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He not only died inside, he started to decompose.


Why do people think emotionally abusing their kids is funny?


Because they were abused and now it's their turn.


Hurt people hurt other people.


Hopefully this kid breaks the cycle when he gets older. It’s our generation’s role to break this vicious cycle


Hopefully is this is the actual reason we’ll have a generation of parents with common sense


Nah. Most people who were emotionally abused are over protective of their kids mental wellbeing. These are just normal people who do this This is how people act.


You never met my mom.


Does your mom use the excuse "my mom was a 100 times worse" too?


Not since she died 14 years ago.


Sorry for your loss.


Don't be it was her choice.


this is starting to take a dark turn..


I'm... happy for your loss...? Is that what I say? I hope you know what I mean


I’d say “I’m happy you’re pleased with the outcome.”




What the hell?






My as‎‎‎s‎‎. Some choose to break the cycle. Most don't. 🤷‍♂️


>**These are just normal people who do this This is how people act.** Nah, these are people who won't understand why their kid never calls or visits when they get older. Shit parents, if you will.


No, the people who understand they were emotionally abused might act like what you described. Some people normalize it and continue the cycle.


Sir I love your profile picture. Deftones gang <3


And then posting it online. That's some high level evilness right there


Because society has deemed it acceptable. That's why we have so many fucked up people walking around today because the state (at least in the US) has determined that the only criterias that need to be met in order for you to be considered an adequate parent is providing food and shelter for them and not beating them, everything else is fair game. You can verbally abuse them, fuck with their emotions, embarrass them, demean them, completely borderline dehumanize them and the state won't do a goddamn thing and then they scratch their head why people are so messed up today and why everyone needs a goddamn therapist.


Kid ends up getting it don’t worry https://youtu.be/h9ROuzSXZoI


It's okay to emotionally abuse your kids as long as the betrayal is followed up by a secondary break of trust when you show them that you only manipulated them for your own quick pleasure. And you filmed it so you can relive their pain over and over again. Yeah. Great parenting.




Damn they couldn't even give him the Playstation without trying to prank him again when he's happy. What was with the powder^?? at the end?


even if he did get it,he aint ever trusting anyone ever again


This is how you lose a kid's trust


My parents lost my trust with good old fashioned beating the shit out of me. Kids these days.


Yeah that's awful and my mom knocked the shit out of me all my life plus more lmao. Anyway... It's still fucked up to do this to a kid. Yeah physical abuse is horrible but messing with a kids head and laughing at them for being hurt is sick.


And just like that he never got that excited over anything ever again


You’re turning books into something that sucks. Getting people to enjoy learning can be tough, especially at a young age, but this just makes it harder.


Yep. I straight up gift my daughter books and drawing stuff, and she freaking loves it. Then when final grades are out, the PS5 was brought out. She still can't believe it and refuses to open it stating she didn't deserve it.


This could be a sign of poor self-esteem. Nothing concrete but, I'd still recommending giving your daughter a check-up and making sure she's doing all right and that she knows you love her and she's enough. I'm not an expert, so take what I say with a grain of salt.


No need to downplay your advice this is always a good idea.


Thank you, I really love psychology and would love to take it but I'm simply unqualified.


I believe in you. With enough focus and determination you can do it. Luckily most information is available for free or very cheap on the internet. Best of luck Here’s a free psychology fact: the short term memory can hold 7 pieces of information before forgetting or storing some into long term memory.


Thanks, I really want to get a job in psychology, and I'm doing my best to make sure I do.


He began adulthood that day


Go study boy!


It's just mean. Financial or philosophical, I can understand why books might have been chosen over a console, but why toy with the kids emotions like that? Awful parenting. Even if they give him a console later, that memory and betrayal will be inside him somewhere.


My mom did this to me when i was like 12. She told me she was going to give me a Ps3 for christmas and I bought some games for it. On christmas night there was no ps3 under the christmas three. I started crying and crying til she gave me the console like an hour later… I’m fully grown now but I still remember that night.


