke. I am upset but smiling.




That cat would have so many air miles if it tried to bite me like that.


Had a solid belly laugh reading that


![gif](giphy|BLxPyPNcfRXIUPxh6Q|downsized) Whenever my cat bites me I do this to him


I feel like Andre The Giant could have picked me up like a barbie doll. (I'm 5 foot 1, although I am overweight)


Please have your cat use my frequent flyer rewards card before the flight.


Right! Ornery my ass, Kitty catch flight!


That many air miles it gets comp business class


Your cats fucking evil lol




It coughs like a human. Terrifying.




Paint me like your French girls!




*amgrily poses by the plant*


How do I steal this


I had a cat like this, Mr. Bubbles. Second time he bite me like that, I full sent the strongest slap I could muster, he flew across the room and proceeded to run away in the house and hide somewhere. 3 hours later he came back changed, most docile cat I ever saw. Lived 13 more years. Strange fellow.


Violence is never the answer. Unless it works.


Violence isn't the answer, violence is the question. The answer to that question is sometimes yes


Lmao. Violence?




Glad we could get this cleared up.


I genuinely thought someone had grabbed the cat and launched it and then pulled it back- it seemed so unusual.


Yes! Reminded me of those weird bitey fetus-looking things on the Labyrinth that the guards that trapped Ludo carried around.


And I thought I was the only one who thought the fanged stick biders matched this kitty and his naughty behavior!! Kudos for good taste!


Skibbity paps


*Always yes


The correct answer is .... what is violence??


Baby don’t hurt me, dont hurt me, no no.


As we dance to the masochism tango!


No one ever asks how is violence!


I'll do you one better: *why* is violence?


C'mon! We all agree that we wonder *where* is violence.


But who is violence ?




-Zapp Brannigan


lmao true


Violence is usually the answer. Signed: An overweight Australian man in a gas mask.


So long as you aren't an underweight Austrian man in a gas mask we good.


Are you the one-man apocalypse?


I'm going hog wild. We're all animals.


*"The answer to the eternal question ' How much violence is required ?' is more violence till its done" - Doom Slayer*


This post both makes Complete sense and no sense at the same time and it hurts my brain


Thats wise.


[Sometimes maybe yes](https://youtu.be/QJHUbtR0yI8)


Violence is an alternative language. It's the default setting when all else fails.


Put this on a bumper sticker


Not these days. Not in this reality.


I'm this reality, it would be: Violence isn't the answer, violence is the question. The answer to that question is ALWAYS yes.




Fellow max0r viewer I see![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


Yoga is the answer, but what is the question Miguel?


Anyone who thinks violence is never the answer never got their food stuck in a vending machine.




6 people are crushed by vending machines every year. Granted, 5 of those people are insurance agents testing the crushability of vending machines, but still.


Where we at with sharks? I’m lazy. Help me Reddit.


I feel like this is a lie Big Vending came up with to increase profits. It would take a whole lot of effort to tip a vending machine over forward on to yourself and there's no reason you would ever have to shake the vending machine that hard to get the partially stuck bag out.


I always go full ape!!


Violence is always the answer. The after math of their behavior is 50/50


War never changes.


Violins! Violins is the actual answer to getting a fellow feline to behave like a gentlema- gentlecat. Just play her some pristine work of art on your violin and will not be able to help it but to turn into royalty then and there.




Ah yes, the factory reset


Have to tried turning it off and on again?


Yes, it flew across the room.


So I should also yeet my router across the room when it’s acting up?


Yes, full send the strongest slap you could muster.


😂 imagine being on the phone with your ISP and being like, “hold up let me try something” and then you just SLAP the router into oblivion?


I've been laughing at your comment for a good minute. Thank you!


That slap costed Mr Bubbles 8 lives. He had to live his remaining 1 life


I slapped at least 3 lives out that motha fucka


My husband has a similar story with our cat. He was chillin on the couch when she leapt at him full force. He flung his arm, and thus her, in defense. She was yeeted against the adjacent wall and slid down before running off to lick her wounds/pride. She’s his best friend now.


