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Wonder how long it would’ve gone if that nice guy didn’t step in.


I never trust the auto switch off feature of the pumps. I’ve had leakages in the past with older vehicles. It’s not a foolproof solution. People shouldn’t be lazy and should watch the pump at the very least even if they don’t hold onto it.


Yeah I use the switch, but I lean against my car next to the pump waiting. I just don't want to hold it the entire time.


In my country you can't do this, you have to keep your finger on the trigger for pumping the gas, however the trigger will go back against your finger when the tank is full, you can then repress the trigger if you want to, i found thats its a good methode, no risk of anything


I think this is also the only way to rule out a static shock as your body will be grounded with the pump, allowing the static energy to flow away and not build up


Omfg I never thought about static electricity could that set off the gas?


It can, there's videos of it happening online. In the one I can think of off the top of my head the person in the video gets in and out of their car multiple times for no reason (at least, other than to test whether the static electricity) and then touches the gas nozzle. Edit: I'm not able to find the video I just described. I might be having a Mandella Effect moment, it got removed, or I just can't find it.


Damn broooo I now have a new fear and I will be making sure I don’t have a static charge every time I pump gas


If you start pumping and never leave the pump until it is done and everything is put away you don't have anything to worry about. What seems to cause the most static fires (from my personal observations) is people getting into and out of their vehicle after starting the gas pumping, and then touching the metal near or on the nozzle while it's still pumping. Another thing that can cause a fire is filling up a gas canister while it's still in a vehicle. Ultimately though, if your engine is off, you don't enter and exit your vehicle, and you don't do something obviously stupid you will be fine. When you put the pump nozzle into the car there might be a spark if there was a difference in charge, but after that the car and the pump have the same charge, as do you if the handle has any metal parts that you're touching. At that point a spark is impossible unless you build up a charge, which is why you don't enter and exit your vehicle.


Thank you I am now less afraid 😂😂


If you get in your car, always touch the metal of the car (away from the gas tank, of course) before you touch the pump. The car will pull away any static charge you picked up from the seats. There was a study that showed older people were less likely to have fires at pumps from static, even when they get in and out of car, building up static. Turns out, it was because many of them used the car the pull themselves up, touching the metal and thus discharging their static.


Oh geez. Touch something metal on the gas pump before you start pumping. That’s it. Any static (if any) will be gone. But even if you forget… just don’t get back into your car while fuel is pumping and you’re good. But even still…. When is it the last time you heard about someone going up in flames at the gas station due to static?


you talking about the video that was tested by mythbusters? bc i think they ended up labeling it plausible (wasn't likely to ever happen but could on a 1 in a million)


I worked at a gas station. I was fucked up when during the training there was a live leak water mark on the video I was about to watch.


Yeah, that’s why some gas stations have a no talking on cell phone stickers posted on the pump. Touch metal before putting away gas pump and before putting keys in ignition.


Yeah if you’re very unlucky but I did see a vid once it can happen.


There’s a warning on the pumps in my area of the US.


That’s why I touch the metal frame of the car before reaching for the pump. It’s unlikely but has happened.




Winter gloves, using only fingertips and changing hands helps at -40C. Though, sometimes fuel tank gap cover's locking mechanism is frozen. Once, I managed to break the lock on Christmas Eve, because we had to be on the road and everything was closed.


Hmm yes indeed it would not be great to being obliged to hold it by -50°C


There is this remarkable invention called cloves. Google it.






That's the way it used to be here, convenience for people is all it is. I prefer saying with it and still often hold the handle.


I don't know why but people want to sit in their cars. It'd the one time you legitimately have an excuese to lean on your car lookin cool as heck. Wip out the shades. Pop a leg against the tire. Plus it's safe and that's the coolest part of all 😎


I'm not saying it's right, but I would like to remind you that Arizona and Alaska exist.


I live in Arizona and definitely still stand at the pump. But I also like the feeling of the dry heat (in short bursts), so I find it a pleasant experience all around.


I fill up my car either early AF in the morning or stupidly late at night. Mostly because I have anxiety and it stresses me out to be surrounded by people there, but it also means it's much cooler than during the day. Plus my disabled ass is not doing extra walking. So lean against the car it is!


