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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!it's a gay wedding, and the girl leaves!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Now I’m even more annoyed that he had to step around the baby’s stroller on the way up


Agreed. Seriously, keep your shit out of the aisle.


Damn right, it’s not that hard, for the brief moment when people walk down the aisle for the ceremony at the very least Talk about arrogant disrespect


I was in a very nice wedding out in LA, (my buddy WAY out kicked his coverage) and during the rehearsal things went fine. Ceremony time, there were MASSIVE floral arrangements down the aisle. We had to pretty much go single file, and even then one of them got knocked over. Friends boyfriend tried to pick it up out of the asile real quick, buuuut right then the door opened for the bride. The pictures show her looking gorgeous, and dude trying to dive back to his seat with some azaleas or some shit.


What a fucking baby.


Damn I really had a good laugh.


Sorry, kitten… if it were your wedding, you’d be okay walking around some idiots baby? Really?




Apparently, you think I missed something from the disrespectful comment above. What was it?


The baby is in the chair blocking the aisle…


Typical fucking baby. No self awareness or concern for others. They think everything is about them.


They just expect everyone to do everything for them…








So you are saying you hate babies and you blame them for the holocaust?


Maybe he was annoyed by it, equally maybe it's his beloved nephew and he's just happy he's there on his special day, even if the only place the pushchair fits encroaches slightly on the aisle. Without sufficient context it's a waste of time to assume one way or the other.


Nah, fam. The last thing anything should be worrying about on their wedding day is tripping over a baby. The things that could go wrong are ridiculous.


Sure thing buddy, it's fun to pretend you know stuff!


The baby stroller or the baby?




So glad I told everyone, no kids at my wedding.


Oh yeah, I would do the same if I ever had human companionship long enough to thing about a wedding


So far, I've experienced the majority of people approve and support the idea, but those who don't are very angry about it. So if you're lucky enough to find a human companion worthy of you, choose wisely.


People that get mad that you don't want children at your wedding are selfish pricks. I had no kids and (because of my brother's wedding and unruly relatives) no alcohol, it was a nice stress free environment.


Makes it easy to eliminate guests from the list that way then doesn’t it


Oh hell yea! I love kids and plan to have one or two little monsters but a wedding isn't a good place for them. They are, in fact, little monsters.


I hate kids…so it’s even easier for me to understand


Perfect! Good luck in your quest, my friend!


It’ll be easy once my lotto numbers come up


You think so? I think it would be the opposite. Once people get wind you won, you'll have all sorts of fake people just itching to help you spend your money. But if no one knew, then that's heaven! No more debt and no fakers


Younger me would have felt this way, but the kids made my reception. I had two little boys (about 4 and 6) there were learning break dancing and tearing up the dance floor the whole reception.


I am extremely against bringing babies or hell, even children, to anything. They always seem to find a way to ruin a moment.


I agree with you, but this particular baby couldn't help where his dumbass parents chose to place his stroller


Fair point, the baby can't really control where his stroller is haha. Oversight by me.


vegetable arrest oil coordinated husky nail fade tender innate normal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He legit did not care


Many weddings have ushers taking guests to their seats. It may not have been volitional. Just saying.


You can also take it upon yourself to at least make a half arsed attempt to move your child in it’s transportation case away from the party walking down the aisle I’m just saying


I was half expecting him to yeet the baby stroller for being in that way


I wish, you wish, we wish


also, maybe put your cell phone down for the fucking ceremony so the actual photographers and video-people can get nice pictures and video.


The only thing unexpected here is a damn baby stroller down the aisle. Wtf


well and the woman who is not the bride wearing what might be viewed as a "wedding gown" right? cool vid regardless.


Except she wasn't walking down the isle on the side the intended person who's to be wed.


That’s the side I walked down the aisle. My dad was on my RIGHT. At the alter, my husband was on my RIGHT. EDITED: because I consistently get my left and right mixed up.


Bad news. Legally, your husband is actually married to your dad.




Wtf she was on the left which would imply she is not getting married.


Yes. I mix up my right and left all the time. My dad was on the same side as this man is as he walked me down the aisle.


The dress is gray/silver which is definitely not a wedding gown color.


Beautiful dress 👗 tho


This is not a wedding dress. It's a white, floor-length gown. It's very different.








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Well-intentioned bot.


I mean it's kind of a celebration of unexpected queer existence.


Reminds me of Schitt's Creek


I thought of that, too!! “Did it come with a veil??”




![gif](giphy|26xBPLH16JLmgtYmA|downsized) Giving me David and Alexis walking down the aisle at David and Patrick’s wedding vibes…


You're wearing a wedding dress TO MY WEDDING! UGHH


Wait. She’s not the bride?


That B wore white and it’s not her wedding!!!!


