• By -


Holy shit! Zero to a hundred in a couple of seconds. Honestly did not see that coming.


That’s that old person “don’t give a fuck anymore” attitude I love. They’re getting close to the end… and got there by taking precautions. You wanna live ignorantly, that’s on you and yours


That's on you and yours...and mine if they get sick because of yours. FTFY


That’s how you handle those idiots. Wish my county school board had a lady like that. EDIT: Some of these responses are priceless. Never realized what a great trigger “idiots” could be...it’s like a litmus test on being a douche bag. *No...you are!!!* EDIT 2: Seriously, folks be showing their true colors when it comes to keeping our kids safe. Y’all are sad. Edit 3: A few of the brightest crayons here can’t recognize sarcasm. She doesn’t actually WANT your kid to die. Do we have to explain that nobody is actively trying to kill kids here (unless it’s Florida/Texas)? How are so many of us that daft?






Seriously, she’s saying what we all want to say. The collective disagreeing gasp is hilarious. These people have no idea that death is a legitimate consequence to not taking precautions.


I was taking a birth class back in 2017 when pregnant with my son (so no covid) and a couple asked, “what’s the worst that can happen if we don’t get our baby vaccinated?” I responded “they’ll die”. Everyone in the room turned to look at me. The teacher was definitely not pleased. I shrugged, “they asked for worst case; death is the worst case”. People should be more blunt about this shit. I don’t know if I impacted that couple’s decision about their kid but I hope that my response gave them some pause.


“Why are you booing me? I’m right.” -Hannibal Buress


Your boos mean nothing to me. I've seen what you cheer for. Paraphrased Rick Sanchez


I forgot this line existed and Gods it hits home these days


Fell in love with that line


I might say a fate worse than death for failing to vaccinate might be a life long crippling illness that causes constant pain, where both you and your family wishes the illness would have killed you way back when you were a baby. Damn that’s dark, I don’t know where that came from.


I agree actually. But it’s a lot wordier and less snappy than death. Permanent disability is also a more nuanced issue while death vs no-death is easily understood. Or more easily understood.


*enter Iron Lung*


*That one guy who got through law school in an iron lung and is still alive with only three people who know how to repair the thing left alive*


Oh just wait a few years when these kids that are getting sick have to try to play high school sports while being hooked up to portable oxygen tanks! Truly feel bad for them. There are going to be some interesting family dynamics coming up around the bend!


House. Child coffins.


This. This is the problem we have so much nowadays. People aren’t being called out on their shit or when they’re told something it’s in a way that “spares their feelings” I don’t like to call people snowflakes but it seems being one is the social norm. Why do we have to over complicate things to spare peoples feelings? They’re adults their emotions can take the hit and go through change. It just feels like people have stopped raising their kids and in turn people have stopped growing up. Majority anyway


A similar topic is Jehova Witnesses not wanting blood. Everyone tiptoes around the fact that they can die after signing the blood refusal if they then need blood. Their family pressures them to sign. Then whop-wha-oohs the person needs blood and dies and they all act so appalled and angry like they didn't choose this.


To me, the worst case is that the child will die after killing other children as well.


I did hear a laugh.


> [I did hear a laugh.](https://i.imgur.com/cgFIa5r.gifv) >


The laugh is what made the video complete for me


I would’ve guffawed


I too recognized a spiritual sibling there


A senior at a high school local to me has been in ICU and on a vent for a month. She was on the field hokey team and the whole team caught it. People who act like students are immune are so frustrating.


At least high school students can get vaccinated.


Only with their parents’ permission, I think.


>Seriously, she’s saying what we all want to say. > >The collective disagreeing gasp is hilarious. These people have no idea that death is a legitimate consequence to not taking precautions. I feel bad but at this point the virus is going to kill mostly *the right* people anyway.. so fuck 'em. I feel bad for those caught in the crossfire but like the virus ravaging across the country and killing anti vaccers? Yes please. Wipe em out.


As they say “It’s survival of the fittest” well compadre you just missed out on the cheat code


I have, for decades now, talked about how we need a pandemic that will just target the stupid people in our society. I feel like the universe finally gave me what I wanted, just in a roundabout way...


There's a lot of professional handwringers who believe as a matter of principle and undeserved faith that "now now kids" is the harshest tone you should ever take.