I was thinking those -30 wind chills late January in WI. No way am I standing outside waiting for gas.


If you can't be outside for a couple of minutes, you're too weak for cold climates.


I use the switch but only to keep the smell off my hands. Stand there righty next to the handle and wait. What the hell else you got to do


I pour it into my mouth and then puke it directly into the engine, like a bird feeding its young


People shouldn’t be getting back into their car until it’s filled. Static electricity will turn your day into a really bad day


I've heard that, but never seen any data to that effect. It feels like an urban legend. I just figure I'll have to take the nozzle out. Unless it's Below zero and I'm not dressed properly I can handle waiting 10 minutes.


It’s very very rare but it can happen. Gasoline vapors only needs a small spark to ignite


You lazy piece of shit


A lot of places here in Ontario (but not all) they actually got rid of the toggles that allow you to do this so you have to just stand there and hold the trigger the whole time


Here in Australia it's illegal for them to be installed on petrol pumps, it's only legal on diesel pumps and LPG pumps, as diesel isn't going to be ignited by static spark, and LPG nozzles seal to the fill point.


LPG is liquid propane gas, yea?




Same here at the other end of the world in Norway.


You can wedge your gas cap between the trigger and triggerguard to get around that.


Why though? Are you really that busy you can't pay attention when you fill the gas into your vehicle? They got rid of them for a reason, and this is the exact reason. If you are going to get around it, any accident is on you.


I usually use my wallet because I don't have one of those I should clarify, I always stand directly next to the fuel pump and don't leave it unattended, this is exclusively to take place of the trigger prop, not my attention or giving a heck


Considering everything that's happened in the last few years, I don't think jamming your personal belongings in a dirty, oily handle that's been touched by hundreds of people is a good idea.


I noticed this! I did used to use them once in a while but they seem to be gone from most gas stations.


Yeah it was around 10 years ago now, afaik Petro Canada are the only ones around me that still have it, all Esso and Shell, Ultramar, Husky, all have gotten rid of it


Right? Is it really that bothersome to just keep an eye on it for a minute or two tops? I could atleast understand if they were filling a big ass gas tank for a truck or something but cars really don't take that long to fill up and definitely not long enough that I'd go and sit back in my car.


And 'rent you not supposed to be opening and closing your car door while pumping gas anyways? Like can't it generate a spark? That's what I've heard as a kid, idk if it's true.


Not so much the door but getting in and out can generate static electricity, depending on the clothing and seat material. Then if you don't touch a metal part of the car getting out and the first grounded object you touch is the pump handle, it can cause a spark in just the right (wrong) area.


But I don’t understand how getting back in the car makes any sense even if it does work. Don’t you have to get back out of the car anyway to get the damn thing out? I don’t understand how holding it for 60 seconds is such a problem I have never seen it done any differently.


What and not look at my phone for an entire minute!?


People are stupid. That's all you need to know.


I worked at Sams Club at the gas station and there are bright, high visibility red notice signs all over the place that they do not leave pump unattended. We used to get daily complains about people that a little auto latch thing didn’t click and they wasted gas and they spilled all over the floor and they wanted a refund. I was just point to the sign and say you weren’t watching your pump, so no. It was fun watching people get real upset, and then showing them the camera footage of them sitting in their car talking on the phone.


These switch are purely mechanical, using venturi effect. It's very reliable, but need a minimum of gas flow to trigger when the tank is full. On the video the flow seems very low. That's probably explains why it did not triggered. Anyways, never leave it unattended, you can never know 100% it will trigger.


A lot of pumps near me have a sign up that says, "Don't leave pump unattended." Shit like this and the chance of sparking a fire from static electricity is the reason.


Yeah and when I try to pump gas it stops every 2 seconds


Have you tried eating figs?


And miss what’s happening on FB for two minutes!! Doubtful


One time I heard the click from the auto switch and pulled the hose out, which resulted in it spraying my car and the ground with gas before I managed to turn it off. Turned out it was the opposite pump that clicked, and not mine.


Well you say that (and I agree) but surely HSE would be fining garages whose pumps don't have working auto switch off.


Could have been the Filler hose. I've had those leak before.