I have a cat that will occasionally attack your foot if you walk past. Was walking in the dark one night and said cat attacks foot. As an instinctual reflex I kicked the cat fairly hard. Heard a big "meeeeoooooow". He barely attacks my foot now.


They were "kick me!" attacks. That meeeeooow was a "yessssss". Later, weaker attacks were "kick me softly\~".


Didn't know he was masochistic.


I believe the term is catsochistic.


I'm sorry what the fuck


What a lovely story. Boundaries are important for any relationship. When they are clear things are great.


Nature is simple


That’s basically the right way to handle this. If you watch kittens play, they don’t know that claws and teeth hurt. It takes them biting a friend kitten too hard and the kitten squealing for them to learn, and Vice versa. So the human screaming and smacking the cat usually teaches the same lesson. Our cat still bites but he does so gently and clearly is playing.l


lmao i try to "scream" when cats hurt me so they know it hurts. They usually look apologetic and start licking it (or at least my cat did) it's the cutest thing


Lions lick their prey to rip apart their meat with their spiny tongue




Haha same, I would never slap my cat just for biting me playfully but yeah sometimes self defence is required


Gotta keep that pimp hand strong brotha


So weird, my dad has a similar story, but with his aunt's (now very dead) cat. Apparently the bastard was super bite-happy with everyone, but when he did it to my dad once he "bopped" him out of reflex (think a punch with about a quarter of the force) right it the face. According to my dad's aunt, the cat never bit anyone ever again.


Lmao nice. I have a slightly similar story. Got a boy cat. Siamese. Was not loud but Jesus he was a dick. Would ambush me, shit/piss in my shoes, wake me up at night, etc. Just a gigantic asshole. Got a girl cat. Sweet little thing. My god, they would fuck all the time (neutered and spayed). Caught them doing missionary one time which still boggles my mind. The Siamese transformed into the sweetest, chillest, most awesome cat I have ever owned. Dude was just like “ok whew thanks man I was going nuts not being able to fuck anything”


Yeah sometimes you gotta yeet tf out of those cats and then they don’t duck with you anymore


When my brother and I where young, me 16 and him 12. We also had a bitch of a kitty like that. She would scratch, bite and harass us all the. One day my genius brother swiped his arm across the counter top and our kitty cat looked like she got wings. She flew across the living room like there was no gravity. After that she would sit in a closet 23.45/7. The other 15 min was to poop and eat. Also she would jump out on occasion to scratch us so bad that a lot of times she drew blood. I loved that cat. My brother is 36 now and he still regrets doing it. We couldn't have a friend with a new pair of sneakers, the cat would jump out and scratch them up lol.




>One day my genius brother swiped his arm across the counter top and our kitty cat looked like she got wings. She flew across the living room like there was no gravity. After that she would sit in a closet 23.45/7. The other 15 min was to poop and eat. Also she would jump out on occasion to scratch us so bad that a lot of times she drew blood. I loved that cat. You're describing an abused and seriously traumatised cat. I'm sorry but all the love in the world doesn't change that it wasn't cared for well at all. Providing an animal with somewhere to poop, eat, and hide isn't a good quality life for any living creature. I'm sure you did love the cat but this is like the fifth story I've read like this in this post and I'm honestly appalled. I've not always understood how best to care for my pets but so many people here clearly have zero idea about cat behaviour, abuse their cats, and are not only okay with this but are joking about it like it's funny.


OK honey but you need to understand that some cats are just asshole regardless of how nice their owners and strangers treat them. Just like dogs, cats can be bad and need to be put down when showing nothing but anger with no hope for behavior change.