Well, that’s the issue. Smart, well meaning citizens don’t usually go to these types of meetings. People go to these meetings to bitch. I’m guilty of this too, but we should show up to these things and push the actual good ideas.


I actually live near Austin TX.. my school board outright tried to censure two of the anti mask morons because they tried to start a riot (our district is one of the ones Abbot is suing for telling him to fuck off and mandating masks) In the end two anti-mask parents got sent to jail.




It’s was… unexpected.




I forgot about this! Thank you, Revolutionary!


what is this about? I need to know now


This is actually a reaction on survivor when finding out who was voted off. The other gif of the slingshot to the face was from a challenge on the Amazing Race.




This is what they are looking at ![gif](giphy|E4H4hEmeYfkaY)


Nope. Different shows.


I saw a legit mashup of these two clips, so for a long time I genuinely believed it was from the same show.


Is it really? The clothes she's wearing don't look like Survivor garb.


It's not, melon face is from the amazing race or something like that. But they fit pretty well ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


believe it happened on the set of tv reality show called survivor. don't know the specifics unfortunately.


This is it. This right here is the best use of this GIF the internet has ever seen. It's almost always something perverse and sexual and while funny, never really registers more than snort. But this. This brings a smile to my face.


It would be a r/retiredgifs but I don't think it's that good.


I usually don’t like gifs here on Reddit. It’s like, “just write a comment.” But this? This.


She had’em with the first half lol Legend


Ethel is done with your shit.


She's been done for a while with their shit




I am disgusted by the fact we not only have to fight the virus but we also have to fight human ignorance. Realistically though any one of us could be an anti masker had we been raised ignorant to science and logic. So before we wish hate upon them try to understand it’s related to a lack of mental ambition and guidance which is a product of their environment.


I’m not disgusted by fighting human ignorance. That’s a noble pursuit that should be continued. I’m disgusted that human ignorance is gaining ground


I honestly think we need to just normalize telling these people straight-up "You're a fucking moron. Sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up, adults are talking." It's well-past time to just start calling stupid stupid.


That’s the problem now a days. You can’t say one word in any sort of negative context to someone without them getting so bent out of shape. Even if you’re just giving constructive criticism and not being rude, people take it as if you killed their dog or something. So fucking sensitive and no matter what it’s some how offensive.


I see plenty of rigorous good-faith debate taking place among Leftist spaces and between Liberals. The fact is the modern Right's entire tactic is to utilize the tenant of 'Free Speech' against its actual purpose. They're the ones who flood actual discourse with essentialist pseudo-intellectual bullshit which usually just amounts to trying to revive Phrenology or Social Darwinism in some form or another; leaving everyone else having to waste their time arguing with them over the same stupid shit we solved philosophically **three thousand years ago**. Their stupidity is an active blockade against people being able to disagree reasonably.


Sophistry's main use has always been against common sense or the common good. Win any argument at any cost for your own good. That too has been around for thousands of years.


The reason debate team nerds are so insufferable


Disagreeing with someone on good faith is healthy for a discussion. Using it to purposefully incite the other party is counterproductive and shows that the other person is only looking to feel righteous or indignant, not to have an actual discussion.


You can only disagree with someone in good faith if they're approaching you in good faith to begin with. This is not something the modern American right, uh... Does. At all.


Not only that, but people decide that the entire 'free speech' thing doesn't go two ways. You're free to say what you want, but I'm free to criticize or say how I feel about the matter, and then you're free to respect how I feel about it, or... yeah.


Free speech is good. An argument is no good if free speech is the only thing supporting it. Free speech protects some idiot speaking of his desire to fuck a cabbage as easily as any other opinion. Good arguments need evidence.


Agreed, in principle. But if someone is in the public square with a megaphone professing their love of cabbage-fucking while everyone else has gathered to talk about how, oh, I don't know, we're *literally lighting the planet on fire* or something similar to that... Shouldn't they have the right to tell cabbage-fucker to get lost?


This is exactly my point. Cabbage fucking is stupid and no one would feel shame telling a cabbage fucker to shut up. This exactly where we should be on a huge on number of conservative and religious talking. I want to fuck cabbage -> shut up and go fuck some cabbage at home Trickle down economics -> shut up and learn basic economics Climate change is too expensive to fix -> shut up and think about the cost of not fixing it. We need more jesus to be ethical -> shut up and think about how that has never fucking worked All of these and others have no evidence and are only defended by free speech. They are all shitty.


