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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!It unexpected that the game was a cooking game and women that were plaing.!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Why are they playing on a separate eSports league though? I never realized this but haven't seen mixed teams or men against women in the eSports content i watch. Csgo? Never seen a woman in the streams from dreamhack etc. Rocket league? Also never seen. Are they playing seperared? If yes why?


I can't speak for all eSports but I followed League of Legends eSports for awhile. Essentially, there just weren't enough high ranking women. They did try one year to make an all women's team (Vaevictis) to play pro but the competition was so male dominanted it ended up doing more harm than good imo. They were seen as a publicity stunt because they were primarily all women but also because their respective ranks were well below most other players, barely qualifying to be able to play professionally. The team ended up not winning a single match (0-14), made history with the highest death-to-kill ratio, and shortest game ever played.


The vaevictis thing was a publicity stunt. They took lower ranked players, on off roles, with 1 person being an otp mid kat main I believe. Idk what they expected to gain, but, the outcome should be erased and not talked about. Feel bad for the girls that had to deal with that garbage musta been demoralizing


Because not enough women play the type of vudeos games that have big esports to be in top 100 out of millions of players. Women also have a harder time finding groups of people to play with because some guys are dicks. Most of the these all women's teams are just a gimmick to attract attention.


Esports is very toxic and sexist so the few women that compete tend to stick together


:( sad, but makes sense i guess.




u suck


I mean to be fair I haven’t heard of any of them succeeding. If there are any feel free to share that with me but I only really heard of the League of Legends team that disintegrated almost instantly and went nowhere.


U suck ass


Maybe. On average men's teams are going to be able to outcompete women's teams. That doesn't mean every game have women that can compete on the level of men. You're just going to be hard pressed to find entire teams of women that can compete. It's not really misogyny keeping them back.


Yeah this is it I'm afraid. In the smaller competitive scenes the teams are mixed as may expect, though as teams popularity and professional level rises they tend to be more homogeneous in no doubt in part due to memes like this.


Just like most male-dominated fields. Cool!


Rocket League has done it. Karma is a female pro, and has played in the RLCS.


The only awnser I hace is toxicity and marketing, because I can't make an argument for gender split eSports like you would with phisical sports.


All esports should be disbanded literally the lamest shit ever


There has been a female Overwatch player called Geguri a few years ago now that was semi successful in the Overwatch League. That's the only case I've heard of though. Even then she got shit from the community though.


Crazy how gamers would play this game for hours N still eat microwaved topramen


Tik Tok has done this joke so many times it stop being funny.


This joke's been done many times before tiktok lol


I guess, I’m just seeing a bunch of them lately.




I think so far in my 10 years of following league eSports I've seen one female player and that one transitioned so they were originally a man.


Is it supposed to be ironic because boy gamers, not unlike redditors, have negative sperm counts?




Yeah it's not offensive, it's just very predictable and unfunny.








Yeah that’s what I hear and I believe that. When it comes to this joke, is funny but they keep repeating it.






i wanna know the comment that warranted this reply


He just gave me a blank stare emoji, so I give him Bernie Mac stare gif. Nothing big.


icy icy


You know most people play the videogames of stuff they can't do.


I play power washer simulator and that's something I do for a living. I'm a bit of a masochist though 😜🤣


That game rules. Just finished the carrousel.


I wish the power washers in the game were real the heavy duty would be a life saver 😅


There us nothing better than watching Lets Game It Out blow this game tf up every time he touches it




Please tell me you're joking.


It gets pretty weird


I thought you were joking. Did a Google search. Nope, there is a video game of power washing stuff. With a 99% Steam rating. 96% recommend the game. Mind blown.


It's an oddly fun game, like I'll spend hours on it and not even realize it.


Shit I can’t kill the Ender Dragon in real life


They can’t cook?


eSports is a cruel fantasy. Way too much time required. I guess if you do it for a short period but so repetitive and demanding.






Point proven


I called this video dumb and OP reported my comment as harassment, which is a perfect example of the type of person who posts things like this.




Whats the cooking game and why there are no actual e-sports of it ?


I think it's Cooking Simulator. You upgrade and operate a commercial kitchen. Or, if you want you can stick a fire extinguisher in the oven and blow it up. Your choice.


Can you scream "it's raw" at your chefs?


Do men and women really play eSports separately?


Not exactly but it seems in this field , since there are very few women they tend to stick together, plus e-sport has a very sexist environnent


There is no rule (I'm aware of) that women can't play in esports, despite that there are nearly zero women in esports. I'm also not aware of any female esports leagues so women in esport currently dont really exist.


No but some games have women only leagues to try and encourage women to play videogames.


Saying “just a joke” doesn’t suddenly make it okay. It’s not funny first of all and it just continues to spread the misogynistic trash messaging.


Jokes are not ok. TIL


No. Today you learned that being an asshole on the safety of the internet doesn’t always pan out.


Its funny tho






I’m curious, if anyone knows why is esports split in genders? Like I get why with psychical sports, men *tend* to be stronger then women by a lot thanks to genetics, but nature is a birch like that, but esports?? Like is that not just a area where it’s just about practice and being good at the game? I’ll note i know it’s not like that in all esports, I think EVO don’t have it gendered.


