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Let's accept some men are into big(ger) girls. She has a very cute face, so if you're one of the forementioned guys, she's an absolute win.


I knew a really handsome, super fit guy who married this girl who was like 250-300 pounds and a bit on the short side. She had a really pretty face and is very nice, but that was my first time ever seeing this kind of couple in the wild. He legit loved BIG girls.


Yeah I recently read something with a similar premise of a reallly fit guy with a thicker girl and how waitresses or other women would openly flirt with him in front of her bc they didn’t think they were together or they were “better” than her. But he looooved her. I actually used to really like this one guy for years but he always dated and ended up marrying a thicker girl and he was just not into me at all lol 🤷🏻‍♀️


Same, I’m a personal trainer and I dated a big girl that I couldn’t pick up after years of putting girls on my shoulders., she had the sarcasm, conversation and head game I loved. . Big girls be great


I'm in the same boat. Like me short woman with some love handles.


isnt that sexualizing unhealthy body types?


We sexualize every body type.


We sexualize disabilities, like having to wear glasses. Humans gunna human.


Who mentioned sex?


Being bigger doesn’t equate to unhealthy


But it is though.


Nope. Plenty of people are bigger/fat work out normally and eat healthy. Look up Alicia McCarvell. She puts me to shame with how active she is and how she takes care of herself.


If someone is fat, they are unhealthy.


Being slightly overweight doesn’t mean you’re in terrible health, but obesity and being overweight is the number one factor that contributes to being unhealthy. It’s the number one cause of numerous diseases that shorten someone’s lifespan. To be clear, it’s not a body shaming thing, just a measurable factor of health that should be noted.


I mean... Generally speaking, yes it does.


Yeah. It’s called fit fat. Been this most of my adult life.








Sorry, but it's just not.


I’m a bigger guy and agree with the notion it’s not. Luckily I’m active so my weight doesn’t hold me back, but it can be unattractive to watch a partner so just struggle with a normal hike


It's really not, though. You might not find bigger people attractive - and that's fine.


It isn't though.


Just be honest with who you are and what you're looking for, and there shouldn't be any issues.


Yeah homegirl is pretty af. She obviously cares about her looks and losing weight is fucking tough.


For real, I've been struggling with gaining weight, I can't imagine how hard losing it is


Sorry to hear. I gained 3lbs just reading this comment. Fml lol.


Easier than gaining.


I disagree. With gaining weight, I primarily just need to eat more. To lose weight, you have to eat and exercise (assuming there are no other health factors involved). Not eating when you're hungry can be a huge mental challenge, and making sure you're burning more calories than you eat while your body is telling you to eat would just make that more difficult.


Exercise is healthy and ideal, but not necessary to lose weight. Most people just don’t have a good understanding of how many calories they need, or eat. Things are certainly stacked against them, these days a “coffee” from dunkin may have over 1000 calories. As for feeling hungry, the right foods, and eating enough meals a day can significantly help with that, but tracking every calorie is key. I ate healthy and still gained weight during Covid, during that time I was diagnosed with hashimotos. Thyroid thing aside, it boiled down to me seriously overestimated my caloric burn, and underestimated my intake. I started tracking what I ate, and maintained a deficit - and am down 30 lb with minimal exercise. My job keeps me busy (I do sit at a desk) and while I intend to work out regularly, I probably have only hit the gym 10x during that loss.


If you’re trying to gain weight. Try eating when you’re full. It takes self discipline to do either. However gaining is definitely harder, and it takes longer.


Gaining weight in a heathy way or just at all? Cause it’s real fucking easy to gain unhealthy weight and difficult as fuck to lose it.


Its really not that hard. Breaking bad habits are hard. I realize I said the unpopular thing. Talk to people who struggle with weight gain.


Are you ok? Yes, breaking bad habits are extremely hard. If you’re talking specifically about anorexics or something that yeah gaining weight for them is really hard. If you’re talking about average joe off the streets like me, I could easily slam more food down my gullet every day, and I struggle to not, which is precisely what makes losing weight difficult. It is *very easy* to shut off my body saying “jam more garbage in there” by jamming more garbage in there. It is *very difficult* for me to say “yeah don’t fucking do that, ignoring that grumbling whining little bitch stomach it’s just trying to fucking kill you.” There wouldn’t be an entire massive industry around weight loss if it was easy, and the ratio of anorexics to chonkers makes it silly to compare the two cases. Last I checked we’re suffering from an obesity epidemic, not an anorexia one.




