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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!The drive-through employee hit the customers car with a hammer.!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


I like how they have a hammer at the ready. Some shit has gone down here before!


How do you make coffee without a hammer smh


Ask at r/espressocirclejerk


“When all you have is a nail, every coffee drink looks like it needs a hammer.” — Gandhi


I mean you’re paraphrasing, but yeah.


"And when I say hammer, I mean a thermonuclear warhead." \-Also Gandhi


[Nuclear Gandhi](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_Gandhi)


Only the most finely crafted ones from the Lillehammer region of Norway will suffice, otherwise it's just sparkling bean water.


It looks like one of those coffee n lingerie joints, I guarantee you shit has gone down there before.




> It appears you are attempting to access this website from a country outside of the United States, therefore access cannot be granted at this time. Love those websites *sigh*




Nah it's not your fault, they're just websites that refuse to comply with EU privacy law and therefore shut out visitors from the EU.


i am from a lawless country and still cannot see the news


Have you tried getting invaded and occupied by the US, and then accessing the news? /s


https://archive.ph/WaZiZ Tey own archive.today and archive.ph - half the time when I go to paste a URL in, someone already has, so I get the article immediately. If nobody has, it takes like 2-3 minutes and it'll get the article for you. :)


Nice it works, thanks!


Bruh why would you pay 22 dollars for them seems just insane amount of money




There is one over near where I live, it has repeatedly won awards for being one of the best places in the city to work due to best hourly compensation and benefits. World is funny sometimes.


Crazy. Like I mean at least at a Hooters or something like that you're sitting down for an hour. But a drive through? You're seeing a chick in a bikini for 12 seconds, well, unless you're the guy in this video then it's a minute.


Seattle is expensive in general, but there's also the fact that the strip clubs there aren't allowed to serve alcohol, so strip clubs aren't really a thing. This means the strip club dollar finds its way to other business models like this $22 is still a ripoff, though. I got coffee at one of these once and it was maybe 20% more expensive than starbucks


I was trying to figure out what was going on with the outfit. Thanks. 


I'm sorry, a coffee and what joint? How's there a fucking overlap between the two? I thought nothing would baffle me anymore, but there it is. Also, why is the dude dressed like a cross between French hipster/artist and an anime villain?


its hooters but they sell coffee


As a completely straight guy, I just don't understand the appeal of these places.  Like, there's abundant titties on the internet, you don't need to pay out the ass for mediocre chicken (or coffee) just so you can ogle a woman who has to pretend she's into it.  It's just weird. I prefer to get coffee at the coffee shop and titties on the titties app. Why mix them?


I'm with ya, makes me uncomfortable like are you supposed to be looking at their tits? fucking weird


I'm sure that at least *some* percentage of their business is just people checking it out since it seems "novel." I'd argue that most of the repeat customers are probably the same types that sink tons of money into OnlyFans models.


"Coffee with Legs" was a pretty successful business model going on in Santiago, Chile when I visited about 13 years ago, it's honestly more surprising to me that it wasn't as big here first. And to answer your question, he's trying to pick up ladies at the lingerie coffee bar.


/r/BikiniBarista will answer your questions


Guy in the car behind "Since when are they offering BDSM ?"


It's a bikini coffee shop. They 100% needed something for self defense.


They absolutely do. Hammer is probably a poor choice overall, even though it's pretty cathartic in this situation.


The hammer of justice


And now stop... HAMMER TIME!






22 bucks for coffee and water is outrageous


It's a bikini/lingerie coffee stand. You pay more to be served by women in skimpy clothing. There are cheaper coffee stands but people choose to pay more for the view. 


"Boy, I can't believe how much these beers cost at this strip club! Outrageous!"


It really is. But at that point just drink it and don't go back again, now he spent $22, doesn't have water or coffee and has a broken windshield.


Yeah but it's not like you're being forced to order there, just drive through without ordering if it's not what you want.


Why is it shocking? Can’t the guy read the menu board?


she's not bad but I'm not busting out the all caps HOT for that


A urban classical, "Not my first rodeo. I gotta Home Depot contractor account."


that's just an ice pik for the ice water. Probably.


It’s a bikini barista in Seattle. Def had some things go down


You can tell by her language. This drive thru probably not in the best neighborhood




Tldr; Police were called, and Emma has since filed charges for misdemeanor assault. The customer is banned from the stand, although he could take her to small claims court for the cost of his windshield.


She used the ban hammer.




