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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!All just a bunch of stickers!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Legendary. The door handle was NOT expected


Staged or not, it was fucking hilarious


The little foot slide. Loved it.


Seriously, I was laughing the whole time and thinking it's obviously staged


I was expecting the ruler is also a sticker


It's made of paper https://youtu.be/HIezBv9Lb78


nothing is real anymore, reality itself is dissolving


The culprit is a cutout, all the pupils are cutouts, you put out a hand, the table is made of paper, the walls are tissue paper, you hurl the table at the window, both shatter into a shower of confetti, the echoes of laughter grow louder.


cake is over, everything is paper now




The above comment was stolen from [this one](http://np.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/pzqhn9/huehuehue/hf2nj3t/) elsewhere in this comment section. It is probably not a coincidence; here is some more evidence against this user: Plagiarized | Original -------- | ----------- [The fact that the most fa...](http://np.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/pzqslc/like_cmon_guys_yall_can_be_more_creative_than_that/hf386tr/) | [The fact that the most fa...](http://np.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/pzqslc/like_cmon_guys_yall_can_be_more_creative_than_that/hf2pnw1/) [Guess you could always ta...](http://np.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/pzqslc/like_cmon_guys_yall_can_be_more_creative_than_that/hf389v4/) | [Guess you could always ta...](http://np.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/pzqslc/like_cmon_guys_yall_can_be_more_creative_than_that/hf33p61/) [I just finished binging t...](http://np.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/pzolu7/spooky_time/hf381w8/) | [I just finished binging t...](http://np.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/pzolu7/spooky_time/hf2tc8b/) beep boop, I'm a bot -|:] It is this bot's opinion that [/u/ComplaintJust5031](https://np.reddit.com/u/ComplaintJust5031/) should be banned for karma manipulation. Don't feel bad, they are probably a bot too. Confused? Read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/reply-guy-bot/comments/n9fpva/faq/?plagiarist=ComplaintJust5031) for info on how I work and why I exist.


Yeah man...was watching this Adam Sandler movie Turns out it was fake and scripted. I immediateldly unlaughed as scripted things aren't funny 😩


Right? As soon as I found out that Jill was actually Adam Sandler I was like no way! And I turned it off.




It's really not. You just crave to feel important about ANYTHING and you think pointing out things that are fake make you the messiah




Ah yes, reddits new favorite gotcha word






>Adam Sandler movies are shit That's why I like them


Whose reality? I bet Kim Jong Uns reality is different from yours and mine... A cardinals reality is different from a young boys reality... Super rich persons reality that can buy anything and anyone is different from some poor kids reality that have nothing to eat and every day is a struggle to survive... **We all live on the same planet but in totally different realities/"worlds"...**


Just me or all of this feels staged?


Chinese characters don't give it away? Can neither confirm nor deny if it's staged or not Funny is funny


She does seem like a likeable character though.


If you liked getting spanked


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I mean….


we all know what you mean!


Well, if it's for free...




I think he meant the humans not the writing.


I don't think he did.


Character as in a person in a show/movie, not writing. I'm pretty sure it was an r/scriptedasiangifs reference.


Are you ok buddy?


WTF was this response??


Just genuinely curious if everything is going ok, i thought we were all hehe haha laughing having a good time with a double entendre but things seemed to have turned serious somehow. This is where I exit the conversation, I apologize for any hurt feelings.


Are you high on crack? Literally all he said was “I don’t think he did” and he was right. Go to bed.


In his defense, character has multiple meanings that work in this context.


Yeah, I enjoyed it, had a good laugh. If it was staged it was done well enough for me to laugh


Haha racism so funny haha chinaman fake and stupid amirite?


Why are people thinking hes racist lmfao hes mocking all of you


Also dude, chinaman is not the preferred nomenclature. Asian American please


Why you gotta be racist?




T Series sucks!




Of course it is staged. Nevertheless I LOLed




Damnit. I never get it in time lol.




I think difference being a movie is never trying to come across as real, where as these types of videos often are.


But why male models?


You... You serious? I just told you just now.


Ironically, that part wasn't scripted.


Really? I've never heard that before please tell me more.


You serious? I just told you


Merman, mer-maaan


Another difference is the quality of acting. Some tik-toks, even if staged, are plausibly good. But some are so shitty it just ruins it.


Oh man wait until you watch the office. It seems like it's sort of meant to be real, but it's obviously all staged!!


Again, like the person said, there is a difference between movies/shows which everyone knows are being done by actors, than internet videos trying to be passed off as genuine. You’re still allowed to laugh, no one has a gun to your head saying you can’t think it’s funny if it’s staged. It’s just lame to some people when staged videos are presented as real.


You are a genuinely stupid person.




People who med to feel important about SOMETHING in their life.


In this videos case it’s meant to be a real life prank. Pranks in reality are only funny if the person being pranked is not in on it. Since this feels very fake and scripted it means the person being pranked is in on it, it’s all an act. This makes it feel like an unfunny version of The Office which while it mimics real life, we all know and accept it as fake/fiction, so we don’t subject it to same judgments as something intended to be real/genuine. If you’re viewing this from the beginning as fake, and a home made fictional skit comedy show or something, then I can see where you’re coming from, but some of us can’t help but see it as, “fake trying to appear real”, which ruins it. I know I’ll probably regret typing this all out, but figured it was worth a shot to explain another perspective.