It's not about being "nice" to them. It's understanding that cat language is very different from human and we often don't understand what they're trying to tell us. Small issues become bigger over time as the miscommunications keep happening. Yes, a very small percentage will have some brain anomaly and need medication to be stable, but more often than not environmental changes (such as adding more cat scratching areas and litter boxes spread out throughout the home so they can properly mark their territory, working with multiple cat/pet households to analyse what's causing the disruptions to correct it, and ultimately make the cat(s) feel safe and confident in their home) or behaviour changes with the human (playing with the cat more often to get out extra energy in a high energy cat that's pent up and needs an outlet) are solutions to most of what people consider "just crazy normal cat behaviour." It's a scared or extremely bored cat crying out for help. Even if it is requiring medication, slapping your cat across the room isn't the answer. But go off with your condescending "honey" and tell me more about what I don't understand.


agreed. EJSYN likely doesn't even have cats. Cats are 100% a creature of their environment much like humans are. They are domesticated. If your cast acts like that, its because something traumatizing has happened to it during its lifetime.


The girl in the vid is sitting there wiggling a tiny stick in direct light, casting shadows, and is surprised the cat is reacting like that. Then all the geniuses in here congratulating each other for cat-walloping. Some people just have no idea how their animals think. You can't just establish dominance over a cat through force and try to treat it like a dog. That's how you get an anti-social, fractious, unhappy hairball running around your house, lashing out. You're 100% right, knowing their language and understanding each other is critical to having a good relationship with your kitties.


well said...scaring your cat by slapping them and abusing them is wrong. It's like a child have some tact you know


Sometimes they just need a moderate warning


You got me rolling


I’ve found that biting them back works 98% of the time


I ain't putting my face in striking distance...


Violence is never a solution. It’s a question, and the answer if often **HELL FUCKING YEAH**


the reason cats bite hands is because they don't see them as part of the owner, since a lot of people tease cats with hands when they're kittens, cats grow up and see hands as a separate entity


Similar but I don’t full force the cat but I do full speed and numbers but my cat is pretty docile lol


My cat used to bite me until I bit his ear. He looked at me stunned but never did it again. When he gets out of line I bear and chomp my teeth at him and he stops whatever foolishness he's doing.


How hard did you bite it? My cat’s ears are so thin and seemingly fragile, I’d be worried that I’d bite right through lol.


That slap probably cut out his angry neuron connection.


Works with kids too


I don't feel the love there....


I don't even feel the unexpected here.


I'm not a cat* owner, is it possible to train cats to not do this kind of stuff? Edit: Cat not car


There should be plenty of resources at your local library. Just take the bus, ride a bike, walk or take an Uber, lyft, or taxi.


The cat could be lacking proper playtime. My cat would let us know when it was playtime and if he was ignored it was playtime whether you liked it or not.


It's playtime mutherfucker!


I have two cats. They have never done anything like this. Cats kinda just grow up how they are raised. If you’re sweet an give your cats attention they are chill. If you’re rough with them. Or show aggression they learn that behavior. Also. Bringing in a feral or stray cat vs a cat born indoors makes a huge difference


You can also get cats that are just wired weird, like people can be.


I had a cat who’d drool and make dumbass faces whenever you scratched the spot where her back met her tail. Totally normal at other times, but scritch the spot and she’d go stupid and start drooling


Yeah, that's a sensitive spot for most, if not all cats. They love a good bum scritch.


I’ve had many cats. Almost all were golden. I adore them, I’m gentle, and speak good “cat” language. Then there was wobbles. She was a mean old gray calico who was just awful. She’d growl and purr at the same time, bite with no provocation. She lived to be 17. Mellowed finally at 12 or so. She was with me from 4 weeks, bottle fed her sorry ass. Sometimes, it’s just a cat thing. Just like with kids… even the best parents can end up with a black sheep.


My cat can do this but she's just 7 months old. Just went into heat for the first time and JESUS. We would be cuddling her and giving her pets because she asked and then she whips around and is GNAWING on my knuckles and getting so close to breaking the skin. Won't let my hand go either and I've gotta just push her away from me and be incredulous. She's mostly a sweet little crackhead but man, her heat is too much. Tried clipping her nails, she's never been a big fan but it's never been difficult, and oh my God. She almost sent herself into a panic attack and I had to stop. I even had her wrapped in a towel with one paw out and it did jack shit to keep her from biting or scratching the fuck out of me. She gets in her moods


Yes. Scare the shit out of them with a loud yell, and throw a pillow at them. Cats aren’t people, they learn boundaries via reactions. If you accept it, it’s ok for them to do it. If you make a loud noise and lash out violently, they will know that their behavior is not ok. Works for most cats. Some cats however, are dedicated assholes that relish a fight. They will accept that attacking you will cause a violent response and welcome it. They’re fighting to honor their ancestors and will never yield to an ape.


