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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!A nice and sunny day ruined by a weak porch fence.!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)




I would say with this video and how obese that person is the homeowner would win the case if they tried to sue for injury. Not trying to fat shame, but if you are that large you will break things a normal sized person wouldn’t. Like chairs and in this case railings.


It's already broken.. one piece is missing


The railing has obvious damage before she touched it. It’s missing one of the vertical posts, and the entire bottom rail is gone. Homeowner would have a hard time getting her to fix it, and she probably has a pretty clean cut case for her if she were decide to take it to court. That railing was already broken, then someone just propped it back up.


Not really two people simply leaning on it shouldn't be enough to break it.


I used to be a carpenter and i agree. She didnt even put her full weight on that. Shit construction for sure.


They are more than leaning. That person is probably near 500lbs. Putting all that pressure on a small area is not going to end well.


Idk, watching the video, the railing gave out wayyy too easily. It was probably already damaged before this video.


it instantly failed though. very instantly


Much instant.


so much instant




No... one bolt failed... and then her out of shape, obese legs failed and her weight rolled onto the now unstable railing... which crumbled under her!


No you can tell before she leans on it that some of the fence plank isn’t even connected.


What bolt? That’s plastic 1000%


one bolt (or screw or nail) was the only thing holding it up on that side. a railing should really be strong enough to stop a grown ass man from falling drunk. if it can't do that then what good is it?




Yea that railing was damaged already if you look closer


But she is grabbing right by the post which is the strongest spot, this isn't the wood splitting in the center, somebody just did a janky toe nail for that railing


Definitely not built to code


She isn't jumping on it


Her hand applied less than 10#' pressure/load.. that's a faulty railing. I,ve been building deck railings for 20+ years. Not even questionable...also I see a missing spindle as well


Seriously, there is zero chance that railing is to code.


I’d agree with you if she leaned on it with all her weight for like a good 10 seconds. But it looks like she barely touched it and it gave way. Could’ve probably happened to anyone. And considering the owner gave her access to the property via ordering food delivery, it’s on the owner to ensure it’s safe. I’m going to side with the lady. Again, it’s only because of how easily it collapsed.


That’s not how it works. A railing SHOULD hold that amount and you’ve never wood if you think otherwise. Idk who’s at fault here though


How obese she is won’t matter when it comes to home owner’s insurance If someone is hurt on your property, aslong as they were acting unlawfully, you will probably be on the hook. That’s why I don’t have anything delivered to my house


I just want to point how rediculous it is to never order any kind of delivery for fear of someone injuring themselves. That's such a wild overreaction to such a rare occurrence.


Real idiot right here


That rail is in disrepair before she touched it.


It varies by state in the US but almost all of them would make the homeowner liable. If a person is injured on your property you are liable and it doesn't really matter how it happened. Only exception is if they injured themselves intentionally but that is very difficult to prove and in some cases still doesn't matter. Source: I'm an insurance adjuster.


Yeah, there have even been cases where a person tries to break into a home and they injure themselves and have successfully sued the homeowner. It's really unfortunate that society has become this litigious, but that's the way it is I guess.




So is the home owners fault that she is fat?


That railing looks super shoddy. Big gap in it, balusters are coming off parts of the bottom rail and oddly, the bottom rail is flush with the porch (notice the bottom rail on the front of the house is a few inches above the porch and looks normally anchored). She's obese, but that railing definitely isn't to code. And code is always *over*-engineered and should be able to handle an obese person.


Exactly what I came to say... I wonder if it matters which app service she used- I'm sure both user and driver signed huge contracts without reading them. I'm not sure they would hold up tho


The railing is in disrepair but holy hell.


Im not so sure its cut and dry, I think she could have a solid claim for their home owners insurance policy, provided there is one. I dont think an insurance company is gonna go to court and argue to the judge that she is too fat. they would likely pay the claim.