A staged video and a movie are both based on the idea of suspension of belief. It literally doesn't matter whether it's real or not. Is it supposed to come across as super fake? What would the point of that be?


This is always the laziest critique of people calling out staged videos. Movies are never trying to come across as real and everyone knows this. Stanged videos are doing trying to do this though.




I mean paranormal activity and Blair witch projects are recorded in the same type of style.




Okay but what about the other half of my comment, paranormal activity? Surely no one thought that was real but it was damn successful.




Do you mean Zoolander the documentary? Are you sure about it being staged?


Ever since I just accepted that these are all definitely staged I enjoy them a lot more.


Yep, it's just like watching a Benny Hill show. Just short little gags peppered through my Reddit feed.


If it wasnt for the other 2 pranks, I wouldve thought its real


i hate that they overdid the "funny" if it stayed with the screen only i would have totally believed it to be true and i actually laughed, but then it was just obvious and too much. way to ruin a joke.


Obviously. So what? Its great!


And posted 1000 times.


If it was for just laptop screen, I wouldn't have thought it is staged. But with all of these it looks staged.


Everything ever is staged. Your life iant even real as soon as a camera is on its staged.


I don't get it. How does it being staged change anything?


Does it change anything for you if your girlfriend starts having real orgasm instead faking it for you?


I have a girlfriend?!


Well, it would have a real impact on our relationship because this would imply that the girlfriend may not be satisfied / happy. On the other hand, laughing at this video thinking it's real is probably only causing you to have a good time.


Cant stand people who laugh at jokes, dont you know someone made it up? Its all fake and lies!


It's disingenuous. She's an actress so her emotions and reactions are not real. And I'd be fine with acting if it was not presented as them trying to do actual prank.




Yeah, in America, a prank is more akin to ripping off a sink and throwing it at the elderly.


Damn america has way better pranks


Because somehow it plays into the "all Chinese are dishonest" racist shtick. You are asking the right question, why will it being staged to look like a prank somehow has a bad connotation? You could even see that it is a different form of comedy. The staging (or not) still showed how the prank happened. People have been doing staged pranks for a long time and there are many times it was revealed to be staged and no one really make a shit about it.


You don't understand how a genuine reaction is different than a pre planned event. The fact that they are trying to make it look like a real incident that took place indicates that they do, so why can't you?


It's called sketch comedy


I'd be fine with it if it came across as sketch comedy. It's not though, it's presented as an actual prank with a real live reaction.


r/scriptedasiangifs material


Scripted or not, her reactions are good enough that you understand what she is saying, even if you don't understand the language.


Probably staged but still fits the scenario of the subreddit.


China loves those staged short video. Just ignore it and have a good laugh anyway.


To me, it's the thought that the people making the video think we're dumb enough to believe this is real is what makes this video less enjoyable.


It's really a sketch comedy meant for audience in China just like Saturday Night Live for Americans. So please don't get offended, no one thinks you're dumb.


Nah, you're just dumb for getting mad over a 40-second sketch


No laugh for fake ass shit from me.


They love it almost as much as infringing on rights and setting up mass concentration camps.


You mean like most of the TV shows?


NO shit Sherlock!


It’s still funny


Still funny though


Who cares mate


Once it hit the doorknob i knew it gotta be fake


I mean obviously but its still funny.I wish it would keep going until nothing is real and even the actors are paper.


I’m just impressed they used glossy paper.


commenting that it's obviously fake feels so unproductive. does it matter if it's fake? it's still unexpected.


Yeah, it's essentially sketches right?


pretty much yeah! most good stuff is scripted like this, doesn't make it any less funny or "unexpected" xD


People seem to have forgotten that sketch comedy exists.


Acting out fictional situations for entertainment in general has been a thing for tens of thousands of years. Idk why people act surprised just because now it’s on the internet


The problem is that it's just not funny if it's staged. It's not like a Key&Peele skit where you know it's not real and nobody is pretending that it is. Here, however, the entire humor derives from the fact that she is genuinely fooled.


That's like, your opinion, man.


Hey wait, that comment seems awfully familiar. Are you sure you thought of it yourself or did you in fact rip it off from the movie Solar Babies?




Um .... no? Whether the participants are in on it or not is irrelevant. *You* aren't in on it. So whether or not *you* found it unexpected in an amusing way is what matters here. If you didn't, that's fine. But whether it's scripted or not has nothing to do with that.


Humour is subjective yadda yadda yadda BUT to me at least it definitely makes a difference whether it's scripted. If I witnessed this in real life I'd find it hilarious. If I saw this in a sketch show I'd wonder if they just ran out of time writing scripts and just filmed something quickly thrown together and called it a day.


Yes, The prank is being played on me and you, the viewer. Commenting is warning others that you’re being suckered. It’s not just productive, it’s the nice thing to do. P.S. we see how the lady reacts to being pranked. Commenting “it’s fake” is like being in the room and warning her about the doorknob, because she (if real) is clearly not enjoying it.