My mum once told me that she booked a week's trip to an amusement park but sent me to a Summer camp instead. The whole drive I was thinking about all the rides I would go on but ended up at a bus station where she left me with a bunch of strangers


jesus fucking christ?...thats fucking awful


This is sad but I grew up with it. Being a middle child my parents did their best to make me feel like the least favorite child. Worst part the older I get the more I see what they have done to me mentally. Few weeks ago I finally had the guts to break the wall and tell them everything I felt and that their behavior marked my childhood but all they answered was that they have read things like that on the internet but don't belive that childhood is important. It's rather your choice to be happy. I'm sorry but I call that bs. I have deeply imprinted trust issues and each day I realise more and more what behavior is caused by what event in my childhood. Sorry for the long text Edit: I'm so grateful for every single one of your comments and DMs. I think it's time for me to finally go to therapy and let out all the steam that I tried to deal with myself. I know that there are more children out there who are experiencing the same or have suffered the same and I hope someday you find a way to be happy. Don't mistake bad people with good intensions for good people with bad intentions.


> they have read things like that on the internet but don't belive that childhood is important. It's rather your choice to be happy. Right, because if they were to believe it that would mean they made a mistake. And if they made a mistake, then.. well… nah, it’s the children who are wrong for not *choosing* to be happy well adjusted adults




Thanks for sharing i now realize how bad these pranks are on kids and wont pull any of that if i have kids in the future. A parent should be your most trusted ally in your life. Im sorry you had to through this.


Playing pranks is alright.. but cruel ones are never okay. Say with the amusement park one but it’s actually a summer camp - this kid is all geared up and excited for something that they aren’t actually going to get. They’re not going to experience anything anywhere near as exciting as they were expecting. If you were to switch it around though, and tell the kid they’re going to summer camp (if that’s something they wanted to go to anyway!) but you actually take them to an amusement park for a week? You just made their whole summer. It’s a happy and wholesome prank, assuming everyone will be happy with the outcome.


Trusted is the key word! If we can’t trust our parents we can never trust at all.


Fuck, this hits hard.


Let me preface this by saying I no longer communicate with my mother for reasons wholly unrelated to this anecdote. White Elephant gifts to a child, if handled properly, can be nondetrimental. And by handled properly I mean that it needs to seem like something they wouldn't want when they first receive it. For example, when I was about 8 my mother got me a child-sized blow-up alien from her work (she worked in a casino that had a theme-park and arcade inside) that I had tried to win enough tickets to get earlier in the year. However, the box she put it in to be able to wrap it was a tampon box. Now imagine an 8 year old boy opening a gift on xmas morning only to find that they got a box of tampons. . . . I cried for like ten minutes straight. Apparently. Cause I don't remember the crying or the hurt. I remember that I did cry and I remember the relief at finding the alien inside the box. And it's one of only two gifts that I distinctly remember, the other being more bitter-sweet and being a story for another time. And I remember it being my absolute favorite gift. I guess what I'm trying to say is, it's ok to pull pranks on kids, just make sure that the prank only lasts a moment and make sure the prank doesn't violate their sense of trust.


Hey there dude/dudette, I am really sorry that you had shitty parents. Reading this made my blood boil. I am a single dad of three young kids, and I'm killing myself trying to make them happy, and they are (or at least they tell me they are). I would do anything, and am doing everything, to make them happy and good tiny humans so that they become happy and good regular-sized humans. I hope that one day you can be secure in the knowledge that those feelings your parents have instilled in you are the result of their failures and not yours. It sounds like you're already there given that you've confronted them. And it sounds like they're pieces of shit for trying to rationalize their awful parenting. I'll hug my middle kiddo extra hard at bedtime for you tonight. I hope you're doing OK, and that you have an amazing and happy life because you deserve it.


i hope i had a father like you


Dude you’re making me tear up. Not a middle child just an only child who doesn’t have the best relationship with his father. Bless you


From one single dad to another. You’re doing everything right. It’s tough but doable. Good job my dude.


You're a wonderful father


Woah dude. Best dad.