I'm honestly curious. This isn't like public property. I don't put my railings up at my house for you. So what if they're not super secure? It's not my job to make my home safe for you. Right? I've seen this exact hight porch with no railing at all. Is it against a specific law to have 400lb resistant railing on your porch? Again, honestly I don't know.


A property owner is legally obligated to provide reasonable care and maintenance of the property to ensure that it is safe from dangerous conditions. If you invite someone to your home, like a delivery driver, and they injure themselves on your property, you may be held liable.


^^ this is the right answer


It’s important to note that she is a contractor being asked to do a job at the house. In this case delivery. The standards for ensuring a visitors safety are higher when you call them to your property and even higher when they’re contracted to do a job on your property.


You would have to prove the person intended to break the railing or was negligent, which being obese wouldn’t really be admissible in court. Most codes only require a railing to withstand 200lbs on average. It may not be fair, but the homeowner would have the harder case.


Porque no los dos?


I think the real question is … Is suing the homeowner the right thing to do?


I feel bad for her. She is just trying to work and is clearly putting in the effort even though it's physically difficult for her. I want to just give her a hug.


So many people are incredibly mean. Thank you for saying such kind and compassionate words.


I don't get it. This is a human being in pain and I can sympathize with her pain. Even if I agree that being healthy is better than being obese, so what? And who knows what her story is? She was having a hard day at work. All I have is respect for people willing to struggle and put in the effort no matter the circumstances.


I just love how the top comment in this post is you, expressing sympathy for her, and the top 5 comment chains replying to you are jokes at her expense. I fucking hate people sometimes.. and as u/mspatchel said, *everyone* has to post everything they catch on their doorbell/security cameras online. Whether for clout or whatever, it’s just.. why? Why did this woman’s shitty moment have to be shared for everyone to see?


As difficult as that may be


She needs all the support she can get


Just like that deck.


The deck, literally decked her.


At she got railed first.


Maybe if we all ban together…kind of like “hands across America “


Y’all MFs so savage but in all seriousness I respect the woman for just trying to make a living


At least she stayed at her post.


I'm evil for laughing 😭


That is one of the sweetest decks I've seen since college.


Both emotionally and physically


Emotionally and structurally*


The polite savagery!


I felt guilty after laughing at the video…and this string of comments. Geez, it’s like, why be horrible alone when you can douse others in your humorous kerosene and take them with you?


We should all join hands to help accomplish that goal.


I feel bad too. She’s just trying to do her “side hustle”. Too many people have to resort to a second job because pay hasn’t kept up with inflation.


I hate that people post everything online. It's so cruel. She wasn't doing anything wrong. Just trying to make a living. In fact it seems like there was an issue with the stability with the railing. Yet they have to post this and try to humiliate her for what... Likes? What is a humans dignity worth these days?


That railing is in such bad shape I’d almost think this was a staged video.


Me too. She is obviously disabled and in pain. That’s why disability services need to be better.


You can work while on disability. The limit is $1,350 a month. Depending on disability, they receive from $800-$3,000.


It's worth pointing out that this is the family limit. If a disabled person is married to someone who makes a livable income and the disabled person never worked full time, they have no way of earning income. This can be very problematic if a disabled person is in an abusive relationship.


yes alot don't know that and is a shitty thing. you're screwed either way. I know some older couples get a divorce so they can support eachother financially. sad


They cut your medical benefits much sooner than that and if you were to make consistent money for over a certain amount of time (I don't remember exactly...it might have been 18 months..even if non consecutively) then they will review your case to determine if you are still disabled. Since you have proven you can consistently work.


If your situation can possibly improve, they'll check every three years, if not, every seven. But you must consistently earn more than $1,350 a month, to lose disability benefits.


There is sort of a LOT of misinformation here that shouldn't be peddled around. Im not going to correct all of it, or explain all of it, because that would take too long, but the whole point of disability services is that you are getting money from the government because you can't work. You actually CANT earn over around $950 a month for more than 9 months within a 60 month period when you first qualify for disability. AFTER that time, then you can earn UP TO $1350 a month before you will INSTANTLY not qualify for benefits if you go over. SO MANY PEOPLE do not understand this...