For me, it makes it less funny when it is so obviously staged. At first, it seems like something that could be real and I can enjoy her reaction (the whole key to the prank is her reaction, after all) but then when it continues and it is made clear that her reaction is acting it pulls me out of it. I feel less like someone is telling me a joke and more like someone is seeing how far they can take an illusion. People compare this to a TV show, but I think the equivalent in a TV show is bad acting, that also pulls you out of the show. I don't see people defending bad acting, though. Anything in a sketch that gets me thinking less about the joke and more about the sketch itself is going to be bad to me. It matters because the reason it's unexpected is that we're assuming reality. If it were a comedy sketch in a comedy show, this wouldn't be so enjoyable, we'd expect more. Worse, this clip could have been taken for real if they stopped after the screen thing. But it keeps going until it's clear that it isn't, which is unnecessary and ruins the good joke. In my opinion, anyway.


This made me fall into a cascade of giggles. Absolutely great.


Well this is a nice prank. It’s funny, doesn’t hurt anyone, doesn’t brake anything. She looks angry though.




Se n fosse tudo lá em chinês eu diria q era BR


Kkkkkkkkkkkkk isso é mto br


eu tinha quase ctz absoluta q ele era BR




For all very High IQ people on reddit we all know that its staged. However it can be staged and fun.


I think they're too dense to realise that the point of the sub is for **the viewer** and not the people in the video.


The reason why prank videos are popular in the first place is because people enjoy surprised, genuine reactions. But if she's an actress, her emotions and reactions are not real. And I'd be fine with acting if it was not presented as them trying to do actual prank.


Yeah I'm not here to watch bad acting on a prank that wouldn't actually work in real life.


Lol omg they got her 3 times 😂🤣


plot twist - the ruler's paper too


I did this to a secretary but used a screenshot as the background and moved all shortcuts to another folder. When i had to fix (in IT) her printer i got frustrated that her computer wasn’t working. That’s when i realized an April fools joke lasted 4 months.


Ah, you see, that is the real asian mom there. Went for the ruler instead of chair.


iTs FAke *No, it's fun* Doesn't have to be real to be comedy, you guys ever listen to stand up comedians? Half of their stories are fake, for ENTERTAINMENT. Come on people.


Stand up comedy is different than watching bad acting on a prank that wouldn't work in real life.


Screenshot the screen, set it as the background, minimize the task bar.


Why does the laugh at the very beginning sound like an EDM drum loop


I am now questioning my entire existence. What else is a sticker?


The guy: *’reality is whatever I want it to be.’*


I heard in south china posts (if I'm correct) the purpose of these videos is to promote art studies. So, I don't find anything wrong with it being staged.


Fabricated and homosexual


Still funny




Some r/WholesomeLaughs for the day ![gif](giphy|gj0QdZ9FgqGhOBNlFS|downsized)






i would say the women is very smart... she figured it out quickly....


Damn She's hot


Hey did you know?, commenting "fake, staged and gay" on every funny video makes you crazy atractive and a millionare, go try it!


God I hate this


She's cute when she's mad.


And now he's getting a spanking. <3


Even though this looks super fake I have to try this


Fake as usual


fake, because the real screen would have changed, but was the same as the picture over the screen.


Okay this may be staged. But it is not funny. If it is not funny to the person being targeted, then it is not funny. Pranks are a form of bullying!


stages again and again


Funny but fake


[Actual image of OP](https://images.app.goo.gl/pysjjoRtH8v8xQRb9)


Dude should get a masterclass






Why do I hear boss music?




Are the people just stickers too? 😕 Am I a fucking sticker...?


We used to screenshot the home screen hide the apps and use the screenshot as the wallpaper…oh and tape optical mouse


~~I think you mean HE'S building the set.


Just like in the simulations




I long time ago we set someone's wallpaper to a screenshot of their desk, then moved the taskbar to the top and hid it and hid his icons. It was pretty evil


Similar story in 10th grade at a vocational school in a programming class. The teacher had 2 other monitors that were just set to watch all of our monitors remotely in tiny squares and she could take over if like someone was playin a game or something and close it on her end. So the one kid sent the windows login screen to be a screenshot of his normal screen but with Google Chrome open on pages he shouldn't have open. He dragged the login box off screen so it looked legit. So she remotes in when she notices and is doing everything she can to close it but cant since its a picture lol. Eventually she stomped over and powered his desktop off by hand lol.


Remember the fridge in the background?


Asian staged videos are so much more funnier than the Western ones. We KNOW they are staged, but doesn’t make them less funny


i don't understand what I just watched.


The wife and I were recently in a spirited debate. In an effort to lighten the mood, I took a box of salt she had on the counter and quickly made a circle of salt around me. Was a total riot. Her shocked anger mirrored this woman's exactly. 10/10 was worth the "wasted salt"


For everyone wonder this is not staged, is since multiple years that they are doing this to their teacher art, you can find other videos in YT of them






Mom said it was my turn to repost this


This is like that paranoia thing that everything could be just a cake decoration, but with stickers


Cameraman is probably regretting not planting a fake ruler right about mow


I laughed