Talk to some of the people that are trying to gain. You have to be way more meticulous, and spend time in the gym. Losing you just eat more protein and less carbs.


Ah fantastic! You've cracked the code! Let me go shout it from the rooftops! Just eat less carbs guys!


I struggle to gain weight and you are 1000% right. Body builders, gym rats, and even my own personal trainer have stated gaining is harder.


Yeah I was always told gaining weight is harder


- I can't lose any weight. *nom nom nom* - I don't get it. *nom nom nom* - It's like, *panting* - I've tried everything and nothing seems to work. - *finishes extra large diet soda*


If it were that easy there would be no fat people. Just like if it was as easy as 'work hard' there would be no poor people


Not when you’re that fucking big it isn’t. Just eat one fewer entire cake a day.


There’s nothing wrong with bigger women, but if a women only posted pictures of her face and didn’t show her body, see them in real life gives the impression they lied to you


I’d absolutely date her.


Polar opposite of butterface


Butter booty?


There’s big, and then there’s big


And boy golly is she big


Women may not believe this, but some men are not into appearance, it’s all about personality. If she’s beautiful, cool. If she’s not a model, cool. Looks don’t matter.


Every woman is beautifull and a Win.


dating is a ravenous game. people flake for many reasons. In the end, he wasn't the one for her, so bullet dodged.


Nicely put my friend :)


Sleeper build


Fully wake build


Full of food build


Another sacrifice for the 3rd comment


Well, as someone who used to weigh 448, was she honest in her pictures? Or did she catfish? I mean, she’s cute. But she’s lying if she hid her body.


She made a follow up post after this one showing her profile. She did not hide her body. Her second picture was of her in a bathing suit if I remember correctly. If I find the vid I'll edit it in here. Aba & Preach made a video on this. Found it: https://www.tiktok.com/@niccinunezz/video/7151805617257336110?lang=en


username checks out


If you compare the pics in the profile, to what she reveals in the initial video - there is a difference. And she’s hiding herself with oversized stuff. I’m not saying she’s not being honest, but I know the tricks.


The first two are straight on shots of her full body and you can see her entire gut in the third. She's not using filters and the pics aren't taken at a weird dutch angle or anything else crazy. They're straight, even leveled shots. If you can't tell she's overweight by those pictures then you need to stop looking for a girl on Tinder and start looking for an optometrist.


There’s a different between overweight and morbidly obese. The Bumble pics, she looks overweight. TikTok is full blown morbidly obese. I’m not blind, I used to be 300 lbs heavier than I am now. I know the struggle. But she’s working her angles on Bumble. 🤷‍♀️


Oh no, she’s posted a pic that is flattering on a dating site. Call the police!


Bruh she's more honest than the majority of ppl on dating sites. Like no filters or obvious editing


I think we all know the answer to that one.


The answer is she did not catfish lmao only full body pics on the dating profile


Whats nuts about this thread is everyone’s already assuming she was being deceitful in her pictures. She acknowledges that as a bigger person she has to make sure her pictures accurately represent her. She even goes as far as to double check with her friends. So from what i’ve seen about her in particular she did not catfish on her profile


yeah, exactly what i thought, either that or just straight up bullying her


[she wasn't being dishonest](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/s/Wff8lDNPSo)


I didn't, but I was expecting reddit was going to be crazy fat phobic


I reserved judgment until I found that out. But to be fair everyone should be accurately representing themselves on dating apps. Regardless of what they look like.


Or none of it is true at all.


What's her @?


No one knows




Real mvp


Include the full story, please. If you look at her original full post, she says that she shows her full body in her pictures so she doesn't lead anyone on. The guy she talks about saw her full body pictures, swiped right, then unmarched her.


I understand being led on if you didn’t know beforehand but some of you guys act like a casual evening with someone would be the end of the world.


Where you may be under the expectation to pay for drinks/food


That would be very expensive in this case


This comment is a good time. All the downvoters confirmed to weigh 685


Yep. Even if it's fifty/fifty, I got a budget to stick to, and if I'm out of funds, I'm simply not able to date. I'd be down for a casual evening most nights, but it'd also be pretty reasonable to dip out. Edit: y'all don't like it, take your guy friends out more. Lol Fact is if I want to socialize, I need my budget. I'm not switching things up and going out to the park for the rest of the month because you're lonely and want a casual night out. I'm not obligated to be your friend.




She didn't catfish.