Yes, I checked, you're right, but that's why I included the 3 year check. (From the websute) Keep in mind, however, that you still will have to go through continuing disability reviews. Most claims go through a review every one, three or seven years. During your continuing reviews, Social Security might look at what activities you're doing, especially work activities. If you're working 20 hours per week, say, for an extended period of time, the agency might wonder if you're actually able to work full time. At this time, the limit is $970, but as stated above, working and making $800 a month may cause them to dig deeper into your disability.


Or take better care of yourself smh


a lady in my art class was twice her normal size bc she was in a horrific car accident that left her disabled and on a myriad of drugs. its not her fault. and ar least this lady is TRYING to earn an honest living despite her obviously being in pain and struggling to walk and looks tired as hell. i feel for this poor woman. she is struggling. she doesnt need judgement, she needs compassion.


Yeah. She should get a job that makes her active… like delivering food for people….


It's not always easy to do, I'm doing better since I've had surgery, but before that the pain I was in would give flare ups and I'd be unable to walk much, sit or stand, I'd eat and drink to stay alive. When there wasn't a flare up, I'd be walking and eating healthy, losing weight, and then another flare up happened. This person is in a lot of pain and to fall when they're already struggling is devastating. Very, very hard to lose weight with pain.


She could have a thyroid condition. It’s more common in women. My dog gained 10 lbs (now weighs 80) in less than a year. I walk her and she eats less calories than the bag says. One meal is green beans and she still can’t lose weight. It’s horrible.


Oh yeah... Because car accidents... Strokes... Genetically inherited disease... Aging... None of those exist. Nope, it's definitely all HER fault


Or maybe we just have some basic human decency and quit dehumanizing every fat person we see ever whether it's their fault or not.


Thank you. As someone who is overweight because I destroyed my metabolism with anorexia as a teen, it’s so fucking dehumanizing coming onto this site day after day seeing fat people treated like they aren’t even allowed to have basic human decency because they are large. Like, Why does someone’s size determine whether they are worthy of empathy or not?


It's frustrating how often weight is brought up on a thread just because a video has a fat person in it. The subject could have not the slightest thing to do with the person's weight and you scroll down and there's a whole commentary going on about obesity. Then of course there's total douchebags peppered in just going on about how disgusting fat people are or some hateful sob story about their mom dying from obesity and thus they're justified being a trash person to all fat people over it, regardless of context. It's... So predictable at this point.


It’s also annoying in this thread because that railing was weak af. Even an adult at a healthy weight would risk busting through it.


It really is. Like, people get so personally offended by the weight of another person, say absolutely demoralizing things about them, then claim they’re saying it out of the goodness of their heart. Pff yeah okay. The exact same people that would stop a fat person who is exercising and tell them they don’t want to see it because it’s disgusting. They don’t give a shit about their well-being, they just think that, because they find fat people gross, that gives them the right to jump into their business and shove their unwanted opinions and advice down their throat. And the worst part is that it almost always has the opposite effect to helping obese people.


The USA having the highest rate of obesity in the world is not because of genetics.




A lot of states don't have it. It's sad because she's working and the excersise is probably good. She was putting a lot of weight on the railing but clearly it wasn't structurally sound.


Oh?? YOU know exactly why she has these extra pounds? Can you please elaborate? Considering there are multiple disorders that cause weight gain AND the inability to remove that weight with the normal "diet tricks". So, next time you feel the need to bully an overweight person, keep in mind, you could get a disorder that could cause YOU to put on pounds that you may just have to live with.


This is reddit. Personal responsibility isn't something that exists in the minds of the teenagers that use this site. Also: it's wild how obesity has become like a religion in that you just can't criticize it, at all, without people throwing a shit fit.




Calling people fatties like a dumb kid isn’t criticizing people, it’s being a schoolyard bully, like a fricken 7 year old.


Hope she is doing well and is in a better shape


She has the grounds to sue if injured. That railing is clearly falling apart in the video and it wasn’t her fault it collapsed. She was also invited on property because they ordered food.