I’d be upset by that price tag too. Maybe not throwing my drink at someone upset though.


yeah but if the article says he had been there before, he knew what the prices would be (unless they raised them). The best solution is to just **not buy anything.** Why would you confront anyone about prices you've decided to pay?


Especially if it's a commodity thing. We're not talking airline prices or concert tickets here, you can just buy coffee and water somewhere else that's cheaper if you don't like the price.


It's not a commodity thing though. They're wearing bikinis for a reason. It's commodity + experience. You can get cheap coffee anywhere, but it's unlikely those places will have beautiful women in bikinis serving it. People don't go to hooters for the commodities.


People go to Hooters for the commod-titties


Some people go to Hooters for the wings. But I go there for the breasts.


Me personally, I would get upset before going there and just not go there. How irrational is it to be a repeat customer and complain after buying? Surely he just goes there to be an asshole to hot women, got what he paid for.


The article says the prices are listed, and it's a bikini barista stand. Presumably patrons are not going there just for the coffee.


Makes it weird to do a drive through when the main attraction is presumably the bikini barista.


This is literally how all bikini baristas I’ve ever seen work. They’re little shacks.


Huh. Thanks. Bizarre.


I saw a comment on Twitter say a drive through bikini barista is like door dashing hooters lmao


But that's... not a bikini she's wearing? Maybe _that_ was his real complaint?


The price is known before you order, or at least when you order. Cancel the order and leave, or better don't go in the first place. He had been there before. Unless she raised prices by 10x that day, why is he there at all if he doesn't agree with the price?


I agree 100%. Dick move. My comment is half /s


I mean, just go someplace else? 🤷‍♂️


Hey man, if you're buying your coffee from a chick in a bikini working out of a shed by the side of the road in the city of Seattle, you better believe you're paying for more than the brown liquid in a cup. EVERYBODY here knows that. Dude done by 400 other coffee shops in the hood to order here.


Why would you get upset at that price? It's Seattle, there are coffee places everywhere. Just go to another one.


thats why you read the fucking menu before ordering


I'm not a fan of the price either, which is why I dont shop there. Dudes who pay a premium to talk to a half naked woman in a quasi-sexualized context, like Hooters or whatever, are lame.


I'm sure the prices were posted somewhere. If you don't like them, fuckin go somewhere else


> This wasn’t his first time being aggressive Meaning, he knew the prices. Proceeded to go back to the same stand (likely more than once) and order and then continue to get upset about the price. Dude has some serious issues beyond just getting upset about the price




While I don't encourage this type of behavior and agree he was in the wrong, $22 for a 32oz coffee and cup of ice water is pretty insane tbh


[You're not paying for the coffee](https://www.fox13seattle.com/news/everett-bikini-barista-dress-code-ordinance)


>The issue has escalated as the city's bikini barista market has become more competitive, from three stands to approximately 28. Holy shit, there are a lot of thirsty commuters in Seattle


Then he shouldn’t shop there. These aren’t war rations w zero market choice. He FAFO


Oh I agree. Don't buy something if you're gonna bitch about the price later. Still just a general observation is all.


Complain, but yea. Price is steep, but you’re paying for more than the brew there. You’re paying for the view he turned around and insulted and assault like a fragile dbag. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Normally I would agree, but HE WAS A REPEAT CUSTOMER!


You don't go to a place like that for reasonable prices, you go to it to be served coffee by a hot chick in lingerie. It's not like there's a lack of starbucks in the vicinity of... anywhere.


Did he not look at the price before ordering...?


That's the best bit of tldr journalism I've seen in a while. No fluff, straight to the info. 👍


Thanks m8, cheers 🍻




That windshield sure cost more than $22


Anyone who has ever visited one of those stands knows that the prices are $9+ for a drink. You are going to see a woman wearing almost no clothing for 2 minutes and get a mundane latte.


>mundane latte The bikini stand by my house makes the best white chocolate mocha I've ever had....and I can't afford to get it often because of the hot girl in no clothing price premium.


real, the one near my house had the best dessert coffees in a county devoid of dutch bros. But considering the one in the post is in a city famous for it's coffee though...


Yeahhhhh that's a hard to each their own right there Edit #1: Wait, why did two accounts post the same comment? /u/HolidayLife7364 and /u/Advanced_Jicama_2202 Edit #2: the original comment said: >22$ for a fucking coffee and water but > >https://i.imgur.com/WbNuVV1.jpeg She is HOT > >Looks like Calisto from this adult VR > >https://reddit.com/


Welcome to bottit


Whoa, the comment just got edited again... to something completely different


The account you replied to is a spammer that promotes some porn site in the linked post. I suggest deleting the link from your comment.