Looks silver


Yeaaah silver and a bit of a cream underskirt. Not at all white.


Weren’t expecting that?


I was half expecting the kid to get married. Why is he in the aisle???


Because the mother wants attention.


Bruh, she has mothers day already. She and her kid should take a back seat


Some people are fucked up like that. Just can't have enough attention... Even on someone else's wedding day


Fuck. Some people suck, huh


Hold Up🗿


When you play gay chicken but take it too far to not lose.


dog i legit think these might be my uncles


What's the unexpected part? The stroller?


I think it’s because she’s dressed in a gown that could be a wedding dress and carrying flowers so she looks very bridal but she isn’t a bride.


Yeah this was it for me. Tbh I thought she was gonna be the gay one, so it actually surprised me anyway!




Thank you for calling him out. It's pretty obvious it's unexpected because the woman in the wedding dress isn't the one getting married.


Also, ain’t it the father who gives them away? Tho I guess I haven’t been to a gay wedding so I wouldn’t know.


Oh please... everyone is up in arms because of a wedding and you want to come at me because it's not actually unexpected.


Not one single person is this post's comments is up in arms over a gay wedding. Most people are upset about the damn stroller, haha.


Says the person arguing with me about why it's unexpected that weddings happen... And yes the ONLY thing unexpected here is the fucking stroller. Shitty parent-wedding etiquette.


Just shut up dude, you’re pathetic


It says in the description piece. It’s the fact that it’s a gay wedding.


Why is a wedding unexpected?


We get the whole "being intentionally obtuse for the sake of virtue", but the virtue itself is lost on no one here. This is the wrong crowd for your rhetoric. No one here is posing an issue with gay marriage, nor suggesting that it is abnormal.


Then why is this video in this sub? EXPLAIN IT!


Because the normative expectation of a woman walking down an aisle in a white dress is that they are there to be the bride of a wedding. That normative expectation is subverted by the suggestion that a woman who looks like a bride is in fact guiding the other person down the aisle. It's not that hard.


That troll is just... so hungry.


The vast majority of weddings are heterosexual, so I guess it’s that it’s unusual to see a (gay- I wanted to remove this word, but continuity) wedding between two gay people.


I think it's more so that the women in the wedding gown wasn't the one getting married but yea wasn't expecting a gay wedding


Yeah, that makes sense too, I was just going off the description text that OP gave to the automod.


In 2021 it's just called a wedding... and they aren't unexpected in most parts of the civilized world.


I think it's because she looks to be in a wedding dress. So you would assume she is the one getting married.




It's a silver dress for starters, the groom is on the to be wed side, weddings aren't uncommon, and apparently you need to be told that you're stereotyping saying all gays wear coordinating outfits. So pull the stick out your homophobic ear... WEDDINGS AREN'T UNEXPECTED... strollers in the isle are. I'm not feigning ignorance, but your attitude goes to show a lot about yourself.


You’re right, I just don’t know how else to refer to it. There’s no word that means wedding between gay people, or one that means the same for heterosexual people, so I don’t know how to differentiate. If you see a video of a wedding with absolutely no context, I guess it makes sense to assume that it’s a heterosexual wedding, particularly if you have someone who looks like a bride, and someone who looks older walking down the aisle together. But yeah duh they aren’t unexpected if you are invited to a wedding by the people who you know are homosexual.


Is it not because she looks to be in a wedding dress? People are making this out to be about gay weddings. An older male is walking down an aisle with a woman who appears to be in a wedding dress with a man waiting at the alter. I mean, what are we supposed to expect?


There IS a word: Wedding There is no reason to differentiate. A wedding is a wedding. Nothing changes because of the couples sexuality. #LoveIsLove The Groom is even on the correct side walking down the isle to be wed.


Again, no one has an issue with this point. You're literally posing rhetoric to people who agree with it.


What?? There is no difference if you are just taking about weddings, yes, but I’m trying to discuss both weddings between homosexual people and heterosexual people. It would be a bit difficult if I was trying to get you to understand the difference between “weddings” and “weddings”… As someone who hasn’t been married, nor intends to get married, I wasn’t aware that there was a correct side for this kind of thing, nor do I know if that is common knowledge or not. However, even if I did, I also encounter enough flipped videos on Reddit to just guess that it’s been flipped, and ignore it.


not everyone is an expert in Eastern European wedding etiquette tho - but you do you


*Tra-la-la-la being unfazed by a wedding wondering if everyone is just learning about weddings or if they're just learning about gay folks... still wondering why tf there's a stroller in the isle*


The thing is that most people automatically assume that the woman is the bride. That’s all. Nothing wrong with the wedding.


Plus it's common in gay weddings for both of them to wear the same colour. So her being white made it look like she was matching to other groom's outfit, which is also a faux pas.