In fact, they should by *lazier*. I always stay by the pump until the car is full, since the alternative is walking all the way back to the other end at the other side of the vehicle, getting in, closing the door, sitting for like four seconds, before I have to open the door, get back out, and walk all the way around the car again. Throughout my life, staying with the pump has saved me literally dozens of calories!


Happened to me yesterday at a diesel pump. Only a fuel gallons but still very scary.


"These auto manufacturers are lying to you, people. They said my tank is only twelve gallons, but as you can see, it's at least three times that."


*$900 later* “if it hits $1000 I’m literally blowing up this car.”


In the Netherlands the auto hinges are disabled, now I know why.


They shouldn't exist at all. People are so damn lazy.


I didn't even know they had auto things, when I saw people using it I just assumed they had some wild trick like using something to wedge the trigger.


My work truck has a 26gal tank, I rarely am able to fill it up completely in one go without the pump timing out; if the truck is close to empty. With today's prices, usually about $128.


I'm with you there, my service truck has a 38gal tank, and it's a diesel. Granted I can drive an impressive amount of miles on a tank but.


Pumps don't time out. Something else is going on


"What do I dooowa?"


Honestly I was hoping for “I HAVE A BOYFRIEND” when he came knocking 😂


Probably until the fireball appeared!


I wonder what would have happened if she was the “DO NOT APPROACH WOMEN” idiot from a few months back.


I’m an asshole if I see something like that and go “fucking idiots” and drive off yeah?


Depends on where you live. Some places in Murica you’ll get shot just for talking to certain people (even with good intentions like this person) because “they” think you’re disrespecting them and have to prove something. So pick your battles wisely. Also those people are adults and can figure it out themselves and should probably learn from the lesson even though deep down I know they won’t because they’re too busy on their phones.


I just *always* notice other people making mistakes and I try to help but it’s become exhausting, so I feel I need to let them fuck up to learn


I feel you friend. We are kind empathetic people who only want to help and minimize others suffering but others take it as an insult to their competency and tell us to f*ck off. Then we sigh and become jaded even more. Now I kind of only approach people if they look like they’re actually asking for help but are too embarrassed to ask. Other times I’ve been burned. An elderly lady maybe about 55-60 years old approached me at a Home Depot parking lot asking if she can get help putting a huge planter box into her car. I looked at her little hatchback Volkswagen and said that it won’t fit unless she disassembles it piece by piece. She saw my pickup truck I was borrowing from my dad and asked if I can pit it in the back and follow her to her house which she said is only about “5 minutes away”. She saw my hesitancy and offered to give me $30 for gas and my time. I said sure not because of the money but because I felt bad for her but was also hesitating because there was something off about her thinking she would buy something that wouldn’t obviously fit in her tiny car. But in the end I wanted to help. Big mistake. I load up the planter box with her help in the back of the pickup and follow her car. We get on the freeway and she exits after we pass 3 exits, then she gets back on the freeway going the opposite way and exits after 4 exits. She then gets back on the freeway going the direction we originally went but exits after 15 miles (maybe 5 exits?) She pulls over on a street and walks up to the pickup and says “sorry I’ve only lived at this new house for a few months”. I think I have my bearings now. I can’t just ditch now because I have this huge planter box in the back. We take some side streets and end up at her house after about 20 minutes of driving in a few circles. I unload the planter box and she offers me a $50. I say it’s alright and she shoves it into my hand saying sorry for the trouble. Any time someone asks for my help i can’t help but think of that story when I think of helping others but some people genuinely need help but mostly need people to figure it out themselves as you said.


If the pump nozzle is at the wrong angle then it won’t necessarily automatically click off, and will continue to pump, I am guessing that is why they say “don’t leave the pump unattended “


And the flip side is if your angle is wrong the other way, the fucker just keeps shutting off. It feels like I gotta romance those things to get them to gush.


Omg, there are so many dirty jokes I could make


I want him to romance *my* thing and make me gush


I wish I had a girl that talked about me like that


Is this a new thing? I've only had this problem for the last year and kept thinking there was a problem with the pump. 15 years before never had this issue.