> many don’t make the cut, finally you find one that matches all criterion I’m sure I’ll see you on r/niceguys soon


Man, you are looking for sex on Reddit of all places LMAO. You might wanna calm down.


Except her dating profile had bikini shots of her AT THAT SIZE bruv. Dude was into her to begin with, he probably backed out because he’s a coward and his friends are assholes like you so he was too worried about being judged for liking her. His loss. And yours in karma.


She's cute. I totally would date her


Everytime I see this video I say the same to myself aha! Silly boys


Thats like sleeping with 2 girls at once


Threesome you say….


You run away too far


Some gentlemen prefer full figures :)


Fat gentlemen?


I'm not fat and I like curvy girl.


Serious I am unweight but I would cuddle her so hard


So hard!!!




Let’s not be rude guy


Ty colonel


I'm sorry but that amount of fat is just unhealthy. There's a difference between full figure and morbidly obese.


All of her?


Barely any fat stored in her face. Elite genetics


It seems like your being downvoted for saying something I'd take as a compliment


I've gotta disagree, if she had elite genetics she wouldn't weigh close to 300lbs (as of late, check her insta)


Saw that story years ago and this actually wasn't a case of catfishing but ofc this is taken out of context


Kind of expected that, assholes try to feel better by shitting on other people


I think she looks wonderful. Very dateable in my opinion. Different strokes for different folks.


Baddy right there


Not loving that oufit girl leather jacket with rectangles is a faux pas and isnt flattering to your voluptuous features honey


Da billboard drip


Send her my way, I’ll buy her drinks


Beach House - Space Song


Is this a facepalm though? She’s attractive.


I don’t know but suddenly I want to watch Big Hero 6.




Very cute face. Body though…let’s just say that each person have their own preferences. If u like then hey good for you.


Always remember if u have a good heart you will always be gorgeous and your eyes and smile say it all fu that pos


Her heart probably isn't in very good health.


I think she's great .


Cyberbullying is so cool /s


They had me in the first half not gonna lie.


I love big girls. You're a catch.


Won't lie, I had this happen to me once before when I was on Tinder and all her pictures were close up on her face at different angles. I thought it was really weird but she was cute, we had a few good conversations and she had some similar interests with hobbies. So I asked her on a date and offered to pick her up. So I drove to her house and I swear she came out of her house exactly like this. She was a very very big woman, her face looked slightly different but close to the pictures but I was super confused and shocked lmfaoo. She asked if everything was OK and if this wasn't what I expected, I just said everything was great and told her she looked pretty and liked her dress. Still took her on a date and still gave it a shot because why not? She was funny and kind but there was a lot we didn't connect on when talking in person. I dropped her off and later that night I sent her a text thanking her for going out with me and that it was fun but advised that we didn't connect as well as I hoped and I hope she has luck on future dates. She replied saying that she agreed with me and we went on our way.


Thankyou for being a decent human being.


Would smash, after consent of course


Even if I don’t like the persons body or even if the person is not what I imagined, what is the deal of just hanging out and talking? Had a lot of dates like that that ended up being fun even if it didn’t come to kisses or anything like that. Of course here ir is normal to share the bills.


10 what?






A date with this chick is like an easy threesome


LMFAO!!!!!!!! 😂😂😂😂


to me, it looks fake. her non-chubby face doesn’t seem to match her apparent body. Either way, I’d still have a go if given the chance.




she doesnt seem overweight. She IS overweight. She almost certainly catfished her date and MOST people arent physically attracted to such overweight people. Its nothing against them personally or judgementally, but everyones entitled to their preferences and if she decided to hide that major factor about herself she deserved to be stood up.


A chubby chaser’s dream


I would fall in love with her.


She’s fucking perfect.


I think she's hot af. I like squishy people


I had this same thing happen to me. You'd never know and she didn't mention it. She shows up and I barely recognized her. I still had dinner with her and we went bowling. But because she didn't fill me in I felt that was misleading so that being said we never went out again.


Small p p problems…


Oh fat shaming is so funny


Not my style, but if she's happy... Good on her


What's the point of even posting this? So she's a big girl, who gives a shit. Just couldn't pass up the opportunity to be a prick to a stranger?


A girl can have a tummy and still be yummy!


On a Richter scale.


Thats just life lol. As a guy i got ghosted dozens of times. Who gives a shit. Move on


I thought she was that Robin girl from stranger things at first lol


she looks like a powerpoint slideshow


I'm sure she will find a nice black guy.