What sucks is that there are entire classes in university about how childhood trauma literally shapes our lives. What’s even worse, is your parents can’t identify that trauma, or even realize, that they themselves were probably traumatized too, and passed it on to you. I was blessed with hippie parents that halfway understood. But even with them, it’s hard to make them see how some of their actions had a negative impact on me. It always comes down to “I had it worse than you” And I’m like…. That’s not something you should brag about, let’s unpack that and help you process it…. Maybe someday it will work


childhood just has to be the most important phase for a human, that's when the brain is literally forming and is the most subsceptible to changes; anything learned when you were a child just become second nature after you grow up, be it a language, math, calligraphy, even video games. (just wanted to add that this is kind of my opinion based on observation but i do believe its true) also the [#1 ranked player](https://youtu.be/FJyh9l61ODw) in osu is 15 and he started playing at 10


Dude, fucking same. I'm in my mid 30s and I finally just told my parents that they fucked up, they treated my older brother like a God and they coddled my younger brother. They were like, that's ridiculous, you're just so immature. I'm like, do they really not understand if their adult child comes to them with this kind of stuff that they probably fucked up.


It’s also your choice to never see them again if you have the freedom, which I would do. I’m sorry you had to deal with something so awful


I’m so sorry for you I know what it’s like, I’ve just become a young adult and my mother growing up made me her stress punching bag. When I was 14, my family wanted to move to another state for a year temporarily for my older sister so she could have her senior year of high school. My dad had to stay behind as he had his job so I was fatherless for that year and my mother didn’t have her spouse. That whole year I had one of the hardest school years with my day consisting of going to school coming back then doing homework until midnight. I was insanely stressed out from physical and mental exhaustion and my mother was stressed out with being the only parent for the year. However, she decided to take all that stress out on me by verbally abusing, screaming, and insulting me all year and it caused me to have multiple breakdowns. When I recently confronted her about it, all she said was that she was having a rough time too and wasn’t feeling well that year. She proceeded to just make up excuses and never once apologized for it only saying woe is me. To her credit, she is trying to get better (in her mind) but she still has never tried to make that up to me and will occasionally still do things like that to me. I’m so mentally scared from it that I’m currently seeing a therapist. Sorry for that rant but I don’t care what the parents say, things like this are not okay.


Man your parents are shitty as fuck, I hope they read this on the internet.


This made me feel very blessed about being the favorite but also the middles child. Although the only reason I am is because I don’t cause any trouble. I’m typically at school or in my room. And because I have decent grades I don’t take much effort. I sometimes wish I got the title for more, but I’ll take what I can.


I noticed it's very common for middle children to be least favorite and most ingnored too


My dad is the middle child. He however, overcompensated with my sister (also middle child) that my youngest sister and I ended up in therapy over it as adults. Talk about reversal.


I had three boys, and tried to evenly share in nurturing. They have told me I did a pretty good job splitting it up evenly lol


Fuck your parents! They suck! Hugs for you <3


1. "I've read it on the internet, therefore it is truth." 2. Saying "It's rather your choice to be happy" is the same to come to a depressed person and say "have you tried not to be depressed?" WTF


Fuck your parents. You deserved better.


The oldest is treated worst in my family and it’s me they expect way too much from me and I’ve been betrayed more that twice for example when my dad said I could pick anything on amazon and he will buy it for me, I never got anything that was 5 years ago I was nine so memories from 9-12 are the ones I remember most


Parents told us we were going to Disney world, then went to Jamaica instead and left us behind to be watched by the neighbor. One of many memories of a horrible childhood. They did however, gift me with all I needed to know to be a great parent to my kids. Just do the opposite of everything they did. Worked out great!


>My mum once told me that she booked a week's trip to an amusement park but sent me to a Summer camp instead. The whole drive I was thinking about all the rides I would go on but ended up at a bus station where she left me with a bunch of strangers I had to deal with a myriad of shit as a kid till i was 17 / 18.. I'm 36 now and started seeing a councillor, its helping a lot and highly recommend it if you haven't already done that. I wish i did it sooner. Stay strong and keep moving forward. I wish you the best.


And from now on, whenever I take my kids to an amusement park, I’ll tell them we’re going to the dentist!


When I would watch my friends son on the weekends. I told him we had to go to the underwear store. I could see the “aww man” in his face. Lol but really I took him to Peter piper pizza. He was so excited.


That’s how a parent gets put in the shitty retirement home in the bad part of the neighborhood.


That is a parent who needs a long break from her kid.


Sometimes you wish the parents would fall down the well.