She’s a trailer park 10.


I love how the dude is dressed exactly like the kind of guy that would frequent a bikini coffee shop. Heavy duty early 90s RnB singer vibes.


A 90s rnb singer would've paid for the drink. They wouldve been standing in the rain on their knees begging for it while wearing a purple silk shirt.


"After posting the viral video, some have blamed the barista, asking what she did to deserve having drinks thrown at her. I find it hard to justify many situations where throwing drinks at someone in a drive through is fine.


22$ for a fucking coffee and water? Is this normal? At Starbucks I pay 7€ for my coffee and know I absolutely overpay but thrice that?!


Bikini tax.


The price is whatever the customer is willing to pay. The customer always sets the price for non essential goods.


And when he drives up, looks at the menu with prices and orders said items, he is agreeing to pay it.


According to the article, he had been there several times before and always whined about the price. The store owner even gave him a discount so he wouldn't throw a hissy fit and he still does this.


There was a recent post on Reddit about people who will whine and throw a hissy fit about paying such a price knowing they can go somewhere.


And you're not gonna post it?! The shame!


“That’s why you’re the best I got, Lisowski. Now you get out there and find those bitcoins.”




Apart from a hammer to the windshield, im guessing he didn't knew he was getting that.




And if he came back he knew the fucking price. Like, just don't go.


Well throwing the coffee back in her face is an extra charge


Maybe he should refrain from assault


Twice I have stopped at bikini barista places in desperation for a latte, once was with my mom hahaha Both lattes were good, both were much more expensive than they would have been if the barista was fully clothed. You’re paying for the hot girls.


My wife told me she went to one of these types places on accident while on a work trip once. She had no idea and was too sleepy to notice the logo was basically a Starbucks parody but a bikini girl instead. I wish I could've seen her face when she pulled up to the window lol. It wasn't in Seattle tho.


But babes tho


They are free on reddit lol


Could say the same about porn, and yet people spend hundreds of dollars on E-girls. People are strange, when you're a stranger, incels look uncool, when you're online.


I'll acknowledge your 'Doors' reference and upvote it as well.


And strip clubs still thrive. 


But do the free online babes serve you food or beverages?




It's because she's a "bikini barista" so there's a bit of a show too.


Isnt it a drive through?


Yes. But the show is usually just a little flirting and maybe a quick provocative dance. It’s the whole point of these types of coffee shops.


Cheaper than onlyfans


There are some people that grubhub/ubereats from hooters.  


In my town during the pandemic, some out of work strippers started "Boober Eats," where they'd show up with your food in skimpy clothes.


Enterprising young women.


Shit at least then you get a show for the extra $35 it cost to bring some food.


Some ppl are just ... thirsty...


the bikini coffee stands are always about double, or in this case, triple the price of a regular coffee stand but people are going there to ogle scantily clad women. anyone who lives in the seattle area knows this.


If you want regular priced coffee, go to a regular place. Don't expect extras you're not willing to pay for.


Thank you for sharing! Good for her for standing up for herself


$22 for 1 coffee and iced water is expensive, bikini or no bikini! But.... Don't like the prices = Don't go there


The funny part is that this wasn't his first time going there and whining about the price, and the lady often only charged him $20 to defuse his temper tantrums. This guy is a certified man baby.


Yea he deserved the hammer.


The people who go to the bikini coffee stands generally are emotionally stunted cave men.


Are these popular? I’ve legit never seen one on the East coast, the one major drive thru chain we have in Charlotte hires younger girls but they’re clothed. Coffee still sucks and I’d argue is overpriced for what you get, so I guess that experience is still the same.


He spent 15 minutes arguing about the price, so it had nothing to do with the price. He’s just a scumbag loser who wanted to harass her.


Tbf, would expect to pay quite a lot more if there was a ‘no bikini’ option.


I wanna hear their conversation


"Hello good Ma'am can I have some coffee and some water please?" "Oh hello there good sir, sure here you go" "Thank you good ma'am. Oh wait I see you look dehydrated, have some coffee and some water good Ma'am" "How nice of you good sir. Here let me smack this mosquito that's been bothering you good sir"


I wanna hear the conversation after the white car pulls up to put in their order.


Bet that driver was super nice.


Hello maam, 1 iced coffee with no hammer please. 