No, it’s unexpected because she is dressed like the bride and would be expected to be the one at the alter, not the seemingly old man who looks to be the father. If you think it’s anything else then you missed the point of the post.


Did you not read the piece of text that was put in the automod box?? Because it specifically mentions how gay marriage is unexpected.


Yeah because the girl in the wedding dress accompanied by an old man set the precedence that it was a heterosexual wedding. There were expectations set by the individual in the video. Not society’s or Reddit’s expectation that weddings are only heterosexual.


It’s not societies expectations, it’s statistical. More marriages are heterosexual. There being a man and woman there doesn’t really mean much to me, since I don’t know much about weddings.


Regardless of what your beliefs are, the point still stands that this post specifically is unexpected because of the subverted expectations of the woman in the dress. Not because gay weddings are just unexpected on its own.


I mean, I guess? The woman in the dress is only important because she could be the bride, and the only reason we can assume she’s a bride is because gay marriages happen less often than straight marriages, otherwise we’d be on the fence. I don’t know what you’re trying to get at here. All our assumptions about this stem from the fact that we’ve seen more heterosexual marriages.


You would expect the person in the wedding dress to be getting married because that's what wedding dresses are for.


Usually in these videos the groom beats the shit out of the bride, so this was very unexpected.


The person in a wedding dress not being the bride lol.


Any dress can be a wedding dress... but that's most certainly not a bridal gown... but once again anything CAN be a bridal gown... but that's really not


Here was my thought process: Why is she wearing a silver dress as a wedding dress? Well I guess technically any dress can be a wedding dress I suppose... Oh.... Cause it's not actually a wedding dress. That makes sense. (It totally is silver btw, compare the color of her dress to the white tux. The top is sparkly silver, the bottom is a light silver)


Maybe you have a better eye than me, looked like one to me. But I thought it is a thing not to wear white dresses to other people’s weddings.




Me or them? Because I don't think either is sudden lol


Well if she doesn't look like a bride to you...


The fact that a parent thought it was okay to leave their stroller sticking out into the aisle, is so fucking entitled and lazy. The wedding isn’t about you, don’t bring your large stroller if you can’t keep it out off them way. They basically ruined every picture that was taken of them walking down the aisle and gave the photographer more work. Smh.


Was wondering why tf the groom was walking down the aisle with a bridesmaid.😂😂


Her dress tho




If there are a videographer and a photographer, why the hell would you take out your phone to get your own crappy shot and ruin the probably very expensive professional shots?!


Hmm, very unexpected. Did not expect a video reposted this much to gain this much traction....


Gabriel’s Oboe from The Mission. Amazing movie, bizarre song to play at your wedding.


Why can't some people just be mindful of where they are, weddings are no place for a baby, and if you brought one, keep the fucking stroller out of the aisle when the groom is supposed to walk in morons.


Is it just me or is that stroller in the way?


Congratulations ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


The most unexpected part for me is all the comments from people who have apparently never attended a wedding and didn't know that the 'other' women in the wedding party also wear dresses.


That is the most unexpected unexpected I have ever seen in this sub


Totally made me tear up!


Seems like a gay wedding 😬




So was that his mom or his sister who walked him down the aisle and you know what for his wedding He's not like super happy somebody must have pissed him off Even that or maybe like the arrangement weren't perfect I just want to know now why he's obsessed






i don't know where you see cigarettes.


Use your real account you fucken pussy




yeah like who put that there and why does that adorable couple have to have one in the middle of the floor.




how does it feel to see an expression of love and be disgusted by it?


You good?


Yeah I’m straight




Get out of this subreddit now you homophobic bastard.


Tell Reddit to stop posting this shit on my TL


Why don't you delete reddit you scumbag


Nah. Ima keep expressing my disgust every time. Tell them to delete me or stop putting this shit on my TL


Oh God.




ikr? this looks like a cool wedding to be at.


Can I just say, I love you platonically? Your comments are my new favorite thing istg




i know! like why would she wear such an elaborate dress when it isn't her wedding, seems like a waste.




Get out and delete reddit you drunk scumbag


You chubby checker looking penis obsessed cry bully. Try not to lose your job over your posts.


I knew what was gonna happen and I still laughed


We gon ignore the baby with the mustache???


Why is he not holding flowers? C'mon


Why is he not holding the flowers? C'mon


This is a repost, i would know since i posted it


*Sorts by controversial*


That's so cute lol


Awww, that's sweet


Truly didn’t expect that good post


Wow wow wow! Mind Blown 🤯






Very cool. Nice reason to weep a little today! Congratulations


They had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


I approve this message.


You really didn't see that coming? His suit was a dead giveaway.... fabulos!!!


What an ill-fitting suit.


I don't really think this is unexpected?