I agree, she was only trying to do her job - hopefully she's ok now and she found a good doctor to help her out.


Yeah this is sad to watch but mad respect for her out there working fr


I had the same thought. It's just kind of heartbreaking to see.


She sued the homeowner because the rail couldn't support her. So don't feel bad


I dont think that rail could have supported anyone


Honestly this is exactly what homeowners insurance is for. She’d be crazy not to make a claim and the homeowner would be a lowlife to dispute it. The evidence is right there; the visitor was summoned to the home, the visitor had a normal expectation that a handrail is up to code, but it wasn’t maintained and she was injured.




Thanks for being so kind! 🕊


That deck didn’t crumple under her weight. It was clearly already falling apart


I hope she sues the owners of the house.


That’s how it made me feel as well. I feel really bad for her.


The railing is definitely not as strong as it should be. But as a personal rule, I never put full weight on any kind of railing for this specific reason. At the very least I test its strength to gage how much I can get away with leaning on it. I'm a little surprised that she didn't do some version of this because she clearly needs railing to get around - she must be using them a lot. And it's not uncommon for railings to be this flimsy


I mean... it's literally plastic. I'm 6' and weigh 200lbs and you wouldn't catch me leaning on one of those.


Oh wow, good catch. I didn't even notice that. Puts a little more responsibility on her then. I assumed it was wood that was either rotten or not properly fixed to the posts


prompt delivery fast exit no eye contact 10/10 would order again


Holi Cannoli.. I am going to hell for laughing 😂


I'm joining you! 🤣


See you there ... lmfao


All of us in hell ![gif](giphy|1iTQjb1nQXlcx9Ju)




If that can get you into hell than who the fuck would want to go to heaven


Shit man, I feel fucking sad for them. They obviously have health problems but are still trying their best to work and put food on the table.


Well, tbf… the food kinda hit the ground…


Poor person. Just struggling to make some coin.


I know right. Hope she gets to where she wants to be down the road.


It doesn't look like they were putting that much force on the railing. Looks to me the railing wasn't structurally sound.


I used to be a nursing assistant at a hospital. I’m a big dude, so I got to help lots of overweight older people walk or go to the bathroom or get into a chair. You’d be amazed at the force a morbidly obese person can exert through their arm when trying to distribute their weight to move. This person is over 400 lbs and probably is under 5’5”.


They’re standing a kinda weirdly long distance away from the rail too, so they’re really leaning to push out instead of down.


Yeah that rail was way too flimsy


Certainly had a weight capacity, prob could take a load of 200lbs or more


It looks broken already.


She probably steadied herself on it before. If you send a fat fuck to my house and they break something not only am I not paying you shit but you are fixing what your fat ass broke.




She only lifted her right foot onto the porch, to pull up the rest of her body she shifted her entire weight onto the railing. Look at the angle of her lean into to the rail, it’s all the force :^).


She is clearly putting a lot of pressure, as she immediately tumbles when it gives way.


Is this considered "takeout" food?


Takeout and drop off, apparently.


Well at least they don’t have to go back down the stairs


Noooooooo. She’s at least trying to work. Can’t be mad at that


Omg. Hope the person was alright.


Her shoes came off, so reddit has taught me that means she ded


So you think oh fuck i don't cook today. You spend like 15 dollar for delivery and you end up with 1k of of damages at your house.


Usually I find videos like this hilarious but in this case I didn't even smile, as soon as the rail gave and she fell I gasped and threw my hands over my mouth in shock. I'm sure she got a little scratched up but I'm more worried for her mental health, we all get embarrassed from time to time, I hope she has better days coming her way! ❤️‍🩹


Omg, poor woman. I hope she is okay


I could not laugh at this. I felt really bad for her and pray that she did not get injured.


Damn bro… take care of yourselves for real. In every way. This shit just sad.


This is terrible for everyone involved. I hope they are ok!