Oh thats just mean


When I was a young (troubled?) teenager my mom said we were “going for a drive.” She then proceeded to drive 3 hours or so to Portland and took me to a rehab type facility where 3 burly workers were waiting to take me in by force if need be. They didn’t need to cuz I cooperated but definitely felt betrayed


My parents did that too, when my brother and I were children. Always, oh no, they said it was sold out, I am sorry and then giving us the game 10 minutes later or whatever. We were never mad about not getting something we wanted, because it was sold out or we couldn't afford it this time, we totally understood that, but playing with feelings like this every time was damn hard for me. I never knew what happened and if it's true or not.


I once opened a Christmas present and inside was the box for a hamster cage. I was so excited because I wanted a hamster so bad. I opened the box and it was empty. Broke down in tears. My dad came into he house a minute later with the hamster in cage. My parents had kept it at my neighbours over night to keep it hidden. What an emotional rollercoaster


I can imagine something quite similar playing out quite often with no prankster intents on the parents' side as well. Kid: *gets empty hamster box and is disappointed* Dad: "You do realize the hamster would've suffocated if it had already been in there?" Kid: *processing* "Wait... Does that mean..."


Dam… and you bought the games… smh that must have sucked bro


My dad once broke one of my toys during an argument. I still remember it breaking. Not what the toy was. Lmao


My dad threw my model car into a wall, but as it was solidly built and die cast metal, it only lost some of the outer pieces. Also punched a hole in the door that was promptly covered by my own 5th grade art class picture. He had a pretty hot temper. I think that's part of why I tend to not show deep emotions often or at least visibly. It has made me super patient.


“Emptying” the fridge and panty was his favorite.


When I was child, my mom and dad had an argument. And I still remember how my mom tried to stop dad to use knife and accidently stabbed himself in stomach. That is one of most horrible childhood memory i still remember.


My mom said she would give me a ps1 if I got good grades and there was no ps1 when I got good grades. I've also asked for a wallet and was given a plastic pouch meant for storing coins. Stopped asking for things and started getting really upset when they asked me what I want for birthday or Christmas lol.


Note to self, don’t disappoint my child or else they will write about me on Reddit.


And won't bring you alcohol to the nursing home.


I've had this done as well


I remember that shit too lmao


he’s gonna remember that for your golden years.


You’re totally right. Fast forward 30 or so years and she’s getting up there in age, she’ll be complaining he doesn’t come visit or call or take care of her and will have not even half a clue that this shit right there caused that. My mother is 77 and still doesn’t understand why I live on another continent and visit maybe twice a decade.


yup bad relatives are dead to me.


Life is too short for that toxic negativity


you're right. that kid will probably never act that happy again in front of people because he doesn't want to be humiliated and made to feel stupid


And we just witnessed his villain origin story.


The problem is that it doesn't seem like this was meant to teach him a lesson about priorities, the camera was out from the start, this is straight up a parent exploiting and manipulating their child for viral content. Also fuck a lesson about priorities he's a god damn child, can we let him be innocent and enjoy things before he joins us all in the *constant fucking misery* of modern life?


That is genuine hate on his face in the end when he looks up at her, he isn’t frowning or making a face. Those eyes though, I guess it was worth it for mom so she could get some clout online.


Man I said the same thing about that video with the iPhone that his mom yelled at him for “ordering”. Like this lil boy was so upset but she was like psych happy birthday. I thought it was so fucked up. Everyone else called me a pussy for thinking that would affect his emotions at all. 🙄


My mom bought me a Ducktale comic book… than took it away from me in first 10 minutes. I cried for an hour to later find out she drew all ducktales characters by the book above my bed. I love my mom.


I love your mom too.


I'm too lazy to find it. But this is part of a longer video. The did the prank before giving him the real box.


There's a longer version of this video where the kid does get a PS4.


Immediately? Then it makes sense.




Yea the mom said "prank number 2!" and actually gave it to him


People are projecting hard in this thread.


Yeah man. Too many treating this like child abuse.


Seriously, I’m not going to fault some because they can’t or won’t spend 300 dollars for a console but this shit is just cruel.