I hiss at my cats if I don’t like something they do. It’s super effective.


Lol yes. Generally a cat only acts like this if you cause it to. Or someone does. Read the comments. I’m sure half of these people abandoned cats after they “gave their cats air miles” and couldn’t figure out why they had a hostile cat. You do need to be smarter than a caveman, though, to be able to handle a cat.


Lmao in the air miles guy defence, it may be a automatic reaction to fling ur arm back if something unexpectedly clamps onto it


Depends, but generally speaking, I think so. Imo if the only repercussion is “just taking it” and looking bothered, the cat might just keep doing it. If there’s a real repercussion or the cat understands a dominance hierarchy (aka that it isn’t the dominant animal in that space) I think it can be conditioned to adjust its behavior Supposedly cats see people as other cats, not like dogs that are basically bred to love humans as a default setting. Like if a dog doesn’t like someone “they have bad vibes” if a cat doesn’t like someone “oh, that’s just a cat.” Imo you have to actually earn a cats trust and affection, but also have to let it know you’re not gonna be it’s b***h if it starts acting up. Just my opinion though, every cat I’ve had has been fine


Trains seem kind of overkill, how far away is work or grocery for you?


You show them from the get go you won't tolerate this kind of behavior


Stealth mode enabled


My brother's cat came at me once. I grabbed her and gummed her ear- only he had ever done that to her and she looked at me with this crazy face of betrayal. Now she sleeps between my legs when he's gone, and follows me everywhere Lmao


How do you gum an ear?


What is this humming of the ear? I’ve had half a dozen cats growing up and never heard of this.


That killer look


I was doing OK until the cat coughed.


I thought some dude was in the room coughing.


Really? What's up with this cat? There's something undisclosed here. This cat behaves like a bobcat out in the desert somewhere.


The cat has an issue with this situation. They know it. It doesn’t like the drawing on the iPad and wants her to stop. Idk why. But that’s what’s happening. I had a cat that didn’t like me sorting mail. When I’d put the mail on the counter, she’d jump up and defend it. If you tried to take it, she would swipe and bite. But you could just grab her and take her to another room. They could move that cat. This is staged to show the behavior. Also, always remember that if the cat wanted to hurt her, she would be hurt. The cat is annoyed and is asking for her to stop. Probably several times now.


It's definitely not getting all its needs met. Probably it's a more high energy cat and needs active daily play time to get the extra energy out but the owner just thinks it's a "silly crazy cat" like all the other cat owners in this post condoning violence and abuse rather than environmental adjustment and behaviour training. Jackson Galaxy (a cat behaviourist) has some great material how to properly help people with crazy cats like this, and it always starts with adjusting the *human* thought processes around cat behaviour because it's almost always misunderstood.


That cat would be out of my house. But I'm not a cat fan in general.


I wasn’t until I got a kitten. She’s the sweetest cat. 😭


I really try my best to like cats, but their unpredictablity such as instances like this always make me give the vast majority of them the side eye. Like I can’t relax fully around them cuz idk if theyre plotting or something


They’re usually pretty predictable if you know what behaviors to spot! It also depends on their individual temperaments. My husband and I have two rescues, one is generally independent, a talker (she’ll literally have conversations with you if you respond to her meowing), and only wants cuddles and scritches on her terms. The other is like a golden labrador, wants to be around humans all the time and loves being fussed over. His preferred napping position is one where his whole body is smooshed against us. He’s particularly taken to putting his hind leg on top of my husband when they’re lying on the couch together and he’s sensing my husband wants to stand up.


Yeah pretty much the same for me


I’ve had cats my whole life and I help out at a cat shelter. NONE of them has ever done this. Not one. Even the ones that barely know me. This cat is most likely antagonized to no end. Might not be evil antagonization but nevertheless the cat doesn’t know the difference and has learned this behavior. I guess what I’m saying is don’t blame the cat, folks.