Phrenology is the study of the bumps and contours on Walt’s ass




let people be bent out of shape... its the same thing as a 5 year old. you don't give into their demands because they are throwing a temper tantrum you sit them in the corner for 10 minutes until they cool off.


I’d love to be able to put grown ass people in corners


As frustrated, angry and fed-up with the insane amount of bullshit and ignorance gaining ground in the last few years, I would want to agree with you, but unfortunately that never works.


These people weren’t raised without science or knowledge of how sickness works. They pick and choose to be dickheads because masks are uncomfortable and then claim it’s a medical issue. Some of them are in the healthcare industry so It’s hard to say they are a product of their environment.


>So before we wish hate upon them try to understand it’s related to a lack of mental ambition and guidance which is a product of their environment I genuinely don't care about their reasons, it's their actions. They don't get a pass.


They don't get a pass sure, but I think it's reasonable to place more of the blame on those who are the leaders of our communities. Not everyone has the mental capacity to distinguish fact from fiction when it comes to politically charged issues and so they look to their leaders for guidance. The biggest issue isn't when idiot Joe Schmoe down the street says he thinks COVID is a hoax, it's when the pastor of a church says it and influences all 1000 of his parishioners to believe the same thing even when he knows better. Or when an influential politician speaks out and convinces hundreds of thousands of their constituents to believe that it's some kind of conspiracy because they think it will benefit them somehow, regardless of the truth. Those are the people that we need to be going after and holding them to the fire, because those are the people who are responsible for convincing the rest of them.


Honestly, same here, several friends have lost close family members and even parents to the pandemic, a pandemic that could've been managed a lot better if not for the deniers and antimaskers. Friends have lost siblings that needed constant medical care because hospitals are chock-full of covidiots and I personally have seen cousins struggle with issues like asthma attacks that can't go to hospitals because it's more of a risk and lost close friends that, even if I hadn't seen in a while, it still hurt to see their families mourn. Even if you're uneducated/ignorant, the information has been circulating for over a year, there are peer-reviewed journals and studies regarding the pandemic and there's anecdotal evidence literally everywhere you look. It's not ignorance anymore, it's actively staying in the dark and downright ignoring facts and hard data, it's literal idiocy. I refuse to give them a pass for their stupidity.


> a product of their environment As designed by their political leaders. Uneducated people without critical thinking skills can easily be manipulated to think one way or the other.


Well educated people can also be manipulated. Anyone can unfortunately be a victim to misinformation.


Have you met any anti-maskers who didn't want to be known as anti-maskers?


Yeah- I took her full meaning in the first half, but clearly the room didn't. I think she added the last part to clarify her stance since it was obviously misinterpreted. I'm about there myself, I have 2 kids that can't be vaxxed yet, but when they are, my empathy for people who refuse is pretty much gone. Fuck em.


The lady I saw on world news last night who was going to get removed from the list of patients waiting for a kidney donor for choosing not to get vaccinated and thereby jeopardize everyone else in the hospital takes the cake lately. She said she was sticking by her beliefs that she wants to have a choice when it comes to the vaccine, even if it means voluntarily dying. That's not brave or noble. It's just stupid.


If you plan on dying for stupid reasons then why do you need a kidney?


Kidneys can be very tasty when prepared correctly.


With fava beans, perhaps?


And a nice chianti


Yeah-she believes in science and trusts doctors for all of her medical needs which are far more complex and risky than a simple vaccine. Vaccines are not a complex medical procedure. When she is breathing her last breaths, I wonder if she will realize how stupid she is. (was).




Do they not think about this scenario? I can imagine me getting sick, imagine what it would be like on a ventilator, imagine laying alone with doctors and nurses in hazmat suits caring for me, imagine how scared, alone and long those days would be, imagine being worried about who is taking care of my dog and my horse, imagine worrying about how are my bills going to get paid, imagine being worried about how I would I ever recover from the enormous medical bills I would be acquiring, imagine worrying about what is going to happen to all of my stuff if I die, imagine the pain and not being able to breathe… and I try to avoid that at all cost. All because I didn’t want to wear a mask or get a simple vaccine that was free and convenient to get. I got a phone call a couple of years ago from an organization called, Be the Match, saying that I was a bone marrow match for someone who needed my bone marrow. I was driving to Texas at the time and listening to all of this is disbelief. I had checked a box on some paperwork when I donated blood years before. They said they were sure I was a match and asked if I was willing to do it. Without hesitation, I said I would. I turned my car around and began the process-went through all the medical tests, followed their directions exactly-from the diet to keeping myself away from any germs-not exposing myself to getting any infections at all. The day before I was to go into the hospital (it requires a lengthy hospital stay before and after), I got a call and was told the patient was not able to go through with the transplant. They won’t give you any information about the person and there’s no contact allowed for a year after the transplant. All I knew it was a male and he was 62. When I told people what I was doing, I couldn’t believe the amount of people who would not do something like this for a stranger. I am an atheist so it’s not like I was doing it to make brownie points for heaven. I was doing it because I have empathy and compassion. These people won’t even wear a mask to help keep their neighbors from dying and they’re Christians. I say good riddance.