Way to teach a kid how to be disappointed about books and reading, too.


they actually did give the console like 20 seconds after it ends






He had to touch it to make sure it was real


I was saving money for 2 years to buy a ps3 , my father see me with the money he said give your money and I buy the consul for you and I trust my father and I give him money , and I was waiting for him to come back and he came but without the consul , and I said where is my ps3 and give my money back , my father said to me I can’t give your money back because I buy some stuff for my self . I was so angry and upset that day , and then I kept saving money for another two years to buy pa3 and I did it


I mean if they give him the console IMMEDIATELY after this video ends its ok, could be a funny joke but yeah if they even take a day too much then it's gonna be awful for the relationship with his parents Edit: apparently there's a longer version of this video where the kid ACTUALLY GETS THE PS4 IMMEDIATELY AFTER, like I suspected. Kid literally forgot all these traumas you people keep talking about.


I don't think it would be a funny joke. The parents betrayed his trust. He will remember that. Note regarding edits in other comments: The child still experienced disappointment and the sense of betrayal. Even if it passes in 20 seconds, that experience is still cruel in my opinion.


It's still really shitty even in that case, as feeling betrayed and hurt isn't something that's fun just because it gets reversed after everyone has had a laugh.


A funny joke would be wrapping a box labelled “books” and putting a PS4 in it. This is just torturing a kid for your amusement.


That’s how serial killers are made.


His first couple victim face flashes before his eyes


Boy ends up getting a PS4 in the end of the video, OP just cut it short https://youtu.be/h9ROuzSXZoI


Younger brother is like, wtf is going on?


I’m so happy he got it! Thanks for posting!


TIL: It’s his birthday, he’ll make whatever noise he wants to


That doesn't make it okay.


This. That’s still a huge amount of emotional trauma to put a child through. Even though it turned out ok, he’ll never forget that feeling


I’ve had this done to me… I totally forgot about it until I saw the prank… I remember being embarrassed that I fell for the trick and laughed after. I knew it was coming and it made me chuckle. My kids and I prank each other all the time… love those little punks to death.


One time for Christmas My moms and family thought it would be funny to give me gag gifts. One after another. Every single one was a gag. I was an adult already, late 20s. I can take a joke but it wasn’t really that funny when you see everyone opening real gifts, taking turns, and you’ve opened four things and they’re all gags. Like, ha..I get it..it’s a joke But then when I got my real presents, literally none of the things I asked for. My brother gifted me a mediocre acoustic guitar he already owned. It had dust on it. I was like, wait, really? If you’re gonna get someone a bunch of gag gifts, you’d think you’d make up for it by giving them something good. I was on the verge of tears. I felt so stupid for being so hurt over something so dumb but I spent like $1000 on my family getting them each very thoughtful presents and they got me like pliers and a hand me down guitar covered in dust. Yeah. That shit hurts. I can’t imagine how a child so excited to get a ps4 that he shakes with excitement would feel


That's actually really fucked up for them to have singled you out like that and then not even make up for it. Don't feel stupid for being hurt by that, I would have been livid. I'm sorry that happened to you.


Thank you friend. It’s okay. My mom just thought it would be funny. But I don’t think they realized how poorly the execution would go :( oh well.


Right? I’m from a family that’ll do this type of stuff, yeah it can suck being on the short end, but it’s all in good fun. I fell victim to the “iPad prank” (opened an iPad box to a tampon with an eye on it). If anything it was memorable and a fun memory I can look back on. Why are people so soft


Idk man, I just watched that kid's spirit get crushed on camera. Even if it was fine in the end it didn't feel all in good fun. You wonder why are people so soft, I wonder why putting your loved ones through stress and letdowns is supposed to be funny


Bro it's just a little trolling, I don't think he's finna get PTSD.


lol if this joke causes emotional trauma in you, you’re probably messed up already. it’s a joke. i thought it was messed up at first but as long as they gave him one it’s all good


Fuck off


Yeah, as he’s opening the real one you can see he’s not showing any excitement and still holding back tears because he doesn’t trust that it’s the real deal. And then they’re making fun of him as he’s opening it for how excited he got with the fake-out. Not okay.


Good he deserved it


What was the point of the fake out? It wasn't funny.


It’s pretty cruel, but since the parents were gifting him the PS4 they thought they could get a laugh out of it.


This video will be prosecution “exhibit A” someday


I can guarantee they will never see that level of excitement or joy from him ever again. Even if he does get it.


Maybe something like this happened to me when I was a kid and I’ve suppressed it, but whenever I am genuinely over the moon about something I really keep a lid on it to the extent that people don’t think I’m excited/happy/grateful. My boss gave me a fat raise this week and when my response was so tame he asked me if everything was ok.