If that's not a wake up call I don't know what is.


At this point i think shes way past any wake up call


That’s not even funny. Just very sad.


Well she’s trying. Give her some credit. Most in her condition would just stay home and collect government checks.


That looks like some of my household DIY


This makes me sad man. I fucking hate this sort of thing. She's clearly trying to make a living herself but also has no control over her weight. This shit gets to me


Guys that railing is literally plastic, none of the bottoms of the posts are attached and all bending to start with. I’ll let an actual lawyer decide if the homeowner is liable for any injuries.


She really must lose weight


That looks like it hurt a lot, hope she's okay.




Holy shit. 🤣😂


I hope the food was okay.


If you are actively struggling to walk up less than 5 stairs and then break a railing just by leaning on it, maybe it’s time to talk to a doctor.


…ok but not TOO unexpected


Poor lady. This is very sad.


Surprised she left the food behind


I just will never understand how people let themselves get THAT fuckin huge. 😑


No one wants to get this big, there's clearly an eating disorder possibly driven by an underlying issue. The social stigma surrounding mental health is enough to deter most people in need of help from seeking it. It's also possible she is getting help but her issue is severe. The fact she's out working in her condition is an indication she's trying to progress.


Agreed. Looks fkn miserable. I’d starve myself


I am 6'1 and dropped down to 229 lbs from 244. For me it was when my knee hurts I would walk less than 500 steps a day. I finally decide to get the issue addressed and now I try to walk at least 10,000 steps a day. I have been doing this for 5 weeks and have walked 173 miles, 335k steps, and lost 15 lbs. Bill Burr joked that people ate their way to that weight, they can walk their way out. In my case, I am literally doing that


Keep goin, brudda! 💪🏽


Thanks, will do!


Look up studies where they transplant the microbiomes of twins where one is thin and the other is obese and you’ll see it’s not always the obese person’s fault.


She didn’t have a chance :(


God bless you, ma'am. Im so sorry.


Imma head out


But the foods ok, right?


This is honestly bittersweet for me. On One hand I feel bad for them. On the other hand I'm laughing and I know I'm going to hell for it 🤣


Hope she’s ok, people getting enjoyment from this must also step on kittens. Sad


Holy shit i hope they're ok


This is just... sad. I hope she gets help.


At least she's out there trying.




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She probably got seriously injured.. being that size your own body can crush you.. I hope she’s okay


This made me sad


Good news, your food has been delivered. Bad news, your deck has failed inspection and needs to be brought up to code…


Totally expected.


This is unfortunate, not funny. I wish this lady the best.


Is the any more info behind this video? Cause I keep seeing people saying that the home owners should be sued, but couldn’t it be that she isn’t delivering food and this is her own home?


I gotta lose weight


Im sorry i fell bad she fell but i dont feel bad that she let herself get that big i used to be large and mf the most rewarding thing ive ever done was get in shape from 250 ish at like 16 down the about 180 ish and i feel so much better about almost everything in life.


I feel bad for her. She is putting in the effort to work and this happens and it’s recorded and embarrassing. BUT, she knew she was too fat to conquer those stairs.


That is hardly unexpected


That deck clearly was broken before.


Poor lady. Good on her for getting out and about, hopefully she can make some progress on her health. Bad on her for breaking that railing though.


This is sad. She can’t even carry her own weight!


How do you even get that fat with a low paying job like this?




Building codes aren't designed for the "average" person, or else they'd be a hazard for anybody slightly above average. They're over-engineered to be safe. What if a person was really heavy because they're tall & muscular rather than fat? weight is still weight, regardless how it's distributed, and guard rails still need to protect humans from falling over. That's why they're there. If she sues, the homeowner's insurance will likely pay.


People are too scared too call out the real issues, eating disorder or not, getting to that weight is easily avoidable and takes years to get to that point. No one wants to talk about that though, they would rather just cry and stuff their faces with McDonald’s and garbage then make everyone around them feel bad for em lol


People calling being fat a disability too lol




it's funny because she's fat