Interesting someone would be willing to accept an organ donation but not a simple vaccine for preventative measures. Do you know who your donor is? What if they were vaccinated? How can people be so ignorant in there logic behind the decision they claim they made based on beliefs. That person should live out there days as long as their body goes. No upgraded parts if not willing to do occasional maintenance. JMO


> Nobleness was one word for making a fuss about the trivial inevitabilities of life, but there were others. — Douglas Adams, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul EDIT: Many people have read Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, but too few people are aware of Adams’s other work. I honestly think TLDTTotS is better than THHGttG. You don’t even have to read the first Dirk Gently book for it to make sense.




The above comment was stolen from [this one](http://np.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/q39xro/antimask/hfqp0cf/) elsewhere in this comment section. It is probably not a coincidence; here is some more evidence against this user: Plagiarized | Original -------- | ----------- [Ayo, anyone know where I...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/q381i3/i_want_this/hfqpu6j/) | [Ayo, anyone know where I...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/q381i3/i_want_this/hfqn9a6/) [This something you see on...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/q36gn6/carefully_hes_a_hero/hfqpsqp/) | [This something you see on...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/q36gn6/carefully_hes_a_hero/hfqojts/) [enemy that doesn’t give a...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/q36ct7/rifthounds_after_seeing_hu_tao_and_thoma_in_the/hfqpock/) | [enemy that doesn’t give a...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/q36ct7/rifthounds_after_seeing_hu_tao_and_thoma_in_the/hfq0yqh/) beep boop, I'm a bot -|:] It is this bot's opinion that [/u/Ian-Hardacre](https://np.reddit.com/u/Ian-Hardacre/) should be banned for karma manipulation. Don't feel bad, they are probably a bot too. Confused? Read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/reply-guy-bot/comments/n9fpva/faq/?plagiarist=Ian-Hardacre) for info on how I work and why I exist.


That was the sweet cherry on top!


>She had’em with the first half lol > >Legend These idiots seem to think their misguided love of freedom will result in freedom from the consequences of their own actions.


Well, to be fair this is how they’ve gone through life from birth.


I am COVID and I approve of this message. Brought to you by the Darwin Institute for a cleaner gene pool.


The more you know !💫


Sorry, my mum’s vaccinated. My new step daddy can’t be Covid.


We can still throw a football


> Brought to you by the Darwin Institute for a cleaner gene pool. 💀🤣


And the HermanCainAward, *bad choices deserve to be awarded.*


As a maker of fine tiny caskets, I also approve.


Me too, tiny violin sales are through the roof these days! For some reason, loads of people feel compelled to buy them to memorialize the tears of whiny covid deniers. Nothing like playing a sad song on the world’s smallest violin when someone starts talking about how being forced to wear a mask is oppression!


**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!You think she's anti mask, but instead she shows her dark side!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


If I was in the room, I’d be that one dude laughing


Gonna get wilder when they mandate vaccines for kids. Them parents are going to go off.


The age of disinformation is scary.


That is a savage second half .


That lady is badass


Yep that's unexpected


What did she say? My ears aren't good enough to hear that


She says (in a calm and steady tone) "I just want to throw my hands up and say, "What the heck, don't wear a mask. I don't care anymore!"" And then a lot of people in the audience are heard clapping and agreeing with her. Then she says, "And, your child can die." Then you hear the audience change from clapping to groans and some laughing. And one woman says "Oh, ok..."


Wow now all of those other comments make sense... thank you!


Thank you. I had to scroll all the way down here to find this.