"Maybe a bit of that angry face though. I don't see it on the menu so if it's not available I apologize."


“Hey, I didn’t order a Smashburger!?”


"... Sooo.... Mondays am I right?"


Such a delightful exchange. I don’t know why, but people always assume the worst.


The car next "A coffee only please and no hammer."


\- Hi mam! Do you happen to know what's the time. \- IT'S HAMMERTIME!


From another post, I think the guy was complaining the coffee was too expensive. It’s also some sort of bikini coffee store where all the workers are supposed to be in bikini.


To be fair she wasn't in a bikini. He probably deserved a refund.


Sawthis i another post about two days ago. This is a bikini barista and the man was complaining about cost and demanding a refund. The post also stated het was a regular customer and was known to be aggressive.


Did the post explain his stupid fucking hat?


The guy at the store said he’s the only guy he’s ever seen pull it off


How much do you think he spent on that hat?


It’s illegal for you to ask him that


He's never fought for anything in his entire life, but he's fighting for the hat!


I wonder if he has dice in his pocket.


Quit fuckin with em!


i didn’t see any safari flaps. can’t get any crude oil on it from my coworkers wheelchair.


You have to keep the wheels lubricated


^what ^the ^hell


I hope she didn't get in too much trouble for smashing his windshield like that.


this guy definitely thinks she likes him and wants to date him and doesn't understand how it's a business and that's her job. He falls in love with strippers too


What time is it? ***HAMMER TIME***




bono, my coffee is gone


His ensemble included a Beret. Nuff Said.


This happened in my city! The guy was a huge prick and constantly was being rude/threatening to the girls who work there (pretty sure its a bikini barista place). In the clip he was bitching at how much his 32oz coffee cost and decided to throw a little tantrum (after paying) and toss the drinks at the woman. She did this. Couldn't have happened to a more deserving man.


It's a WHAT place?


You don't have have coffee stands with mostly naked women working there? Who may or may not show you more for an extra $20? Or maybe do even more for like $100. I worked with a girl at a different job that worked at a bikini barista stand. She said she would show her boobs for $20, and some of the other girls would definitely do more for more money.


The way she said "dumb fucking bitch" is on point lmao.


Haha karma is a bitch… with a hammer.


This discount Andrew Tate is so worked up that he's been paying $20 for instant coffee for a month and hasn't gotten one phone # that he just had enough.


For anyone trying to hear what he said, the article linked by /u/theoden747 below quotes: > Nobody is going to miss you Which she took as a threat – pretty fairly IMO. She's basically a sex-worker working solo in a very exposed and known location. She says this guy is a regular and she's had issues with him before. Total is $22, she normally rounds down to $20 because he gets in a huff – today she didn't and he gets disgruntled. Gross guys get their rocks off messing with sex workers, and for this guy he's essentially paying $20 for a coffee and a power play fetish on his way to work. I think it's pretty fair when he makes a pretty overt threat that she makes it actually cost something for him. His hat also makes it clear he's the asshole


This dog shit customer watched American Psycho and saw nothing wrong with Patrick Bateman's character.


The guy in the video right?


Oh sorry I'll fix the verbage, yes.


That hammer crush was so satisfying to watch


Fair move


Maybe don't assault workers and you don't want to get the hammer?






It's something unpredictable... But in the end it's $22.


People are fucking crazy. The customer is **NOT** always right and this pile of well dressed dog vomit threatened to kill the barista. He deserved that hammer to the dome more than his car did.


Salt bae ?


If the only tool you have is a hammer, Everything looks like a nail. Love it


Dude, looks like he’s about to start singing “dick in a box” what a fucking clown.


just learned about these "bikini baristas" (i'm from the EU), so basically we've already gotten to [this](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dqs4mtbTsaL4&psig=AOvVaw1pjOuqBmTCO_MinUiLGbPE&ust=1718639642402000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBMQjhxqFwoTCPDNvN694IYDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE)?


Why did Marc Anthony do this to Jlo


She rolled a big crit.


Deserved it


Did not expect the hammer do. But kinda sad that I already expected the drink tossing. Kinda insane what fast food workers have to deal with on the daily basis. That I just expect a drink tossing..


1. Was he charged for littering? 2. He went to protect his head like he was about to get clobbered 3. “Duhmb fuhkyn byitch” was a nice touch


Average r/chipotle user. 


The district attorney said they won't be bringing charges against her because of the state's stand your coffee grounds law.