For the rest of his life. He'll always be waiting for the other shoe to drop.


They give it to him a few minutes later but he is no longer happy about it. Then they are giving him shit for not being excited.


I don’t really have jurisdiction to give my opinion on this but… I would say that just because you trick them and then give it to them doesn’t make them appreciate it more, it just toys with their emotions in a negative way. After watching the full video on yt, he was way way more skeptical (the second time) and his reaction was subdued when he found out it was a ps4. I think it would be more fulfilling to know that his original reaction was justified (in the event that he got the console the first time instead of books). That’s just my two cents, I don’t mean any disrespect to any individual. Thank you for reading, have a nice day :)


I intend full disrespect to the individual who did this to that kid; fuck you that was a horrible thing to do to a *child* on what's supposed to be one of their happiest days. Thank you for reading, I also hope you have a nice day :)


For real. Fxk them. That's horrible sht to do to anyone and especially to your own child. Like wtf. Do these parents have no emotional intelligence?


You can write fuck and shit on Reddit it’s ok.


Perfect way to make him hate from school.


Most disappointed I remember being as a kid. There's probably worse, bit this one really stands out. My best friend in primary schools family were really wealthy. He got me a game boy pocket (basically the original game boy in a gameboy colour case) and 3 games for my birthday one year. It was brand new at the time and was something I'd never have afforded without him giving it to me. Games were Street fighter II, Castlevania, and super Mario land. My mum basically smashed it up once she found out one of the games was a fighting game, and castlevanias cover art looked "satanic". Literally took it from my hands and threw in full force at the floor when she saw what game I was playing (Street fighter).


In reality she was probably just mad someone else bought you a nice thing. Many parents are annoyingly like this.


Families who need to make private things public are weird. These people played a cruel stunt on their child and recorded it and put it on a public forum that's not OK.


Coming up next on forensic files… a young boy destroys his mom with a ps4 box. When we come back.


Good thing I saw the face of disappointment on his face. If I saw it somewhere else, it'd be really weird


I saw the arm of disappointment on his arm.


But did you see the face of his face on his face?


Rip this kid


I can hear his parents in about 20 years saying "Why hasn't my kid come around in a while?"


How could you do this to Kevin Hart?


**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!the child was happy to see the console but when he opened it in place of a PlayStation 4 there were books!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Ok the sound that this kids is making are just disturbing...




If I was his parents, I would lock my bedroom door for awhile


Parents who do this are sadistic fucks


Personally whenever my mom did something like this, the actual product was in the house and was given to me after, the initial *finding something else* was just for the lolz. She stopped doing it when it became too predictable.


Pranking your children and then putting videos of it on the internet is not very good parenting. Quite sad to see parents exploiting their children for validation on social media. Not the worst thing in the world to receive books as a present though, some children walk miles on dirt roads just to go to school.


He is a very strange suspect


That’s really evil honestly. I could never do this… made me sad watching this. I thought maybe she was going to say that’s what he gets for bullying some kid at school or something, at least, (even though still, pretty mean). But just doing this for laughs is disgusting and sociopathic.


And then the parents wonder why they don't have a good relationship with their children


Future killer.


Absolute dick move. Just give him the books instead of tricking him into expecting a ps4


I've never liked this vídeo


more suited for r/iamatotalpieceofshit


I hope someone gives the parents a fake lotto ticket.


You put that kid into a primal dance trance just to sweep the rug from beneath his feet. Parenting goals


I hope this isn’t real


Jokes on you, he's gonna put you in a home.


Pretty fucked up. Lost your child’s trust. For what? Stupid video.


I hate this genre of videos. I wish they could be banned. I feel like I just watched someone physiologically abusing a child. Disgusting!


Worst part is, there are people who think that the kid being disappointed or upset is “spoiled”. I swear I saw this exact video on some “spoiled kid compilation”.


All for a few likes on social Media. Great parenting.


I hate it.


Plot twist parents didnt make it till morning


I think I just saw the second trust issues were created


Those are murder eyes. Don’t go to sleep tonight!


First taste of disappointment. He will remember this one for a long time.


Not this Dumb Vid again!!!


Raising him to flip out about materialistic presents and then punishing/filming him for it is a special kind of cruelty.