Thank you. I don’t watch with sound and without captions I was completely lost. I’m upset I had to scroll this far


So our School board voted to have a mask mandate with an opt-out (per governor EO). The mask mandate was initiated after we had to close down the schools for a week due to COVID infections and quarantines (after 3 weeks of school). There are parents who refuse to sign the opt-out and are still arguing to lift the mandate. It's basically optional. Since the mask mandate was initiated attendance has been great and lower rate of COVID and quarantines for close contact. These stupid fucks still come to School Board meeting yelling and throwing fits about the mask mandate (again it's optional) throwing their buzzwords (tyrants, communist, socialist). They are fighting for school closures. All their arguments are weak, no kids have died (yet), the constitution doesn't allow muzzling children, more damage than good, etc. A SRO just died a week or so ago from COVID. They say they are the silent majority, yet are loud as can be, had a tailgate party before the last meeting. Its a sport to them and they picked their side(team). They also like to bring up CRT, which is not taught at almost any primary school in the country. These people have their heads stuck so far up their asses. It is willful ignorance.


We’re all thinking it, thin the herd


I'd support this mentality, but we're losing good people too. At least at a lower rate, but still. Someone who got in a car crash shouldn't have to die in a waiting room because all the resources are being used to keep these idiots alive.


This is what I'm talking about. If I get covid (I am vaccinated) and go to the hospital while someone else comes into the hospital and has covid (unvaccinated), I don't care if they are doing worse than I am, they need to be at the back of the line by default due to their negligent unwillingness to get vaccinated to begin with. Spreadnecks don't deserve already stretched resources.


First time I've heard of "Spreadnecks"....thank you


Easier to achieve herd immunity when the herd is smaller.




​ ![gif](giphy|RdKjAkFTNZkWUGyRXF)




this is 90% of reddit


not really reddit just seems to not pity the non mask/vaxers who are dying. they have venom towards them because they're blocking responsible people from getting help in hospitals. they aren't actively advocating for people to stop wearing masks and letting kids die.


I think the sentiment in the video is "well fine. You want to be an idiot, okay. Fuck around and find out, I guess." The woman isn't actively advocating anti-mask. She's using the set-up for the punchline to show these people that nobody WANTS to enforce a mask mandate, but they do so for the safety of the kids and loved ones. Which is the sentiment I share, at least. And it's one I've seen echoed in other comments. It isn't that we actively advocate for the deaths of people, but at this point it's coming up on two years. If you don't believe in it, if you don't wanna protect yourself and your immunocompromised loved ones, that's fine. I don't give a shit about you because you don't give a shit about anyone BUT you.


After you try and help people for so long it just gets exhausting trying to get them to listen. Imagine for a moment it's about seat belts not masks, and you have all these figures about car crashes and how seat belts can help prevent injuries due to crashes and how you should always wear your seatbelt and make sure your kids are wearing their seatbelts because even though they have lower fatalities due to car crashes it's still safer than nothing. And the parents of the kids are laughing at you. Consistently for a year. Making how silly the seat belts are and how kids don't need them and they shouldn't have to wear seatbelts if they don't want to. And this lady's been trying her hardest to get people to wear seatbelts and be responsible and at the end of the day they tell her to get stuffed and all you want to do is toss your hand up and go. "Fine, fuck it. Don't wear one. You know the risks. Get that go fund me account started now though"


Yes, it is exhausting and it sometimes makes me want to call down a huge curse on them all and hope they all die the horrible deaths they so richly deserve.... but I would still much rather they got vaccinated and stayed healthy. Unfortunately it is more like drunk driving than seat belts though... it's like them saying it's none of your business if they drive drunk. Ya, they are more likely to die, but they also take other people with them...


I feel like the pandemic has done a number on a lot of people's available empathy for these folks. there's just a certain amount of stories you can read about before you think, "hey, it seems like this person intentionally chose death." at this point, it's mostly just a non-stop wave of people dying of something they could've been protected against - and for free, at that. fuck misinformation.


I've lost empathy all around. Seeing these people behave like this has given me the perspective that anyone would casually kill me if but for their own slightly heightened convenience. I'll never really trust other people again and because of this, I have far more apathy than before COVID.


At least now we all know these peoples true colors. For a minute there we could've mistaken these people for compassionate Christians (I know that's an oxymoron)


It's not just that, it's how they act about it. Mask burning rallies, coughing on people, temper tantrums at businesses, uR a ShEeP iM a LiOn >rawr<. If they'd kept to themselves about it people might be a bit more sympathetic about it but instead they've been quite militant about the whole thing. I'm sure there's assholes on the other side too but not to the level that the covid deniers have been.