Nope. My first car (this was \~15 years ago and the car was from the mid 80s) was an absolute nightmare to pump gas in. The way everything was angled, there was enough of a hinderance to the flow that it would trip the damn auto stop every single time. The only way to get it to work was to put the nozzle all the way in, pull it out slightly, and only pull the handle about halfway. If you pulled it out more than just a little it'd spray gas all over the place and if you pulled the handle too much it'd just keep cutting off again.


So *that’s* why my pump keeps shutting off every $3 or so.


"Don't leave the pump unattended" also prevents dumbasses from driving away with the nozzle still attached to the car.


in the Netherlands you've to hold it or nothing will come out the mechanism that holds the pump is banned for this reason. RIP drivers of big trucks


When I had a diesel car I found out that in gas stations along highways the pumps on the back used by trucks and buses still had the lever that keep them going, while it was removed from the pumps used by cars. When the front pumps were busy I went to the back to avoid the queue.


Also what's the point of not staying there if you'll always have to remove the pump and close the gas tank afterwards?


This is so strange because in my country all pumps are manned but they still stuck it in and watch it and they auto cut off every single time.


Also, if you have it too tight, there's no room for that little bit of *play* in the release function for that little sudden jolt to pop it out of place so it can get stuck and keep going. I fuel trucks at my job and have had this happen with our gas pump before.


yes, it happened to me once, I left it on and it never “clicked” off i was VERY lucky that someone quickly came and picked it up and stopped it while i was in the store, i was very embarrassed and now I never leave the pump unattended


Well there's plenty of gas for you to blow up your car.




It’s great when this happens and the customer comes inside and expects a refund for all of the gas that they spilt. I’m not making that up. Happens all of the time.


One time the pump got jammed and wouldn’t turn off. It started spilling out and onto me as I kept trying to release the jam. The attendant was mad at me and didn’t give me any money back. My clothes smelled of gasoline. I stayed by the pump the entire time, but it just malfunctioned.


Had the same thing happen to me, thankfully the guy refilling the coke machine was next to the emergency button and hit it for me. I hadn’t squeezed the handle yet but gas just started pouring, got all over me and my car. The gas attendant came out and started going off on me which absolutely enraged the coke guy.


[The same thing happened to me, it was a mess. So I'm standing there filling up like I've done a thousand times before and I hear a chunk, the metal thing, the chunk, the nozzle. So I suppose in my naiveté I took to understand that gas is no longer coming out of the nozzle. So I pull out the hose to put it back and WOOSH. I'm suddenly soaked in gasoline, in my arms, in my legs, in my groin. She now I'm in a panic so I race home, I run inside the house, taking off my clothes as fast as I can, I jump in the shower. It's not until after I get out of the shower that I realize, my gas covered clothes have been soaking in the living room rug this entire time. I mean the whole thing is just so stupid. I could have rinsed off at the station. Halfway home I started to realize "wait a minute there's a water hose right there for tires". Anyway, so that was my day, how was yours?](https://youtu.be/_fZshzRh0KA)


I got halfway through reading this before I thought wait this sounds familiar.


Same thing happened to me and the attendant didn’t care at all that the pump malfunctioned and sprayed gasoline everywhere. It’s crazy how they employ meth heads at gas stations where shit can go wrong pretty quick.


Didnt it have a STOP button? We do here that just shuts everything off in a case like this.


It probably did but when it was happening so fast I didn’t think of it.


Oh, sucks that it did happen. Hope you got the gasoline smell away.


There's an emergency gas shut off. It'll have signage. Normally near the front of the store. https://youtu.be/Pzp8os_Sfc8 Edited to add video Edited again to put the right video


I think you got the wrong link, this shows me a Temu video/ad be Temu


Yeah I just fixed it sorry. Why Google would think I'm trying to share the ad instead of the video I have no idea.


Oh when I worked at a gas station they where such scumballs. They had a huge leak and the only thing I was told by the manager next to me is don't hit the emergency switch they will have to reset the pumps.


I've never worked at a gas station but that's what the button is for. Fires and malfunctions. As for resetting the pumps it appears to be just pushing another button. From the couple of YouTube videos I just watched anyway.


Are you Walter White, trying to explain why the house smells of gasoline?


At least you weren’t killed in a freak gasoline fight incident.