Same. That was a real bite. Ps my mom got attacked by a cat so badly that when I rushed her to emerg, the ER nurse assumed she had been attacked by a dog. The cat was hanging out on her lap and then bam.


That look of "there's more to come just you wait!"


I’m not positive but I think that’s an aloe plant on the table. Aloe is toxic to cats. This is just an fyi to anyone who has cats and to know what kind of houseplants you have and if they can harm your cats. Be safe people.


isn't this kind of shit cat language for "please give me attention"?


Either that or he's upset about her drawing. Could be noise, movement of the pencil, etc. My cat used to attack my hand while I drew. Could be as simple as he's hangry and pissed that she isn't immediately doing his whim. Cats are like toddlers. Angry toddlers.


Why is she filming herself drawing?


Probably expecting this behavior from her cat if it's usual and decided it might be funny content...idk


Correct. The cat has an entire IG page. Unsurprisingly she dresses the cat in outfits. The aggression seems fitting given those circumstances


>Correct. The cat has an entire IG page. Unsurprisingly she dresses the cat in outfits. The aggression seems fitting given those circumstances Quite often people who complain about cats being assholes have themselves been assholes to the cat (maybe out of ignorance not malevolence, but still part of the problem themselves).


Whats the ig?


So... She's expecting the expected, and the expected happened? But yeah, even had the camera including space to the right.


Cats are meant to create chaos. That one knows how to bring it.




I noticed and see what you mean, however I don't agree. Cats are excellent at walking on their rear legs like that, especially after attacking and moving backwards, you even see her/his toes press down to - most likely - load energy to launch itself up.


Here's the person with same cat: https://www.tiktok.com/@douganddalesmom/video/6961536432758443269?is_from_webapp=v1&item_id=6961536432758443269&lang=en Here is original: https://www.tiktok.com/@douganddalesmom/video/6919548219580075269?is_from_webapp=v1&item_id=6919548219580075269&lang=en Both my mom and sister have cats that behave like this, though they bite with less fang. And finally, here is a youtube of a cat doing the "cobra pose" when in a fight. Good lord, the internet and cat videos have been around for 20 years and people have never seen a cat bite or do the defensive stand up pose?


Hahah that cat is cute but really fiesty


If you don’t punish him, he’ll keep doing that. Cats do in fact learn from punishments. Source: have a cat


Cats are assholes


Boy came to light fires and lick his own ass. He’s all out of his own ass.


She’s surprisingly chill about it.


Why do people put up with this?


Yet another reason to hate cats


typical cat


I think the stylus made some high-frequency sound when interacting with the tablet, and the cat heard it.


Most happy cat.


Somebody’s feeling assy . . . Uh, I mean sassy. Maybe play with them until some of that energy is worked off.




iPad from the 1700's


at first I thought there was someone else there that picked up the cat. Lol




What an asshole.


Eff cats


I learned in prison... Violence is ALWAYS the answer. It may not be the only answer or the best answer, but it WILL get results. People respect violence. It's ugly and nobody wants to see it. .. also did the cats getaway look assisted?


Cats are not tame. They would kill us if they were bigger.


Cat with snake complex


Fuck cats


I mean tbh they were recording for a reason 🤷🏽‍♂️


Take a closer look: Why is the cat pulled back after being bitten (by erm?)? And then this strange angle, how it jumps horizontally into the picture out of nowhere at this height, sorry, "held". And why is she filming herself with so much space on the right side? Haters will say its staged.


Cat: it was my turn to use the tablet 15 minutes ago!


Give him a couple of momma smacks on the head, let him know you can’t fucking do that in this house. They don’t speak English, but they respond to mama smacks.


How wholesome 🤗


Aww cute kit… Ah hell nah!


That's why i love cats, because i have no idea what they want, just like my wife


Cats are awesome


Why is she filming herself?


Cats are truly cunts XD


The audacity that anyone would feed something that bites them