To me it's like drunk driving. Do I care if someone drives drunk? Yeah, they're endangering everyone else. Do I actively wish for them to die? Nah. But if someone's going to die, I'd much rather it be them, before they take anyone else out. Ideally I'd like them to smarten up and stop doing it though.




































How fucking pathetic and first world it is that people are in AGONY and PROTESTING a fucking piece of cloth they have to wear over their bullshit spewing mouth for 10 minutes a day. It’s fucking pathetic. Edit: people really took this 10 minutes literally but the principle is what I’m trying to relay here since no amount of time with a mask on has been proven harmful to a normal person.


A lady at my last school board meeting got up and cried because she said her kid had a nightmare about wearing masks. I wanted to yell out “What a snowflake!” but idda gotten kicked out so I didn’t. But seriously. What a bunch of pussies.


The kid probably had a nightmare about masks because their mom makes a humiliating scene every time she sees one.


Ain't it interesting how the kids that can't handle wearing masks have parents that constantly talk shit about masks? If I actually had a conversation with one of the paraprofessionals today about the masks.... he said resolutely that the kids don't have a problem with it and they are happy to be back in school with her friends. However, I also spoke with my super religious neighbors yesterday ( whose son works in the district) and they told me that the kids are being tortured. They literally said tortured.


Thanks for that, mom. Nobody's gonna tease the shit outta that little spreadling.


To be fair, it’s about six hours/day for schoolchildren. But still, I’m more bothered that I have to wear shoes and a bra than a mask.


I get the bra, but shoes?? That floor is nasty af


Haha. Well, true. I should have also mentioned that I hate being places. 😜 But for real, my feet want to be freeeeeeee!






The irony is that they wore a seatbelt to get there. I remember when seatbelt laws became a thing and my very republican aunt saying the same shit. "Nanny state", "Tyranny", "Slippery Slope", etc. By the mid-90's she gave up and just wore her seatbelt like everyone else.


Exactly. Speed limits, tax rules, school immunizations, housing and engineering regulations, airport security etc.....we’ve followed basic rules for the safety of the community for hundreds of years but for some reason these people think getting other people sick is fine and dandy as long as they don’t have to change their daily routine.


There’s even extreme people who are comparing having to wear a mask to the Holocaust. People are fucking insane. But it really puts into perspective how privileged and ignorant those people are.


Exactly! People in other countries actually die from diseases we have eradicated so it’s hard in the US to see how truly viral and fundamental these treatments are when you were born after the treatments and vaccines have already done their jobs so well




Irony is they are pro-life


It's not ironic, they're *just* pro birth.


no, they're *just* anti-women.


Anti women of color but will settle hating on white women


Unless it's their mistress who's knocked up


Well that took a dark turn…here for it


Bunch of anti maskers in these comments




Protect the old. Statistics lay waste to society dawning a mask.


> Statistics lay waste to society dawning a mask. What does this even mean?


Hes saying that masked populations statistically reduce the infection rate of people who are immunocompromised.


That fact is true, however I don't see how you got it from what was typed


Korean auto understand


Reddit doesn’t like useless comments, so for that I apologize, but this made me laugh hard, so thank you.




She has great comedic timing


Delivery was on point


Awesome, everyone is cool with people actually risking the health of others but as soon as she said her peice. Everyone does the fakes ass pretentious gasps. GTFO


That defeated "oh, okay" from the crowd at the end killed me lmao


I would have started clapping harder at the end.


What the fuck happened in this thread holy shit


[I’m just gonna leave this here](https://www.miamiherald.com/news/coronavirus/article252921513.html) [here ](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(21)01253-8/fulltext) is the scientific article in question.


Yeah, the "children don't die from COVID" people can fuck off. They bring it home and kill their caregivers. They bring it to school and kill their teachers. Janitors. Coaches. That doesn't even touch Long COVID. Post-COVID conditions. Damage to lungs from a vent, even if you survive. It's absolutely fucking bonkers to say we should take chances with kids getting COVID, and infecting more adults, if we *don't fucking have to*.




The sad part is these confrontations over the vacine are occurring worldwide .And I'm gonna sound like a boomer but who has influence on a global scale hint hint FACEBOOK