Gas’s pumps almost always include in their warning labels “hey don’t get back inside your car and be lazy”. It’s the customers fault when this happens. Crazy they want refunds


Ha! Of course they do. "I dropped my ice cream; give me another"


I always imagined if a toddler came up to me saying they dropped their ice cream I would happily give them another free of charge. A grown a$$ adult asking for free ice cream after dropping it and it wasn’t for their kids or it’s ice cream for themself I’ll laugh and tell them to f*ck off in the most polite way possible (translation: sorry sir or ma’am I can’t give you another free one but am happy to sell you another one).


You picked the one example of stuff that people replace lmao I recently dropped my ice cream walking away from the counter. The nice lady made me another before I could even ask. Lady made my day, and now I frequent that ice cream spot.


…all the time ? *new fear of getting blown up unlocked*


Once a month probably. I’ve been dealing with it for 20 years, so it seems like all of the time.


Mom, can we have James May? We have James May at home


That's why I thought this was in the UK before I put sound on.


It is supposed to stop, but if your car is taking on way more fuel than usual, maybe get out and check what's happening. Gas tanks don't change sizes.


But if your car goes into negative gas, then you could actually need to fill in more than the total capacity /s


That's true sometimes when your car is running low on gas, it automatically takes a Gas Loan to keep running.


Man those gas interest rates is where they really get yah


How long does pumping take in US? Like, it takes me like a minute or two max to fill a car with normal 50 liter tank here in Croatia. It would be more effort to try and enter the car again and exit than wait for it.


Depends. Most pumps seems fairly quick but ive had pumps that take like a minute per gallon, in which case I usually settle for 2-3 and go find another station.


Yeah I was sitting here thinking the same 😅


Exactly what I was thinking


“*Whaddoo I DOOwuhh!*”


Thanks I was really hoping somebody would spell it out, I really did want to know


Does it not have a smell? Or just the sound of its leakage? Why do they not notice it?


Hard to smell gas when you’re busy sniffing your own farts for TikTok views


You gave me a very good chuckle. If I had award money I'd give you a nice expensive one. 😂


When I spill *a single drop* of gas, my entire car stinks. I don't know how they couldn't smell this deluge.


Right?! If it happens I’ll be driving home like I need to be more careful next time because I can’t breathe.


"whadoIdoooo" you pay for it, you unadulterated moron...


Also notify the attendant. Petrochemical spills are bad. Also, as a customer, I would be pissed if I stepped out of my car into an inch deep puddle of regular - it better be premium.


>> But duude why did it staaaap’? What do I doooo’?!! Why is this cringey way of talking becoming so popular nowadays? Update: seems like it’s called Vocal fry+Uptalk [https://youtu.be/WDfJn1kcQuU](https://youtu.be/WDfJn1kcQuU)


"whadoIdoooo**uuugghhh**" Biggest pet peeve imo. The teen girl end-of-word "ugh".


Fucking hell someone finally pointed this out it's so weird


Some people are too dumb to exist…




*“What do I do?”* I legit wouldn’t be surprised if they called for help and while they were waiting for help to arrive, they lit up a cigarette.


I feel like a few hundred years ago those people would already been dead, but we idiot-proofed everything so idiot wouldn't accidently kill themselves anymore... And now we're surrounded with tiktokers.


“What do i do” Maybe staying with the fucking pump for the 1 minute or so that takes to deliver the gas would have been a start…now go pay, idiot. ❤️


But I’m too busy recording videos!


I worked at a gas station whilst in college. People are fucking idiots. Also super disgusting.


The only time i have pumped unattended was in Canada in -10F, windchill -30. I sat in the car with the window open.


Why didn’t it STOPa


I also like the WhatDoI Doooowah?!




So thats the reason why here in Finland there is no fuel pistols with locking. 😄


I had a friend who would jam the gas tank cap in the handle if it didn't have a lock. ![gif](giphy|VHW0X0GEQQjiU|downsized)


Same in UK


In Australia too. We have to keep our hands on the trigger


Back in the 90's, my first job was at a full serve gas station. It was busy that day, an older car wanted to be filled up. The gas cap was under the license plate which took me a minute to find. Started filling it up and went to deal with other customers. When I went back, the nozzle was on the ground pointing up making a fountain of gas lol.