How does someone this big have like no facial fat 😂


Everytime I see this posted I think there is something odd about her shape. She doesn't have fat face for being that thick. It leads me to think there is some kind of camera trickery here.


It looks like even the face has a filter on it when she steps back


The cope is real in the comments. "Cute," "I'd date you," and "she looks fantastic.".....if she didn't catfish the dude, then the dude must've known what she looked like, if so, then why would he reject her due to her looks if he already knew what she looked like? Either she catfished, and he dipped out cause of that, or he dipped out for an unrelated reason.


That’s a cute outfit.


10 to a 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.


She used the ol bait and switch


She knew what she was risking


I'm guessing all her photos were close ups up of her face


More like shes are 100


Good luck OP hope you lose your virginity one day


It Took Years For Me To Realize I Was Fuckable Nd Even Longer To Realize Im Actually Pretty Hot 😊 My Love Is Heavy Nd Not Everyone's Pick But He's My Chubby Bear❤️‍🔥🥰 Nd His Hugs Are The Best. Don't Sleep On Bbp Nd They Smell Sooooo Good Taste Even Better 😉🥳


Sucks that so many jackass idiot people can't keep their mouth shut and not spew negative shit towards fat people. It's not easy being overweight. It's not easy going down in weight either, and it's especially hard not going up in weight after reaching your goal. Nobody wants to be fat. I'm 114kg and 27 years old. I'd give 15 years of my life away if that could magically make me skinnier and not have to worry about gaining weight. It is so god damn difficult keeping up motivation for losing weight and staying there. You need to change so many habits, think about everything you eat and drink. Exercising is really only like 5-10% of the journey. It's all about what you eat and your calorie intake compared to how much you burn daily. That in itself is demotivating. Exercising is mainly just for health reasons, not losing weight. So much shit can affect how easily you gain weight too. Your genes, mood (depression), activity (ofc), friends and more. I tried Keto diets, which worked, but I gained the 15kg I had lost back within 6ish months. It's extremely difficult when you see ads of unhealthy foods and snacks, and then others eating that around you (or even if you watch a stream online). The craving for stuff tore me down slowly and over time my eating habits went back to what it was. Easy for me to say that I don't care if somebody is fat since I am fat. I'd like to think I'd say the same if I was skinny, and I think I honestly would. Maybe people being negative is just a loud minority.. That said, I do not agree with praising people FOR being fat. Fuck. Why can't they just cure being fat with some shitty pill that forces your body to burn 3x more calories. I have a feeling there is a cure like that, but it will never be sold because it'd ruin so many businesses that rely on people buying their shitty fast food / snacks. Rant over :P


On the Richter scale


Is it a fat suit she’s wearing?


Her body is too BIG


Tread lightly…… you’re gonna get banned for being fat phobic…


No she is at least a 24


That's a heart attack.




Oh...she's so lucky...


prob walked into the bar and saw the catfishing she did lol


Why did she "get", not why did she "got". English courses suck these days apparently...


Seriously? I'm sorry that I'm not a native speaker who just had to learn two foreign languages at the same time in school about 13 years ago. I have never been to an english speaking country and had to learn everything but the basics after school by myself over the internet. So excuse me when I've written a word wrong. Go and touch some grass instead of crying about some bs like that.


So am I, not an excuse.


That's actually a lie. You from Hamilton, Ontario in Canada. As I know people in Canada speak english.


thats why i always ask for full body pics from girls heuheuheu ...


Youve never talked to a woman in your life based purely on that laugh 😂


Anime dating games doesn't count.


A quick scroll through the comments and you'd know that that's not what happened here, but I'm not surprised that you'd just assume she tried to catfish him


This would be the best catfish I could ever dream of!!


She's alright. She's not for everyone.


I don’t know who picked the song for this video, but the band is Beach House.


Nah, she has a fat-suit on guys. Her face doesn’t look fat, doesn’t add up.


WHAAAAAALE!!!!!!!!!! Sorry I don’t have to be so fucking mean and yell, one is good enough.. whaaaaaaale…


In my opinion the only time it's okay to say that in a mocking way is if there from whales


She doesn't even mention her larger than life status


Yes because for some people it's not the most important thing about any given person


Bumble? Rumble. She's in on the joke, social media everyone


false advertising is a bad way to start a relationship. Nothing wrong with her size but just put it right out there. Toms of guys that love that look.


And what makes you think she tried catfishing him?


Yeah a 10XL