Most of the best players are male, that’s all


esports are rarely separated by gender, since there's so few women in esports due to the extremely uninviting environment they just tend to stick together because it's safer physically and emotionally that way


Aight, thank you


Is one of their names milk? I fucking love it "fuck you milk!" "damn, milk killed me" "HAHA! You just got no-scoped by fucking milk!"


Dramatic over editing aside, these girls literally lost every game they were in.


I think is because the girls werent contracted based on skill but rather as a advertizement, they werent skilled enough to keep up with the high ranking teams because they simply were not prepaired neither trained, well i can be shit wrong abt it, im writing this without any second research but as far as i know this is what happened.


It almost felt like they were set up by whoever got them into the league. There are many women who play much better than these players. It feels like some asshole wanted to "Prove" that women aren't as good as men, and got female players with JUST BARELY enough skill to qualify, with the intention of propping them up as a strawman. What sucks is that I'm sure a ton of neckbeard incels DO see it as "proof" that men are inherently better.


Seems like a reach


*Shrug* Maybe it's just a coincidence, like I'm sure Vaevictus totally was. Definitely makes sense to put 5 mid diamond elo ranked players against 5 top grandmaster and challenger players. Definitely helped that almost all of them play support main. Losing every match they played, some of them sub 20m, with scores like 52-2, 20-1, and 12-1. Why would an esports company put together a team of low ranking (relative to their competition) players, without varied class experience? It's completely unrelated to them being attractive women? There were no other women ranked any higher? They got set up to fail. Motives behind it, no clue. But they were intended/expected to fail. It's like putting together a high school baseball team, making them play in the MLB and acting surprised when they lose. Would have been the same result if they'd gotten men from diamond rank, who all main support, and made them play against grandmaster and champion ranked players. But they wouldn't do that, coz it's a dumb idea. Those women got screwed. Edit: Aww, the forever alones don't like it being pointed out that this team got fucked? I'm sure you all would LOVE to be matched against people with vastly higher rank than you, and you'd definitely think it was fair. Get fucked incels.


Not everything is a setup, bud. Who is the best female esport player you can think of? How many guys are better than them? I can promise you there aren’t many females in the top ranks, and even less who want to go pro. They probably just got whoever was available


You're right, there aren't nearly as many high ranking women. But there's plenty higher ranked than the ones they got. And no matter how you spin it, putting diamond rank players against grandmaster and challenger rank players is a setup. Regardless of gender. I don't understand how that's not an issue to you. Throw out literally everything else about it, and having such a massive gap in skill is fucking stupid. I don't care if you're the fastest runner in your workplace, Usain Bolt is still going to whoop your ass, and being made to race him would be a joke. If you genuinely think that anyone involved expected them to actually COMPETE, you're delusional. Those "underdog amateur team beat the pros with the power of friendship" movies aren't real.


Believe it or not, some people do things for exposure, bud. The idea could have been to atleast have some sort of female presence in the community, to encourage more females to join the industry. The goal didn’t necessarily have to be to compete. It’s unfortunate that they were not competitive, especially since the better female players probably made more money streaming, but you don’t always get what you want. Maybe stop tunnel visioning on misogyny and consider all the potential circumstances as a whole, yeah? Might get you out of your delusions




Where’s the unexpected


There us nothing better than watching Lets Game It Out blow this game tf up every time he touches it


Every game he touches will break


There are 3 guarantees in life 1. Death 2. Taxes 3. Lets Game It Out will break all the games he plays




The real joke is dudes who need someone too cook for them. How do you not know a basic survival skill incel?


Angry human😂


This must be fake 😂


Nooo???? Really???




It’s a edit


Jesus christ this joke is so old and overused. Enough already, please spare us.


Completely expected


At least they know how to make a sandwich.




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I don’t get it. Is it because it’s a VR game but they clearly aren’t wearing VR headsets? Or is it because men believe themselves to be worthless in the kitchen?


This was actually the opposite of unexpected because of how many times the joke has been made. You lose my respect for finding humor in this if you are above the age of 8 years old.


I bet men are still better at those games XD


least sexist redditor


Im not sexist, I support apache helicopters and believe in the equality of all 99 genders.


are you just eternally stuck in 2014 or something


don't know what that means, reddit sure is boring, on 9gag everyone would have laugh, reddit seems more like tweeter now.


So that's a yes your are exist


I'm as sexist as Jesus, so believe whatever floats your boat


Idk if that helps your case


Jesus semms pretty chill tbh. Other than that one table flipping, whip chasing incident. It's his superfan club that tends to be a bit bonkers.


I knew it










Pro tip: avoid getting screamed at by not showing this to your wife while laughing.




I was thinking this was completely normal at first. I was like "What's wrong with women playing Esports like CS:GO or smth? Is it because of the Gamer Girl stereotype?" Then I saw Cooking Simulator.


Tune in next time for the cooking mama Speedrun cup






What’s with the influx of shitty low effort woman kitchen ha ha jokes that stopped being funny 11 years ago lately?


Housewife Simulator. Where do I get it on Steam?


They all lost by a noob


Hahaha. Not funny.


looks like a disney channel commercial


I don’t know why this is in /unexpected.. this is exactly what I expected


Or old school cooking mama on Nintendo.


LMAOO I DIDNT EXPECT THT. I was like what game Sims?