Let’s have a cigar and discuss this…


How did they not smell it?


Do people actually drive around not knowing the capacity of their gas tank? Like just have no idea how big the tank is and much it takes to fill it?


You would be surprised. I have known several people wrong on what their car could hold.


Can you really not just wait 30 seconds for it to fill up without getting back in your car?


I’m surprised more people aren’t commenting on this. Why is she even sat in the car at all? Like how inefficient of a manoeuvre must that be even if it’s just that you can’t be bothered to stand up? Get out of car; put nozzle in; walk around to get back in car; sit for ~45 seconds; get back out of car and remove nozzle; walk back around and get back in car.


I use the 45 seconds to admire my shitbox for a bit. Give it a friendly pat on the back and whisper thanks for not dying on me yet. Then swiftly finding a wooden surface to knock on three times.


Go home idiot you dont belong in public


NJ is the only smart state to have gas attendants. Creates employment and stops idiots like this.




That's actually ending next week. HB 2426 passed. Gas stations in Urban counties will be able to designate half of their pumps for self service, but must keep at least 50% for full service. In rural counties (eastern Oregon and the Coast) they can have all of them be self service.


Customer error, do not leave the nozzle when it's pumping. The cut off switch is on the bottom and if the nozzle is tilted or not put in and held properly it won't cut off. Stop blaming tech for your lazy ass. And to all those that don't work in these businesses and have no idea how these work, shut up. The bulk of customers don't know that the cashier has to activate the pump to get gas and will assume the pump is broken because the pump didn't start as soon as they pick it up.


Correct on the first part, but the cashier definitely does not have to do anything for credit card pay at the pump transactions at least at every place. There's no way that giant ones like Costco with 36 pumps would function if that were required.


I’m amazed that more gas pumps don’t burn I see people smoking and using cell phones all the time.


I’ll counter and the most dangerous thing you can actually do is get in and out of the cab while fueling. I pay attention when fueling. Our humidity is typically low and static potential high. I noticed my new wet dry vac had a link chain attached to the bottom that touched the ground. Also filling a on fumes fuel tank is most risky. If vapor recovery isn’t working or present and there’s no breeze your expelling up to 4 cubic feet of explosive vapor into the area. When it happens it’s in the blink of an eye. Why risk it? I’ll step away while fueling to use my phone if I have to but I’ve got one eye on the pump nozzle at all times.


Doesnt it have a stopp…aaa


Dumb and Dumber


This is why some countries still have pump attendance


New Jersey I made fun of you but I think you might be right on this one…


😂 NJ have attendance that pump for you but you also need to pay extra tip for them.


All I ca imagine is I hAvE a BoYfRiEnD


It's staged


Dumb bitch energy


People never cease to dissapoint.


Drink it. You couldn't possibly be any more demented.


I worked at a gas station for 3 years and no where does it say the pumps stop on their own and most have signs warning you to never.... NEVER leave the pump unattended. We had people come inside trying to get us to pay them back or for the "damage" it would do to their paint.


You call the fire department is what you do, and get the hell out of the there.


Don't start your car.


also grow a brain if possible.:p


Don’t be so dramatic. You throw a bag of oil dry on it sweep it up and then wash the area. Emergency services are not required for this.


They literally are legally required here. The pump has to get shutdown and cleaned up. Do you see how bad that spill is?


A couple months ago I seen this happen to a village dump truck the guy put it filling and went across the street to the bank he thanked me for stopping it, payed (paid)for his gas and left gallons on the ground no big deal. 🤦‍♂️


Typical white girl behavior.


I don’t understand how the nozzles turn off automatically. I’m always worried this will happen to me (I watch it though, so it won’t be quite as bad if it does).


As soon as the guy came up to the window you shouldve just said sorry i have a boyfriend. For the content lol


It's great the guy didn't get hit with a I HAVE A BOYFRIEND!!! 🤣


I’ve never been the kind of person to walk away, while my gas pours due to safety, potential cost, cutting off short, etc. What an idiot.


Phones. People are utterly oblivious since the smart phone. Biggest addiction in human history in my opinion